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Placement of Planets

The planets would be placed in certain Signs at any given point of time as they move through the 12 zodiac
signs and this is referred to as ‘Placement of Planets’ in the ‘Zodiac / Rasi Chart / Birth Chart’.

This is the moving layer above the Substratum Layer of the Zodiac
And the numerous divisions of the Zodiac Space

This is shown as follows:

From the above Rasi Chart, the Planets by Sign placements are as follows:
1. Su is placed in Pisces.
2. Mo is placed in Libra.
3. Ma is placed in Taurus.
4. Me is placed in Aquarius.
5. Ju is placed in Virgo.
6. Ve is placed in Aquarius.
7. Sa is placed in Sagittarius.
8. Ra is placed in Gemini.
9. Ke is placed in Sagittarius.

From the above Rasi Chart, the Planets by House placements are as follows:

The Lagna (‘As’ short for Ascendant) is in Sagittarius.

So, Sagittarius becomes the 1st House.
The 2nd to the 12th houses are counted in a clockwise manner.

4th house 5th house 6th house 7th house

3rd house 8th house

2nd house 9th house

1st house 12th house 11th house 10th house


1. Su is placed in the 4th house.
2. Mo is placed in the 11th house.
3. Ma is placed in the 6th house.
4. Me is placed in the 3rd house.
5. Ju is placed in the 12th house.
6. Ve is placed in the 3rd house.
7. Sa is placed in the 1st house.
8. Ra is placed in the 7th house.
9. Ke is placed in the 1st house.

Placement of the Lagna and the 9 planets

Using the longitude
In which sign lord, which star lord and in which pada lord

Planets Longitude In Sign sign lord star lord pada lord

Lagna 12:18 Sagittarius Ju Ke
Sun 9:41 Pisces Ju Sa
Moon 28:52 Libra Ve
Mars 1:34 Taurus Ve
Mercury 22:42 Aquarius Sa
Jupiter 29:48 Scorpio Ma
Venus 3:23 Aquarius Sa
Saturn 25:19 Sagittarius Ju
Rahu 29:46 Gemini Me
Ketu 29:46 Sagittarius Ju

Longitudinal Degrees within the Signs
Versus Total Longitudinal Degrees

Longitudinal Degrees within the Signs

From the above, we have seen that the longitudinal degree of Sun is 9:41 in Pisces
This is one way of describing the longitudinal placement of the planet
The degrees in the manner ranges between 0:00 to 30:00 degrees
Never greater than 30:00 degrees
And the name of the Sign must be mentioned

Total Longitudinal Degrees

There is a 2nd way of describing the placement of the planet in the zodiac of 360.00 degrees
That is by mentioning the total longitudinal degrees
Take the above example
Sun is in Pisces
And Pisces is the 12th sign
The space of Pisces ranges from 330:00 to 360:00 degrees
And Sun in placed in Pisces at 9:41 degrees
Therefore, the total longitudinal degree of Sun is 330:00 plus 9:41 degrees
Giving the total longitudinal degree of 339:41

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