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WP12NG ㋏߫໽✊⇨থࡼᴎՓ⫼ֱ‫ݏ‬䇈ᯢк

ӊো˖612600190701 ⠜ᴀ A

WP12NG ㋏߫໽✊⇨থࡼᴎ
Operation & Maintenance Manual for
WP12NG Series Gas Engines

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┡᷈ࡼ࡯ 䗑∖ध䍞
WP12NG ㋏߫໽✊⇨থࡼᴎՓ⫼ֱ‫ݏ‬䇈ᯢк

┡᷈ࡼ࡯ 䗑∖ध䍞
WP12NG ㋏߫໽✊⇨থࡼᴎՓ⫼ֱ‫ݏ‬䇈ᯢк

WP12NG ㋏߫໽✊⇨থࡼᴎ

┡᷈ࡼ࡯ 䗑∖ध䍞
WP12NG ㋏߫໽✊⇨থࡼᴎՓ⫼ֱ‫ݏ‬䇈ᯢк

ƽ ໽✊⇨থࡼᴎⱘ᪡԰Ҏਬ೼᪡԰Пࠡˈᖙ乏䅸ⳳ䯙䇏ᴀՓ⫼ֱ‫ݏ‬䇈ᯢкˈϹḐ䙉ᅜՓ⫼ֱ‫ݏ‬䇈


ƽ ᴀ໽✊⇨থࡼᴎߎ݀ৌᯊᏆᣝ䆩偠㾘㣗ϹḐ䖯㸠ߎ݀ৌ䆩偠ˈϡᕫ䱣ᛣ䇗ᭈ ECM ᭄᥂ˈࡴ໻໽


ƽ ECMǃICM˄⚍☿῵ഫ˅੠➗᭭஋ᇘ䯔˄FMV˅Ў㊒ᆚ䚼ӊˈ⫼᠋ϡᕫᢚ㾷ˈ৺߭݀ৌⱘ᠔᳝


ƽ ๲य़఼䕀ᄤ䕈Ў㊒ᆚ催䗳ᮟ䕀䚼ӊˈϹ⽕ᢚ㾷੠⺄ᩲˈ৺߭݀ৌ᠔᳝ϝࣙ᳡ࡵᡓ䇎༅ᬜDŽ

ƽ ໽✊⇨থࡼᴎЏ䕈ᡓ㶎ᷧ੠䖲ᴚ㶎᳝ᷧϹḐⱘᡁⶽ੠䕀㾦㽕∖ˈ⫼᠋ϡᕫᵒࡼ੠ᢚौDŽ䖲ᴚ㶎


ƽ ৥໽✊⇨থࡼᴎ⏏ࡴⱘᴎ⊍ˈ݊⠠োᖙ乏ヺড়Փ⫼ֱ‫ݏ‬䇈ᯢкⱘ㾘ᅮˈᓎ䆂Փ⫼┡᷈➗⇨থࡼᴎ



ƽ ⽕ℶ໽✊⇨থࡼᴎ೼᮴ぎ⇨Ⓒ⏙఼ⱘᚙ‫މ‬ϟᎹ԰ˈ䰆ℶぎ⇨᳾㒣䖛Ⓒ䖯ܹ⇨㔌DŽ

ƽ ᮄ䔺ᑨ䖯㸠ᖙ㽕ⱘ⺼ড়ˈᠡ㛑ᡩܹՓ⫼DŽ⫼᠋೼Փ⫼ᮄᴎᯊˈᑨ䖯㸠 50h 䆩䖤䕀DŽ

ƽ ↣⃵᳈ᤶ☿㢅าˈᣝ㾘ᅮᢻ㋻࡯ⶽᢻ㋻ˈᑊֱ䆕䱊⫋ԧ䚼ߚ⏙⋕DŽ

ƽ 䔺䕚⛞᥹䳊䚼ӊᯊˈᑨᦤࠡᮁᓔ໽✊⇨থࡼᴎ⬉᥻㋏㒳ⱘկ⬉੠᥹ഄ䖲᥹DŽ

ƽ ‫ذ‬䔺ৢབᵰ䖤䕀⦃๗᳝ৃ㛑ԢѢ 0 ćˈ㗠Ϩᴎ఼Ё᳾Փ⫼䰆‫⎆ैދⱘࠖࡴ⏏ޏ‬ᯊˈᑨᇚ∈ㆅ੠থ


ƽ ⬉⇨㋏㒳৘䚼ӊⱘẔׂᖙ乏⬅⬉⇨ϧϮᡔᴃҎਬ䖯㸠DŽ

ƽ ⬉᥻㋏㒳৘䚼ӊⱘẔׂᖙ乏⬅៥݀ৌ㓈ׂキϧϮҎਬ䖯㸠DŽ

ƽ Ў䰆ℶ䫜㱔ˈথࡼᴎߎ݀ৌᯊ䖯㸠⊍ᇕˈϔ㠀থࡼᴎⱘ⊍ᇕᳳЎϔᑈˈ޵䍙䖛ϔᑈⱘᑨ䖯㸠Ẕᶹ


ƽ ໽✊⇨থࡼᴎ‫ދ‬䔺ਃࡼৢᑨᕤᕤᦤ催䕀䗳ˈϡᑨ⣯✊Փ݊催䗳䖤䕀ˈгϡᅰ䭓ᳳᗴ䗳˗໻䋳㥋䖤

䕀ৢˈϡᑨゟे‫ذ‬䔺˄⡍⅞ᚙ‫މ‬䰸໪˅ˈᑨԢ䗳䖤䕀 5̚10min ৢ‫ذ‬䔺DŽ

ƽ ᮄ䔺Փ⫼ࠡᑨ䖯㸠➗⇨ㅵ䏃ǃկ⇨㺙㕂੠⬉⇨㋏㒳ⱘẔᶹDŽᑨ⡍߿⊼ᛣ⬉⇨䚼ߚ䖲᥹ᰃ৺᳝“ᵒ㜅”


┡᷈ࡼ࡯ 䗑∖ध䍞
WP12NG ㋏߫໽✊⇨থࡼᴎՓ⫼ֱ‫ݏ‬䇈ᯢк

ƽ ໽✊⇨থࡼᴎਃࡼࠡᑨẔᶹ㪘⬉∴⬉य़ᰃ৺ℷᐌˈথࡼᴎⱘ⚍☿੠⬉᥻㋏㒳䖤㸠䳔㽕᳝䎇໳ⱘ⬉

य़DŽ㢹䖲㓁ਃࡼ 3 ⃵ϡ㛑៤ࡳˈᑨ䞡ᮄҨ㒚Ẕᶹ➗⇨䚼ߚ੠⬉䏃䚼ߚDŽ

ƽ ⊼ᛣ㾖ᆳ➗⇨‫ټ‬䞣ˈঞᯊࡴ⇨DŽࡴ⇨ᯊᑨ䙉ᅜࡴ⇨キⱘⳌ݇㾘ᅮˈ⬅ࡴ⇨キҎਬ䖯㸠᪡԰DŽࡴ⇨


ƽ ᇍѢՓ⫼ CNG ㋏㒳໽✊⇨থࡼᴎˈ‫ޣ‬य़఼䳔⫼থࡼᴎ‫˅∈˄⎆ैދ‬䖯㸠ࡴ⛁DŽ㢹Փ⫼᱂䗮∈˄⹀


┡᷈ࡼ࡯ 䗑∖ध䍞
WP12NG ㋏߫໽✊⇨থࡼᴎՓ⫼ֱ‫ݏ‬䇈ᯢк

ࠡ 㿔
WP12NG ㋏߫໽✊⇨থࡼᴎҹ┡᷈ࡼ࡯ WP12 ㋏߫᷈⊍ᴎЎ෎⸔ˈ䗮䖛




12 ㉇ҹϞජᏖ݀Ѹᅶ䔺ǃぎ䇗ᅶ䔺ǃঠሖᏈ຿ˈᰃ䞡ൟव䔺੠໻ൟᅶ䔺ⱘ⧚


ᴀ䇈ᯢкㅔ㽕ҟ㒡 WP12NG ㋏߫໽✊⇨থࡼᴎ৘乍ᡔᴃখ᭄ˈᗻ㛑ᣛ



ᴀ䇈ᯢк᠔ҟ㒡ⱘЎ WP12NG ㋏߫໽✊⇨থࡼᴎ෎ᴀᴎൟDŽ䱣ⴔѻકⱘ







2011 ᑈ 11 ᳜

┡᷈ࡼ࡯ 䗑∖ध䍞
WP12NG ㋏߫໽✊⇨থࡼᴎՓ⫼ֱ‫ݏ‬䇈ᯢк

㄀ϔゴ ѻકⱘᡔᴃὖ‫ މ‬....................................................................................................................................... 1
1.1 ໽✊⇨থࡼᴎࡳ⥛੠䕀䗳 ........................................................................................................................ 1

1.2 ໽✊⇨থࡼᴎЏ㽕㒧ᵘ⡍⚍ .................................................................................................................... 1

1.3 WP12NG ㋏߫໽✊⇨থࡼᴎൟো৿Н .................................................................................................. 2

1.4 WP12NG ㋏߫໽✊⇨থࡼᴎ໪ᔶ೒ ...................................................................................................... 3

㄀Ѡゴ ໽✊⇨থࡼᴎᡔᴃঞᗻ㛑খ᭄ ................................................................................................................. 7
2.1 WP12NG ㋏߫໽✊⇨থࡼᴎЏ㽕ᡔᴃখ᭄ .......................................................................................... 7

2.2 WP12NG ㋏߫໽✊⇨থࡼᴎЏ㽕ᗻ㛑খ᭄ .......................................................................................... 8

2.3 䰘ӊⱘЏ㽕ᡔᴃ㾘Ḑ .............................................................................................................................. 9

2.4 থࡼᴎЏ㽕㶎ᷧ㶎↡ᡁ㋻࡯ⶽ੠ᡁ㋻ᮍ⊩..........................................................................................11
㄀ϝゴ ໽✊⇨থࡼᴎЏ㽕㒧ᵘ੠㋏㒳 ............................................................................................................... 13
3.1 থࡼᴎЏ㽕㒧ᵘҟ㒡 .............................................................................................................................. 13
3.1.1 ᴎԧ ............................................................................................................................................. 13
3.1.2 ᳆䕈ǃ⌏า䖲ᴚ㒘ӊ ................................................................................................................. 13
3.1.3 ⇨㔌Ⲫ੠䜡⇨㋏㒳 ..................................................................................................................... 14
3.1.4 啓䕂㋏ ......................................................................................................................................... 14
3.1.5 ⍺⒥㋏㒳 ..................................................................................................................................... 15
3.2 ➗⇨㋏㒳 .................................................................................................................................................. 16
3.2.1 ➗᭭կ㒭㋏㒳 ............................................................................................................................... 16
3.3 ➗⇨㋏㒳Џ㽕䳊䚼ӊࡳ㛑ঞᡔᴃ㽕∖ ................................................................................................... 17
3.3.1 ‫ޣ‬य़఼˄CNG˅ ............................................................................................................................ 17
3.3.2 〇य़఼˄LNG˅ ............................................................................................................................ 18
3.3.3 Ԣय़⬉⺕䯔(LNG) ......................................................................................................................... 18
3.3.4 Ԣय़Ⓒ⏙఼ .................................................................................................................................... 18
3.3.5 催य़Ⓒ⏙఼(CNG) ......................................................................................................................... 19
3.3.6 ⛁Ѹᤶ఼੠㡖⏽఼ ........................................................................................................................ 20
3.3.7 ஋ᇘ䯔˄FMV -Fuel Metering Valve˅ ......................................................................................... 21
3.3.8 ⏋ড়఼ ............................................................................................................................................ 22
3.4 ⬉᥻㋏㒳 .................................................................................................................................................. 23
3.4.1 ⬉᥻ॳ⧚೒ ................................................................................................................................... 23
3.5 ⬉᥻㋏㒳䚼ӊᎹ԰ॳ⧚ঞ⊼ᛣџ乍 ...................................................................................................... 25
3.5.1 থ⬉ᴎ ............................................................................................................................................ 25
3.5.2 䍋ࡼᴎ ............................................................................................................................................ 25
3.5.3 㒓ᴳ ................................................................................................................................................ 26
3.5.4 থࡼᴎ᥻ࠊ῵ഫ˄ECM˅੠⚍☿῵ഫ˄ICM˅ ........................................................................ 27
┡᷈ࡼ࡯ 䗑∖ध䍞
WP12NG ㋏߫໽✊⇨থࡼᴎՓ⫼ֱ‫ݏ‬䇈ᯢк
3.5.5 䖯⇨⏽ᑺǃय़࡯Ӵᛳ఼˄T/MAP˅੠㡖⇨䮼ࠡय़࡯Ӵᛳ఼˄PTP˅ ...................................... 28
3.5.6 䕀䗳Ӵᛳ఼ .................................................................................................................................... 29
3.5.7 ∈⏽Ӵᛳ఼ .................................................................................................................................... 29
3.5.8 ᆑඳ⇻Ӵᛳ఼˄UEGO˅ ............................................................................................................. 29
3.5.9 ⬉ᄤ㛮䏣ᵓ .................................................................................................................................... 30
3.5.10 ⬉ᄤ㡖⇨䮼 .................................................................................................................................. 31
3.5.11 ᑳ⇨᥻ࠊ䯔˄WGCV-Waste Gate Control Valve˅ ................................................................... 32
3.5.12 ⚍☿㒓೜੠☿㢅า ..................................................................................................................... 33
3.5.13 ⑓ᑺӴᛳ఼ .................................................................................................................................. 33
㄀ಯゴ ໽✊⇨থࡼᴎⱘՓ⫼Ϣ᪡԰ ................................................................................................................. 35
4.1 ໽✊⇨থࡼᴎᅝ㺙ᡔᴃ㽕∖ ................................................................................................................... 35

4.2 WP12NG ㋏߫⇨ԧথࡼᴎ৘䜡༫㋏㒳ᡔᴃ㽕∖ ................................................................................... 37

4.2.1 ‫㋏ैދ‬㒳 ........................................................................................................................................ 37
4.2.2 䖯ǃᥦ⇨㋏㒳 ................................................................................................................................ 38
4.2.3 থࡼᴎ㠅 ........................................................................................................................................ 39
4.2.4 ⬉⑤㽕∖ ........................................................................................................................................ 39
4.3 ໽✊⇨থࡼᴎⱘਃᇕ ............................................................................................................................... 39

4.4 ໽✊⇨থࡼᴎⱘ䍋৞ .............................................................................................................................. 40

4.5 ໽✊⇨থࡼᴎⱘᅝ㺙 .............................................................................................................................. 40

4.6 䍋ࡼࠡⱘ‫ޚ‬໛Ꮉ԰ ................................................................................................................................... 40

4.7 ໽✊⇨থࡼᴎⱘ᮹ᐌՓ⫼ ....................................................................................................................... 41

㄀Ѩゴ ໽✊⇨থࡼᴎⱘᅮᳳẔᶹϢᡔᴃֱ‫ ݏ‬................................................................................................. 42
5.1 ᮹ᐌ㓈ᡸϢֱ‫ ݏ‬...................................................................................................................................... 42

5.2 ৘㑻ֱ‫ݙݏֱⱘݏ‬ᆍ ............................................................................................................................... 44

5.3 ໽✊⇨থࡼᴎ䭓ᳳᄬᬒᯊⱘ㓈ᡸֱ‫ ݏ‬................................................................................................... 47

5.4 ᅮᳳֱ‫ݏ‬ᑊ‫خ‬དֱ‫ݏ‬䆄ᔩ ...................................................................................................................... 48

㄀݁ゴ ᐌ㾕ᬙ䱰ⱘߚᵤϢᥦ䰸 ......................................................................................................................... 50
6.1 䆞ᮁᮍ⊩ .................................................................................................................................................. 50

6.2 ᐌ㾕ᬙ䱰ঞᥦ䰸 ....................................................................................................................................... 50

6.2.1 থࡼᴎᬙ䱰Ϣߚᵤ ..................................................................................................................... 51
㣅᭛㓽‫ݭ‬ᴃ䇁㾷䞞 ................................................................................................................................................. 54
ᬙ䱰ҷⷕᇍ✻ ......................................................................................................................................................... 55
Chapter1 Technical Situation of the Products ............................................................................................................ 1
1.1 Power and rated rotating speed .......................................................................................................... 1

1.2 Structural character of natural gas engine .......................................................................................... 1

1.3 Signification of WP12NG series natural gas engine code ........................................................................... 2

┡᷈ࡼ࡯ 䗑∖ध䍞
WP12NG ㋏߫໽✊⇨থࡼᴎՓ⫼ֱ‫ݏ‬䇈ᯢк

1.4 WP12NG Series Gas Engine Outlines ......................................................................................................... 3

1.5 Engine Full Load Characteristic Curves ...................................................................................................... 4

Chapter2 Performance and Technical Parameters of Natural Gas Engine ................................................................. 6
2.1 Technical parameters of WP12NG series natural gas engine ...................................................................... 6

2.2 Performance parameters of WP12NG series natural gas engine ................................................................. 7

2.3Major technical specifications of the accessories ....................................................................................... 8

2.4 Torsional Torque and Tightening Method for Main Bolts and Nuts .......................................................... 10
Chapter3 Natural Gas Engine Structures and System.............................................................................................. 12
3.1 Main Structures of the Engine ................................................................................................................... 12
3.1.1 Engine Body ................................................................................................................................... 12
3.1.2 Crankshaft, Piston Connecting Rod Assembly ............................................................................... 12
3.1.3 Cylinder Head and Valve System ................................................................................................... 13
3.1.4 Gear Train ....................................................................................................................................... 13
3.1.5 Lubricating System ......................................................................................................................... 14
3.2 Gas supply system ..................................................................................................................................... 15
3.2.1Gas supply system ........................................................................................................................... 15
3.3 Function and Technical Requirement of Gas Supply System’s Main Parts ............................................... 16
3.3.1 Regulator(Used in CNG) ................................................................................................................ 16
3.3.2Regulator(Used in LNG) ................................................................................................................. 17
3.3.3 Solenoid Valve ................................................................................................................................ 18
3.3.4 Filter................................................................................................................................................ 18
3.3.5 High Pressure Filter(Used in CNG) ................................................................................................ 19
3.3.6Heat exchanger and thermostat ........................................................................................................ 19
3.3.7 FMV -Fuel Metering Valve .......................................................................................................... 20
3.3.8 Mixer .............................................................................................................................................. 21
3.4 Electrical system ........................................................................................................................................ 22
3.4.1 Principle diagram of electrical system ............................................................................................ 22
3.5 Principle and attentions of electrical system’s parts .................................................................................. 24
3.5.1 Generator ........................................................................................................................................ 24
3.5.2 Starter.............................................................................................................................................. 24
3.5.3 Harness ........................................................................................................................................... 25
3.5.4 Engine control module˄ECM˅and ignition control module˄ICM˅ ....................................... 26
3.5.5 T/MAP and PTP .............................................................................................................................. 27
3.5.6 Camshaft signal (speed, phase) sensor............................................................................................ 27
3.5.7 Water temperature sensor ................................................................................................................ 28
3.5.8 Universal exhaust gas oxygen sensor˄UEGO˅ .......................................................................... 28
3.5.9 Foot pedal ....................................................................................................................................... 29
3.5.10 Throttle ......................................................................................................................................... 29
┡᷈ࡼ࡯ 䗑∖ध䍞
WP12NG ㋏߫໽✊⇨থࡼᴎՓ⫼ֱ‫ݏ‬䇈ᯢк
3.5.11 WGCV-Waste Gate Control Valve ................................................................................................ 30
3.5.12 Ignition and spark plug ................................................................................................................. 31
3.5.13 humidity sensor ............................................................................................................................. 31
Chapter4Application and operation of NG engine .................................................................................................. 33
4.1 Installation specifications of natural gas engine ........................................................................................ 33

4.2 Supporting System’s Technical Specification of WP12NG Series Gas Engine ......................................... 35
4.2.1Cooling system ................................................................................................................................ 35
4.2.2. intake and outtake system .............................................................................................................. 36
4.2.3 Engine room.................................................................................................................................... 37
4.2.4 Power source requirement .............................................................................................................. 37
4.3 Unpacking .................................................................................................................................................. 37

4.4 hoisting of engine ...................................................................................................................................... 38

4.5 installation of engine.................................................................................................................................. 38

4.6 prepare work before start ........................................................................................................................... 38

4.7 daily operation of the engine ..................................................................................................................... 39

Chapter5 Maintenance of engine ............................................................................................................................. 40
5.1 Routine maintenance ................................................................................................................................. 40

5.2 Maintenance of all levels ........................................................................................................................... 42

5.3 Maintenance of diesel engine when it is not used for long time ................................................................ 45

5.4 periodic maintenance and record ............................................................................................................... 45

Chapter6 analysis and solution for common failures............................................................................................... 47
6.1 Estimate method ........................................................................................................................................ 47

6.2 Common failure and solution .................................................................................................................... 47

6.2.1 Troubleshooting .............................................................................................................................. 48
Appendix A: Nomenclature ..................................................................................................................................... 51
Appendix B:System Fault Code .............................................................................................................................. 52
Fault Code For OH2.0 ..................................................................................................................................... 52

┡᷈ࡼ࡯ 䗑∖ध䍞
WP12NG ㋏߫໽✊⇨থࡼᴎՓ⫼ֱ‫ݏ‬䇈ᯢк

┡᷈ࡼ࡯ 䗑∖ध䍞
WP12NG ㋏߫໽✊⇨থࡼᴎՓ⫼ֱ‫ݏ‬䇈ᯢк

㄀ϔゴ ѻકⱘᡔᴃὖ‫މ‬
1.1 ໽✊⇨থࡼᴎࡳ⥛੠䕀䗳
WP12NG ㋏߫໽✊⇨থࡼᴎࡳ⥛㣗ೈ 243̚280kWˈ乱ᅮ䕀䗳Ў 2200r/minDŽ

1.2 ໽✊⇨থࡼᴎЏ㽕㒧ᵘ⡍⚍
ƽ ϔ㔌ϔⲪˈᎹ԰ৃ䴴ˈᢚौᮍ֓

ƽ ḚᶊᓣЏ䕈ᡓ㒧ᵘˈᭈϾᴎԧ߮ᑺ催ˈ᳝߽Ѣᭈᴎⱘৃ䴴ᗻঞՓ⫼ᇓੑ

ƽ 䞛⫼⬉ᄤ㡖⇨䮼ᡔᴃˈᬍ୘њথࡼᴎⱘ偒偊ᗻ㛑DŽ

ƽ ܼ㋏߫݁㔌Ⳉ߫ˈ䗮⫼⿟ᑺ催ˈ֓Ѣᭈ䔺䜡༫

ƽ ➗᭭կ㒭㋏㒳䞛⫼⬉᥻ऩ⚍஋ᇘᡔᴃֱ䆕ӏԩᎹ‫މ‬ϟথࡼᴎ㡃དⱘࡼ࡯ᗻǃ㒣⌢ᗻ੠ᥦ


ƽ 䗝䜡䗖ড়Ѣ➗⇨থࡼᴎ⡍ᗻⱘ∈‫ދ‬Ё䯈໇⍵䕂๲य़఼ˈᕾ⦃∈ᇍ๲य़఼ⱘ⍺⒥‫ैދ‬ᴎ⊍






ƽ 䞛⫼䰆୬ᤃᡔᴃˈ೼থࡼᴎ໻䋳㥋ᗹᵒ㛮䏣ᵓᯊˈECM ḍ᥂‫ޣ‬䗳㾺থֵোˈ೼ߛᮁ➗᭭



ƽ 䞛⫼⬉᥻催㛑⚍☿㋏㒳ˈḍ᥂থࡼᴎ䕀䗳ǃ䖯⇨य़࡯ǃ䖯⇨⏽ᑺㄝֵোᦤկ᳔Շ⚍☿ᯊ

ࠏˈ೼৘Ꮉ‫މ‬ᯊ ECM гৃҹᇍ⚍☿ᦤࠡ㾦䖯㸠䇗ᭈˈᴹֱ䆕ᭈᴎⱘ㓐ড়ᗻ㛑DŽ

ƽ 䆒䅵њ⒵䎇⇨ԧ➗᭭⡍ᗻⱘ➗⇨⏋ড়㋏㒳ˈৃ᳝ᬜⱘ㒘㒛⿔㭘〇ᅮ➗⚻ˈᦤ催⛁ᬜ⥛DŽ

ƽ ࡴ䗳ࡴ⌧ࡳ㛑Փথࡼᴎ೼ࡴ䗳Ꮉ‫މ‬㛑㦋ᕫⳌᇍ໮ϔѯⱘ➗᭭կ㒭ˈ⹂ֱࡴ䗳ⶀᗕᯊⱘᔎ


ƽ 䖯ǃᥦ⇨䮼੠⇨䮼ᑻϸᇍᨽ᪺ࡃ䗝⫼䗖ড়➗⇨থࡼᴎᎹ԰⡍ᗻⱘᴤ᭭ˈֱ䆕݊೼催⏽ϟ


┡᷈ࡼ࡯ 䗑∖ध䍞 1
WP12NG ㋏߫໽✊⇨থࡼᴎՓ⫼ֱ‫ݏ‬䇈ᯢк

ƽ ᳔催䕀䗳᥻ࠊࡳ㛑ˈ⹂ֱ㸠䔺ᅝܼᗻDŽ

ƽ 䞛⫼催ᬜⱘ⇻࣪ൟ‫࣪ڀ‬䕀఼࣪ˈ໻໻‫ޣ‬ᇥ᳝ᆇ⇨ԧⱘᥦᬒˈᥦᬒ䰤ؐ䖰䖰ᇣѢ೑ċ䰤ؐˈ


ƽ 䜡༫ᗻᔎˈ ECM 㛑໳㒭㞾ࡼব䗳ㆅᦤկヺড় SAE ᷛ‫ⱘޚ‬䋳㥋ֵোˈ‫݋‬᳝ぎ䇗ᗴ䗳᥻ࠊ


1.3 WP12NG ㋏߫໽✊⇨থࡼᴎൟো৿Н

W P 12 NG XXX E3/4 X



໽✊⇨ Natural Gas

ᥦ䞣 12L



┡᷈ࡼ࡯ 䗑∖ध䍞 2
WP12NG ㋏߫໽✊⇨থࡼᴎՓ⫼ֱ‫ݏ‬䇈ᯢк

1.4 WP12NG ㋏߫໽✊⇨থࡼᴎ໪ᔶ೒

┡᷈ࡼ࡯ 䗑∖ध䍞 3
WP12NG ㋏߫໽✊⇨থࡼᴎՓ⫼ֱ‫ݏ‬䇈ᯢк

1.5 থࡼᴎ໪⡍ᗻ᳆㒓

WP12NG330E40 ໪⡍ᗻ᳆㒓

WP12NG350E40 ໪⡍ᗻ᳆㒓˖

┡᷈ࡼ࡯ 䗑∖ध䍞 5
WP12NG ㋏߫໽✊⇨থࡼᴎՓ⫼ֱ‫ݏ‬䇈ᯢк

WP12NG380E40 ໪⡍ᗻ᳆㒓

┡᷈ࡼ࡯ 䗑∖ध䍞 6
WP12NG ㋏߫໽✊⇨থࡼᴎՓ⫼ֱ‫ݏ‬䇈ᯢк

㄀Ѡゴ ໽✊⇨থࡼᴎᡔᴃঞᗻ㛑খ᭄
2.1 WP12NG ㋏߫໽✊⇨থࡼᴎЏ㽕ᡔᴃখ᭄
ζ 2-1
㔌ᕘ/㸠⿟(mm) 126/155
ᥦ䞣(L) 11.596
य़㓽↨ 11.6:1
⚍☿乎ᑣ 1-5-3-6-2-4
➗⇨㋏㒳 ⬉᥻ऩ⚍஋ᇘ
ᥦ⇨‫࣪ޔ‬㺙㕂 ⇻࣪ൟ‫࣪ڀ‬䕀఼࣪
‫ދ‬ᗕ⇨䮼䯈䱭(mm) 䖯⇨䮼 0.35 ᥦ⇨䮼 0.4
䜡⇨Ⳍԡ 䖯⇨䮼ᓔ˖Ϟℶ⚍ࠡ 34°̚39°˖ϟℶ⚍ৢ 61°̚67°
˄⇨䮼䯈䱭˖䖯⇨ 0.35 ⇨ 0.4˅ ᥦ⇨䮼ᓔ˖ϟℶ⚍ࠡ 76°̚81°˖Ϟℶ⚍ৢ 26°̚31°
㡖⏽఼ᓔਃ⏽ᑺ(ć) 79±2ćᓔྟᓔਃˈܼ䚼ᓔਃ 90ć
䍋ࡼᮍᓣ ⬉䍋ࡼ
⍺⒥ᮍᓣ य़࡯⍺⒥
ᴎ⊍⠠ো ┡᷈➗⇨থࡼᴎϧ⫼ᴎ⊍
‫ैދ‬ᮍᓣ ∈‫ދ‬ᔎࠊᕾ⦃
ᴎ⊍य़࡯˄kPa˅ 350̚550
ᗴ䗳ᴎ⊍य़࡯˄kPa˅ •100
‫ܕ‬䆌㒉ؒᑺ(°) ࠡ䴶/ৢ䴶 䭓ᳳ 10/10 ⷁᳳ 30/30
‫ܕ‬䆌῾ؒᑺ(°) 䭓ᳳ 45/15 ⷁᳳ 45/30
᳆䕈ᮟ䕀ᮍ৥(Ң㞾⬅ッⳟ) 乎ᯊ䩜

