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News Article Outline

Topic : The Dead of An ISIS Leader, Al Baghdadi.

Sources of information

Organisation of the news article

- Title: Al-Baghdadi’s Death: The US Raid called “Jackpot”
- First paragraph (lead)
Al-Baghdadi, one of the ISIS leaders was confirmed dead in a US Raid organized in Syria
on Monday October 29th 2019.
- Content paragraph
 The chronology of the Syria Raid
 Who is Al-Baghdadi
 What’s ISIS
- Closing paragraph
 Trump and Obama’s identical achievement of killing the leaders of ISIS.

Multimedia being used in the news article


List of journalistic principles underpinning the writing of the news article and the captions
accompanying it
 Gathering Sources
Because the writer is not an active journalist, an optimal attempt to preserve
the objectivity and verification of the article will be done by gathering as
many sources as possible and from the most credible news medias as possible.
 Writing the story
Originality, completeness, transparency, and fairness will be surely preserved
by not interfering the article with the writer’s political slant or etc.
The news values:
- Magnitude & Impact : The ISIS organizations and the victims families.
- Proximity : All over the world, because ISIS terrorisms occurred in every countries.
- Prominent : Al Baghdadi-The Isis Leader, Trump.

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