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Dewey Decimal Classification System

1. Who created the Dewey Decimal System?

a. Ruby Bridges
b. Melvil Dewey
c. Mrs. Pahl (our librarian)
d. Barack Obama

2. His system allows the library to ___________ books into categories.

a. organize
b. read
c. play
d. checkout

3. Every book about bikes will be in the same place.

a. Yes
b. No

4. The Dewey Decimal System is arranged by topic.

a. Yes
b. No

5. There are ______ main topics.

a. 5
b. 2
c. 10
d. 8

6. To find out where a book is you can _________

a. look it up on a computer.
b. ask the librarian to help you.
c. look through the shelves by topic number.
d. All of these are correct

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