┡᷈ࡼ࡯ 䗑∖ध䍞 7
WP12NG ㋏߫໽✊⇨থࡼᴎՓ⫼ֱ‫ݏ‬䇈ᯢк

2.2 WP12NG ㋏߫໽✊⇨থࡼᴎЏ㽕ᗻ㛑খ᭄

ζ 2-2
ऩ ԡ WP12 থࡼᴎ
থࡼᴎൟো WP12NG330E30/40 WP12NG350E30/40 WP12NG380E30/40
乱ᅮࡳ⥛ kW 243 257 280
乱ᅮ䕀䗳 r/min 2200
᳔໻ᡁⶽ Nm 1350 1400 1500
᳔໻ᡁⶽ䕀䗳 r/min 1400
ᥦᬒ∈ᑇ — ೑ċ/೑Č(ᏺ⇻࣪ൟ‫)఼࣪ڀ‬
乱ᅮࡳ⥛ᯊ➗᭭⍜㗫 g/(kW·h) ”205

ܼ䋳㥋᳔ᇣ➗᭭⍜㗫 g/(kW·h) 190

(ϡᏺ/ᏺ䕙ࡽ䍋ࡼ㺙 ć -10 / -30
ⱑ⚳ᥦᬒ ϡ䗣‫ܝ‬ᑺ 20 ⾦ᗴ䗳ৢ”15%
1 ㉇໘ాໄ dB(A) ˘102
B10 ᇓੑ km 800,000

┡᷈ࡼ࡯ 䗑∖ध䍞 8
WP12NG ㋏߫໽✊⇨থࡼᴎՓ⫼ֱ‫ݏ‬䇈ᯢк

2.3 䰘ӊⱘЏ㽕ᡔᴃ㾘Ḑ
㸼 2-3
ᑣো ৡ⿄ 乍Ⳃ WP12NG ㋏߫
1 ➗⇨/ぎ⇨⏋ড়఼ ൟᓣ ஋ఈ\஋⇨ᔎࠊ⏋ড়
ൟো 6mm Ⳉࡼൟ
2 Ԣय़⬉⺕䯔˄LNG˅ ൟᓣ ᐌ䯁
ൟো 1784C
3 〇य़఼˄LNG˅ ൟᓣ Ѡ㑻ᭈԧᓣ
ࠊ䗴ଚ REGO
ൟো NG2-8
4 ‫ޣ‬य़఼˄CNG˅ ൟᓣ Ѡ㑻ᭈԧᓣ
ൟᓣ ⬉ᄤ᥻ࠊ⚍☿
5 ⚍☿㋏㒳 Ꮉ԰⬉य़ 24V
Ꮉ԰⦃๗⏽ᑺ -40~120ć
ൟো FR3KĊ332
6 ☿㢅า
䯈䱭 0.35f0.05mm
7 ⚍☿㒓೜ ൟᓣ ヨᓣ
ൟᓣ ⇻࣪ൟ‫࣪ڀ‬䕀఼࣪
8 ᥦ⇨‫࣪ޔ‬㺙㕂
ൟো 䞥ሲ䕑ԧ
ൟᓣ ⾏ᖗᓣ(⍵໇Ϣℷᯊ啓䕂ᅸৠԧ)
9 ∈⋉
ᷛᅮ䕀䗳ˈr/min 3648
ൟᓣ 啓䕂ᓣ
10 ᴎ⊍⋉
ᅝܼ䯔ᓔਃय़࡯ 1550±150kPa
ൟᓣ ⸙⊍ᓣ
11 ᳆䕈‫ޣ‬䳛఼
໪ᕘሎᇌ Ɏ280
ൟো JP90
12 ๲य़఼
⡍⚍ ∈‫ދ‬Ё䯈໇
13 ᴎ⊍Ⓒ⏙఼ ൟᓣ ᮟ㺙ᓣ㒌Ⓒ㢃ǃঠㄦᑊ㘨
ൟᓣ 㜞ᓣǃ㢃ԧ㒘ড়ൟ
14 㡖⏽఼
ᓔਃ⏽ᑺ 71ć±2ćᓔྟᓔਃˈܼ䚼ᓔਃ 82ć
ൟᓣ ᵓ㖙ᓣ
15 ᴎ⊍‫఼ैދ‬ ᮕ䗮䯔ᓔਃय़࡯ 600±36kPa
㗤य़䆩偠य़࡯ 1500kPa
ൟো HEF95-L24V
16 䍋ࡼᴎ
䕧ߎ⬉य़,V 24V
ࠊ䗴ଚ Խ⡍ᴹ
17 থ⬉ᴎ
⬉य़ 28V
18 亢᠛ ൟᓣ ⦃ᔶ亢᠛

┡᷈ࡼ࡯ 䗑∖ध䍞 9
WP12NG ㋏߫໽✊⇨থࡼᴎՓ⫼ֱ‫ݏ‬䇈ᯢк
ൟᓣ ⌏าᓣ∈‫ދ‬
㔌ᕘ 90
19 ⍺⒥ᮍᓣ य़࡯⍺⒥
Ꮉ԰ᮍᓣ 䖲㓁Ꮉ԰
⌏าᘏᥦ䞣ˈcm嘓 293
᳔Ԣ䕀䗳 750
᳔催䕀䗳 3900
20 ⎆य़⋉˄䗝⫼ӊ˅ ⌕䞣˄ᮟ৥˅ 16 L/min
䖯⊍ষ㶎㒍 M26h1.5 ‫ݙ‬㶎㒍
ߎ⊍ষ㶎㒍 M18h1.5 ‫ݙ‬㶎㒍

┡᷈ࡼ࡯ 䗑∖ध䍞 10
WP12NG ㋏߫໽✊⇨থࡼᴎՓ⫼ֱ‫ݏ‬䇈ᯢк

2.4 থࡼᴎЏ㽕㶎ᷧ㶎↡ᡁ㋻࡯ⶽ੠ᡁ㋻ᮍ⊩
㸼 2-4
㶎ᷧৡ⿄ 㶎ᷧ㾘Ḑ ᡁ㋻࡯ⶽ˄Ngm˅+‫ݡ‬ᡁ䕀㾦ᑺ˄e˅

Џ䕈ᡓ㶎ᷧ M18-10.9 250 030 ᢻ㋻⃵ᑣ㽕∖ˈ㾕೒ 2-1

䖲ᴚ㶎ᷧ M14h1.5 120+˄90°±5°˅˄ৠᯊ䖒ࠄ 170~250N˹m˅ 0

⇨㔌Ⲫ ᢻ㋻⃵ᑣ㽕∖㾕೒ 2-2

200 010 +2h˄90°±5°˅

⇨㔌ⲪЏ㶎ᷧ M16 3
˄ৠᯊ䖒ࠄ 240~340N˹m˅

亲䕂㶎ᷧ M14h1.5 60 020 +2h˄90°±5°˅

˄ৠᯊ䖒ࠄ 230~280N˹m˅ 2

40 020 +2h˄120°±5°˅
亲䕂໇㶎ᷧ M12 2
˄ৠᯊ䖒ࠄ 110~140N˹m˅
ᴎ⊍⋉ᛄ䕂䕈㶎ᷧ M10 60 0

ߌ䕂䕈啓䕂㶎ᷧ M8 32~36
ℷᯊᛄ䕂䕈㶎ᷧ M10 60 N˹m+90°˄ৠᯊ䖒ࠄ 100~125N˹m˅ 3
᳆䕈Ⲃᏺ䕂य़㋻㶎 10
M10 60 0

஋⊍఼य़ᵓ㶎ᷧ M8 10~12

ᥦ⇨ㅵ㶎ᷧ M10 50~70 2

ᨛ㞖ᑻ㶎ᷧ M12 100 0

ᥦ⇨℻ㅵ㶎ᷧ M10 15Nm+60e

ぎय़ᴎ啓䕂य़㋻㶎 20
M18h1.5 200 0

M24h1.5 250~300

ᓴ㋻䕂㋻೎㶎ᷧ M16 195 0

☿㢅า M14X1.25 ˄20-40˅N.m

⇻Ӵᛳ఼ M18X1.25 50 Nmf5Nm
∈⏽Ӵᛳ఼ M20X1.5 25 Nmf5Nm


┡᷈ࡼ࡯ 䗑∖ध䍞 11
WP12NG ㋏߫໽✊⇨থࡼᴎՓ⫼ֱ‫ݏ‬䇈ᯢк






೒ 2-1 Џ䕈ᡓ㶎ᷧᡁ㋻⃵ᑣ

ᣝ೒ 2-1 ᠔⼎乎ᑣ‫ܜ‬ᡁ㋻ 50N˹mˈ‫ݡ‬ᣝ乎ᑣᡁ㋻ࠄ 250 0 N˹mDŽ


೒ 2-2 ⇨㔌ⲪЏ㶎ᷧࡃ㶎↡ᢻ㋻⃵ᑣ


a.ᇚЏ㶎ᷧˈࡃ㶎↡㶎㒍䚼ԡঞᡓय़䴶ࡴ⍺⒥⊍ৢˈᡁ㋻ࠄ 30 0 N˹m.

b.ᇚЏ㶎ᷧᣝ೒ 1-2 ᠔⼎乎ᑣᡁ㋻ࠄ 200 0 N˹mˈᑊ೼㶎ᷧϞ԰ᷛ䆄DŽ

c.ᇚЏ㶎ᷧᣝ೒ 1-2 ᠔⼎乎ᑣՓ৘㶎ᷧ‫ݡ‬ᡁ㋻ 90°䕀㾦ˈᑊ೼ᮄԡ㕂԰ᷛ䆄DŽ

d.ᇚЏ㶎ᷧᣝ೒ 1-2 ᠔⼎乎ᑣՓ৘㶎ᷧ‫ݡ‬ᡁ㋻ 90°䕀㾦ˈৠᯊ䖒ࠄ 240~340N˹m.

┡᷈ࡼ࡯ 䗑∖ध䍞 12
WP12NG ㋏߫໽✊⇨থࡼᴎՓ⫼ֱ‫ݏ‬䇈ᯢк

㄀ϝゴ ໽✊⇨থࡼᴎЏ㽕㒧ᵘ੠㋏㒳

3.1 থࡼᴎЏ㽕㒧ᵘҟ㒡
3.1.1 ᴎԧ
ᴎԧ㋏催啭䮼㒧ᵘˈ‫݋‬᳝㡃དⱘᔎᑺ੠߮ᑺDŽᴎԧ᳝ 7 䘧Џ䕈ᡓˈ㄀ϔ䘧˄Ң亲䕂ッⳟ˅㺙᳝ℶ᥼⠛DŽ
WP12NG ㋏߫⇨ԧথࡼᴎ䞛⫼ᑆᓣ㔌༫ˈЎֱ䆕೼ᴎԧϞᅝ㺙ৢⱘᆚᇕˈ೼㔌༫ϟ䚼੠Ϟ䚼ᅝ㺙ᅮԡ
ⱘ䚼ԡߚ߿㺙᳝ϸ䘧‵㛊ᆚᇕ೜DŽ㔌༫ᣝ‫ݙ‬ᕘሎᇌߚ A 㒘˄㓓㡆៪ᷛ䆄 A˅੠ B 㒘˄㑶㡆៪ᷛ䆄 B ˅,
ৠϔৄথࡼᴎᖙ乏ᅝ㺙ৠϔ㒘㔌༫DŽ㓈ׂᯊ㢹ᷛ䆄ᅲ೼ϡ㛑䆚߿ˈ߭Փ⫼ A 㒘㔌༫DŽ
ᴎԧࠡッϢℷᯊ啓䕂ᅸ䖲᥹ˈৢッϢ亲䕂໇䖲᥹DŽ㒧ড়㸼䴶ᑨ⍖ᆚᇕ㛊˄Loctite 510˅DŽ

3.1.2 ᳆䕈ǃ⌏า䖲ᴚ㒘ӊ
ᇚ݊ࡴ⛁ࠄ 250ćˈᑊ⊼ᛣᇍ‫ޚ‬᳆䕈Ϟⱘᅮԡ䫔DŽ೼ࠡ๭Ⲫ੠䕂↖П䯈ᅝ㺙᳆䕈ࠡ⊍ᇕˈᅝ㺙ᯊ೼ᆚᇕ૛
⌏าḍ᥂㺭䚼ሎᇌߚ A 㒘˄㓓㡆ᷛ䆄៪ᷛ䆄ĀAā˅៪ B 㒘˄㑶㡆ᷛ䆄៪ᷛ䆄ЎĀBā˅ˈ㺙䜡ᯊ㽕∖
⌏า੠㔌༫䞛⫼ৠϔ㒘DŽ㓈ׂᯊ㢹ᷛ䆄ᅲ೼ϡ㛑䆚߿ˈ߭Փ⫼ A 㒘㔌༫ǃA 㒘⌏าDŽ
䖲ᴚԧ੠䖲ᴚⲪ㒘ড়ࡴᎹˈϡ㛑Ѧᤶˈ೼䖲ᴚԧ੠䖲ᴚⲪϞ᳝䜡ᇍᷛ䆄ˈབ೒ 3-1DŽ

┡᷈ࡼ࡯ 䗑∖ध䍞 13
WP12NG ㋏߫໽✊⇨থࡼᴎՓ⫼ֱ‫ݏ‬䇈ᯢк

೒ 3-1 䖲ᴚ

3.1.3 ⇨㔌Ⲫ੠䜡⇨㋏㒳
1ǃ⇨㔌Ⲫ: ⫼ড়䞥䫌䪕䫌䗴ˈϔ㔌ϔⲪDŽ↣㔌᳝ϔϾᥦ⇨䮼ˈϔϾ䖯⇨䮼ˈ䖯ᥦ⇨䘧ߚᏗѢϸջDŽ䖯
ᆚᇕDŽ↣Ͼ⇨㔌Ⲫ⫼ 4 Ͼ M16-12.9 㶎ᷧᢻ㋻ˈᢻ㋻ᯊഛ⫼䕀㾦ᡁ㋻⊩DŽ

3.1.4 啓䕂㋏
啓䕂㋏ⱘӴࡼ݇㋏བ೒ 3-2DŽ

೒ Ӵࠄ啓䕂

┡᷈ࡼ࡯ 䗑∖ध䍞 14
WP12NG ㋏߫໽✊⇨থࡼᴎՓ⫼ֱ‫ݏ‬䇈ᯢк

3.1.5 ⍺⒥㋏㒳

䇋⊼ᛣ˖⇨ԧথࡼᴎা‫ܕ‬䆌Փ⫼ 15W/40CD 㑻ҹϞ➗⇨থࡼᴎϧ⫼ᴎ⊍ʽ

⍺⒥㋏㒳⼎ᛣ೒བ೒ 3-3DŽ

䲚 Ⓒ ఼ Ⓒ ᑻ ᴎ⊍‫఼ैދ‬

ᓔਃय़࡯ 540̚750kPa

䖲ᴚ䕈ᡓ Џ䕈ᡓ


ᨛ㞖 ᥼ ᴚ ᤎ ᷅ ߌ䕂䕈ᡓ Џ

Ё䯈啓䕂䕈ᡓ ࡃ⊍䘧


⌏า ⌏า‫ैދ‬஋ఈ ᓔਃय़࡯ 150kPa


೒ 3-3 ⍺⒥㋏㒳
䲚Ⓒ఼ᰃᴎ⊍⋉਌ܹষˈᅗϢᴎ⊍⋉䖯⊍ষⱘ䖲᥹䞛⫼ O ᔶᆚᇕ೜ᆚᇕˈᅝ㺙ᯊᑨ⡍߿⊼ᛣ݊ᆚᇕᗻˈ
ᴎ⊍⋉ᰃ啓䕂⋉DŽᴎ⊍⬅ᴎ⊍⋉य़ߎˈ䖯ܹⒸᑻˈⒸᑻϞ᳝ᅝܼ䯔ˈᓔਃय़࡯Ў 540-750kpaˈᔧᴎ⊍

┡᷈ࡼ࡯ 䗑∖ध䍞 15
WP12NG ㋏߫໽✊⇨থࡼᴎՓ⫼ֱ‫ݏ‬䇈ᯢк

3.2 ➗⇨㋏㒳
3.2.1 ➗᭭կ㒭㋏㒳
໽✊⇨⫊ĺ‫ޣ‬य़఼ĺԢय़Ⓒ⏙఼ĺ⛁Ѹᤶ఼ĺ㡖⏽఼ĺ஋ᇘ䯔ĺ⏋ড়఼˄CNG ⇨⑤˅
໽✊⇨⫊ĺԢय़⬉⺕䯔ĺ〇य़఼ĺԢय़Ⓒ⏙఼ĺ⛁Ѹᤶ఼ĺ㡖⏽఼ĺ஋ᇘ䯔ĺ⏋ড়఼˄LNG ⇨⑤˅

2.1 LNG ㋏㒳
2.1.1 থࡼᴎߎ∈ㅵĺ∈⍈ᓣ≑఼࣪ĺ∈⋉䖯∈ㅵ
2.1.2 থࡼᴎߎ∈ㅵĺ⛁Ѹᤶ఼ĺ㡖⏽఼ĺ∈⋉䖯∈ㅵ
2.1.3 ๲य़఼ߎ∈ㅵĺ∈⋉䖯∈ㅵ

2.2 CNG ㋏㒳
2.2.1 থࡼᴎߎ∈ㅵĺ⛁Ѹᤶ఼ĺ㡖⏽఼ĺ∈⋉䖯∈ㅵ
2.2.2 ๲य़఼ߎ∈ㅵĺ‫ޣ‬य़఼ĺ∈⋉䖯∈ㅵ

㋏㒳䞛⫼ⱘᰃ 24V Ⳉ⌕⬉⑤ˈᴹ㞾⬉⫊ⱘ⬉⌕ߚϸ䏃䖯ܹ㋏㒳੠থࡼᴎ᥻ࠊ῵ഫ˄ECM˅˖ϔ䏃ᰃ䗮
ECM гᇚ䞛䲚㋏㒳Ꮉ԰⬉य़ֵোˈECM ḍ᥂Ꮉ԰⬉य़ᅲᯊⱘׂℷᇍᠻ㸠ᴎᵘⱘ᥻ࠊDŽ
Ā䯁⦃᥻ࠊāᰃᣛ ECM ḍ᥂⇻Ӵᛳ఼ড作ⱘথࡼᴎᎹ԰ᯊⱘᅲ䰙ぎ➗↨ֵোˈᅲᯊⱘᇍথࡼᴎկ⇨
⚍☿㋏㒳⬅ ECM ᥻ࠊ⚍☿㒓೜ߚ߿ᇍ৘⇨㔌ᇍᑨⱘ☿㢅า乎ᑣ⚍☿DŽ
㋏㒳䖯ܹᎹ԰⢊ᗕৢˈECM ᥻ࠊ㋏㒳ܼ䚼䚼ӊⱘᎹ԰ˈᑊᅲᯊഄᇍ݊䖯㸠ⲥ⌟ˈϔᮺ㋏㒳ߎ⦄ᬙ䱰ˈ
┡᷈ࡼ࡯ 䗑∖ध䍞 16
WP12NG ㋏߫໽✊⇨থࡼᴎՓ⫼ֱ‫ݏ‬䇈ᯢк

3.3 ➗⇨㋏㒳Џ㽕䳊䚼ӊࡳ㛑ঞᡔᴃ㽕∖
3.3.1 ‫ޣ‬य़఼˄CNG˅ ‫ޣ‬य़఼ߎ∈ㅵ




෍ 3-4 ߈ག୶
य़㓽໽✊⇨ⱘय़࡯㣗ೈᰃ 5MPa-20MPaˈ໽✊⇨㒣䖛‫ޣ‬य़఼ৢय़࡯෎ᴀ〇ᅮ೼ 0.8MPaˈᑊֱ䆕ᦤկ㒭
Ɣ ᡔᴃখ᭄
Ꮉ԰⦃๗⏽ᑺ: -40ć̚125ć
ܹষ➗⇨⏽ᑺ: -40ć̚40ć
‫⏽∈ैދ‬ᑺ: -40ć̚100ć
Ɣ ‫ޣ‬य़఼ᅰᅝ㺙೼ᤃࡼ䕗ᇣǃሑ䞣䴴䖥থࡼᴎⱘԡ㕂ˈϢথࡼᴎ䯈ᑨ䞛⫼ᶨᗻ䖲᥹DŽ
Ɣ ᅝ㺙ԡ㕂ᑨ⹂ֱᅲ⦄ᇍ‫ޣ‬य़఼ⱘᐌ㾘䇗ᭈǃẔᶹ੠㓈ׂDŽᑨᅝ㺙೼䔺ᶊ໻ṕϞ៪⠶䴴೎ᅮ೼㒧ᵘӊ
Ɣ ‫ޣ‬य़఼ᑨሑ䞣䖰⾏ᥦ⇨㋏㒳,བᵰ⾏ᥦ⇨㋏㒳ⱘ䎱⾏ᇣѢ 150 mm ᯊˈᑨ䆒㕂೎ᅮৃ䴴ⱘ䱨⛁㺙㕂DŽ
Ɣ ‫ޣ‬य़఼䞛⫼থࡼᴎ‫݊ˈ⛁ࡴ∈ैދ‬ᅝ㺙催ᑺᑨԢѢᬷ⛁఼乊䚼ˈϨᅰᅝ㺙೼㡖⏽఼ҹϟˈㅵ䏃᥹༈
Ɣ 䖲᥹ࠄ‫ޣ‬य़఼ⱘㅵ䏃Ꮧ㕂ড়⧚ˈ≵᳝ᑆ⍝⦄䈵DŽ
Ɣ ᑇ㸵ㅵ䳔᳝䎇໳ⱘ䭓ᑺҹ䰆ℶಲ☿ˈᑊϨ‫ޣ‬य़఼Ϟᑇ㸵ㅵ᥹༈䳔೎ᅮDŽ
Ɣ ⊘य़ষߎষ䳔⫼ㅵᄤ᥹ࠄথࡼᴎ㠅໪䚼ˈҹ⒵䎇Ⳍ݇೑ᆊ㾘ᅮDŽ
Ɣ ‫ޣ‬य़఼➗⇨ߎষᮍ৥ϡ㛑৥ϞˈᑊϨᑩ䚼ϡ㛑৥Ϟˈҹ䰆ℶ➗⇨Ёⱘ⊍∵‫⌕צ‬䖯ܹ‫ޣ‬य़఼DŽ
Ɣ ‫ޣ‬य़఼ߎষㅵ䏃䳔㛑ᡓফ-80°C ⱘԢ⏽DŽ‫ޣ‬य़఼ߎষ੠⛁Ѹᤶ఼П䯈ⱘㅵ䏃䳔᳝䎇໳ⱘᔃ᳆ҹᡓফ

