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How to Memorize a Speech in One Night
Co-authored by wikiHow Staff
Updated: October 31, 2019 | References

Memorizing a speech in one night is not an easy task, but it's possible. There are hundreds of
different memorization techniques out there, but the best method is the basic, tried-and-true
strategy of repetition and practice. If you're looking for something a little more fun, you can try
the memory palace approach - it will help you visualize the key components of your speech and
help you commit the whole thing to memory in just one night.

Method One of Three:

Memorizing Through Repetition

Write out the entire speech. Simply take a piece of paper and a pen and write out the entire
speech. If the speech is relatively short, consider writing it out multiple times. Many people
memorize information better when they are actively recording it. Copying the speech on another
piece of paper can help to commit that information to memory.[1]

Type up the speech. Much like writing the speech out on paper, typing the speech can also help
commit the information to memory through visual learning. Since typing is generally faster than
handwriting, you may have more time to type the speech several times in one night.[2]
There is no need to print the typed speech each time that you type it.
However, you may be more likely to remember things that are handwritten rather than typed.[3]

Rehearse your speech for a friend. Sometimes you may think that you know your speech well,
but you freeze up when you perform it in front of people. It is important to practice the speech in
front of someone to ensure that you really know the information. Request that your friend give
you some tips. They may be able to tell you if you are not speaking loud enough or if you are
talking too quickly.[4]
Record yourself rehearsing the speech. If you don’t have anyone to practice with, try recording
yourself while you rehearse your speech. Video recording is the best because you will be able
to watch the recording and critique your speech and body language. You can also listen to the
recording while you are doing other things to help remember the information.[5]
Avoid trying to memorize the speech word for word. Normally, it is not necessary to recite a
speech word for word. It is more important to remember all of the topics that you need to cover
during the speech. Spend time memorizing the bullet points, important facts and statistics, and
the layout of your speech in order to guarantee that you cover all of the information that needs
to be covered.[6]
Method Two of Three:
Using the Memory Palace Technique
Organize your speech into bullet points. Divide the speech into several bullet points. Each bullet
point should be about a different topic. Write these bullet points down on a piece of paper or
note cards.[7]
Pinpoint locations in your home for each bullet point. Count the bullet points and locate the
same number of pieces of furniture in your home, office, or wherever you are memorizing your
speech. For example, if you have ten bullet points you will need to pinpoint ten separate pieces
of furniture.[8]
Visualize an object for each bullet point. Once you have determined the furniture that you will
use for the memory palace, visualize an object that relates to each bullet point.[9]
For example, if the bullet refers to finances you may visualize dollar bills.
If the bullet is discussing fashion you may visualize a shirt.
Match the bullet point with an object and piece of furniture. Assign a piece of furniture with each
bullet point and object. Then visualize the object with the piece of furniture.[10]
For example, you may discuss fashion by visualizing a row of shirts in the wardrobe.
When talking about finances you may visualize dollar bills coming out of the oven.
Method Three of Three:
Preparing for Success
Get enough sleep. Although it might seem tempting to stay up all night to prepare for your
speech, it probably won’t help you. A lack of sleep increases your stress levels and decreases
your ability to focus. Be sure that you get at least eight hours of sleep the night before your
Take a break. It is important to remember to take care of your body even when you are
cramming for a presentation. Take some time to take a quick walk. Don’t forget to eat meals and
keep yourself hydrated. These steps are equally important in memorizing your speech.
Learn how to keep calm. Make a list of things that scare you about the speech. Then, try to
tackle those fears. If eye contact makes you lose focus, try looking just above your audience’s
head. Try giving your speech behind a podium or while holding a microphone to keep your
hands busy. Use deep breathing exercises to keep yourself calm before your speech.
Community Q&A
What should you do if you stutter?
Community Answer
Pause if you need to, and repeat the sentence or from wherever feels comfortable. Don't make
weird noises with your mouth, raise your eyebrows or give any other indication you have stuffed
up. If you don't react, neither will your audience.
What if it's worth a lot of points and I'm super nervous?
Community Answer
Just remember, if you trip up, you trip up. If you act confident and cool about it, no one will know
you're nervous. Its all up to you. Take it one step at a time. Take it line by line. Dig deeper into
the character, or yourself, for a speech, to find the next line and it will come naturally.
What do I do if I mess up part of the speech?
Community Answer
Just continue to relay your speech. Try to not be distracted by your mistake.
I have to memorize a monologue by tomorrow. Any tips?
Community Answer
Rehearse as much as possible, memorizing the monologue in chunks. For example, memorize
the first four lines by reading them over and over again and then looking away from the paper
and repeating them until you can recite them without looking at the paper at all. Then add
another four lines, reciting from the beginning down through the 8th line until you can, again,
recite without looking. Continue in this way until you've memorized the entire monologue.
Is using a funny comment in your speech good to do?
Community Answer
Yes. As long as it is good, don't be cheesy or give an old, not-funny joke. Test the joke on
family, friends, anyone within earshot. Don't wait too long for the laugh, or too short.
What if I have stage fright?
Community Answer
Remember the audience is not out get you. Slow down, take deep breaths, and if you feel like
you're about to faint, wiggle your toes and bend your knees a little (don't lock your knees). If
your hands start shaking, it's adrenaline, which is created by your Sympathetic Nervous System
(SNS), so just hold your hands together.
How can I memorize a speech if I am not sure what kind of learner I am?
Community Answer
Try a few different methods until one feels best for you, like making flashcards, listening to the
speech or writing it out.
How do I memorize a 7 sentence paragraph in a different language?
Community Answer
Just take it one sentence at a time, spell each one out phonetically to help you with
pronunciation. Make sure you have each sentence down before moving on, then start putting all
the sentences together.
What if I have to make my speech last an exact amount of time?
Community Answer
Write out your speech and time it while you are saying it so you can make the speech longer or
shorter if you need to. Then just practice it over and over. Once you've established a normal
rhythm of performing your speech, it should last almost exactly the same amount of time each
time you do it.
How many hours a week do you need to practice in order to memorize a speech?
Community Answer
It depends on amount of time you have and how well you are able to memorize. Make the most
of the time you have by splitting the speech into several segments. Focus on memorizing those
individual segments, then piece them together. Practice as much as you can without psyching
yourself out.
Don’t worry about memorizing the speech word for word.
Remember to rehearse your body language as well as your speech.
Read it in front of a mirror.
Understand each and every line, so if you understand it you can easily speak about it.
Practice, practice, practice... but practice it right because practice makes perfect.
Learn the speech in small parts.
Decree and declare that you understand the topic before writing the speech.
Keep calm and be confident.
Record yourself, then as you watch something or do a chore or something like that listen to it
the recording 15 times and it will get stuck in your head.
Rehearse it in front of your whole family or as many friends as possible so you get an idea of
what the audience will be like.
Work on separate parts, and then slowly put it together.
Memorizing a speech in one night can be difficult. If you have time, try to spread the work out
over several nights.
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About This Article
Co-Authored By:
wikiHow Staff Editor
This article was co-authored by our trained team of editors and researchers who validated it for
accuracy and comprehensiveness. Together, they cited information from 11 references.
wikiHow's Content Management Team carefully monitors the work from our editorial staff to
ensure that each article meets our high standards.
Co-authors: 155
Updated: October 31, 2019
Views: 1,103,928
Article Rating: 92% - 60 votes
Categories: Speeches | Memorization Skills
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Matt Mayberry

Sep 5

"I was studying a speech do tomorrow, and this really helped me study."
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