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Ancient wisdom tells that,” the most important thing to hear in any conversation is, what is being not

said in the conversation”.

This wisdom applies to Indian stock market also. There are lots of books, articles and blogs in internet,
which gives the rules for investing, through which we can get rich but the most important thing to read
in these articles are the rules which are not written. Now the questions come, why does these rules are
unwritten or not being spoken in public?

The answer is, most of the people don’t want you to know it.

Below are 5 unspoken rules of the Indian stock market, which no one tell you.

1.The iron rule of stock market is, only 2% of the participants will make money from the market in the
long run.

This is the fact no media, newspapers and analyst tell us. Only group of people will create their wealth
through stock market. But if we see in today’s environment, most of the so-called experts in stock
market mesmerize people by telling that they can easily become rich in stock market without much
effort. They do it become they get the commission for it. They only care about the commission and not
about making you rich.

2. No one knows about the future of the company – even the management who run the company

In the current competitive era, it has become very tough for predicting the future of any company in
the stock market. But most of the people project the earnings of the companies for next 5-10 years in
the future. They might have forgotten the simple truth that, “prediction is extremely dangerous,
especially when it's about the future”. Warren Buffet joking says that “analyst doing predictions is a tax-
free entertainment”. Rule is simple - don’t believe in predictions and projections.

3. No one is interested in making you rich

Everyone enters the market in the dream of getting rich someday in future. May be due to their lack
of financial knowledge they depend on others. They give their hard-earned money to so called
professionals. But the truth is no one really interested in making you rich. Everyone is trying to fill their
pocket and not yours.

4. Emotions rules the market

Emotions are market movers. Getting good grades in business schools doesn't guarantee any success
in Indian stock market. We have to keep our emotions under control to make the money. Stock market
is one of the places where the guy with 80 IQ can easily beat the guy with 150 IQ.

5. In stock market, good behavior beats the scientific calculator.

Participants in the market think too little and calculate too much. Doing more complex calculation will
not improve our returns. keeping things simple and having good behavior have direct proportion to
your portfolio return. But the sad thing is, most of the people focus on improving the functions of
scientific calculator forgetting the fact that, the secret lies in improving phycological behavior.

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