┡᷈ࡼ࡯ 䗑∖ध䍞 17
WP12NG ㋏߫໽✊⇨থࡼᴎՓ⫼ֱ‫ݏ‬䇈ᯢк
Ɣ ḍ᥂‫ޣ‬य़఼䖯ߎ∈ㅵᷛ䆄䖲᥹∈ㅵˈ䖯∈ㅵ⏽ᑺ㽕催Ѣߎ∈ㅵ⏽ᑺDŽ

3.3.2 〇य़఼˄LNG˅

Ꮉ԰⏽ᑺ˖ -40ć̚75ć
ᗴ䗳ᯊ䇗ᭈ NGP Ў 8.3bar

෍ 3-5 ืག୶

3.3.3 Ԣय़⬉⺕䯔(LNG)

෍ 3-6 ԎགԨҨ֤
ƽ Ԣय़⬉⺕䯔ⱘ䯔䮼Ў‫ݙ‬㕂ᔶᓣˈ䯔ԧ䌈᳝ᷛㅒҹᣛ⼎ℷ⹂ⱘ⌕ࡼᮍ৥DŽ
Ɣ Ԣय़⬉⺕䯔ⱘ⬉⺕䯔䚼ӊᖙ乏ᳱϞˈᑊϨ催Ѣ䯔ԧDŽ

3.3.4 Ԣय़Ⓒ⏙఼

┡᷈ࡼ࡯ 䗑∖ध䍞 18
WP12NG ㋏߫໽✊⇨থࡼᴎՓ⫼ֱ‫ݏ‬䇈ᯢк
0.3ȝm̚ 0.6ȝm 䖛Ⓒᬜ⥛•95%DŽ
↣ 3000km ᬒϔ⃵∈

෍ 3-7 Ԏག৒ூ୶
ƽ Ⓒ⏙఼ᅝ㺙ԡ㕂ᖙ乏֓ѢẔׂǃ⏙⋫੠᳈ᤶDŽ
ƽ ೼Ⓒ⏙఼ⱘՓ⫼ᇓੑ‫ˈݙ‬य़䰡䳔ᇣѢ 20kPaˈҹֱ䆕㋏㒳ⱘᗻ㛑DŽ৺߭ৃ㛑Փথࡼᴎⱘࡳ⥛ϟ䰡DŽ
Ɣ Ⓒ⏙఼ᑨ䖰⾏ᥦ⇨ㅵㄝ催⏽䚼ӊ 20cm ҹϞˈᑊৃ䴴ᅝ㺙DŽ

3.3.5 催य़Ⓒ⏙఼(CNG)


෍ 3-8 ‫غ‬ག৒ூ୶

┡᷈ࡼ࡯ 䗑∖ध䍞 19
WP12NG ㋏߫໽✊⇨থࡼᴎՓ⫼ֱ‫ݏ‬䇈ᯢк

3.3.6 ⛁Ѹᤶ఼੠㡖⏽఼

෍ 3-9 ః߬ܰ୶ۤࠋั୶

Փ⫼ᇓੑˈ⛁Ѹᤶ఼੠㡖⏽఼䜡ড়䗮䖛᥻ࠊ⛁∈ⱘ⌕䞣᥻ࠊ໽✊⇨⏽ᑺ೼ 40ćᎺেDŽ

Ɣ ᡔᴃখ᭄







┡᷈ࡼ࡯ 䗑∖ध䍞 20
WP12NG ㋏߫໽✊⇨থࡼᴎՓ⫼ֱ‫ݏ‬䇈ᯢк

3.3.7 ஋ᇘ䯔˄FMV -Fuel Metering Valve˅



෍ 3-10 ଈ౽֤
ᴀথࡼᴎ䗝⫼ 12 Ͼ WOODWARD ஋ᇘ䯔˄Fuel Metering Valve˅ˈ݊ЁϸϾЎϔ㒘ḍ᥂ ECM ⱘֵ


ƽ ᡔᴃখ᭄

Ꮉ԰⬉य़ᰃ 16V-32Vˈ↣Ͼ஋ᇘ䯔ⱘዄؐ⬉⌕ᰃ 4Aˈ㓈ᣕ⬉⌕ᰃ 1A˗


Ɣ FMV ⱘᅝ㺙ԡ㕂ড়⧚ৃ䴴DŽ

Ɣ 䖲᥹ࠄ FMV ⱘ㒓ᴳ੠ㅵ䏃ᑨֱ䆕≵᳝ᑆ⍝DŽ

Ɣ ೼ FMV Ϟᅝ㺙᳝य़䗮ᓣऩ৥䯔ҹ⫼ѢẔ⌟➗⇨य़࡯ˈᅝ㺙 FMV ᯊᑨֱ䆕֓ѢẔ⌟➗⇨य़࡯DŽ

┡᷈ࡼ࡯ 䗑∖ध䍞 21
WP12NG ㋏߫໽✊⇨থࡼᴎՓ⫼ֱ‫ݏ‬䇈ᯢк

3.3.8 ⏋ড়఼




ܹষ ぎ⇨
෍ 3-11 ‫୶ۦݡ‬

┡᷈ࡼ࡯ 䗑∖ध䍞 22
WP12NG ㋏߫໽✊⇨থࡼᴎՓ⫼ֱ‫ݏ‬䇈ᯢк

3.4 ⬉᥻㋏㒳
3.4.1 ⬉᥻ॳ⧚೒

෍ 3-12 Ԩࣅຂහၐस෍ď1.2 ຂහĐ

┡᷈ࡼ࡯ 䗑∖ध䍞 23
WP12NG ㋏߫໽✊⇨থࡼᴎՓ⫼ֱ‫ݏ‬䇈ᯢк

෍ 3-13 Ԩࣅຂහၐस෍ď2.0 ຂහĐ

┡᷈ࡼ࡯ 䗑∖ध䍞 24
WP12NG ㋏߫໽✊⇨থࡼᴎՓ⫼ֱ‫ݏ‬䇈ᯢк

3.5 ⬉᥻㋏㒳䚼ӊᎹ԰ॳ⧚ঞ⊼ᛣџ乍



3.5.1 থ⬉ᴎ






থ⬉ᴎ乱ᅮ⬉य़ 28Vˈॳ⧚೒བ೒ 2-9 ᠔⼎DŽ

೒ 3-14 থ⬉ᴎॳ⧚೒

3.5.2 䍋ࡼᴎ


2-10 ᠔⼎DŽ

┡᷈ࡼ࡯ 䗑∖ध䍞 25
WP12NG ㋏߫໽✊⇨থࡼᴎՓ⫼ֱ‫ݏ‬䇈ᯢк

೒ 3-15 䍋ࡼᴎ⬉䏃೒



ƽ䰆催⏽ˈ䍋ࡼᴎ໇ԧⱘ䆌⫼⏽ᑺϡ໻Ѣ 100ćDŽ


啓ˈᖙ乏ᅝ㺙䍋ࡼ㒻⬉఼ˈ䍋ࡼ㒻⬉఼⬉⌕ᆍ䞣ᑨ໻Ѣ 80Aˈ೼থࡼᴎᓔྟℷᐌ䖤䕀ৢゟेߛᮁ䍋



3.5.3 㒓ᴳ
⬉᥻㋏㒳㒓ᴳЏ㽕ࣙᣀ⚍☿㒓ᴳǃথࡼᴎ㒓ᴳ੠ ECU 㒓ᴳˈ݊Ё⚍☿㒓ᴳ੠থࡼᴎ㒓ᴳߎॖ
ࠡ㺙ࠄথࡼᴎϞˈECU 㒓ᴳ䱣໛ӊㆅ䰘ᏺDŽ

෍ 3-16 ຬ೯
Ɣ Ў䙓‫ܡ‬催⏽ˈ㒓ᴳϡ‫ܕ‬䆌Ꮧ㕂೼ᥦ⇨ㅵջDŽ

┡᷈ࡼ࡯ 䗑∖ध䍞 26
WP12NG ㋏߫໽✊⇨থࡼᴎՓ⫼ֱ‫ݏ‬䇈ᯢк

Ɣ ↣Ͼ᥹ᦦӊঞᇐ㒓ⱘ䖲᥹ᑨ㛑ᡓফ㟇ᇥ 20N ⱘᢝ࡯㗠ϡӮᵒࡼ⫮㟇㜅㨑DŽ

Ɣ 㒓ᴳⱘ⏽ᑺㄝ㑻ᑨϡԢѢ 125ćˈৠᯊᑨ‫݋‬໛㡃དⱘᡫ⇻࣪㛑࡯DŽ

Ɣ 㒓ᴳⱘ䍄৥ড়⧚ˈ߽Ѣ᮹ৢⱘ㓈ׂDŽ

3.5.4 থࡼᴎ᥻ࠊ῵ഫ˄ECM˅੠⚍☿῵ഫ˄ICM˅

থࡼᴎ᥻ࠊ῵ഫ˄ECM˅ ⚍☿᥻ࠊ῵ഫ˄ICM˅

෍ 3-17 ECM ۤ ICM

ECM 䞛䲚䖯⇨℻ㅵय़࡯˄MAP˅ǃ䖯⇨℻ㅵ⏽ᑺ˄MAT˅ǃ㡖⇨䮼ࠡय़࡯˄PTP˅ǃ➗⇨य़࡯˄NGP˅ǃ




থࡼᴎ᥻ࠊ῵ഫ˄ECM˅ৃҹᅝ㺙೼থࡼᴎϞDŽৃҹᬃᣕऩ⚍៪໮⚍஋ᇘˈᬃᣕ CAN 䗮䆃DŽ







‫˄ܗ‬ICM˅ḍ᥂⚍☿乎ᑣᇍ৘㔌䖯㸠⚍☿˗݁㔌থࡼᴎⱘ⚍☿乎ᑣЎ 1-5-3-6-2-4DŽ಴ℸᑨᇚ⚍☿ऩ

‫˄ܗ‬ICM˅ⱘ䕧ߎッষ 2 䖲᥹ࠄ㄀ 5 㔌䕧ߎッষ 3 䖲᥹ࠄ㄀ 3 㔌……ձℸ㉏᥼DŽ‫⬉ܙ‬㒧ᴳᯊࠏ˄㾺





┡᷈ࡼ࡯ 䗑∖ध䍞 27
WP12NG ㋏߫໽✊⇨থࡼᴎՓ⫼ֱ‫ݏ‬䇈ᯢк





3.5.5 䖯⇨⏽ᑺǃय़࡯Ӵᛳ఼˄T/MAP˅੠㡖⇨䮼ࠡय़࡯Ӵᛳ఼˄PTP˅

෍ 3-18 T/MAP ۤ PTP

WOODWARD2.0 ㋏㒳ⱘ PTP Ϣ T/MAP Ӵᛳ఼Ⳍৠˈ䲚៤њय़࡯੠⏽ᑺDŽথࡼᴎ᥻ࠊ῵ഫ






T/MAP ੠ PTP Ӵᛳ఼ᅝ㺙೼䖯⇨℻ㅵⳈㅵ໘ˈϹ⽕ᅝ㺙೼ᔃㅵ໘DŽ

┡᷈ࡼ࡯ 䗑∖ध䍞 28
WP12NG ㋏߫໽✊⇨থࡼᴎՓ⫼ֱ‫ݏ‬䇈ᯢк

3.5.6 䕀䗳Ӵᛳ఼

෍ 3-19 ᅧമҎ‫୶ث‬





Ɣ㺙䜡ᯊ‫ܕ‬䆌᳔໻ᡁⶽЎ 8N·m˄Փ⫼ 8.8 㑻 M6X12 㶎ᷧᯊ˅

3.5.7 ∈⏽Ӵᛳ఼





3.5.8 ᆑඳ⇻Ӵᛳ఼˄UEGO˅

෍ 3-20 ཾҎ‫୶ث‬

┡᷈ࡼ࡯ 䗑∖ध䍞 29
WP12NG ㋏߫໽✊⇨থࡼᴎՓ⫼ֱ‫ݏ‬䇈ᯢк

⇻Ӵᛳ఼ⱘࡳ㛑ᰃ⌟䞣ᥦ⇨Ё⇻ⱘ⌧ᑺᑊᇚ݊䕀࣪៤⬉ֵোᦤկ㒭 ECMˈECM ḍ᥂㛝䈅㸼‫ݙ‬


Ɣ ⇻Ӵᛳ఼ⱘᅝ㺙ԡ㕂ᇍ㋏㒳Ꮉ԰ⱘℷ⹂ᗻᕜ䞡㽕ˈᬙ݊ᅝ㺙ᖙ乏ᣝ✻㽕∖ϹḐᠻ㸠DŽ

Ɣ ⇻Ӵᛳ఼ᑨᅝ㺙೼⾏๲य़఼ߎষ៪ᥦ⇨ᔃㅵϟ␌ 3̚5 ‫ס‬ᥦ⇨ㅵⳈᕘⱘഄᮍDŽ

Ɣ ⇻Ӵᛳ఼ϡ㛑ᅝ㺙೼ᥦ⇨ㅵᔃㅵ໘DŽ

Ɣ Ў䰆ℶ೼⇻Ӵᛳ఼⚻㉬೼ᥦ⇨ㅵϞ֓Ѣᢚौˈ೼ᅝ㺙⇻Ӵᛳ఼ᯊᑨ೼㶎㒍Ϟഛࣔ⍖ᢍ䰆⚻


Ɣ བᵰ䔺䕚ᅝ㺙᳝ᥦ⇨ࠊࡼ㺙㕂ˈ⇻Ӵᛳ఼ᖙ乏ᅝ㺙೼ℸ㺙㕂ⱘৢᮍDŽ

Ɣ ⇻Ӵᛳ఼㒓ᴳঞ᥹ᦦӊᑨሑ䞣䖰⾏ᥦ⇨ㅵˈϡ㛑᳝㹿⚻㒧ⱘৃ㛑DŽ

Ɣ ⛞᥹೼ᥦ⇨ㅵϞⱘ⇻Ӵᛳ఼㶎ᑻ催ᑺ㽕ᇣѢ 10mmDŽ

Ɣ ⇻Ӵᛳ఼༅♉៪㒓ᴳঞᦦ᥹ӊ᥹㾺ϡ㡃ᯊˈӮ䗴៤⇨㗫໻ǃ䕀䗳ϡ〇ㄝDŽ

3.5.9 ⬉ᄤ㛮䏣ᵓ

෍ 3-21 Ԩᆐ߶ൗ͐
⬉ᄤ㛮䏣ᵓ䞛⫼䴲᥹㾺ᓣӴᛳ఼ˈ䕧ߎ⬉य़ֵো˖0̚5VˈECM ḍ᥂㛮䏣ᵓⱘֵোᴹ᥻ࠊ⬉ᄤ


Ɣ 䖤㸠⏽ᑺ˖-40ć̚50ćDŽ

Ɣ ᄬ‫ټ‬ᴵӊ˖-40ć̚120ćDŽ

Ɣ 㒓ᴳ䖲᥹˖㑶-A3 㻤-H3 咘-H3 㓓-H1 㻤-T3 ⱑ-H3

┡᷈ࡼ࡯ 䗑∖ध䍞 30
WP12NG ㋏߫໽✊⇨থࡼᴎՓ⫼ֱ‫ݏ‬䇈ᯢк

3.5.10 ⬉ᄤ㡖⇨䮼

෍ 3-22 Ԩᆐࠋ୷ਪ
⬉ᄤ㡖⇨䮼ⱘЏ㽕԰⫼ᰃ᥻ࠊぎ⇨⌕䞣ǃথࡼᴎᗴ䗳੠থࡼᴎ᳔催䕀䗳DŽECM 䗮䖛 1600Hz ⱘ

PWM ֵো᥻ࠊ㡖⇨䮼ⱘࡼ԰ˈ݊Ꮉ԰㸠⿟㹿 ECM 䰤ࠊ೼ 10ˁ-90ˁᓔᑺ˄㵊䯔ⱘᓔᑺ˅㣗ೈ‫ݙ‬DŽ

䗮ᐌ㋏㒳ⱘ䫭䇃䘏䕥߸ᮁᎹ԰ህᰃ↨䕗ԡ㕂ᣛҸֵোǃড作ֵোϢЁ䯈ԡ㕂⬉य़ֵো˄໻㑺ᰃ 2.5

ӣ˅ⱘ໻ᇣDŽབᵰᣛҸֵোϢড作ֵোⱘᏂؐ໻Ѣ 0.5Vˈ㋏㒳Ӯ⹂䅸ᑊߎ⦄ϔϾ㣅᭛ⱘᬙ䱰ҷⷕ˄䆺





Ɣ ⬉ᄤ㡖⇨䮼ᑨሑ䞣ᅝ㺙೼Ԣ⏽⦃๗DŽ

Ɣ ᣝ✻㡖⇨䮼ԧϞⱘᮍ৥ᷛᖫᅝ㺙DŽ

┡᷈ࡼ࡯ 䗑∖ध䍞 31
WP12NG ㋏߫໽✊⇨থࡼᴎՓ⫼ֱ‫ݏ‬䇈ᯢк

3.5.11 ᑳ⇨᥻ࠊ䯔˄WGCV-Waste Gate Control Valve˅

೒ 3-23 ᑳ⇨᥻ࠊ䯔

෍ 3-24 ‫ࣅ୷׌‬ᄥ֤̝ᅭ‫ڕ‬া
ᑳ⇨᥻ࠊ䯔Ϣ๲य़఼ⱘय़࡯䇗㡖఼䖲᥹ˈECM Փ⫼ PWM ֵো᥻ࠊᑳ⇨᥻ࠊ䯔ᓔ݇ⱘऴぎ↨ˈ



Ɣ ᑳ⇨᥻ࠊ䯔ᑨᅝ㺙ѢൖⳈᮍ৥ 10 ᑺП‫ݙ‬DŽ

Ɣ ᑳ⇨᥻ࠊ䯔ᑨᅝ㺙Ѣথࡼᴎ⏽ᑺ䕗Ԣⱘϔջˈ਼݊ೈⱘ⦃๗⏽ᑺϡ㛑䍙䖛 125ćDŽ

Ɣ 䖲᥹㟇ᑳ⇨᥻ࠊ䯔ⱘㅵ䏃ᑨℷ⹂᮴䇃DŽ

┡᷈ࡼ࡯ 䗑∖ध䍞 32
WP12NG ㋏߫໽✊⇨থࡼᴎՓ⫼ֱ‫ݏ‬䇈ᯢк

3.5.12 ⚍☿㒓೜੠☿㢅า

1. 㒱㓬ԧ 2.☿㢅า༈䚼 3.ᆚᇕൿ೜ 4.Ё䯈᷅ԧ 5.☿㢅าԧ 6.⦏⩗ᆚᇕࠖ 7.ൿ೜ 8.⬉ᵕ

9ˊᆚᇕൿ೜ 10.Ёᖗ⬉ᵕ 11.ഄ⬉ᵕ 12.ջ⬉ᵕ

෍ 3-25 Ԥ‫ݥ‬ຬ௡ۤ‫ܝݥ‬శ
ᴀ㋏㒳䞛⫼৘㔌⣀ゟ⚍☿㒓೜ˈECM ᥻ࠊ㒓೜ⱘ‫⬉ܙ‬ᯊࠏǃ‫⬉ܙ‬ᯊ䯈੠ᬒ⬉ᯊࠏˈᑊՓথࡼ

ᴎ೼ӏԩᎹ‫ྟމ‬㒜ֱᣕ‫⌕⬉⬉ܙ‬䖒ࠄ 6.5ADŽ

Ɣ ⚍☿㒓೜㒓ᴳᑨ䙓‫ܡ‬ফ࡯DŽ

Ɣ ৃ⫼ϛ㛑⬉㸼ᴹẔᶹ㒓ᴳঞᦦ᥹ӊⱘ᥹㾺ᚙ‫މ‬DŽ


Ɣ ᴀথࡼᴎ䞛⫼ঠ䪖䞥☿㢅า,☿㢅า䯈䱭Ў 0.35±0.05mmDŽ

3.5.13 ⑓ᑺӴᛳ఼

෍ 3-26 ಡէҎ‫୶ث‬

㸹ٓ⦃๗᠔䗴៤ⱘᕅડˈՓথࡼᴎ䖤㸠೼᳔Շ⢊ᗕDŽᎹ԰⏽ᑺҢ-40ćࠄ 105ćˈ⌟䞣㣗ೈ 0 ࠄ

┡᷈ࡼ࡯ 䗑∖ध䍞 33
WP12NG ㋏߫໽✊⇨থࡼᴎՓ⫼ֱ‫ݏ‬䇈ᯢк


Ɣ 䆹Ӵᛳ఼㽕∖ᅝ㺙೼ぎ⇨Ⓒ⏙఼੠๲य़఼П䯈ⱘぎ⇨ㅵ䏃Ϟ˗

Ɣ ሑ䞣䖰⾏੐਌఼੠ぎय़ᴎ䖯⇨ষ˗

Ɣ Ўֱ䆕݊⌟䞣ؐℷ⹂ˈᅝ㺙ᯊՓ݊ᑇ㸠Ѣ⇨⌕ᮍ৥ˈᑊϨ⏽ᑺǃय़࡯᥶༈ᖙ乏㕂Ѣ⇨⌕ЁDŽ

┡᷈ࡼ࡯ 䗑∖ध䍞 34
WP12NG ㋏߫໽✊⇨থࡼᴎՓ⫼ֱ‫ݏ‬䇈ᯢк

㄀ಯゴ ໽✊⇨থࡼᴎⱘՓ⫼Ϣ᪡԰
4.1 ໽✊⇨থࡼᴎᅝ㺙ᡔᴃ㽕∖
ƹ ᭈ䔺ⱘᡔᴃ㽕∖ǃ䆩偠ᮍ⊩ǃẔ偠㾘߭ǃᷛᖫǃ䖤䕧੠䌂ᄬᖙ乏䙉ᅜljQC/T 690-2002 य़
ƹ ➗⇨㋏㒳䆒䅵ᑨ᳔໻䰤ᑺ‫ޣ‬ᇥ催य़ㅵ䏃䖲᥹⚍ⱘ᭄䞣ˈҢ䆒䅵Ϟֱ䆕ㅵ䏃䖲᥹⚍ᮑᎹᮍ֓ǃ


