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அஅஅஅஅ அஅஅஅ

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அஅஅஅஅ அஅஅஅ

அஅஅஅஅ அஅஅஅ

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அஅஅஅஅ அஅஅஅ

அஅஅஅஅ அஅஅஅ

அஅஅஅஅ அஅஅஅ

est documentation is documentation of artifacts created before or during

the testing of software. It helps the testing team to estimate testing effort
needed, test coverage, resource tracking, execution progress

Test documentation is documentation of artifacts created before or during the testing of

est documentation is documentation of artifacts created before or during

the testing of software. It helps the testing team to estimate testing effort
needed, test coverage, resource tracking, execution progress
Test documentation is documentation of artifacts created before or during the testing of

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அஅஅஅஅ அஅஅஅஅஅ
அஅஅஅஅ அஅஅஅஅஅ
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அஅஅஅஅ அஅஅஅ

அஅஅஅஅ அஅஅஅ

அஅஅஅஅ அஅஅஅ
the testing of software. It helps the testing team to estimate testing effort
needed, test coverage, resource tracking, execution progress
Test documentation is documentation of artifacts created before or during
the testing of software. It helps the testing team to estimate testing effort
needed, test coverage, resource tracking, execution progressTest
documentation is documentation of artifacts created before or during
the testing of software. It helps the testing team to estimate testing effort
needed, test coverage, resource tracking, execution progress
Test documentation is documentation of artifacts created before or during
the testing of software. It helps the testing team to estimate testing effort
needed, test coverage, resource tracking, execution progress

Test documentation is documentation of artifacts created before or during

the testing of software. It helps the testing team to estimate testing effort
needed, test coverage, resource tracking, execution progress

Test documentation is documentation of artifacts created before or during

the testing of software. It helps the testing team to estimate testing effort
needed, test coverage, resource tracking, execution progress
Test documentation is documentation of artifacts created before or during
the testing of software. It helps the testing team to estimate testing effort
needed, test coverage, resource tracking, execution progress

Test documentation is documentation of artifacts created before or during the testing of

est documentation is documentation of artifacts created before or during

the testing of software. It helps the testing team to estimate testing effort
needed, test coverage, resource tracking, execution progress

Test documentation is documentation of artifacts created before or during the testing of

est documentation is documentation of artifacts created before or during

the testing of software. It helps the testing team to estimate testing effort
needed, test coverage, resource tracking, execution progress

Test documentation is documentation of artifacts created before or during the testing of

est documentation is documentation of artifacts created before or during

the testing of software. It helps the testing team to estimate testing effort
needed, test coverage, resource tracking, execution progress

Test documentation is documentation of artifacts created before or during the testing of

est documentation is documentation of artifacts created before or during

the testing of software. It helps the testing team to estimate testing effort
needed, test coverage, resource tracking, execution progress
Test documentation is documentation of artifacts created before or during the testing of

est documentation is documentation of artifacts created before or during

the testing of software. It helps the testing team to estimate testing effort
needed, test coverage, resource tracking, execution progress

Test documentation is documentation of artifacts created before or during the testing of

est documentation is documentation of artifacts created before or during

the testing of software. It helps the testing team to estimate testing effort
needed, test coverage, resource tracking, execution progress

Test documentation is documentation of artifacts created before or during the testing of

est documentation is documentation of artifacts created before or during

the testing of software. It helps the testing team to estimate testing effort
needed, test coverage, resource tracking, execution progress

Test documentation is documentation of artifacts created before or during the testing of

est documentation is documentation of artifacts created before or during

the testing of software. It helps the testing team to estimate testing effort
needed, test coverage, resource tracking, execution progress

Test documentation is documentation of artifacts created before or during the testing of

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