ƹ ೼➗⇨㋏㒳催य़ㅵ䏃Ϟ␌᥹䖥⇨⫊㒘ⱘԡ㕂ᑨ䆒㕂䖛⌕ֱᡸ㺙㕂ˊ⹂ֱᔧ⚍☿ᓔ݇᳾᥹䗮ˈ


ƹ ➗⇨㋏㒳৘ᘏ៤䚼ӊঞㅵ䏃ϡᕫ䆒䅵ᅝ㺙೼䕑Ҏ䔺ॶ‫៪ݙ‬こ䖛䕑Ҏ䔺ॶDŽ


ƹ ➗⇨㋏㒳৘䳊䚼ӊᅝ㺙ԡ㕂ঞ䖲᥹ㅵ䏃ᑨ䙓ᓔ⏽ᑺ䕗催ⱘ⛁⑤ҹঞ⬉఼ǃ㪘⬉∴ㄝৃ㛑ѻ



ƹ 䌂⇨⫊㒘ⱘᅝ㺙ᑨ‫ߚܙ‬㗗㰥䕑㥋ߚᏗǃ䞡ᖗ催ᑺᇍᭈ䔺ⱘᕅડDŽᑊ‫ߚܙ‬㗗㰥Փ⫼⦃๗ᇍ䌂


ƹ Փ⫼ⱘ໽✊⇨➗᭭ᑨヺড় GB/T 18047 ⱘ㾘ᅮDŽ

ƹ ೼⒵䎇໽✊⇨➗⇨㋏㒳乱ᅮᎹ԰य़࡯ⱘᴵӊϟˈ⫼Ẕⓣ⎆Ẕ⌟➗⇨㋏㒳↣Ͼ䖲᥹⚍ˈ1 min

‫ݙ‬ᑨ᮴⇨⊵ѻ⫳DŽ៪⫼⌟䞣㊒ᑺϡԢѢ 25× 10 ⱘ⇨ԧẔ⌟ҾˈẔ⌟➗⇨㋏㒳৘䖲᥹⚍ˈẔⓣҾϡ


ƹ ࡴ⇨ষ৘䚼ӊ䞛⫼ⱘᴤ᭭ᑨϢՓ⫼ⱘ⇨ԧҟ䋼ǃᎹ԰ᇓੑǃ⦃๗⏽ᑺㄝ㽕∖Ⳍ䗖ᑨ˗᥹ষ

ԧᑨ䞛⫼㗤㜤㱔ⱘ䞥ሲᴤ᭭˗ᅰ⫼᪺⺄ᯊϡ䍋☿㢅ⱘ䪰ᴤ᭭ˈ݊৿䪰䞣ϡ催Ѣ 70ˁˈ⹀ᑺϡԢѢ


ƹ ⇨⫊ᅝ㺙ԡ㕂ᑨ䖰⾏⛁⑤ˈ݊⦃๗⏽ᑺϡᕫ催Ѣ 55ćDŽ೼ӏԩᚙ‫މ‬ϟˈ⇨⫊Ϣᥦ⇨ㅵП䯈

ⱘ䎱⾏ϡᕫᇣѢ 75 mmDŽ

ƹ ೼≑䔺䔺ᶊϟᅝ㺙⇨⫊ᯊˈ⇨⫊ঞ݊䰘ӊϡᑨᏗ㕂೼≑䔺ࠡḹПࠡˈ⇨⫊᳔Ԣԡ㕂⾏ഄ䎱


ƹ ⇨⫊ⱘᅝ㺙ᑨ⠶೎ˈ⇨⫊Ϣ೎ᅮᑻП䯈ᑨൿ८ᑺϡᇣѢ 2 mm ⱘ‵㛊ൿ៪ᔍᗻ᮴∈ℶࡼ⇨

┡᷈ࡼ࡯ 䗑∖ध䍞 35
WP12NG ㋏߫໽✊⇨থࡼᴎՓ⫼ֱ‫ݏ‬䇈ᯢк


ƹ ⇨⫊ᅝ㺙㋻೎ৢˈ೼ϞǃϟǃᎺǃেǃࠡǃৢ݁Ͼᮍ৥Ϟᑨ㛑ᡓফ 8 ‫ס‬Ѣ‫ܙ‬⒵乱ᅮᎹ԰य़

࡯ⱘ໽✊⇨ⱘ⇨⫊䞡࡯ⱘ䴭࡯ˈϨ⇨⫊Ϣ೎ᅮᑻ᳔໻ԡ⿏ϡ䆌䍙䖛 13 mmDŽ

ƹ ໮Ͼ⇨⫊ⱘᅝ㺙ᑨᏗ㕂ড়⧚ǃᥦ߫ᭈ唤˗⇨⫊Ϣᥦ⇨ㅵⱘ䎱⾏೼ 75̚200 mm П䯈ᯊˈᑨ䆒


ƹ ⇨⫊ⱘ䲚៤䯔੠᥹༈㽕ᕫࠄ䎇໳ⱘֱᡸˈৃ⫼䔺䕚Ϟⱘϔѯ䚼ӊ৥䲚៤䯔੠᥹༈ᦤկֱᡸˈ


Ѣ 200 mmDŽ

ƹ ⇨⫊ᖙ乏ᅝ㺙೼䙂亢ԡ㕂៪䞛প᳝ᬜⱘ䗮亢᥾ᮑˈҹ䰆䯔䮼⏫ⓣⱘ⇨ԧ䖯ܹ偒偊ᅸ៪ᅶॶDŽ






ƹ ߮ᗻ催य़ㅵ䏃ᑨᥦ߫ᭈ唤ˈᏗ㕂ড়⧚ˈϡᕫϢⳌ䚏䚼ӊ⺄ᩲ੠ᨽ᪺˗߮ᗻ催य़ㅵ䏃ᑨ⫼೎

ᅮव᳝ᬜഄ೎ᅮ೼ᑩⲬ៪䔺䑿Ϟˈ೎ᅮवⱘ䯈䎱ᑨϡ໻Ѣ 600 mm˗བᵰㅵ䏃ϢⳌ䚏䚼ӊ᥹㾺៪こ


བ䞛⫼Ⲭㅵ៪“U”ൟᔃㅵㄝDŽㅵ䏃Ёᖗ㒓᳆⥛ञᕘᑨϡᇣѢㅵ䏃໪ᕘⱘ 5 ‫ס‬DŽ

ƹ 䫄᥹ᓣᅶ䔺ⱘ䫄᥹䚼ԡⱘ催य़ㅵ䏃ᑨ䞛⫼ᶨᗻ催य़ㅵ㒓DŽᶨᗻ催य़ㅵ㒓ᑨ䞛⫼य़㓽໽✊⇨



ƹ ᶨᗻ催य़䕃ㅵᑨՓ⫼᳝ᔍᗻⱘ೎ᅮव೎ᅮ೼≑䔺෎⸔ӊϞˈ೎ᅮव䯈䎱ϡ໻Ѣ 300 mmˈᑊ

ᑨ೼↣ϔᔃ᳆໘ⱘࠡǃৢ䖯㸠व೎DŽ䕃ㅵϢথࡼᴎᥦ⇨ㅵ䎱⾏ϡᑨᇣѢ 100 mm˗ᔧ䎱⾏೼ 100̚200

mm ᯊˈᑨ䆒㕂ৃ䴴೎ᅮⱘ䱨⛁㺙㕂DŽ

┡᷈ࡼ࡯ 䗑∖ध䍞 36
WP12NG ㋏߫໽✊⇨থࡼᴎՓ⫼ֱ‫ݏ‬䇈ᯢк

4.2 WP12NG ㋏߫⇨ԧথࡼᴎ৘䜡༫㋏㒳ᡔᴃ㽕∖

4.2.1 ‫㋏ैދ‬㒳



50kPaˈԡ㕂㟇ᇥ催Ѣ᷈⊍ᴎঞᬷ⛁఼ 400mmˈ໘ѢᭈϾ‫㋏ैދ‬㒳ᕾ⦃∈䏃ⱘ᳔催⚍DŽ㝼㚔∈ㆅᆍ

䞣ᑨϡᇣѢࡴܹ‫⎆㋏ैދ‬ԧᘏ䞣ⱘ 15%ˈ߱⃵ࡴ⊼‫⎆ैދ‬ᯊˈ᳔໮া㛑ࡴࠄ㝼㚔∈ㆅⱘ 60%ˈ݊ԭ








Ⳉᕘˈ¶60 Ꮊেˈҹ‫ޣ‬ᇣ∈䰏࡯DŽ

㸼 4-1

ᴎൟ 乱ᅮࡳ⥛(kW/ r/min) ᬷ⛁఼䖢亢䴶⿃(dm2)

WP12NG330E30/40 247/2200 ı70

WP12NG350E30/40 253/2200 ı70

WP12NG380E30/40 280/2200 ı70







┡᷈ࡼ࡯ 䗑∖ध䍞 37
WP12NG ㋏߫໽✊⇨থࡼᴎՓ⫼ֱ‫ݏ‬䇈ᯢк

4.2.2 䖯ǃᥦ⇨㋏㒳






᥼㤤䖯⇨㋏㒳๲य़఼ࠡⱘ᳔໻⊓⿟䰏࡯ᑨᇣѢ 40MbarDŽ䖯⇨䰏࡯ⱘ๲ࡴӮՓথࡼᴎࡼ࡯ᗻϟ


㸼 4-2

ᴎൟ ࡳ⥛(kW) 䕀䗳(r/min) 乱ᅮᎹ‫⚻➗މ‬᠔䳔ぎ⇨⌕䞣(kg/s)

WP12NG330E30/40 247 2200 0.49

WP12NG350E30/40 253 2200 0.52

WP12NG380E30/40 280 2200 0.56



ᗻϟ䰡ˈᑨֱ䆕೼ӏԩᎹ‫މ‬ϟЁ‫⏽ৢދ‬ᑺᇣѢ 50ćDŽ





5bar ҹϞⱘ催य़ǃ240ćҹϞⱘ催⏽DŽҢ䕗ᇣⳈᕘ৥䕗໻Ⳉᕘⱘ䖛ᑺㅵ䘧ᑨ䆒䅵៤೚䫹ᔶDŽ


⇨ষⳈᕘⱘ 2~3 ‫ס‬DŽ

㸼 4-3

ᴎൟ ࡳ⥛(kW) 䕀䗳(r/min) 䖯⇨ㅵ䘧Ⳉᕘ(mm)

WP12NG330E30/40 247 2200 100

WP12NG350E30/40 253 2200 100

WP12NG380E30/40 280 2200 100

┡᷈ࡼ࡯ 䗑∖ध䍞 38
WP12NG ㋏߫໽✊⇨থࡼᴎՓ⫼ֱ‫ݏ‬䇈ᯢк



໻㑺 150mm ໘ⱘᥦ⇨㚠य़ᑨᇣѢ 6kPaDŽ

⇻Ӵᛳ఼ᑨᅝ㺙೼⾏๲य़఼ߎষ៪ᥦ⇨ᔃㅵϟ␌ 3̚5 ‫ס‬ᥦ⇨ㅵⳈᕘⱘഄᮍˈϡ㛑ᅝ㺙೼ᥦ⇨



4.2.3 থࡼᴎ㠅


2ǃᨛ㞖ⲪϞ䚼ᖙ乏⬭᳝໻Ѣ 150mm ⱘぎ䯈ˈҹ֓ѢẔׂ☿㢅า੠䇗ᭈ⇨䮼䯈䱭DŽ




4.2.4 ⬉⑤㽕∖

1ǃথࡼᴎ⬉᥻㋏㒳᳔໻䳔㽕 25A ⬉⌕ˈথࡼᴎ⬉఼ӊⱘՓ⫼⬉य़ᰃ 24Vˈ䇋ḍ᥂ᭈ䔺㽕∖䗝



3ǃECM 䩜㛮 X3 ੠ W3 ᖙ乏ᐌ䗮⬉ҹֱᣕ ECM ⱘ䆄ᖚࡳ㛑ˈা᳝೼㋻ᗹᚙ‫މ‬ϟ៪䔺䕚㓈ׂ



4.3 ໽✊⇨থࡼᴎⱘਃᇕ


ƹ ᪺ᣁ໪䴆ӊⱘ䰆䫜ሖˈҹঞ䰆㱔ࠖㄝ˗

ƹ ḍ᥂ॖᮍϢ⫼᠋ⱘण㑺ˈᇍ⊍ᑩ‫ݙ‬᳾⊼⊍ⱘᑨᣝ㾘ᅮࡴ⊍˗ᇍ⊍ᑩߎॖᯊᏆ⊼⒵৿᳝⺼

ড়֗䖯ࠖⱘᴎ⊍ⱘᓎ䆂⫼᠋㸠偊 2000km˄៪䖤㸠 50h˅ৢᬒߎᮻ⊍ᤶᮄ⊍DŽ

ƹ ᣝॖᮍϢ⫼᠋ⱘण䆂ˈߎॖᯊབḍ᥂⫼᠋䳔㽕ˈᏆࡴ⊼⒵‫ˈⱘ⎆ैދ‬ਃᇕᯊᑨẔᶹ‫ैދ‬

┡᷈ࡼ࡯ 䗑∖ध䍞 39
WP12NG ㋏߫໽✊⇨থࡼᴎՓ⫼ֱ‫ݏ‬䇈ᯢк

⎆ᗻ㛑ˈབᵰ䰆‫ޏ‬㛑࡯ᰃ⒵䎇-30 qC ៪-35 qC ⱘˈ݊ PH ؐЎ 7~8˄Ёᗻ˅ˈᘏ⹀ᑺؐЎ

5~15°d [9~15°f(⹀ᑺ)]ˈ߭ৃҹՓ⫼䖭ѯ‫ˈ⎆ैދ‬བᵰϡড়Т㽕∖ˈ߭ᑨᬒߎˈ䞡ᮄࡴ⊼


4.4 ໽✊⇨থࡼᴎⱘ䍋৞


෍ 4-1 ඟ௶୷֟Վ‫ݯ‬Զᅭ෍

4.5 ໽✊⇨থࡼᴎⱘᅝ㺙


4.6 䍋ࡼࠡⱘ‫ޚ‬໛Ꮉ԰
ƹ Ẕᶹ‫⎆ैދ‬䴶




໾Ԣⱘ‫ˈ∈ދ‬Ңࡴ⎆ষࡴܹ‫ߎ⑶ࠄⳈ⎆ैދ‬ЎℶDŽ䍋ࡼথࡼᴎ೼থࡼᴎ䖤䕀ᚙ‫މ‬ϟ˄1000 r/min˅㒻


ƹ Ẕᶹথࡼᴎᴎ⊍⎆䴶

ƹ Ẕᶹথࡼᴎ৘⾡䰘ӊ

┡᷈ࡼ࡯ 䗑∖ध䍞 40
WP12NG ㋏߫໽✊⇨থࡼᴎՓ⫼ֱ‫ݏ‬䇈ᯢк


4.7 ໽✊⇨থࡼᴎⱘ᮹ᐌՓ⫼


ƹ ਃࡼথࡼᴎᯊˈ‫᥹ܜ‬䗮⚍☿䩹࣭ˈ‫ذ‬乓 5-10 ⾦ৢ‫ݡ‬ਃࡼথࡼᴎˈֱ䆕➗⇨ㅵ䏃‫ݙ‬㛑໳‫ܙ‬⒵


ƹ থࡼᴎਃࡼৢᗴ䗳䖤㸠 30 ⾦ˈẔᶹᴎ⊍य़࡯੠∈⏽ᰃ৺ℷᐌDŽ

ƹ 䏽ϟ⾏ড়఼䏣ᵓ੠⊍䮼䏣ᵓˈ䕀ࡼ⬉䩹࣭䍋ࡼথࡼᴎˈ㢹থࡼᴎ೼ 5~10 ⾦‫ݙ‬䍋ࡼϡњˈ߭

ᑨㄝ 1 ߚ䩳ৢ‫ݡ‬䞡໡Ϟ䗄䍋ࡼ䖛⿟DŽԚབᵰ䖲㓁ϝ⃵ϡ㛑䍋ࡼᯊˈᑨ‫ذ‬ℶ䍋ࡼˈᕙᡒߎॳ಴ᑊᥦ䰸



ƹ ऩ➗᭭⇨ԧথࡼᴎ೼⦃๗⏽ᑺ䕗Ԣⱘᚙ‫މ‬ϟ䍋ࡼৢⷁᯊ䯈‫ৃݙ‬㛑থ⦄ᥦ⇨ㅵ‫៪⚳ⱑݦ‬᳝∈

Ⓢ‫ˈߎݦ‬䖭ሲѢℷᐌ⦄䈵ˈॳ಴ᰃ໽✊⇨Ё H ৿䞣䕗໮ˈᬙ᳔㒜➗⚻ѻ⠽Ё H 2 O 䕗໮ˈ೼Ԣ⏽ᯊ


ƹ ໽✊⇨থࡼᴎ⬅Ѣ݊➗᭭ᗻ䋼ˈথࡼᴎⱘࡴ䗳ᗻӮ↨᷈⊍ᴎ⿡Ꮒϔ⚍DŽ

ƹ ೼㸠偊䖛⿟Ёሑ䞣䙓‫ܡ‬ᗹ䗳ࡴ‫⊍ޣ‬䮼ˈ৺߭থࡼᴎৃ㛑Ӯߎ⦄“ᬒ⚂”៪“ಲ☿”⦄䈵DŽ

ƹ ᔧ䔺䕚䖛⿃∈䏃䴶ᯊˈᑨ‫ޣ‬䗳㓧᜶䗮䖛ˈҹ䙓‫ܗ఼⬉ࠄ⑙∈ܡ‬ӊϞᤳണ⬉᥻㋏㒳DŽ

ƹ ‫ذ‬䔺˖೼ᆦ‫׭⇨ދ‬ϟ‫ذ‬䔺ᯊˈᑨ‫ܜ‬ौ䰸䋳㥋ˈ✊ৢҹᗴ䗳䖤䕀 1~2minˈᕙ∈⏽ǃ⊍⏽ϟ䰡




┡᷈ࡼ࡯ 䗑∖ध䍞 41
WP12NG ㋏߫໽✊⇨থࡼᴎՓ⫼ֱ‫ݏ‬䇈ᯢк

㄀Ѩゴ ໽✊⇨থࡼᴎⱘᅮᳳẔᶹϢᡔᴃֱ‫ݏ‬
5.1 ᮹ᐌ㓈ᡸϢֱ‫ݏ‬



‹ Ẕᶹ‫⎆⎆ैދ‬䴶ǃ∈⏽


෍ 5-1 ෍ 5-2
‹ Ẕᶹᴎ⊍⎆䴶

೼থࡼᴎ‫ذ‬䔺ৢẔᶹ⊍䴶ˈ㟇ᇥㄝ 5min ৢ䖯㸠ˈՓᴎ⊍᳝‫ߚܙ‬ᯊ䯈⌕ಲ⊍ᑩ໇DŽ

⊍ሎԢԡ㟇催ԡⱘ⊍䞣ᏂЎ 3LDŽ

෍ 5-3

┡᷈ࡼ࡯ 䗑∖ध䍞 42
WP12NG ㋏߫໽✊⇨থࡼᴎՓ⫼ֱ‫ݏ‬䇈ᯢк

‹ Ẕᶹϝⓣ

෍ 5-4
‹ Ẕᶹ亢᠛

෍ 5-5
‹ ẔᶹⲂᏺ
Ⲃᏺ䗮䖛Ⲃᏺᓴ㋻䕂㞾ࡼᓴ㋻ˈ⫼᠋䗮䖛᠟य़ⲂᏺẔᶹⲂᏺⱘᵒ㋻ˈ㾕೒ 5-6DŽ

෍ 5-6
┡᷈ࡼ࡯ 䗑∖ध䍞 43
WP12NG ㋏߫໽✊⇨থࡼᴎՓ⫼ֱ‫ݏ‬䇈ᯢк

‹ Ẕᶹໄ䷇ᰃ৺ℷᐌ
‹ Ẕᶹ䕀䗳ǃᤃࡼᰃ৺ℷᐌ

5.2 ৘㑻ֱ‫ݙݏֱⱘݏ‬ᆍ

‹ ᳈ᤶথࡼᴎᴎ⊍DŽ

‹ ᢻϟ⊍ᑩ໇ᑩ䚼ⱘᬒ⊍㶎าˈᇚᴎ⊍ᬒ‫ݡˈޔ‬ᮟϞᬒ⊍㶎า˗㾕೒ 5-7DŽ

ᠧᓔࡴ⊍ষⲪˈ(㾕೒ 5-8)Ңᴎ⊍ࡴ⊼ষࡴܹᴎ⊍ˈ㾖ᆳ⊍ሎࠏᑺˈⳈࠄ䖒ࠄ㽕∖ˈ‫ݡ‬㺙Ϟࡴ⊍



෍ 5-7 ෍ 5-8

‹ ᳈ᤶᴎ⊍Ⓒ⏙఼៪Ⓒ㢃DŽ㾕೒ 5-9˖


ķ ौϟᮻⱘᴎ⊍Ⓒ⏙఼˗

ĸ ৥ᮄⒸ⏙఼Ё⊼⒵ᑆ‫ⱘޔ‬ᴎ⊍˗

Ĺ ᅝ㺙ᮄᴎ⊍Ⓒ⏙఼ࠡ೼㛊ൿϞ⍖ᢍᴎ⊍˗

ĺ 㛊ൿ᥹㾺ࠄ෎ᑻৢˈ‫ݡ‬ᢻ㋻ 3/4̚1 ೜ˈՓ݊ᆚᇕ˗

Ļ 䍋ࡼথࡼᴎẔᶹᰃ৺ⓣ⊍DŽ

┡᷈ࡼ࡯ 䗑∖ध䍞 44
WP12NG ㋏߫໽✊⇨থࡼᴎՓ⫼ֱ‫ݏ‬䇈ᯢк


෍ 5-9
‹ Ẕᶹǃ䇗ᭈ䖯ᥦ⇨䮼䯈䱭DŽℹ偸:
ķ ໽✊⇨থࡼᴎ‫ދ‬䔺⢊ᗕϟ,ℷⲬ䔺(ᣝথࡼᴎ䖤䕀ᮍ৥)ࠄ 1,6 㔌Ϟℶ⚍DŽℸᯊ亲䕂ϞⱘĀ0ā

ࠏ㒓Ϣ㾖ᆳᄨⲪᵓϞⱘᣛ䩜ᇍ唤DŽখ㾕೒ 5-10DŽ



෍ 5-10
ĸ ᢚϟ㔌ⲪϞⱘ⇨䮼ᨛ㞖㔽,߸ᮁ 1 㔌៪ᰃ 6 㔌໘य़㓽‫(⿟ކ‬໘Ѣय़㓽‫⇨ⱘ⿟ކ‬㔌䖯ᥦ⇨䮼Ϣᨛ
㞖䯈䛑᳝䯈䱭),㾕೒ 5-11DŽ

┡᷈ࡼ࡯ 䗑∖ध䍞 45
WP12NG ㋏߫໽✊⇨থࡼᴎՓ⫼ֱ‫ݏ‬䇈ᯢк

෍ 5-11
Ĺ ⫼าሎẔᶹ⇨䮼ḹϞᑇ䴶Ϣ⇨䮼ᨛ㞖䯈ⱘ䯈䱭DŽWP12 Ѡ⇨䮼໽✊⇨থࡼᴎ㽕∖䖯⇨䮼䯈

䱭 0.35mm˗ᥦ⇨䮼䯈䱭 0.4mmDŽ㢹䯈䱭䖛໻៪䖛ᇣ,ৃ䗮䖛䇗ᭈᨛ㞖Ϟⱘ䇗ᭈ㶎ᷧᴹ䖒ࠄϞ䗄䯈䱭

㽕∖DŽখ㾕೒ 5-12DŽ


यൟࠩ୷ਪ޷຃ 0.35mm यൟ૦୷ਪ޷຃ 0.4mm

෍ 5-12
ĺ Ẕᶹᅠ 1 㔌៪ 6 㔌ৢ,‫ݡ‬ℷⲬ䔺 360°,Փ 6 㔌៪ 1 㔌໘ѢᎹ԰‫⿟ކ‬,Ẕᶹ䇗ᭈ࠽ԭⱘ⇨䮼DŽ

ζ 5-1

1㔌 2㔌 3㔌 4㔌 5㔌 6㔌

1 㔌य़㓽‫⿟ކ‬ 䖯ᥦ⇨䮼 䖯⇨䮼 ᥦ⇨䮼 䖯⇨䮼 ᥦ⇨䮼 ϡ㛑䇗ᭈ

6 㔌य़㓽‫⿟ކ‬ ϡ㛑䇗ᭈ ᥦ⇨䮼 䖯⇨䮼 ᥦ⇨䮼 䖯⇨䮼 䖯ᥦ⇨䮼

┡᷈ࡼ࡯ 䗑∖ध䍞 46
WP12NG ㋏߫໽✊⇨থࡼᴎՓ⫼ֱ‫ݏ‬䇈ᯢк

ᇍѢᏺ EVB 䕙ࡽࠊࡼ㺙㕂ⱘᥦ⇨䮼ˈ݊䯈䱭䇗ᭈℹ偸བϟ˖

෍ 5-13 ૦୷ਪ‫ ރ‬EVB ޷຃Ըჼ

ƹ ⌏าԡѢय़㓽Ϟℶ⚍ԡ㕂
ƹ ᵒᓔ䇗㡖㶎ᷧᘏ៤ 2

ƹϡय़㋻ᥦ⇨䮼ᨛ㞖ᇕ䞝ᑇ䴶ⱘᚙ‫މ‬ϟˈ䇗ᭈ⇨䮼䯈䱭䇗ᭈ㶎ᷧ 10ˈᇚᘏ៤⇨䮼䯈䱭䇗ᭈЎ


ᑣো 5 ⇨䮼ᨛ㞖⌏าय़ࠄᑩˈϢᥦ⇨䮼ᨛ㞖Ёⱘ⌏าᄨᑩ䚼ᑇ䴶П䯈᮴䯈䱭DŽ˅

ƹ ᵒᓔ㶎↡ 2

ƹ 䇗ᭈ䇗㡖㶎ᷧᘏ៤ 2ˈ೼䇗ᭈ㶎ᷧ 2 Ϣ⇨䮼ḹП䯈ᦦܹ 0.25mm าሎˈᇚᬒᵒ㶎↡ᢻ㋻DŽ

⊼ᛣ˖䇗ᭈ䖛⿟Ёᑨ䕀ࡼ⇨䮼䯈䱭䇗ᭈ㶎䩝 2 Ⳉࠄᇚาሎ།ԣˈҢ㗠ֱ䆕Փᑣো 5 ⇨䮼ᨛ㞖⌏


ƹ ‫⃵ݡ‬Ẕᶹ⇨䮼䯈䱭ˈᖙ㽕ᯊ‫ݡ‬䖯㸠䇗ᭈDŽ

‹ Ẕᶹ䖯⇨㋏㒳

5.3 ໽✊⇨থࡼᴎ䭓ᳳᄬᬒᯊⱘ㓈ᡸֱ‫ݏ‬
‹ ⏙⋕໽✊⇨থࡼᴎ˗

‹ 䰆ᡸᎹ԰˖

ķ ᱪᴎৢᬒߎᴎ⊍ˈ⏙⋫ᴎ⊍Ⓒ⏙఼ˈࡴ䰆䫜⊍˗

ĸ ᬒ∈ˈࡴܹᏺ䰆䫜ࠖⱘ‫˗⎆ैދ‬

Ĺ ᓔᴎᑊぎ䕀 15̚25min˗

ĺ ᬒ‫ޔ‬ᴎ⊍ǃ‫˗⎆ैދ‬

┡᷈ࡼ࡯ 䗑∖ध䍞 47
WP12NG ㋏߫໽✊⇨থࡼᴎՓ⫼ֱ‫ݏ‬䇈ᯢк


‹ ᄬᬒᳳ䯈ⱘ䰆ᡸ˖


‹ བᵰ䳔㽕䖤䕧߭ᑨ䆹໪ࡴࣙ㺙DŽ

5.4 ᅮᳳֱ‫ݏ‬ᑊ‫خ‬དֱ‫ݏ‬䆄ᔩ
ζ 5-2 ୺кଅඊ֝फರဈඨߑ
˄WGĉ㉏˅ ˄WGĊ㉏˅
Փ⫼ᴵӊᙊࡷ˄⇨‫׭‬Ϲᆦ៪䝋⛁ˈ৿ᇬ䞣催ˈⷁ䎱⾏䖤䕧ˈ೼Ꮉ 4
ᑈ㸠偊䞠⿟䍙䖛 2×10 km ⱘ৘
㸠偊䞠⿟ϡ䎇 2×10 km ៪ᑈᎹ԰ᯊ䯈ϡ䎇 600hDŽ

ζ 5-3 ཱྀͬᄻ୙
㸠偊䞠⿟˄ᯊ䯈˅ WGĉ WGĊ
佪⃵ᔎֱ 3000km ˄50h˅ A A
10000km˄200h˅ B C
՟㸠ֱ‫ݏ‬ 30000km˄400h˅ B
݊Ё WGĊ㉏ˈ↣ 10000km˄200h˅ࠄ┡᷈ࡼ࡯ᣛᅮⱘ㓈ׂ᳡ࡵЁᖗ᳈ᤶ



┡᷈ࡼ࡯ 䗑∖ध䍞 48
WP12NG ㋏߫໽✊⇨থࡼᴎՓ⫼ֱ‫ݏ‬䇈ᯢк

ζ 5-4 ඟ௶୷֟Վ‫ֳڟཱྀͬݯ‬

໽✊⇨থࡼᴎֱ‫ݏ‬乍Ⳃ 佪⃵ᔎֱ ՟㸠ֱ‫ݏ‬

᳈ᤶᴎ⊍Ⓒ⏙఼៪Ⓒ㢃 Ɣ ↣⃵᳈ᤶᴎ⊍ᯊ

Ẕᶹ䇗ᭈ⇨䮼䯈䱭 Ɣ Ɣ

Ẕᶹ‫⎆ैދ‬ᆍ䞣ᑊࡴ䎇 Ɣ Ɣ

㋻೎‫ैދ‬ㅵ䏃ㅵ། Ɣ

㋻೎䖯⇨ㅵ䏃ǃ䕃ㅵ੠ߌ㓬䖲᥹ӊ Ɣ Ɣ

ẔᶹぎⒸ఼ֱ‫ݏ‬ᣛ⼎♃៪ᣛ⼎఼ Ɣ

⏙⋫ぎⒸ఼ⱘ䲚ᇬᵃ˄ϡࣙ㞾ࡼᥦᇬᓣ˅ Ɣ

⏙⋫ぎⒸ఼ЏⒸ㢃 ᔧᣛ⼎♃҂ᯊ

᳈ᤶぎⒸ఼ЏⒸ㢃 খⳟ䇈ᯢк᳝݇㾘ᅮ

᳈ᤶぎⒸ఼ᅝܼⒸ㢃 ⏙⋫ 5 ⃵ЏⒸ㢃ҹৢ

Ẕᶹǃ㋻೎Ⲃᏺ Ɣ Ɣ

Ẕᶹ๲य़఼䕈ᡓ䯈䱭 ↣䱨 160000km

Ẕᶹǃ䇗ᭈ⾏ড়఼㸠⿟ Ɣ Ɣ


┡᷈ࡼ࡯ 䗑∖ध䍞 49
WP12NG ㋏߫໽✊⇨থࡼᴎՓ⫼ֱ‫ݏ‬䇈ᯢк

㄀݁ゴ ᐌ㾕ᬙ䱰ⱘߚᵤϢᥦ䰸
WP12NG ㋏߫໽✊⇨থࡼᴎᰃ೼ϹḐⱘ䋼䞣ֱ䆕ԧ㋏ϟ䆒䅵੠⫳ѻࠊ䗴ⱘˈ↣ϔৄߎॖⱘথࡼ



ƹ 䖱ゴ᪡԰ˈㅵ⧚੠Փ⫼ϡ୘˗
ƹ ϡᣝ㾘ᅮ䖯㸠㓈ᡸ੠ֱ‫⫮ݏ‬㟇ҹׂҷ‫˗ݏ‬
ƹ 䜡ӊࠊ䗴ϡ㡃ˈ⡍߿ᰃ䋾೒֓ᅰ䌁фࠄ‫ݦ؛‬Ӿࡷѻકˈᇚ໻໻㓽ⷁথࡼᴎⱘᇓੑ˗
ƹ ⍺⒥⊍⠠ো䗝⫼ϡᔧ៪ϡড়ḐDŽ

6.1 䆞ᮁᮍ⊩

ƹ 㾖ᆳ⊩˖䗮䖛㾖ᆳথࡼᴎᴎⱘᥦ⚳ㄝᬙ䱰⡍ᕕˈ߸ᮁᬙ䱰ᚙ‫މ‬DŽ
ƹ ਀䆞⊩˖ḍ᥂থࡼᴎᓖᐌໄ䷇߁਀㾝߸ᮁᬙ䱰䚼ԡᗻ䋼ঞ⿟ᑺDŽ
ƹ ᮁ㔌⊩˖‫ذ‬ℶᶤ㔌Ꮉ԰ˈ‫׳‬ҹ߸ᮁᬙ䱰ᰃ৺ߎ⦄೼䆹㔌DŽᮁ㔌⊩ϔ㠀ᰃ৥ᗔ⭥ߎ⦄

ƹ ↨䕗⊩˖ᇍᶤѯᘏ៤៪䳊䚼ӊˈ䞛⫼᳈ᤶⱘࡲ⊩⹂ᅮᰃ৺ᄬ೼ᬙ䱰DŽ
ķ ߸ᮁথࡼᴎᬙ䱰ᔶ៤ⱘॳ಴ᰃϔ乍ᕜҨ㒚Ꮉ԰ˈ೼᳾෎ᴀᓘ⏙ॳ಴Пࠡˈᇍথ
ĸ ᇍ ICMǃECMǃ➗᭭஋ᇘ䯔˄FMV˅ǃ๲य़఼ㄝ݇䬂䳊䚼ӊˈ䇋ࠄ┡᷈ᣛᅮ


6.2 ᐌ㾕ᬙ䱰ঞᥦ䰸
ᴀゴЏ㽕ᰃ㓈ׂ㒣偠ⱘ⿃㌃Ϣᘏ㒧ˈկ⫼᠋খ㗗ˈ೼ᬙ䱰ᥦ䰸䖛⿟Ё‫᥹ܜ‬䗮 WOODWRAD

OH2.0 NG ᥻ࠊ䕃ӊˈᶹⳟᬙ䱰ҷⷕDŽ

┡᷈ࡼ࡯ 䗑∖ध䍞 50
WP12NG ㋏߫໽✊⇨থࡼᴎՓ⫼ֱ‫ݏ‬䇈ᯢк

6.2.1 থࡼᴎᬙ䱰Ϣߚᵤ
㸼 6-1 থࡼᴎᬙ䱰Ϣߚᵤ
ᐌ㾕ᬙ䱰 ৃ㛑ॳ಴ ᬙ䱰Ẕᶹঞ໘⧚
1. ⇨⫊≵⇨៪⇨⫊Ϟⱘ᠟ࡼ䯔≵ᓔDŽ
2.催य़⬉⺕䯔≵⬉៪⚻ണDŽ દāໄDŽབᵰ⬉⺕䯔ᤳണ᳈ᤶᮄⱘ⬉⺕
3. থࡼᴎ᥻ࠊ῵ഫⱘϸ㒻⬉఼ᤳണˈ
⫼㸼Ẕᶹ㒻⬉఼੠ֱ䰽ϱᰃ৺᳝ 24V
4. ➗⇨य़࡯ԢDŽ Ẕᶹ➗⇨ㅵ䏃ᰃ৺ⓣ⇨DŽ
5. ⚍☿῵ഫᤳണDŽ
6. FMV ϞⱘԢय़⬉⺕䯔ϡᓔਃ៪ᓔ
ৢˈ➗⇨य़࡯ؐԢѢ 850KpaDŽ᳈ᤶ⬉⺕
1 ᮴⊩䍋ࡼ ਃϡ䎇DŽ
7. 䖯⇨ϡ䎇
8. ਃࡼ䕀䗳໾Ԣ˄᳔Ԣਃࡼ䕀䗳Ў
Ẕᶹ⬉⫊⬉य़ᰃ৺㛑໳䖒ࠄ 24VDŽ
9. 䖯ᥦ⇨䮼䇗ᭈ䫭䇃 ᣝ✻᷈⊍ᴎՓ⫼᠟‫ݠ‬Ẕᶹ⇨䮼䯈䱭DŽ
10.থࡼᴎ᥻ࠊ῵ഫ˄ECM˅ᤳണDŽ ᳈ᤶ ECMDŽ
11.⇻Ӵᛳ఼ᦦ᥹ӊ⚸❨ৢ䗴៤ⷁ䏃DŽ ᳈ᤶ⇻Ӵᛳ఼DŽ
12.⬉ᄤ㡖⇨䮼ᤳണDŽ Փ⫼䕃ӊ⌟䆩⬉ᄤ㡖⇨䮼DŽ
1.ぎ⇨䖯⇨ㅵ䏃ⓣ⇨ Ẕᶹ䖯⇨ㅵ
2 ᗴ䗳ϡ〇 3.➗⇨䅵䞣䯔य़࡯䖛Ԣ Ẕᶹ‫ޣ‬य़఼੠➗⇨ㅵ䏃ᰃ৺䗮⬙
5.⬉఼㋏㒳ᬙ䱰 Փ⫼ⲥ⌟䕃ӊ䖯㸠ᬙ䱰䆞ᮁDŽ

┡᷈ࡼ࡯ 䗑∖ध䍞 51
WP12NG ㋏߫໽✊⇨থࡼᴎՓ⫼ֱ‫ݏ‬䇈ᯢк

1. ᳝ϔ㔌៪޴㔌≵᳝Ꮉ԰˄བ˖⚍☿
῵ഫǃ⚍☿㒓೜ᤳണˈᶤ޴㔌⚍☿㒓 Ẕᶹ☿㢅าˈ⫼ⲥ⌟䕃ӊᇍ⚍☿㋏㒳䖯
೜Ϟⱘ㒓Ѧᤶњˈ☿㢅าᎹ԰ϡ㡃 㸠ᬙ䱰䆞ᮁDŽ
3 ᥦ⇨ㅵᬒ⚂ ㄝDŽ˅
2. կ⇨໾⌧៪໾⿔˄‫ޣ‬य़఼‫ޣ‬य़Ꮉ԰ ⫼ⲥ⌟䕃ӊ䖯㸠ᬙ䱰䆞ᮁˈẔ⌟➗⇨य़
ϡ㡃˅DŽ ࡯DŽ
3. ᦤࠡ㾦ⳌᏂ໾໻DŽ
4. ⏋ড়఼㢃Ϟⱘ⇨ᄨฉาDŽ ⏙⋫⏋ড়఼㢃DŽ
1. ⇨⫊᠟ࡼ䯔≵᳝ᅠܼᠧᓔDŽ Ẕᶹ⇨⫊DŽ
2. ➗⇨य़࡯ԢDŽ
3. ⬉ᄤ⊍䮼䏣ᵓᦦ᥹ӊ᥹㾺ϡ㡃DŽ
4. ⚍☿㋏㒳ᬙ䱰DŽ
5. ⏋ড়఼㢃Ϟⱘ⇨ᄨฉาDŽ ⏙⋫⏋ড়఼㢃DŽ
4 ࡴ䗳ϡ⬙ 6. ‫ޣ‬य़఼༅♉DŽ
7. 䖯⇨ϡ䎇DŽ
8. ᦤࠡ㾦ⳌᏂ໾໻DŽ
9. 䖯ǃᥦ⇨䮼䯈䱭䇗ᭈ䫭䇃 ᣝ✻᷈⊍ᴎՓ⫼᠟‫ݠ‬Ẕᶹ⇨䮼䯈䱭DŽ
10. ㋏㒳⬉य़໾Ԣ䗴៤⬉⺕䯔ᓔਃ໾
11. ECM 䰤ࠊ㡖⇨䮼ᓔᑺ੠ phi ⫼ⲥ⌟䕃ӊ䖯㸠ᬙ䱰䆞ᮁDŽ
1. Ё‫఼ދ‬㺖៪Ё‫఼ދ‬㘨᥹ㅵᵒ㜅ǃ啳
㺖ˈ๲य़఼ᑳ⇨᥻ࠊ䇗㡖఼䖲᥹‵㛊 Ẕᶹぎ⇨䖯⇨ㅵ䏃੠๲य़఼DŽ
2. ⇨⫊᠟ࡼ䯔≵᳝ᅠܼᠧᓔDŽ Ẕᶹ⇨⫊DŽ
5 ᮴࡯ǃᤃࡼ໻
3. ⚍☿㋏㒳ᬙ䱰DŽ
4. ‫ޣ‬य़఼༅♉˄⇻໾⌧㗠➗⚻ϡད˅

┡᷈ࡼ࡯ 䗑∖ध䍞 52
WP12NG ㋏߫໽✊⇨থࡼᴎՓ⫼ֱ‫ݏ‬䇈ᯢк

ᣝ✻ᬙ䱰 1ǃ2ǃ3ǃ4 ⱘᥦᶹᮍ⊩䖯㸠ܼ䴶ẔᶹDŽ

ᣝ✻ᬙ䱰 1ǃ2ǃ3ǃ4ǃ5 ⱘᥦᶹᮍ⊩䖯㸠ܼ䴶ẔᶹDŽ
6 ⇨㗫໻ ⫼ⲥ⌟䕃ӊ䖯㸠ᬙ䱰䆞ᮁᑊẔᶹ㒓ᴳ
1. ⇻Ӵᛳ఼༅♉DŽ

┡᷈ࡼ࡯ 䗑∖ध䍞 53
WP12NG ㋏߫໽✊⇨থࡼᴎՓ⫼ֱ‫ݏ‬䇈ᯢк

ACT 䖯⇨⏽ᑺDŽℸ⏽ᑺؐ⬅ᅝ㺙೼䖯⇨℻ㅵ‫ⱘݙ‬Ӵᛳ఼⌟䞣ᕫࠄDŽ
CPM ᣕ㓁਼ᳳ῵ᓣ
DATDB Ϟℶ⚍ৢ᳆䕈䕀㾦
DBTDC Ϟℶ⚍ࠡ᳆䕈䕀㾦
DBW 㒓ᗻ偅ࡼ
EBP ᥦ⇨㚠य़
ECM থࡼᴎ᥻ࠊ῵ഫ
ECT থࡼᴎ‫⏽∈ैދ‬
FPP ⊍䮼䏣ᵓԡ㕂
FTV Џ➗᭭᥻ࠊ䯔
ICM/ICU ⚍☿᥻ࠊ῵ഫ/ऩ‫ܗ‬
IMON ⚍☿ⲥ㾚ࡳ㛑
IVS ᗴ䗳⹂䅸㋏㒳
LPG ⎆࣪⷇⊍⇨
MAP 䖯⇨य़࡯
MAT 䖯⇨℻ㅵ⏽ᑺ
MIL ᬙ䱰ᰒ⼎♃
OEM ॳྟⱘ䆒໛ࠊ䗴ଚ
OH2.0 WOODWARD 䘧䏃⫼⇨ԧথࡼᴎ᥻ࠊ㋏㒳
PD 㒓ᗻᇐ᭄
Phi ᷛ‫➗ⱘޚ‬ぎ↨
PID 㒓ᗻᇐ᭄⿃ߚ
PRD ‫ޣ‬य़㺙㕂
PTO ⬉⑤ߛᮁ
PTP 㡖⇨䮼ࠡय़࡯
PWM 㛝‫ކ‬ᆑᑺ䇗㡖
RPM থࡼᴎ䕀䗳
SAE 㕢೑≑䔺Ꮉ⿟ᏜणӮ
SFC ㋏㒳ᬙ䱰ҷⷕ
TDC ⌏าϞℶ⚍
TPS 㡖⇨䮼ԡ㕂Ӵᛳ఼
UEGO ᆑᏺᥦ⇨⇻Ӵᛳ఼
VBAT ⬉∴⬉य़
Z य़㓽↨
NG Natural Gas ໽✊⇨

┡᷈ࡼ࡯ 䗑∖ध䍞 54
WP12NG ㋏߫໽✊⇨থࡼᴎՓ⫼ֱ‫ݏ‬䇈ᯢк


ᬙ䱰ⷕ ᬙ䱰㾷䞞 ৃ㛑ᇐ㟈ᬙ䱰ⱘॳ಴

SFC 133 ⇻Ӵᛳ఼ࡴ⛁఼⬉य़Ԣ ⇻Ӵᛳ఼ᬙ䱰

SFC 134 ⇻Ӵᛳ఼ࡴ⛁఼⬉य़Ԣ
㒓ᴳᬙ䱰៪ ECU ᬙ䱰

UEGO ໻⇨ᷛᅮᄺд䍙ߎ䰤 Ңᮄᷛᅮ UEGO ⇻Ӵᛳ఼ˈ៪Ẕᶹ᳈

ؐ ᤶ⇻Ӵᛳ఼ǃ㒓ᴳᴀ䑿ঞ᥹ᦦӊㄝDŽ

ẔᶹNGT Ӵᛳ఼ǃᇍᑨⱘ㒓ᴳǃECU
SFC141 NGT Ӵᛳ఼⬉य़䖛催

SFC 142 NGT বࡼ⥛ᬙ䱰

SFC151 NGT Ӵᛳ఼⬉य़䖛Ԣ

SFC 161 A 䏃 5V ⬉य़催 㒓ᴳϞ J1B11 ⱘᬃ㒓Ϣ 24V ⬉ⷁ᥹

SFC 162 A 䏃 5V ⬉य़Ԣ 㒓ᴳϞ J1B11 ⱘᬃ㒓Ϣഄ㒓ⷁ᥹

SFC 163 B 䏃 5V ⬉य़催 㒓ᴳϞ J1A11 ⱘᬃ㒓Ϣ 24V ⬉ⷁ᥹

SFC 164 B 䏃 5V ⬉य़Ԣ 㒓ᴳϞ J1A11 ⱘᬃ㒓Ϣഄ㒓ⷁ᥹

SFC 165 ECU կ⬉⬉य़˄+14V˅催

SFC 166 (&8 կ⬉⬉य़˄9˅Ԣ

SFC 181 ໻⇨य़࡯Ӵᛳ఼⬉य़Ԣ

SFC 182 ໻⇨य़࡯Ӵᛳ఼⬉य़催

SFC 191 ᴎ⊍य़࡯Ӵᛳ఼⬉य़Ԣ ᴎ⊍य़࡯Ӵᛳ఼ᬙ䱰

SFC 192 ᴎ⊍य़࡯Ӵᛳ఼⬉य़催 ᴎ⊍य़࡯Ӵᛳ఼ᦦ᥹ӊᵒࡼ

┡᷈ࡼ࡯ 䗑∖ध䍞 55
WP12NG ㋏߫໽✊⇨থࡼᴎՓ⫼ֱ‫ݏ‬䇈ᯢк

SFC193 ᴎ⊍य़࡯Ӵᛳ఼य़࡯Ԣ

SFC194 ᴎ⊍य़࡯Ӵᛳ఼य़࡯催

SFC 195 ᥦ⏽Ӵᛳ఼(ETS)⬉य़ԢDŽ

Ẕᶹᥦ⇨⏽ᑺӴᛳ఼ǃ㒓ᴳǃECU ঞ
SFC 196 ᥦ⏽Ӵᛳ఼(ETS)⬉य़催

SFC 197 ᥦ⏽催Ѣᳳᳯؐ
ᮁ ˈ᳈ᤶ ETS ᥦ⏽Ӵᛳ఼

SFC 201 偒偊ਬᡁⶽ䳔∖䖛催

SFC 202 TSC1 ᡁⶽ䳔∖䖛催

SFC 211
⬉य़催 Ẕᶹ⊍䮼䏣ᵓǃ(&8ǃ㒓ᴳঞ݊ᦦ༈䖲
SFC 221 㛮䏣ᵓ⬉य़Ԣ

SFC 231ǃ342 䖯⇨य़࡯⏽ᑺӴᛳ఼⬉य़催 䖯⇨य़࡯⏽ᑺӴᛳ఼ᬙ䱰

SFC 251ǃ341 䖯⇨य़࡯⏽ᑺӴᛳ఼⬉य़Ԣ

SFC 241 䖯⇨⏽ᑺ催

䖯⇨⏽ᑺӴᛳ఼˄MAT˅⌟ 䑿ঞ㒓ᴳ䖲᥹ᚙ‫މ‬DŽ

SFC 331 䖯⇨य़࡯催 ๲य़఼ᬒ⇨䯔ᔍㇻ乘㋻࡯䖛໻

SFC 261 ∈⏽Ӵᛳ఼⬉य़催 ∈⏽Ӵᛳ఼ᬙ䱰

SFC 271 ∈⏽Ӵᛳ఼⬉य़Ԣ

SFC 281 ∈⏽催 ∈䏃ϡ⬙៪㡖⏽఼ᬙ䱰

SFC 311ǃ312ǃ313ǃ314ǃ315 ⇻Ӵᛳ఼ᬙ䱰 ⇻Ӵᛳ఼ᦦ᥹ӊᵒࡼ

SFC351 Ӵᛳ఼ᬙ䱰ˈ㒓䏃ߎ⦄ᮁ䏃៪ⷁ䏃

┡᷈ࡼ࡯ 䗑∖ध䍞 56
WP12NG ㋏߫໽✊⇨থࡼᴎՓ⫼ֱ‫ݏ‬䇈ᯢк

໻⇨य़࡯Ӵᛳ఼⌟䞣य़࡯催 Ӵᛳ఼ᬙ䱰ˈ㒓䏃ߎ⦄ᮁ䏃៪ⷁ䏃

SFC 371 㡖⇨䮼ࠡय़࡯䖛催 ๲य़఼ᬒ⇨䯔ᔍㇻ乘㋻࡯䖛໻

SFC 372 㡖⇨䮼ࠡय़࡯Ӵᛳ఼⬉य़Ԣ 㡖⇨䮼ࠡय़࡯Ӵᛳ఼ᬙ䱰

SFC 373 㡖⇨䮼ࠡय़࡯Ӵᛳ఼⬉य़催

SFC 381 ໽✊⇨य़࡯Ӵᛳ఼⬉य़催 ໽✊⇨य़࡯Ӵᛳ఼ᬙ䱰

SFC 391 ໽✊⇨य़࡯Ӵᛳ఼⬉य़Ԣ

SFC 411 ໽✊⇨य़࡯催

SFC 412 կ⇨㋏㒳य़࡯催
ᴳǃECU ঞ݊䖲᥹ᚙ‫މ‬



SFC 413ǃ431 ໽✊⇨य़࡯Ԣ ➗⇨ㅵ䏃᳝ᔃᡬ



ߌ䕂䕈䕀䗳Ӵᛳ఼˄CAM˅ থ⫳఼ֵোⲬᰃ৺㡃ད˗
SFC 421
ᬙ䱰 Ẕᶹ☿㢅าㄝ⚍☿㋏㒳ᰃ৺㡃ད˗
᳆䕈䕀䗳Ӵᛳ఼˄CRANK˅ থ⫳఼ֵোⲬᰃ৺㡃ད˗
SFC 422
ᬙ䱰 Ẕᶹ☿㢅าㄝ⚍☿㋏㒳ᰃ৺㡃ད˗

SFC 423 থࡼᴎℷᯊ䜡㕂ᬙ䱰 Ẕᶹ੠⹂䅸ℷ⹂ⱘ䕃ӊ᭄᥂DŽ

┡᷈ࡼ࡯ 䗑∖ध䍞 57
WP12NG ㋏߫໽✊⇨থࡼᴎՓ⫼ֱ‫ݏ‬䇈ᯢк

ᇍѢ WP7NG ㋏߫থࡼᴎᴹ䇈ˈথࡼᴎ
乱ᅮ䕀䗳Ў 2300r/minˈ೼ࡴ䗳ᯊˈབ
ᵰՓথࡼᴎ䕀䗳䍙䖛 2300r/minˈECM
SFC 424 থࡼᴎ䍙䗳
㽕ᰃথࡼᴎ䕀䗳䍙䖛 2300r/min

SFC 425 ECU ᥻ࠊऩ‫ܗ‬ᬙ䱰

Ẕᶹ᳈ᤶ (&8
SFC 426 ECU ᥻ࠊऩ‫⏽ܗ‬ᑺ催ᬙ䱰

SFC 427 䔺䗳Ӵᛳ఼ᬙ䱰 Ẕᶹぎḷ䆒㕂ǃ⾏ড়఼䆒㕂ᰃ৺ヺড়㽕
SFC 428 ⾏ড়఼ᓔ݇ᐌ䯁ᬙ䱰
SFC 429 ぎḷᓔ݇ᐌ䯁ᬙ䱰
SFC 432 㛮ࠍ䔺ᐌ䯁ᬙ䱰
SFC 433 䔺䗳Ӵᛳ఼ֵো㹿ᑆᡄᬙ䱰 ঞ݊䖲᥹ᰃ৺ℷᐌ˗Ẕᶹ䕃ӊ䆒ᅮᰃ৺

SFC 441 䯁⦃ׂℷ催Ѣ䰤ؐ

SFC 451 䯁⦃ׂℷԢѢ䰤ؐ ᰃ৺᳝⊘䴆˗Ẕᶹ(&8ⱘ᥹ഄˈ⹂ֱՓ
SFC 461 㞾䗖ᑨᄺдׂℷ催Ѣ䰤ؐ

SFC 471 㞾䗖ᑨᄺдׂℷԢѢ䰤ؐ 

㡖⇨䮼ࠡ๲य़य़࡯˄PTP˅Ԣ Ẕᶹ373Ӵᛳ఼ᅝ㺙ᚙ‫މ‬ǃ㒓ᴳ˗៪᳈
SFC 491
Ѣ䆒ᅮؐDŽ ᤶDŽ

SFC 521 ⬉⫊⬉य़Ԣ

Ẕᶹ⬉⫊ǃ㒓ᴳǃECU ঞ݊䖲᥹ᚙ‫މ‬DŽ
SFC 531 ⬉⫊⬉य़催

㡖⇨䮼ԡ㕂Ӵᛳ఼˄TPS˅⬉ Ẕᶹ㡖⇨䮼ǃ㒓ᴳǃECU ঞ݊䖲᥹ᚙ

SFC 541
य़催 ‫މ‬DŽ

SFC 551 RAM ᄬ‫ټ‬ᆍ䞣ϡ䎇 䞡ᮄࠋ‫ݭ‬᭄᥂៪᳈ᤶ (&8

┡᷈ࡼ࡯ 䗑∖ध䍞 58
WP12NG ㋏߫໽✊⇨থࡼᴎՓ⫼ֱ‫ݏ‬䇈ᯢк

SFC 553 ⬉᥻ऩ‫ ⱘܗ‬CPU 䋳䕑໾催

SFC 554 Flash ᄬ‫ټ‬ᆍ䞣ϡ䎇

SFC 555 EEPROM ᄬ‫ټ‬ᆍ䞣ϡ䎇

䞡ᮄࠋ‫ݭ‬᭄᥂៪᳈ᤶ (&8
SFC 556 ᷛᅮ⫼ᄬ‫఼ټ‬ᆍ䞣ϡ䎇

SFC 557 Џ EEPROM ᄬ‫఼ټ‬ᬙ䱰

SFC 558 ໛⫼ EEPROM ᄬ‫఼ټ‬ᬙ䱰

SFC 561
Ẕᶹ㡖⇨䮼ǃ㒓ᴳǃECU ঞ݊䖲᥹ᚙ
SFC 571

SFC 611 ⑓ᑺӴᛳ఼⬉य़催 ⑓ᑺӴᛳ఼ᬙ䱰

SFC 612 ⑓ᑺӴᛳ఼⬉य़Ԣ

SFC 613

ẔᶹⳌᇍ⑓ᑺӴᛳ఼ǃ㒓ᴳǃ(&8 ঞ݊
SFC 614 䖲᥹ᚙ‫ˈމ‬㢹ҹϞ᮴䯂乬ˈ䞡ᮄᷛᅮࠋ
‫&( ݭ‬8 ᭄᥂DŽ

SFC 615

SFC 691 ᑳ⇨᥻ࠊ䯔ᓔ䏃៪ⷁ䏃

SFC 693 偅ࡼ⬉य़Ԣ 㒓ᴳϞⱘ㒻⬉఼ᬙ䱰៪㗙ᵒࡼ

SFC 711ǃ731 ๲य़य़࡯䖛催 ๲य़఼ᬒ⇨䯔ᔍㇻ乘㋻࡯䖛໻

SFC 721 ๲य़य़࡯ԢѢᳳᳯؐ ⱘ⇨䏃䖲᥹ᰃ৺ℷᐌ˗Ẕᶹᑳ⇨᥻ࠊ䯔

┡᷈ࡼ࡯ 䗑∖ध䍞 59
WP12NG ㋏߫໽✊⇨থࡼᴎՓ⫼ֱ‫ݏ‬䇈ᯢк
SFC 741 ᴎ⊍य़࡯Ԣ
SFC 751 ஋ᇘ䯔ऴぎ↨䖛催 䖯ܹ㛑ᇐ㟈Ӿ⿔➗⢊ᗕˈ䗴៤➗᭭⌕ܹ

SFC781 ᗴ䗳ᓔ݇ᐌᓔ ǃẔᶹ⊍䮼䏣ᵓ᥹㒓ᰃ৺ℷ⹂㡃ད˗

SFC 791 ᗴ䗳⹂䅸ᓔ݇(IVS)⬉य़Ԣ ᚙ‫މ‬DŽ

SFC 811 㡖⇨䮼(TPS)⬉य़Ԣ

SFC 845 CAN 䕀䗳㸼᭄᥂᮴ᬜ

SFC 846 EBC2 ֵᙃ䍙ᯊ Ẕᶹ&$1㒓䖲᥹ˈ⹂䅸ࡳ㛑ᰃ৺ℷᐌDŽ

SFC 847 EBC2 䕂䗳᭄᥂᮴ᬜ

SFC911-916 ⚍☿㒓೜ᓔ䏃 ⚍☿㒓೜ᦦ᥹ӊᵒࡼ

SFC921-926 ⚍☿㒓೜ⷁ䏃 ⚍☿㒓೜ᬙ䱰៪㗙㒓ᴳⷁ䏃

SFC951-959ǃ971-973 ஋ᇘ䯔Ϣഄ㒓ⷁ᥹
SFC961-969ǃ981-983 ஋ᇘ䯔Ϣ 24V ⬉ⷁ᥹

┡᷈ࡼ࡯ 䗑∖ध䍞 60
WP12NG ㋏߫໽✊⇨থࡼᴎՓ⫼ֱ‫ݏ‬䇈ᯢк

ഄ ഔ˖ቅϰⳕ┡ഞᏖ催ᮄᡔᴃѻϮᓔথऎ ⽣ᇓϰ㸫 197 ো

䚂 㓪˖261001

㔥 ഔ˖


Џᴎ䫔ଂ⬉䆱˖0536-8232488 8233371



400 ‫ܡ‬䌍᳡ࡵ⛁㒓⬉䆱˖400-6183066

800 ‫ܡ‬䌍᳡ࡵ⛁㒓⬉䆱˖800-8603066



ߎ⠜᮹ᳳ˖ ᑈ ᳜ ᮹

┡᷈ࡼ࡯ 䗑∖ध䍞 61
Operation and Maintenance Manual for WP12NG Series Gas Engine

Special Attention
z The engine operator must read the manual before attempting to operate the natural gas engine, adhere

to follow the operation and maintenance routine rules in this manual.

z The natural gas engine has been tested strictly in accordance with the test specification before leaving

the factory. It is forbidden to adjust the data of ECM to increase the power, otherwise all the

warranties will be invalid.

z Customers should not dismantle the precision components like ICM, ECM and FMV, otherwise all

the warranties will be invalid.

z It is strictly forbidden to dismantle and impact rotor shaft of turbocharger as precision high speed

rotating part, otherwise all the warranties will be invalid.

z There are strict demands on torque and turned angle for main bearing bolts and connecting rod bolt,

loosing and dismantling is forbidden. The connecting rod bolt can be used only one time, otherwise

all the warranties will be invalid.

z Designation of engine oil in the NG engine must comply with the regulation in the manual. They

should be filtered by specified filter cleaner. The fuel should be according with the national standards

of vehicle natural gas. You must confirm if the filled capital of the coolant and oil comply with

requirements before driving.

z It is forbidden that the engine works without air filter to prevent unfiltered air from entering into the


z Before using a new engine, 50 hours test run should be carried out.

z Please screw the spark plug under prescribed load and ensure that the ceramic part of spark plug is

clean when changing it.

z Please take apart the power supply and ground the electric system before welding. Otherwise it may

break the ECM.

z After the engine is stopped, if the ambient temperature is lower than 0ć and no anti-freezer is used,

the water in water tank and in engine should be drained off.

z Inspection and maintenance for electric system must be done by workers mastering electric appliance

Operation and Maintenance Manual for WP12NG Series Gas Engine

z The inspection and repair of the components in the electronic control system should be conducted by

special personnel in service station.

z To prevent rust, the engine is oil sealed when it leaves the factory, the oil seal period of the engine is

one year. Inspect the engine and adopt necessary measures if beyond one year.

z After the engine is cold started, the speed should be increased slowly. It is forbidden to run the engine

in high speed suddenly or in idling for a long time. After running in high load, running the engine at

low speed without load for about 5-10min before stopping the engine.

z Before operating a new engine should confirm that gas pipes, gas supply device isn’t gas leakage. Pay

special attention to electric system in case of trustless connection of electric system and false

connection of ignition wire.

z Check if the voltage of battery is enough before starting the engine. It will need enough voltage to

start and running the engine.

z Pay attention to check the capacity of gas tank and fill gas in time. Fill the tank should be done by

special workers of gas station. Check the sealing of natural gas system.

z Engine coolant is used to heat the pressure reducer for natural gas engine. It will lead to furring inside

water cavity of pressure reducer and frost when starting the engine.
Operation and Maintenance Manual for WP12NG Series Gas Engine

The WP12NG series natural gas engines are designed by increasing gas supply system and related

devices at the same time canceling fuel oil supply system on the basis of Weichai Power WP12 series

diesel engine. This engine has good technical indexes of compact structure, good reliability and power,

economy, advantages of rapid starting, simple operation and easy maintenance ect. It is the ideal power of

heavy duty vehicles.

This manual simply introduces the main technical data, performance index, construction features and

operation and maintenance notices of WP12NG series natural gas engine. If users operate the engine

according to the stipulations of this manual, the service life of the engine should be extended greatly.

The engine in this manual is the basic model of WP12NG series engines. With continuous

development of the products, the structure will be improved. The content of this manual is not very new.

Please users (or distributor) go to our net( for latest production information.

Welcome users, further suggestions for modification of products.

Let’s cooperate in good faith and contribute to the development of clean vehicle project hand in hand!

November 2011
Operation and Maintenance Manual for WP12NG Series Gas Engine

Chapter1 Technical Situation of the Products

1.1Power and rated rotating speed
The power range of WP12 series engine is 243̚280kW, rated rotating speed is 2200rpm.

1.2Structural character of natural gas engine

‹ One cylinder head per cylinder, reliable and easily dismantle

‹ High rigidity of whole body is favorable to the reliability and extending the life of engine.

‹ It uses the electric throttle to improve the driving performance of the engine.

‹ The whole series are six-cylinder in-line engines, versatile degree is high, and they are easy for

matching the vehicle.

‹ By adopting electronic control single point injection technology to ensure well power, economy and

emission performance of the engine at any working conditions.

‹ By adopting water cooled turbocharger suiting for gas engine, the lubricating oil can be cooled by the

circulating water to prevent carbon depositing on the pressurized bearings. The reliability of the

turbocharger is improved. By adopting boost pressure electronic control technical, the intake pipe’s

absolute pressure can be adjusted to the set value by changing the open pressure of the turbocharger.

Thus the power can be controlled at most conditions. Maximum torque at low speed and boost

compensation at high temperature can be achieved.

‹ Surge-Proof technology is adopted. When the pedal is released at large load, ECM switches according

to the speed-down triggering signal. Throttle can maintains a certain open degree when the supply of

gas is cut away. So the surge of the turbocharger caused by the closed throttle is eliminated. And the

reliability and economy of the turbocharger is improved.

‹ Electronic control high-energy ignition system is adopted. The optimum ignition time is provided

according to the engine's rotating speed, intake pressure, intake temperature. At any working

conditions, the ECM can adjust the ignition advance angle to ensure the integrated performance of the


‹ Special fuel mixing system for gas engine is designed to achieve lean and stable combustion of the

Operation and Maintenance Manual for WP12NG Series Gas Engine

mixture and increase thermal efficiency.

‹ With the speed-up fuel enriching function, the engine can get more fuel at speed-up condition. High

power at speeding-up and good economy at steady condition can be ensured.

‹ The materials of intake/exhaust valve and valve seats are special for gas engine. Good wearability and

self-lubrication are ensured at high temperature.

‹ With the maximum speed control function, it ensures the running safety of the engine.

‹ High efficiency oxidation catalytic converter is adopted to greatly decrease the emission of harmful

gases. The emission is better than China ɒ and possesses the potential to meet China Č standard.

‹ With good matching ability and air-conditioning idle control functions. ECM can provide load signal

(meeting SAE standard) for automatic transmissions case.

1.3 Signification of WP12NG series natural gas engine code

W P 12 NG XXX E3/4 X
Use sign

Emission level(China ċ/Č)


Natural Gas

Total displacement 12L


Wei chai

Operation and Maintenance Manual for WP12NG Series Gas Engine

1.4 WP12NG Series Gas Engine Outlines

Coolant outlet

Air Intake

Coolant Inlet

Air Compressor

Steering Booster Pump

Air Intake

Electronic Throttle

Operation and Maintenance Manual for WP12NG Series Gas Engine
1.5 Engine Full Load Characteristic Curves

WP12NG330E40 full load characteristic curves

WP12NG350E40 full load characteristic curves

Operation and Maintenance Manual for WP12NG Series Gas Engine

WP12NG380E40 full load characteristic curves

Operation and Maintenance Manual for WP12NG Series Gas Engine

Chapter2 Performance and Technical Parameters

of Natural Gas Engine

2.1 Technical parameters of WP12NG series natural gas engine

In-line, water cooled, dry cylinder liner, turbocharged and
Type inter-cooled, electric control single point injection, spark
plug firedˈthin combustion
Bore /stroke (mm) 126/155
Displacement (L) 11.596
Ratio 11.6:1
Ignition sequence 1-5-3-6-2-4
Gas supply system Electronic control, single point injection
Exhaust gas process device DOC
Valve clearance at cool state(mm) Intake valve:0.35;exhaust valve:0.4
Intake valve open˖before TDC34°̚39°˖after BDC61°̚
Port timing 67°
˄valve clearance˖intake0.35exhaust0.4˅ Exhaust valve open˖before BDC76°̚81°˖after TDC
Open temperature is 79±2ćˈfully open temperature is
Thermostat open temperature(ć)
Starting method Electrical starting
Lubricating method Pressure lubricating
Oil trademark WEICHAI Special oil for natural gas
Cooling method Water cooling
Pressure of oil˄kPa˅ 350̚550
Oil pressure at idle speed˄kPa˅ •100
longitudinal Front /back Long-term 10/10 Short-term 30/30
Exhaust pipe/signal
transverse Long-term 45/15 Short-term 45/30
Crankshaft rotating direction(view from
the free end)

Operation and Maintenance Manual for WP12NG Series Gas Engine

2.2 Performance parameters of WP12NG series natural gas engine

Tab 2-2
Unit WP12NG engine
Engine type WP12NG330E30/40 WP12NG350E30/40 WP12NG380E30/40
Rated power kW 243 257 280
Rated rotating r/min 2200
Maximum torque Nm 1350 1400 1500
Speed at maximum r/min 1400
Emission level — China ċ/Č
Fuel consumption g/(kW·h) ”205
at rated speed
Minimum fuel g/(kW·h) 190
consumption under
full load
Cold starting
ć -10 / -30
1m noise dB(A) ˘102
B10 life km 800,000

Operation and Maintenance Manual for WP12NG Series Gas Engine
2.3Major technical specifications of the accessories
Tab 2-3
No. Name Item WP12NG series
1 Mixer of gas and air Type Nozzle/whiff force to mix
electromagnetic valve fot Type 6mm direct-acting
2 compressed natural gas Model Closed constantly
˄Used in LNG˅ Manufacturer PARKER
Type 1784C
3 Regulator(Used in LNG) Model Two stage automatically controlled entirety
Manufacturer REGO
Type NG2-8
NG pressure reducing
4 Model Two stage automatically controlled entirety
regulator(Used in CNG)
Manufacturer LANDI
Model Electric control firing
Operating voltage, V 24
5 Ignition system

Type FR3KĊ332
6 Spark plug
Clearance, mm 0.35f0.05mm
7 Spark coil Type Pencil type
Exhaust gas purification Construction feafure oxidation
facility Type Metal as the body
Model Centrifugal
9 Water pump Nominal speed, r/min 3648
Characteristic Water intermediate housing
Model Gear pump
10 Oil pump Safety valve opening
pressure, kPa
Type Silicone oil type
11 Crankshaft damper
Outer diameter, mm Ɏ280
12 Turbocharger Type JP90
Spiral paper element, paralleled double
13 Oil filter Model
Model Wax type, core element and body combined

14 Thermostat Open temperature is 70°C±2°C

Open temperature
Fully open temperature is 82°C

Operation and Maintenance Manual for WP12NG Series Gas Engine
Model Fin type
Bypass valve open
15 Oil cooler 600f36
pressure, kPa
Test pressure, kPa 1500
Manufacturer HEF95-L24V
16 Starter
Voltage, V 
Manufacturer Prestolite
17 Generator
Voltage, V 28
18 Fan Model Ring fan
Model Piston type, water cooled
Bore,mm 90
Lubricating method Pressurized lubricating
19 Air compressor˄optional˅
Working method Continuously
Piston total
Displacement, cm
Min. speed r/min 750
Max. speed r/min 3900
Hydraulic pump
20 Flow ,L/min 16
Oil inlet screw M26h1.5

Oil outlet screw M18h1.5

Operation and Maintenance Manual for WP12NG Series Gas Engine
2.4 Torsional Torque and Tightening Method for Main Bolts and
Tab 2-4
Tightening torque˄Ngm˅+
Name Bolts size times of
further turned angle˄e repeated used
250 030 ,required sequence of tightening, see
Main bearing bolts M18-10.9
120+˄90°±5°˅˄reach 170~250N˹m at the
Connecting rod bolt M14h1.5 0
same time˅
Cylinder head Required sequence of tightening, see Fig 2-2
Cylinder head main 200 010 +2h˄90°±5°˅
M16 3
bolt ˄reach 240~340N˹m at the same time˅
60 020 +2h˄90°±5°˅˄reach 230~280N˹m at
Flywheel bolt M14h1.5 2
the same time˅
Flywheel housing 40 0 +2h˄120°±5°˅
M12 2
bolt ˄reach 110~140N˹m at the same time˅
Oil pump idler bolt M10 60 0
Camshaft gear bolt M8 32~36
Timing idler shaft 60 5 N˹m+90°˄reach 100~125N˹m at the
M10 3
bolt same time˅
Pressing bolt of 10
M10 60 0
crankshaft pulley
Fuel injector press
M8 10~12
plate bolt

Exhaust pipe bolt M10 50~70 2

Rocker seat bolt M12 100 0

Air compressor gear 20

M18h1.5 200 0
press nut
Fuel injection pump
M24h1.5 250~300
gear press nut
Tension pulley 20
M16 195 0
fastening bolt
Spark plug M14X1.25 ˄20-40˅N.m
UEGO M18X1.25 50 Nmf5Nm
ECT M20X1.5 25 Nmf5Nm
ķThe values of superscript and subscript are permissible tolerance ranges.
ĸThe angle value is the further turned angle after reaching the specified torque.
ĹThe number before the angle is the number of times to turn the angleDŽ
ĺThere are corresponding requirements on the strength classes of the bolts and nuts used at various positions
of the engine. It is forbidden to interchange the bolts and nuts of the same size but of different strength classes. It
is impermissible to exceed the allowed times of repeated use. Otherwise it will bring about severe outcome.
Tightening procedures are as follows˖
Main bearing bolt tightening sequence and requirements
Operation and Maintenance Manual for WP12NG Series Gas Engine

Fig 2-1 Tightening sequence of main bearing bolt

In the sequence shown in the figure 2-1,tighten to 50N˹m firstˈthen tighten to 250 0 N˹m sequentiallyDŽ

Cylinder head bolt tightening sequence and requirements

Fig 2-2 Tightening sequence of the main bolt and auxiliary nut of the cylinder head
Tightening procedures are as follows˖
a.After coating the threaded portions and the pressure faces of the main bolt and auxiliary nut, tighten to
30 0 N˹m.
b.Tighten the main bolts in the sequence shown in fig1-2 to 200 0 N˹mˈand make a mark on the boltDŽ

c.In the sequence shown in fig2-2, twist the main bolts again by 90°ˈand make marks on the new positions
d.In the sequence shown in fig2-2ˈtwist the main bolts again by 90°, and meanwhile the torque reaches to

Operation and Maintenance Manual for WP12NG Series Gas Engine
Chapter3 Natural Gas Engine Structures and

3.1 Main Structures of the Engine

3.1.1 Engine Body

The engine body is in high gantry structure. It is high in strength and rigidity. There are 7 main bearings on
the engine body. A thrust plate is installed on the No.1 bearing(counted from flywheel end). At the right side of
engine body(viewing from flywheel end), one nozzle used for cooling piston is installed on every cylinder.
Dry cylinder liner is adopted for WP12 NG Series gas engine. In order to ensuer the sealing of cylinder liners
on the engine body after it is installed, two rubber seal rings are installed respectively on the upper and lower
positions of cylinder liners. Cylinder liners are classified into group A(green or mark “A”) and group B(red or
mark “B”) according to their inside diameters. One engine must be assembled with the same group of cylinder
liners. When repairing, if the mark can’t be identified then use group A cylinder liners.
The front end of engine body is connected with the timing gear case, and the rear end is connected with the
flywheel housing. The junction surface should be coated with sealant (Loctite 510) .

3.1.2 Crankshaft, Piston Connecting Rod Assembly

Crank shaft: The crank shaft is steel die forging. The crank arm is fit with balance weight. The timing gear
after heated 250°C is installed at the Front end with interference fit. The locating pin on the crankshaft must be
well aligned. A front oil seal of crankshaft is mounted between the front wall cover and hub. When installation is
carried out coat its seal lip with grease.
Flywheel: The flywheel is installed at the rear end of crankshaft. There are variety of flywheels for selection
according to different purposes and connection modes.
Piston: There are three piston rings on the piston. The first is a keystone ring. The second is a conical ring.
When installation is carried out, pay attention to the direction of these two rings. The surface with “TOP” or
factory marking should face upwards (facing to the piston head). The third is a oil ring with coil spring.
Pistons are classified into group A(green or mark “A”) and group B (red or mark “B”) according to their skirt
size. When assembling, the same group of pistons and cylinder liners must be installed. When repairing, if the
mark is unable to be identified, then use group A cylinder liners and group A pistons.
When the piston is installed into the cylinder liner, uniformly coat the piston surface and inner surface of
cylinder sleeve with clean oil.
Connecting rod: It is made by die forging. Use two connecting rod bolts to connect the connecting rod body
and connecting rod cap. The connecting rod bolts should be tightened by twist angle method.
The connecting rod bolt is used only one time. Otherwise, the bolt may break and result to the severe accident
of engine damage.

Operation and Maintenance Manual for WP12NG Series Gas Engine
The connecting rod body and connecting rod cap are machined in pairs. Do not change either of them
separately. There are mating marks on the connecting rod body and connecting rod cap, shown in Fig2-1.

Mating mark

Fig 3-1 Connecting rod

3.1.3 Cylinder Head and Valve System

Cylinder head: The cylinder head with one intake valve and one exhaust valve is made of cast alloy by
casting and one head for one cylinder. The intake and exhaust passages are designed separately at the two sides of
the head. The valve seats are inlaid at the intake valve and exhaust valve.
When the cylinder head is installed on the engine body, pay attention to keep all the intake and exhaust
valves' flange surfaces are at one plane, so as to ensure proper sealing after the intake and exhaust pipes have been
installed. There are 4 M16 – 12.9 bolts used to tighten each cylinder head and they should be tightened up through
twisting angle method.
Valve train: It is composed of valve system camshaft, tappet, pushrod, rocker arm, rocker bracket, valve,
valve spring and accessories.

3.1.4 Gear Train

The driving relationship of gear train is shown in Fig3-2.

Operation and Maintenance Manual for WP12NG Series Gas Engine

Fig3-2 Transmission gear

3.1.5 Lubricating System

The functions of lubrication system are reducing wear and corrosion, washing and cooling for parts.
Lubricating oil should be adopted in accordance with the use of products. Multi-grade oil has top priority for its
better cold-start characteristics. Multi-grade oil used in the whole year can be used in the specified temperature
range. Take proper measures to preheat oil or use oil adapted to the ambient temperature when low ambient
temperature occurs occasionally. Oil change interval should be defined according to the requirements of
1. When design complete vehicle they should be thought that conveniently change oil and check oil lever.
2. There is no oil when consignˈso must fill oil before running the engine.
3. When the engine stop and the vehicle on the horizontal floorˈthe oil dipstick must between the lowest
and the highest mark.
4. The tilting angle of oil sump don’t exceed regulated value.
5. Don’t find any oil additive is benifit to the engine running by nowˈso forbid using any oil additive.
CAUTION˖Gas engine only use over 15W/40CD NG dedicated oilʽ
When replacing oil, replace oil filter cartridges at the same time.
The schematic diagram of the lubricating system is shown in Fig3-3.

Operation and Maintenance Manual for WP12NG Series Gas Engine
Strainer Filter seat Oil cooler

Safety valve
Oil filter
Open pressure 540 ̚

Connecting rod Main bearing


Oil pump

Main oil gallery

Rocker Push Tappet Camshaft
arm rod bearing

gear bearing Vice oil

Piston Piston coolant Open pressure

nozzle 150kPa

Two stage
balance device

Fig 3-3 lubricating system

The lubricating system is composed of the strainer, oil pump, oil cooler, oil filter, pressure limiter, etc.
The strainer is the suction port of the oil pump. It is connected to the oil pump inlet through O – ring. When
installation is carried out, pay special attention to its sealing. Otherwise, the pump will suck in air, oil supply will
be affected, and severe accident such as burn of liner and engine damage would be resulted.
The oil pump is a gear pump. It pumps out oil, which enters into the filter seat. There is the safety valve on
the filter seat which opens at the pressure of 540 – 750kPa. When the oil pressure pumped by the oil pump exceeds
this value, the oil will be drained into oil sump. There are pressure sensor and oil cooler interfaces on the filter
The oil cooler and oil filter are connected in–series to the filter seat. From filter seat, oil enters into the oil
cooler and the oil filter, returns to filter seat, and then enters into main oil passage. The oil cooler is a plate – fin
type. The oil filter is a disposable product. In the lubricating system, pressure lubrication is adopted for the main
bearing, connecting rod bearing, camshaft bearing, rocker arm bearing, intermediate gear bearing, fuel injection
pump, turbocharger, air compressor, etc. The splash lubrication is adopted for the connecting rod small end, gear
train, piston , cylinder liner, etc.

3.2 Gas supply system

3.2.1Gas supply system
1ǃgas supply
NG tank ĺreducer ĺfilterĺ heat exchangerĺ thermostatĺ FMVĺ mixer (CNG Vehicle)
NG tankĺ electromagnetic valveĺ manostatĺ filterĺ heat exchangerĺ thermostatĺ FMVĺ mixer˄LNG

Operation and Maintenance Manual for WP12NG Series Gas Engine
2ǃwater circulation
2.1 LNG system
2.1.1 water outlet pipe of engineĺ carburetor ĺinlet pipe of water pump
2.1.2 water outlet pipe of engineĺ heat exchangerĺ thermostat ĺinlet pipe of water pump
2.1.3water outlet pipe of turbocharger ĺinlet pipe of water pump
2.2 CNG system
2.2.1water outlet pipe of engineĺ heat exchangerĺ thermostatĺ inlet pipe of water pump
2.2.2water outlet pipe of turbochargerĺ reducerĺ inlet pipe of water pump
3 special attention
Before connecting, all pipes should be cleaned with high pressure air.
There should be no fold and worn out on the connecting pipes.

3.3 Function and Technical Requirement of Gas Supply System’s Main

3.3.1 Regulator(Used in CNG) Water outlet

Balance pipe
Water inlet
Gas outlet

High pressure
Pressure release
lock off valve

Gas inlet

Fig 3-4 regulator

The pressure range of compressed natural gas is 5MPa̚20Mpa. The pressure of natural gas is about
0.8Mpa after it through the reducer. Pressure difference between that supplied to FMV and that in air intake pipe
should be changeless. It will absorb heat when the pressure of natural gas is decreased. Cooling water is used to
heat the regulator.

ƹTechnical parameter:
Max. flow: 49.9kg/h
Gas inlet pressure: 1.72-24.8MPa
Ambient temperature: ˉ40-105ć
Gas inlet temperature: ˉ40-40ć.
Cooing water temperature: ˉ40-100ć.
ƹRegulator should be mounted at the position with less vibration near the engine. It should be flexibly
connected with the engine.

Operation and Maintenance Manual for WP12NG Series Gas Engine
ƹThe mounting position should be convenient for regular adjustment, check and repair of the regulator.
ƹRegulator should be far away from the exhaust system. If the distance between the regulator and exhaust
system is less than 150mm, heat-insulating device should be set.
ƹThe regulator is heated with cooling water of the engine. It should be lower than the top of the radiator and
beneath the thermostat. Pipe connector leakage is not permitted.
ƹPipeline connected with regulator should be arranged reasonably without any interference.
ƹBalance pipe length should be long enough to avoid backfire. Balance pipe connector should be fixed up.
ƹGas release outlet pipe should be extended to the outside of the engine room to meet related national
ƹNeither the exit of gas nor bottom of regulator should be upward to prevent smear from returning to the
ƹRegulator outlet pipe should endure a temperature ofˉ80ć. Pipe between regulator outlet and heat
exchanger should have enough flexure to bear heat expansion.
ƹconnect the water pipes according to the inlet and outlet water pipes' marks of the regulator. The temperature
of inlet water pipe is higher than that of outlet.

3.3.2Regulator(Used in LNG)

Max. pressure of gas inlet˖28bar

Pressure range of gas outlet˖7̚14bar
Working temperature˖ -40ć̚75ć
Arrow means the direction of gas flow
NGP is 110psi at idle speed

Fig 3-5 regulator

Operation and Maintenance Manual for WP12NG Series Gas Engine

3.3.3 Solenoid Valve

Fig 3-6 solenoid valve

ƹThe mark in the valve body means the direction of gas flow.
ƹThe solenoid parts should be upward and higher than valve body.

3.3.4 Filter
Maximum working pressure˖35bar
Working temperature˖-40ć̚107ć
Pressure difference˖6.9kPa
0.3ȝm̚ 0.6ȝm filtrate efficiency•95%DŽ
Downward of water oulet
Arrow means direction of gas flow
Drain the water inside filter per 3000km

Fig 3-7 Filter

ƹThe location of filter should be easy to check, clean and change.
ƹThe pressure difference should be less than 20kPa to ensure the performance of filter. Otherwise the power of
engine will decline.
ƹThe filter should be 20cm farther than high temperature parts of air outlet pipe.

Operation and Maintenance Manual for WP12NG Series Gas Engine

3.3.5 High Pressure Filter(Used in


Maximum working pressure˖248bar

Working temperature˖-40ć̚107ć
Pressure difference˖3.0PSID
Sump Capacity˖15cc̟s
Rplacement Element Part Number˖CLS112-6
Arrow means direction of gas flow

Fig 3-8 High Pressure Filter

3.3.6Heat exchanger and thermostat

Water inlet
Water inlet/outlet joint joint
Water outlet


Heat exchanger

Fig 3-9 Heat exchanger and thermostat

Gas outlet temperature will decrease to lower than ˉ20ć at higher gas flow because of insufficiently heat
exchange of the regulator. That would decrease the service life of FMV. By combining the heat exchanger and
thermostat to control the flow of hot water, NG temperature is controlled to 40ć.
ƹTechnical parameters
Gas flow˖0̚68kg/h
Gas inlet temperature˖ˉ115ć̚120ć

Operation and Maintenance Manual for WP12NG Series Gas Engine
Water inlet temperature˖ˉ20ć̚120ć
Water outlet temperature˖ˉ40ć̚120ć
Allowable maximum air intake pressure˖22bar
Break out pressure˖86bar

3.3.7 FMV -Fuel Metering Valve

Gas Out

Gas In

Fig 3-10 FMV

The FMV has 12 injectors in WP12NG series engine, per 2 injectors as one group and works together
according to ECM signals.

ƹ Technical parameters:
Working voltage: 16-32V.
Peak current of each injector: 4A.
Working current: 1A.
Ambient temperature: ˉ40̚125ć.
Gas temperature: ˉ40̚90ć.
ƹThe mounting of FMV is reasonable and reliable.

ƹThere should be no interference between the harness and pipes that connected with FMV.
ƹUnilateral valve mounted inside FMV is used to measure gas pressure. It is convenient to check gas pressure
when mounting FMV.

Operation and Maintenance Manual for WP12NG Series Gas Engine

3.3.8 Mixer
NG enters into mixer through FMV and then mixes with the inter-cooled air in the throat and then enters into
cylinders. The throat of this engine can be dismantled and cleaned.


inlet Air
Fig 3-11 mixer

Operation and Maintenance Manual for WP12NG Series Gas Engine

3.4 Electrical system

3.4.1 Principle diagram of electrical system

Fig 3-12 Principle diagram of electrical systemď1.2 systemĐ

Operation and Maintenance Manual for WP12NG Series Gas Engine

Fig 3-13 Principle diagram of electrical systemď2.0 systemĐ

Operation and Maintenance Manual for WP12NG Series Gas Engine

3.5 Principle and attentions of electrical system’s parts

The electrical system include: wire, ECM, ICM, sensor of water temperature, sensor of oil
pressure, sensor of gas temperature, sensor of rotate speed, humidity sensor, oxygen sensor, foot
pedal, throttle, waste gas control valve, ignition and plug, etc.
3.5.1 Generator
Notes of installation and connection:
Fully cooled;
Dustproof, water prevented and oil prevented;
Check the tension of the belt;
Only collected with the battery and step down transformer.
Voltage rating˖28V

3.5.2 Starter
The stater is of direct current starter adopting electromagnet control, gear moving and friction
plate one-way unit for transmitting torque. The electrical diagram of the starter is shown in

Operation and Maintenance Manual for WP12NG Series Gas Engine

Fig 3-15 Electrical diagram of the starter

Note to assure the starter working without trouble:

Water, road sludge, oil prevented, fender installation if needed;

High temperature prevented, The temperature of the starter is no higher than 100ć;

If driver can not supervise the starting process(commercial vehicle with Hi-Engine), starting
relay must be installed to protect the starter, the current of the starting relay should more than 80A,
Shut down the starter immediately when engine begins to run normally, the axis of starting relay
should be parallel with ground, plumb with the direction of the vehicle to prevent sudden joggle
because of vibration and strikes.

3.5.3 Harness
Harnesses include ignition harness, engine harness and ECU harness. Ignition harness and
engine harness have been assembled on engine before leaving factory. ECU is provided by our
company and assembled by vehicle factory.

Fig 3-16 harness

Operation and Maintenance Manual for WP12NG Series Gas Engine
ƹIt is forbidden that the harnesses are assembled in the side of exhaust manifold.
ƹEvery connector and wire should can endure at least 20N pull force without looseness even fall
ƹHarness can endure at least 125ć and with well resistance to oxygenation.
ƹThe arrangement of harness is reasonable and it is convenient to maintain.

3.5.4 Engine control module˄ECM˅and ignition control module˄ICM˅

Engine control module˄ECM˅ Ignition control module˄ICM˅

Fig 3-17 ECM and ICM
ECM collects signals of manifold air pressure (MAP), manifold air temperature (MAT),
pre-throttle pressure (PTP), natural gas pressure (NGP), natural gas temperature (NGT), engine
phase, rotated speed, water outlet temperature, exhaust oxygen density, pedal opening and so on.
And controls ICM, throttle, FMV, waste gas control valve (WGCV) to achieve control the engine.
ECM can also be assembled on the engine. It surppot CAN.
Special commutating and regulating circuit is set in the ICM to ensure the required current at
any voltage. Energy reserving process of ignition coil is called charging. The beginning of
charging current is called charging start time. Charging time is the duration between charging start
time and charging end time. Different from injection time, the key of ignition control is to control
the charging end time. This action must take place at a certain angle to get correct ignition time.
ICM of ignition system is driven in single direction. ECM controls charging start time and
charging end time. Correct firing sequence is achieved by connecting the output wire of ICM to
the correct cylinder. ICM ignites according to the firing sequence. The firing sequence of
6-cylinder engine is 1-5-3-6-2-4. Charging end time (dropping section of trigger signal) is
determined by expected ignition timing. Charging start time (rising section of trigger signal) is
estimated on above basis.
Parameters and attention of ECM and ICM
ƹworking voltage˖18̚32Vˈmaximum current˖25A.
ƹtemperature of environment ˖-40ć̚105ć.
ƹHousing grounded.
ƹECM and ICM should be mounted on good ventilating place.

Operation and Maintenance Manual for WP12NG Series Gas Engine
ƹIf electric cabinet is used, it is recommended to mount the cabinet in the carriage.

3.5.5 T/MAP and PTP

Fig 3-18 T/MAP and PTP

T/MAP and PTP are the same in Woodward2.0 system. It is the integration of temperature
and pressure. ECM calculates the flow of air intake according to the signals from sensor and
defines the delivered fuel's flow.
Technical parameters:
ƹworking pressure˖20̚250KPa.
ƹworking temperature˖-40ć̚125ć.
ƹworking voltage˖4.5V̚5.5V.
T/MAP and PTP are fixed on the straight pipe of air intake manifold. It is forbidden to fix
sensor on the elbow pipe.

3.5.6 Camshaft signal (speed, phase) sensor

Fig 3-19 CAM sensor

ECM controls most parameters such as air flow, gas flow, ignition advance angle etc by
engine rotation speed. To control above parameters, it is essential for ECM to get exactly the
camshaft position (such as which cylinder is firing) and engine speed.

Operation and Maintenance Manual for WP12NG Series Gas Engine
ƹworking temperature˖measurement side-40ć̚150ćˈplug side-40ć̚120ć
ƹpermitted magnetic field”2KA/m
ƹtorquḛ8N·m˄the degree of M6h12 bolt is 8.8˅

3.5.7 Water temperature sensor

Main function of water temperature sensor is to rectify idle speed, ignition advance angle,
maximum boost pressure limit and mixture density at lower water temperature.
If wrongly connect of water temperature sensor's lines, abnormal water temperature will be
displayed on the computer. It doesn’t affect the engine.

3.5.8 Universal exhaust gas oxygen sensor˄UEGO˅

Fig 3-20 Universal exhaust gas oxygen sensor

The function of UEGO is to measure oxygen density of exhaust gas and change it to
electrical signal then supply to ECM. ECM regulates fuel gas flow by adjusting spray pulse width
according to excessive air coefficient specified in the map to make the engine realize closed-loop
ƹMounting position of UEGO is very important to the correct working of the system, so the
assembly must be done strictly according to the requirements.
ƹUEGO mounting position should be 3-5 times of exhaust pipe diameter away from the
outlet of turbocharger or below of exhaust pipe.
ƹProhibit from mounting the UEGO on the exhaust elbow.
ƹIn order to prevent UEGO from cementing on the exhaust pipe, coat anti-seize grease
evenly on the thread when fix the UEGO.
ƹIf exhaust valve brake device (EVB) is mounted on vehicle, UEGO must be set at the rear
side of EVB.
ƹUEGO lines and insert parts should be far away from the exhaust pipe to prevent from
ƹNut seat height for UEGO weld on the exhaust pipe should be less than 10mm.
ƹUEGO failure or bad contact of lines or insert parts would cause higher gas consumption
and unstable speed.

Operation and Maintenance Manual for WP12NG Series Gas Engine
3.5.9 Foot pedal

Fig 3-21 Foot pedal

Foot pedal adopts non-contact sensor. The outlet voltage: 0-5V. ECM controls the throttle
opening degree according to the signal of pedal.
ƹworking temperature˖-40ć̚50ćDŽ
ƹstorage temperature˖-40ć̚120ćDŽ
ƹconnection˖red-A3 brown-H3 yellow-H3 green-H1 brown-T3 white-H3

3.5.10 Throttle

Fig 3-22 throttle

Main function of throttle is to control air flow, engine idle speed and maximum speed. ECM
controls the action of throttle by pulse width modulated (PWM) signal with 1600Hz. The working
degree of throttle is limited to 10%-90% of throttle opening (butterfly opening) by ECM. In
general, error logic judgment of the system is to compare the position command signal, feedback
signal and intermediate position voltage signal (about 2.5V). If the difference between command
signal and feedback signal is larger than 0.5V, the system will confirm and produce a system fault
code in English (refer to Appendix B - System Fault Code).

Throttle fault or bad contact of connectors will cause unstable speed, start failure, difficult
speed up, speed up failure and so on. First check the connection with multi-meter. If there is no
problem for connectors and harness but the feedback signal always jumping, change a new part to
test again.

Operation and Maintenance Manual for WP12NG Series Gas Engine
ƹthrottle should be fixed in low temperature environment.
ƹfix the throttle according to the mark on the throttle body.

3.5.11 WGCV-Waste Gate Control Valve

೒ 3-23waste gate control valve

Pipe after cooling air system


Turbocharger Vertical

Fig 3-24 waste gate control valve

WGCV is connected with the pressure regulator of turbocharger. ECM controls the duty ratio
of the exhaust gas magnetic valve switch through PWM to adjust the pressure on top of the film of
pressure regulator. Thus the exhaust gas release valve opening degree of the turbocharger is in a
certain pressure range as so to control the engine speed indirectly.

ƹWGCV should be mounted within 10 degrees in vertical direction.

ƹWGCV should be mounted on the lower temperature side of the engine, the ambient
temperature should not be more than 125ć.
ƹPipe connected with WGCV should be appropriate.

Operation and Maintenance Manual for WP12NG Series Gas Engine
3.5.12 Ignition and spark plug

1. insulator 2.head of spark plug 3.seal washer 4.intermediate body 5.spark plug body
sealant 7.wahser 8.electrode9ˊseal washer 10.central electrode 11.ground electrode 12.side
Fig 3-25 ignition and spark plug
This system adopts separate ignition coil. ECM controls charging time, charging duration and
discharging time of the ignition coil to keep the charging current (6.5A) of the engine at any

ƹNo force should be put on the harness of the ignition coil.

ƹ Check the connection of harness and connectors with multi-meter.
ƹThe engine adopts double platinum spark plug. The spark plug clearance is 0.35f0.05mm.

3.5.13 humidity sensor

Fig 3-26 humidity sensor

The function of humidity sensor is to modify the ratio of air and gas by measure pressure,
temperature, humidity of air intake to make sure that the engine work in best condition. The range

Operation and Maintenance Manual for WP12NG Series Gas Engine
of working temperature is -40ć̚105ćDŽThe range of measurement is 0̚100%RH.
ƹThe sensor should be fixed in the pipe that is between air filter and turbocharger.
ƹThe sensor should be away ventilator and air intake of air compressor.
ƹThe sensor should be parallel with direction of gas flow.

Operation and Maintenance Manual for WP12NG Series Gas Engine

Chapter4Application and operation of NG


4.1 Installation specifications of natural gas engine

ƹSpecification, testing method, inspection rule, sign, transportation and storage of the bus should
comply with the standard of QC/T690-2002 NG bus specifications.
ƹThe joints of high pressure pipes should be as little as possible. The pipes should be with good
sealing and high reliability and convenient for connecting and checking.
ƹOver flow protection device should be provided at the upstream of the fuel system
high-pressure pipe and near the gas bottles. The function of this device is to cut off gas supply
when ignition switch is not open or engine not running or accidental fuel leakage at the low
pressure pipeline.
ƹThe fuel system components and pipes (except manual cutoff valve handle) should not pass
through or be mounted on the passenger compartment.
ƹThe fixed place of gas system components and pipes should be far from high temperature
materials and electric appliance and batteries. They must not be at the same closed space. The
places where static electricity will be possibly produced on the high pressure pipeline and other
parts should be grounded reliably.
ƹ Consider the influence of load distribution and height of bary-center on vehicle. Consider
possible damage of environment to gas bottle. And add guard device to the bottles if necessary.
ƹThe natural gas fuel for NG bus should be in accordance with GB/T18047 standard.
ƹCheck the connecting points of gas system with detecting liquid at the rated working pressure of
NG gas system. There should be no bubbles produced within one minute. Or check with gas
detecting device that precision is not lower than 25×10-6, and the detector should not give out
ƹThe material of the parts at gas filling port should meet the requirements of gas medium, service
life and ambient temperature. The joints should be made of anti-corrosive metal material
especially copper alloy with copper content of lower than 70% and hardness higher than HRB60.
ƹThe fixed place of gas bottle should be far from heat source and the ambient temperature should
not be higher than 55ć. The distance between the gas bottle and the exhaust pipe should not be
less than 75mm at any condition.
ƹIf the gas bottle were mounted under the bus frame, the bottle and its accessories should not be
arranged in front of the front axle. The distance of the lowest position of bottle from the ground
should not be less than the minimum ground clearance when the bus is full load.
ƹThe gas bottle should be firmly fixed on the seat. There should be a rubber cushion (ı2mm) or

Operation and Maintenance Manual for WP12NG Series Gas Engine
elastic anhydrous between the bottle and seat.
ƹAfter the bottle is fixed, a static force 8 times that of the bottle weight (full of gas at rated
pressure) should be withstood at any directions. The maximum displacement between the bottle
and the fixing seat must not be larger than 13mm.
ƹThe gas bottles should be arranged reasonably. When the distance between the gas bottle and
the exhaust pipe is 75-200mm, reliable heat isolating fittings should be set.
ƹThe integrated valves and connectors of the gas bottle should be protected properly to avoid
damage caused by impact, capsize or other accident. The distance between the integrated valves
and the edge of vehicle outline should not be less than 200mm.
ƹThe gas bottle should be mounted at wind obstructing position to prevent the leakage gas from
entering the cab and the passenger compartment. If the gas bottle were mounted inside the bus, the
gas bottle and the integrated valves should be closed in an airtight cabin with a window for
maintenance and check. Or the integrated valves are closed in a subsidiary cabin. The airtight
cabin and the subsidiary cabin should be sealed reliably to avoid gas leakage.
ƹThe high pressure pipes should be as short as possible. And the pipe’s connectors should be
mounted at the visible or accessible position. All the high pressure pipes and connectors should be
protected reliably.
ƹRigid high pressure pipe should be arranged reasonably and fixed on the chassis and bus body
with clamps to avoid come into collision and friction with adjacent parts. The rigid high pressure
pipe should be fixed on the chassis or the bus with clips and the space between two adjacent clips
should be less than 600mm. When the pipe contacts with the parts nearby or passes through a
hole-plate, protective rubber cushion should be used. The pipe between two parts should be of coil
pipe or “U” pipe to protect the pipe from being influenced by vibration and expansion or
contraction with the temperature. The curvature radius of pipe centerline should not be less than 5
times of pipe outer diameter.
ƹFor hinge type bus, the high pressure pipe at the hinge place should be flexible pipe. And
flexible high pressure hose assembly special for NG conformed with related standard should be
used. Every flexible high pressure hose assembly should be signed with manufacture,
specifications, rated working pressure and the symbol “NG”. The high pressure pipe joint and the
hose should be provided as a whole part.
ƹThe flexible high pressure hose should be fixed on the base parts of the bus with spring clamps.
The space between two adjacent clamps should not be less than 300mm. And clamp the hose at the
right and left of any sinuosity. The clearance between the hose and the exhaust pipe of the engine
should not be less than 100mm. When the clearance is in between 100-200mm, fixed and reliable
heat shielding should be mounted between the high pressure hose and engine exhaust pipe.

Operation and Maintenance Manual for WP12NG Series Gas Engine

4.2 Supporting System’s Technical Specification of

WP12NG Series Gas Engine
4.2.1Cooling system
1)Expansion tank
An independent or semi – independent expansion tank must be fitted on the cooling system
for gas engine. The pressure inside the expansion tank should be remained at 50kPa. The position
of the expansion tank should be at least 400mm higher than that of the engine and radiator. The
tank should be at the top point of the cooling system water circulating circuit. The expansion tank
capacity should be not smaller than 15 percent of total volume of cooling systemˈand the first
filling of the coolant should be 60% of total expansion tank; the other 40% space is for coolant
Must have a water filler pipe(bore diameter 20~30mm) at the lowest place of the expansion
tank and near the low level center. The pipe should fixed on the passage between radiator outlet
that located on the lowest position of cooling circulating and pump inlet, and near to pump as
many as possible. Thus one side forbid having bubbles when filling the coolantˈthe other side
system power is exerted upon the water pump directly when the engine runningˈand forbidding
negative pressure at water pump inlet.
2) Radiator
The water inlet and outlet should lay diagonally, the diameter of water pipe between engine
and radiator should exceed the diameter of corresponding engine pipe's diameter, about¶60, to
reduce the resistance of water.
Table 4-1
Rating Power Rated rotating Windward Area of the
Engine model
speed(kW/ r/min) radiator(dm2)
WP12NG330E30/40 247/2200 ı70

WP12NG350E30/40 253/2200 ı70

WP12NG380E30/40 280/2200 ı70

3) Coolant
Long-range coolant must be antisepsis, rust prevented, dirty prevented and boil preveounted.
Suitable antifreezes should be used to prevent the pressure reducer from frosting because of
heating untimely at low temperature starting or freezing at -40°C.
4˅The requirement of cooling system of Hydraulic torque converter
It is recommended to adopt independent cooling system if the hydraulic torque converter
(automatic transmission case) needs to be cooled by engine cooling system. If not available, the
coolant should go first into engine then hydraulic torque converter.

Operation and Maintenance Manual for WP12NG Series Gas Engine
4.2.2. intake and outtake system
1) specification of intake system
Avoid inhaling hot air in the case˗
Avoid inhaling drop and mirage directly;
The intake pipe between air filter and turbocharger should made by unattackable material;
Lower system resistance;
The max. resitance before turbocharger is 40Mbar.the increasement of intake resistance will
drop the kinetic of engine.
Table 4-2
Engine model Rated speed(r/min) Air quantity needed(kg/s)
WP12NG330E30/40 247 2200 0.6
WP12NG350E30/40 253 2200 0.6
WP12NG380E30/40 280 2200 0.6
2) intercooler system
The higher temperature of the intake system means the lower air density of air into engine. It
will lead to lower engine power, higher exhaust temperature and lower reliability. In any cases, the
temperature of air after intercooler should be lower than 50ć.
3) intake pipe
The intake pipe include the pipe between turbocharger and intercooler and engine. The pipe
should be as short as possible and propitious to air fluid. Round of the pipe must be an obtuse
angle. Molding elbow should be used when right-angle. Heat installation must be used between
the intake pipe and heat component when the pipe pass by hot component. The high pressure
rubber pipe bellow turbocharger should be able to endure oil, pressure upper than 5bar, high
temperature up to 240ć. The transition pipe from smaller pipe to larger pipe should be designed
into taper shape.
The air pipe before turbocharger should be lay on the same axis of air compressor. The length
of straight part must be as short as two or three times of the diameter of compressor inlet.
Table 4-3
Rated Rated
Engine model Diameter of intake pipe(mm)
power(kW) speed(r/min)
WP12NG330E30/40 247 2200 100
WP12NG350E30/40 253 2200 100
WP12NG380E30/40 280 2200 100
4) Exhaust system
The exhaust pipe should be smoothed-faced without blind bend and right-angle bend. The
exhaust pressure(150mm after charging) should not less than 6kpa when engine run on the rating

Operation and Maintenance Manual for WP12NG Series Gas Engine

UEGO mounting position should be 3-5 times of exhaust pipe diameter away from the outlet
of turbocharger or below of exhaust elbow.Prohibit from mounting the UEGO on the exhaust

The catalytic converter should be mounted according to arrow direction.

4.2.3 Engine room

1˅The radiant heat of gas engine is higher than that of diesel engine; and the ventilating
arrangement must be improved in designing of engine room.
2) Over 150mm space should be set on top of the rocker cover to check the spark plug and
adjust the valve clearance convenientlyDŽ
3˅Inspection window should be set as large as possible on the floor above the engine.
4) In general, the gas system of the engine is mounted on the guide over side. An inspection
window should be set on the guide cover as large as possible to check the gas system conveniently.

4.2.4 Power source requirement

1) The max current of the engine electrical system is 25A, and the operating voltage of all
electrical appliance is 24V. Suitable battery should be selected according to the vehicle
2˅The engine must adopt positive turn off flameout method.
3) The X3 and W3 pins of ECM must be electrified constantly to maintain the memory
function of ECM. Cut off the power supply of X3 and W3 only at emergency conditions or the
vehicle is in maintenance.
4) Groundings of power system and digital/analogue system should be connected with the
cathode of battery separately.

4.3 Unpacking
When unpacking the engine, the user should check the engine and accessories as packing list.
And examine whether it is damaged, or fittings are loose, etc. Then follow what are below:
ƹClean the anti-rust coat of exposed parts and corrosion inhibitor, etc.
ƹAs the agreement of manufactures and users, fill oil if no oil in the bottom. If the oil with
accelerating agent for running is filled completely in the oil bottom, it is recommended to instead
old oil with new oil after the users drive for 2000km (or drive for 50 hours).
ƹAs the agreement of manufactures and users, when leaving factory, fill coolant as users’
requirement, check coolant performance when unpacking it. If the antifreeze ability meets the
requirements when the temperature is -30ć or -35ć, PH value is 7-8(neutrality), the total
rigidity is 5-15ed[9-15ef(rigidity)], such coolant can be used. If it doesn’t meet requirements,

Operation and Maintenance Manual for WP12NG Series Gas Engine
drain it out and fill the coolant with antifreeze additive.

4.4 hoisting of engine

When hoisting, the crankshaft center line of the engine should be kept level. It is forbidden to
hoist aslant or hoist with one side. Lifting up and lowering of the engine should be slow(see the fig

Fig 4-1 hoisting of engine

4.5 installation of engine
In installation, it is necessary to ensure that the engine crankshaft centerline and the axis of
the input shaft of driving device (such as crankcase, gear box and generator) are coaxial, and
ensure that the crankshaft does not bear additional axial force induced by setting up.

4.6 prepare work before start

ƹcheck the coolant liquid level
If the engine has been installed on the vehicle or bracket, the coolant liquid level should be
seen from the glass sight hole on the expansion tank anytime. If the coolant is not enough, open
the filling hole cover to fill coolant. When open filling hole cover with relief valve and exhaust
valve, press releasing button before open the cover if the engine is hot. It is avoided to fill large
amount of coolant when the engine is hot by all means, parts will be damaged due to sudden
temperature change. In the abnormal condition with coolant, it is allowed to fill slowly water
which is not very cold. It is filled from the filling hole until is spills over. Start the engine and fill
the coolant until the liquid level is stable when engine is running (1000r/min), and finally cover he
filling hole.
ƹcheck the oil liquid level
Engine oil liquid level is in the middle between up scale and down scale. If necessary, fill the
oil from its filling hole.
ƹcheck accessories of the engine
Check if all accessories are reliable, and clear off something abnormal. Check whether circuit
connection of start system is normal and storage battery charges fully.

Operation and Maintenance Manual for WP12NG Series Gas Engine

4.7 daily operation of the engine

ƹCheck if the connection is firm between gas bottle and bracket, gas supply device and
crossbeam. Whether there is gal leakage of gas pipes. Whether it is loosen of sensors’ connectors
before start the engine.
ƹOpen power switch for 5-10s to make sure there is gas in pipes before start engine.
ƹAfter the engine is started, run the engine for 30s in idle speed and check whether the oil
pressure and water temperature is normal.
ƹStep down the clutch and accelerator pedals, turn electric key to start the engine. If it is not
started within 5-10s, repeat the process above after one minute. If it is not started for 3 sequential
times, stop starting it. Do it after finding caused and removal trouble. Notice readings of all meters
after starting the engine. At this time, engine oil pressure meter displays pressure. It should be
noticed that cold engine should not be run in high speed. After running for a period (but not too
long) in idle speed, it can run in high speed.
ƹFor NG engine, when the ambient temperature is lower, there might be some white smoke or
water drip from exhaust pipe for short time after engine started. The cause is that the “H” content
is higher in NG, and much H2O resulted after combustion. The water forms white smoke or water
drip at lower temperature and can not be vaporized. With the rising of temperature, there will be
no white smoke or water drips.
ƹThe acceleration ability of NG engine is not as well as diesel engine for the fuel property.
ƹWhen stopping the engine in cold climate, reduce load and run for 1-2minutes in idle speed.
After water and oil temperature is lower, stop the engine. It should be noticed that the coolant with
antifreeze additive can not be drained out. If the coolant is not filled with antifreeze additive, you
must open the valves and water blocks on the cylinder body, engine oil cooler cover, radiator, air
inlet pipe, etc. and drain up coolant to prevent the engine from being frozen with cracks.

Operation and Maintenance Manual for WP12NG Series Gas Engine

Chapter5 Maintenance of engine

5.1 Routine maintenance

Check coolant liquid level, engine oil level. Check whether lubricating grease is enough in
the required place, whether oil, water and gas is leaked or not, whether connection and tighten
outside connecting parts and accessories is good, whether fan and belt are over tight or loose,
whether oil pressure, water temperature of engine, as well as exhausting temperature, color, sound,
vibration are normal, and whether the rotary speed is stable.
ƹcheck liquid level and water temperature
Observe the liquid level from glass sight hole. When the coolant is not enough, open filling hole
cover to fill coolant.
Note: You must press air releasing button before open filling hole cover to avoid hot coolant
damaging person when engine is hot.

Fig 5-1 Fig 5-2

ƹcheck oil level
When oil level is lower than down scale or topper than up scale, it is forbidden to start
Check the oil level after 5min the engine stopped to make the oil flow return to oil pump.
The difference between the up scale and down scale is 3L.

Fig 5-3

Operation and Maintenance Manual for WP12NG Series Gas Engine
ƹCheck leakage
There should not be leakage of water, oil and gas.

Fig 5-4
‹ Check fun
check whether the blade of fan is broken, and connecting bolts are tight.

Fig 5-5
‹ Check belt
The belt are tightened by pulley, and users should check the tension of belt by hand.

Fig 5-6
‹ Check whether sound is normal.
‹ Check whether rotary speed and vibration is normal.

Operation and Maintenance Manual for WP12NG Series Gas Engine

5.2 Maintenance of all levels

Add following content besides routine maintenance˖
‹ Replace oil
‹ Turn out oil draining screw plug on the bottom of oil pan, and drain out engine oil and then
tighten oil draining screw plug. See fig 5-7. Open filling hole cover (see fig 5-8) fill oil from
filling hole to observe scale of dipstick until it meets the requirements, finally cover the
filling hole.

Fig 5-7 Fig 5-8

Oil purge Filling hole
plug for oil

Note: The oil should be drained out to special container to reuse.

ƹReplace oil filter and filter element. See fig 5-9.
Replace oil filter as following:
ķ remove old oil filter
ĸ fill clean oil to new filter
Ĺ lay oil on rubber plate before installing new oil filter
ĺ when the rubber plate touches the base, tighten 3/4̚1 round to seal
Ļ start the engine and check whether it leaks oil.

Oil filter

Fig 5-9

Operation and Maintenance Manual for WP12NG Series Gas Engine
‹ Check and adjust inlet/outlet valve clearance
ķ when engine is cold, right barring and make (as the running direction) 1st and 6th cylinders
to TDC, at this time,”0” graduation of the flywheel and indicator on the sight hole are put in order.
See fig 5-10


Flaming time

Fig 5-10
ĸ dismantle rocker cover to judge compressing stroke of cylinder 1st or cylinder
6th(there is clearance between inlet and outlet valves of cylinder with compressing stroke and
cover). See fig 5-11

Fig 5-11
Ĺ check the clearance between surface of valve bridge and valve rocker by filler gage.
WP12NG engine requires inlet valve clearance is 0.35mm, outlet valve clearance is 0.4mm. If the
clearance is too big or small, you can adjust the adjusting screw on the rocker to get above
clearance requirements. See fig 5-12.

Operation and Maintenance Manual for WP12NG Series Gas Engine


Inlet valve cold clearance 0.35mm Outlet valve cold clearance 0.4mm
ĺ after checking cylinder 1 and cylinder 6th ,right barring about 360e. Make cylinder 1st or

cylinder 6th on the working stroke to check and adjust the other valves.
Tab 5-1

Cylinder 1st Cylinder 2nd Cylinder 3rd Cylinder 4th Cylinder 5th Cylinder 6th

Compression Inlet/outlet Inlet valve Outlet valve Inlet valve Outlet valve Nonadjustab
stroke of 1 valve le
Compression Nonadjustab Outlet valve Inlet valve Outlet valve Inlet valve Inlet/outlet
stroke of 6 le valve
For the outlet valve with WEVB, its adjusting steps are below˖

Fig 5-13 Adjustment of outlet valve and EVB clearances

ƹ piston is located at compression TDC.
ƹ loose adjusting bolt 2.
ƹin case that the seal plane of outlet valve rocker arm is not pressed, first by using No.10
adjusting screw to adjust the total valve clearance to 0.4mm, and then tighten the lock nut.
Note: During adjustment, the valve clearance adjusting screw should be turned until the
filler gauge is clamped so that No.5 valve rocker arm piston is pressed to the bottom and

Operation and Maintenance Manual for WP12NG Series Gas Engine
forms no gap with the bottom plane of piston installation hole in outlet valve rocker arm.
ƹ loose nut No.2
ƹadjust the adjusting screw 2, insert 0.25mm filler gage between adjusting screw 2 and
valve bridge. Tighten the nut.
Note: during adjustment, No.2 adjusting screw assembly should be turned until the filter
gauge is clamped so that No.5 valve rocker arm piston is pressed to the bottom and forms no gap
with the bottom plane of piston installation hole in outlet valve rocker arm.
ƹ Check valve clearance again and adjust it if necessary.
‹ Check air inlet system
Check whether inlet rubber pipe is aging with cracks, and hoop is loose. If
necessary, you must fasten or replace parts to ensure the seal of inlet system.

5.3 Maintenance of diesel engine when it is not used for long

‹ Clean engine
‹ Protection
ķ after warming up, drain out oil, clean oil filter and fill rust-prevented oil.
ĸ drain out water and fill coolant with rust-prevented agent.
Ĺ start the idling run for 15 to 25 min.
ĺdrain out oil and coolant.
Ļprotect other parts.
‹ Protection in the period of stocking
Pack all inlet/outlet for oil, gas and water by cover or plastic. Seal the complete engine by
rust-prevented file.
‹ If require shipment, the additional package should be necessary.

5.4 periodic maintenance and record

Tab5-2 operation conditions of two types matching with vehicles
˄WGĉtype˅ ˄WGĊtype˅
Operating condition is abominable(climate is cold or hot, with The yearly number of miles
high dustiness. Shipping distance is short. It is used in travelled by the vehicle is less
construction site, and used in public buses, municipal than 2h10 km

engineering vehicles, snow removing vehicles and fire engines)

or the yearly number of miles traveled by the vehicle is less than
2h10 km or yearly working time is less than 600h.

Operation and Maintenance Manual for WP12NG Series Gas Engine
Tab 5-3 maintenance term
condition The yearly number of
Items miles traveled˄time˅

First inspection 3000km ˄50h˅ A A

10000km˄200h˅ B C
Routine inspection 30000km˄400h˅ B
For WGĊtype, replace oil filter element every 10000km(200h) in the
specifically service center of Weichai Power
A-first inspection˖replace oil and filtering elementˈ
B-routine inspection˖replace oil and filtering element
C-only replace oil filter element
Tab 5-4 maintenance criterion
Maintenance items First time routine
Replace oil filter or filtering element Ɣ ↣⃵᳈ᤶᴎ⊍ᯊ
Check and adjust the clearance of valves Ɣ Ɣ
Check the volume of coolant and fill them Ɣ Ɣ
Fasten clamp of coolant pipes Ɣ
Fasten air inlet pipe, hose pipe and flange Ɣ Ɣ
Check maintenance indicator light of Ɣ
indicator of air filter
Clean dust collecting container of air filter Ɣ
˄not including automatic dusting type˅
Clean main filtering element of air filter When the indicator light is light
Replace main filtering element of air filter Refer to manual and relative regulations
Replace safety filtering element of air filter When clean main filter element for 5 times
Check and fasten belt Ɣ Ɣ
Check clearance of bearing of turbocharger Every 160000km
Check and adjust clutch travel Ɣ Ɣ
Note ˖signal Ɣ represents to require maintenance.

Operation and Maintenance Manual for WP12NG Series Gas Engine

Chapter6 analysis and solution for common

WP12NG series natural gas engine are designed and fabricated with strict quality system, and
the required test are applied on each engine prior leaving the factory. On the other hand, as NG
engine is a kind of precise machine, the normal maintenance is critical for its long term service.
Generally, the reason for the failure of engine are as follow:
ƹ Illegal operation, lack of management and abnormal application
ƹ Didn’t carry out the maintenance as regulation, or just repair as it is broken
ƹ Poor quality of fitting, the cheap fake product will shorten the service life much.
ƹ Improper type fuel and lubricant are applied

6.1 Estimate method

The common estimate methods for NG engine failure are as follow˖
ƹ Observation˖estimate the failure by observe the failure phenomenon like exhaust smoke
ƹ Hearing˖estimate the failure part and degree by hearing the abnormal sound
ƹ Ceasing cylinder˖cease the work of certain cylinder to estimate whether the failure is
happened in this certain cylinder. The method of “ceasing cylinder” is to cease the fuel
supply for the cylinder which is suspected, and compare the difference of engine after
ceased the cylinder, which can reduce the range of failure parts.
ƹ Comparing method˖replace some assembly parts or components to make sure whether
there are failure on them.
ķ Estimating the failure of engine is a fairly precise work, it is forbidden to disassemble
the engine before acknowledge the failure reason, or the failure may get worse for the
improper disassembly.
ĸ For the key components like ICM, ECM, FMV and turbocharger, etc. the
maintenance and inspection should be implemented by special equipments and operator
with qualification.

6.2 Common failure and solution

These failures mainly are the accumulation and summary of service experience for user
reference. During estimate, connect the WOODWARD OH 2.0 control software and check the

Operation and Maintenance Manual for WP12NG Series Gas Engine
failure code.

6.2.1 Troubleshooting
This chapter is mainly the accumulation and summary of service experience for user
reference. During trouble shooting, switch on the control software WOODWRAD OH2.0 NG and
examine the fault code.
Tab 6-1
Trouble Possible causes Checking and troubleshooting
1. No gas in bottles or manual valve not
Switch on the ignition key, there
2. High voltage solenoid valve no
should be clatter from solenoid valve.
electricity or fault
Replace the failure solenoid valve.
Check 3 supply wires. Switch on
ignition key, check if there is 24V
3. The relays of engine control module
voltage on the relay and fuse with
universal meter according to electric
principle circuit.
4. Gas pressure low Check gas pipe for leakage.
Check ignition coil with ignition
timing lamp, the coil misfire. Check
5. Ignition module fault
Engine can fault code, spark plug and ignition
not be wire.
started Check with portable computer, after
switch on ignition key, the gas
6. Low voltage solenoid valve on FMV
pressure is lower than 850kPa.
does not open or open insufficiently
Replace solenoid valve and check
valve core.
Check air filter and intake system for
7. Insufficient aspiration
blocking and leakage.
8. Start speed low (Min start speed: Check battery voltage, it should be
100rpm) 24V.
9. Improper adjustment of intake and Check valve clearance according to
exhaust valve Engine Operation Manual.
10. Engine control module (ECM) fault Replace ECM.
11. Short circuit caused by molten oxygen
Replace oxygen sensor.
sensor insert

Operation and Maintenance Manual for WP12NG Series Gas Engine
12. Electronic gas throttle fault Test gas throttle with software.
13. Circuit fault, like neutral gear switch
Check circuit.
Software testing, there will be fault
14. Speed sensor fault code. Check clearance between gear
plate and sensor.
1. Air intake pipe leaking Check intake pipe
Check spark plug, and diagnose
2. Spark plug or ignition system fault
ignition system with testing software.
Check pressure reducer and gas
3. Gas metering valve low pressure fault
pipeline for blocking.
Check gas throttle with testing
4. Electronic gas throttle fault
idle speed

Check electrical system with testing

5. Electrical system fault

It is mainly caused by unburned gas

combusting in exhaust pipe.

1. One or several cylinder(s) not working

Exhaust (such as ignition module or ignition coil Check spark plug, check ignition
pipe fault, ignition coils of some cylinders system with testing software.
detonation interchanged, spark plug fault)
Diagnose with testing software, check
2. Rich or lean gas (pressure reducer fault)
gas pressure.
Check ignition advance angle, check
3. Advance angle difference large
phase sensor clearance.
4. Mixer core blocked Clean mixer core.
Unhandy 1. Gas bottle manual valve not opened
Check gas bottle.
speedup fully

Operation and Maintenance Manual for WP12NG Series Gas Engine
Check pressure reducer, gas pipeline,
2. Gas pressure low
gas filter for blocking.
3. Fuel pedal position insert part bad Diagnose with testing software, test
contact fuel pedal position.
Check spark plug. Diagnose ignition
4. Ignition system fault
system with testing software.
5. Mixer core blocked Clean mixer core.
Diagnose ignition system with testing
6. Pressure reducer failure
software. Check gas pressure.
Check air filter and intake system for
7. Insufficient aspiration
blocking and leaking.
Check ignition advance angle, check
8. Advance angle difference large
phase sensor clearance.
9. Improper adjustment of intake and Check valve clearance according to
exhaust valve Engine Operation Manual.

10. Small solenoid valve open or electrical Check battery voltage and harness
system fault caused by low system voltage connecting.

11. ECM limits throttle open and Phi Diagnose fault with testing software.

1. Intercooler cracked or connecting pipe

loosed or chapped. The rubber hose Check air intake pipe and
connected with exhaust gas regulator of turbocharger.
turbocharger came off
Low power,
vibration 2. Gas bottle manual valve not opened
Check gas bottle.
Check spark plug. Diagnose ignition
3. Ignition system fault
system with testing software.
4. Pressure reducer fault (rich oxygen and Diagnose ignition system with testing
bad combustion) software. Check gas pressure.
Comprehensive inspection according to above methods.
Comprehensive inspection according to above methods.
High gas
consumptio Diagnose fault with testing software
1. Oxygen sensor fault
n and check harness connection.

Operation and Maintenance Manual for WP12NG Series Gas Engine

Appendix A: Nomenclature
Air Charge Temperature. This is the measurement from the
temperature sensor in the manifold
Constant Period Mode. This is a special mode when the injectors are turned on nearly
simultaneously during throttle transients
DATDC Crank Angle Degrees After Top Dead Center
DBTDC Crank Angle Degrees Before Top Dead Center
DBW Drive By Wire
EBP Exhaust back pressure
ECM Engine Control Module
ECT Engine Coolant Temperature
FMV Fuel Metering Valve
FPP Foot Pedal Position
FTV Fuel Trim Valve used on LPG-fueled systems
ICM/ICU Ignition Control Module/Ignition Control Unit
IMON Ignition Monitoring Function
IVS Idle Validation System
LPG Liquid Propane Gas
MAP Manifold Air Pressure
Manifold Air Temperature. This is the temperature for the port air flow. It is either read from a
sensor or inferred from the ACT and ECT sensors
MIL Malfunction Indicator Lamp
OH2.0 Woodward On-Highway Natural Gas Engine Control System
Phi Normalized F/A Equivalence Ratio
PRD Pressure Relief Device
PTP Pre-throttle or Pre-turbine Pressure
PWM Pulse Width Modulated
rpm Engine Revolutions Per Minute
SAE Society of Automotive Engineers
SFC System Fault Code
TDC Top Dead Center for the piston
TPS Throttle Position Sensor
UEGO Universal Exhaust Gas Oxygen Sensor
VBAT Battery Voltage
Z Compression Ration

Operation and Maintenance Manual for WP12NG Series Gas Engine

Appendix B:System Fault Code

Fault Code For OH2.0

SFC         DescriptioninToolkit       
133 UEGO Heater Voltage Low
134 UEGO Heater Voltage High
139 UEGO Air Cal Learned Outside Limits
141 NGT voltage high
142 NGT rate of change - least severe torque derate
143 NGT rate of change - moderately severe torque de-rate
144 NGT rate of change - most severe torque derate
151 NGT voltage low
161 XDRP_A (+5V) voltage high
162 XDRP_A (+5V) voltage low
163 XDRP_B (+5V) voltage high
164 XDRP_B (+5V) voltage low
165 +14V power supply high
166 +14V power supply low
181 Barometer Voltage Low
182 Barometer Voltage High
191 Oil Pressure Voltage Low
192 Oil Pressure Voltage High
193 Oil Temperature Voltage Low
194 Oil Temperature Voltage High
211 FPP voltage high
221 FPP voltage low
231 MAT voltage high
241 MAT higher than expected
242 MAT Data Insufficient Activity
251 MAT voltage low
261 ECT voltage high
271 ECT voltage low
281 ECT higher than expected
311 UEGO UN Fault
312 UEGO VM Fault
313 UEGO IP Fault
314 UEGO IA Fault
315 UEGO Heater Fault
321 UEGO2 UN Fault
322 UEGO2 VM Fault
323 UEGO2 IP Fault
324 UEGO2 IA Fault
325 UEGO2 Heater Fault
331 MAP higher than expected
341 MAP voltage low
342 MAP voltage high
351 Baro lower than expected
361 Baro higher than expected
371 PTP higher than expected
372 PTP Voltage Low
373 PTP Voltage High
Operation and Maintenance Manual for WP12NG Series Gas Engine
381 NGP voltage high
391 NGP voltage low
411 NGP higher than expected
412 System Overpressure Fault
413 NGP Low
421 CAM sensor fault
422 CRANK sensor fault
423 Engine Timing Config Fault
424 Engine Overspeed
425 PCM Chassis Error
426 PCM Temperature Alarm
427 Vehicle Speed Sensor Fault
428 Clutch Switch Stuck On Fault
429 Neutral Switch Stuck On Fault
431 NGP lower than expected
432 Footbrake Stuck Fault
433 Vehicle Speed Sensor Noise Fault
441 Closed Loop Correction on High Limit
451 Closed Loop Correction on Low Limit
461 Adaptive Learn Correction on Hi Limit
471 Adaptive Learn Correction on Low Limit
491 PTP Lower Than Expected
521 Battery voltage low
531 Battery voltage high
541 TPS voltage high
551 Low RAM Available
552 Rate Group 5 Slip
553 CPU Load Higher Than Expected
554 Low Flash Memory Available
555 Low EEPROM Available
556 Low Calibrate Memory Available
557 Primary EEPROM Fault
558 Secondary EEProm Fault
561 TPS voltage low
571 TPS voltage higher than expected
611 RH Sensor Voltage High
612 RH Sensor Voltage Low
613 RHT Sensor Voltage High
614 RHT Sensor Voltage Low
615 RHT Insufficient Activity
641 NGTT High
651 NGTT Low
654 Engine Air Inlet Temperature sensor voltage high
655 Engine Air Inlet Temperature sensor voltage low
661 NGTP Voltage High
664 Air Filter pressure voltage high
665 Air Filter pressure voltage low
667 Air Filter pressure higher than expected
668 Air Filter pressure lower than expected
671 NGTP Voltage Low
672 NGTP Lower Than Expected
691 WGCV Open or Shorted
693 DRVP Lower Than Expected
711 Boost pressure higher than expected
721 Boost pressure lower than expected
Operation and Maintenance Manual for WP12NG Series Gas Engine
731 Overboost
732 Boost Air Regulator Set Point Fault
733 WGCV Control Pressure Fault
734 Boost Air Pressure Voltage High Fault
735 Boost Air Pressure Voltage Low Fault
741 Oil pressure low
751 Torque Required to Limit Injector Duty Cycle Is Too Low
781 IVS state unexpectedly high
791 IVS state unexpectedly low
811 TPS voltage lower than expected
822 CAN EGR Valve Fault
823 UEGO2 EGR Low Flow
841 SCI port fault
842 ETC1 MSG Timeout
843 ETC1 Transmission Output Shaft Speed Data Invalid
844 TCO1 MSG Timeout
845 TCO1 Vehicle Speed Data Invalid
846 EBC2 MSG Timeout
847 EBC2 Wheel Speed Data Invalid
851 Hybrid ISG MSG Timeout
911 Coil 1 open
912 Coil 2 open
913 Coil 3 open
914 Coil 4 open
915 Coil 5 open
916 Coil 6 open
917 Coil 7 Open
918 Coil 8 Open
921 Coil 1 Shorted
922 Coil 2 Shorted
923 Coil 3 Shorted
924 Coil 4 Shorted
925 Coil 5 Shorted
926 Coil 6 Shorted
927 Coil 7 Shorted
928 Coil 8 Shorted
951 Injector 1 open or shorted to ground
952 Injector 2 open or shorted to ground
953 Injector 3 open or shorted to ground
954 Injector 4 open or shorted to ground
955 Injector 5 open or shorted to ground
956 Injector 6 open or shorted to ground
957 Injector 7 open or shorted to ground
958 Injector 8 open or shorted to ground
959 Injector 9 open or shorted to ground
961 Injector 1 shorted to voltage
962 Injector 2 shorted to voltage
963 Injector 3 shorted to voltage
964 Injector 4 shorted to voltage
965 Injector 5 shorted to voltage
966 Injector 6 shorted to voltage
967 Injector 7 shorted to voltage
968 Injector 8 shorted to voltage
969 Injector 9 shorted to voltage
971 Injector 10 open or shorted to ground
Operation and Maintenance Manual for WP12NG Series Gas Engine
972 Injector 11 open or shorted to ground
973 Injector 12 open or shorted to ground
981 Injector 10 shorted to voltage
982 Injector 11 shorted to voltage
983 Injector 12 shorted to voltage
991 Test Fault 1
992 Test Fault 2
993 Test Fault 3
994 Test Fault 4
995 Test Fault 5
996 Test Fault 6


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