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Zoekterm Vertaling Brede Afkort Homoniemen Synoniem Resultaat

term ing

Beïnvloedings grens Influence limit Influence

Beïnvloedings activatie Influence Influence Huettel, S. A., Song, A. W., & McCarthy, G.
activation (2005). Decisions under uncertainty:
probabilistic context influences activation of
prefrontal and parietal cortices. Journal of
Neuroscience, 25(13), 3304-3311.

Beïnvloedings Influence Influence

Beïnvloeding zintuigen Influence Influence


Beïnvloeding Influence manipulati Biderman, A. D. (1961). ​The manipulation of

manipulatie manipulation on human behavior​ (pp. 1-18). A. D. Biderman, & H.
Zimmer (Eds.). New York: Wiley.

Beïnvloeding Influence conviction O’Keefe, D. J. (2012). Conviction, persuasion, and

overtuiging conviction argumentation: Untangling the ends and means of
influence. ​Argumentation​, ​26​(1), 19-32.

Vrije wil Free will Free will Libet, B. (2011). Do we have free will. ​Conscious
will and responsibility​, 1-10.
Leike Asma video

Vrije wil mensen Free will of Free will Sie, M. (2011). Einsteins gemoedsrust. Drie
people perspectieven op het probleem van de vrije
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het brein. [Sl: sn].

Vrije wil brein Free will brain Free will Kolk, H. H. J. (2009). ​Vrije wil, bewustzijn en het
brein​. [Sl: sn].

Persoonlijke Personal influencin

beïnvloedingsfactoren influencing g factors

Marketing persoonlijke Marketing influencin Wang, N., Liu, D., & Cheng, J. (2008, December).
beïnvloedingsfactoren personal g factors Study on the influencing factors of online
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Online marketing Online influencin Scharl, A., Dickinger, A., & Murphy, J. (2005).
persoonlijke marketing g factors Diffusion and success factors of mobile
beïnvloedingsfactoren personal marketing. ​Electronic commerce research and
applications​, 4
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Wu, S. I. (2002). Internet marketing involvement
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Islam, M. A., & Daud, K. A. K. (2011). Factors that

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shopping online. ​International Journal of
marketing studies​, ​3​(1), 128.

Kim, C., Galliers, R. D., Shin, N., Ryoo, J. H., &

Kim, J. (2012). Factors influencing Internet
shopping value and customer repurchase
intention. ​Electronic Commerce Research and
Applications​, ​11​(4), 374-387.

Offline marketing Offline influencin Vyas, C., & Sharma, R. (2013). Online and Offline
persoonlijke marketing g factors Marketing Strategies by Indian Colleges and
beïnvloedingsfactoren personal Universities: A Comparative Analysis of Students’
Perception. ​Jindal Journal of Business Research​,
2​(2), 116-126.

Offline persoonlijke Offline influencin

omgevings situatie personal g factors

Nature beïnvloeding Nature influencin Morrison, J. A., Raab, F., & Ingram, D. (2009).
influencing g factors Factors influencing elementary and secondary
teachers' views on the nature of science. ​Journal
of Research in Science Teaching: The Official
Journal of the National Association for Research
in Science Teaching​, ​46​(4), 384-403.

Opvoeding Education influencin Schommer, M. (1998). The influence of age and

beïnvloeding influence g factors education on epistemological beliefs. ​British
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Tatto, M. T. (1998). The influence of teacher

education on teachers' beliefs about purposes of
education, roles, and practice. ​Journal of teacher
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Omgevings Environmenta influencin Eagles, P. F., & Demare, R. (1999). Factors

beïnvloedingsfactoren l influencing g factors influencing children's environmental attitudes.
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(2003). Factors influencing young people's
conceptions of environment. ​Environmental
Education Research​, ​9​(1), 3-19.

Marketing omgevings Marketing influencin

beïnvloedingsfactoren environmenta g factors
l influencing

Controle beïnvloedings Control Control

grens influence limit

Controle marketing Control Control

beïnvloeding marketing

Controle beïnvloeding Control of Control Dreisbach, G., Müller, J., Goschke, T., Strobel, A.,
influence Schulze, K., Lesch, K. P., & Brocke, B. (2005).
Dopamine and cognitive control: the influence of
spontaneous eyeblink rate and dopamine gene
polymorphisms on perseveration and
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Theeuwes, J., Kramer, A. F., Hahn, S., Irwin, D. E.,

& Zelinsky, G. J. (1999). Influence of attentional
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experimental psychology: human perception and
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Controle in hersenen Control in the Control Knyazev, G. G. (2007). Motivation, emotion, and
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Veen, V. V., & Carter, C. S. (2006). Conflict and

cognitive control in the brain. ​Current Directions
in Psychological Science​, 1​ 5​(5), 237-240.

Hersenen beinvloeding Brain Control


Marketing brainfood Marketing Control Bruce, A. S., Lepping, R. J., Bruce, J. M., Cherry,
brain food J. B. C., Martin, L. E., Davis, A. M., ... & Savage, C.
R. (2013). Brain responses to food logos in obese
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Chandon, P., & Wansink, B. (2011). Is food

marketing making us fat? A multi-disciplinary
review. ​Foundations and Trends® in Marketing,​
5(​ 3), 113-196.

Gearhardt, A. N., & Brownell, K. D. (2013). The

importance of understanding the impact of
children's food marketing on the brain. ​The
Journal of pediatrics,​ 1
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Hoe werkt How does neuropsy Georges, P. M., Badoc, M., & Bayle-Tourtoulou, A.
neuromarketing? neuromarketi chology S. (2013). ​Neuromarketing in action: How to talk
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Mind-reading versus neuromarketing: how does a
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Journal of Consumer Marketing​, ​31​(3), 177-189.

Beïnvloeding van Influence of neuropsy Hawks, J. (2005). ​U.S. Patent Application No.
marketing marketing chology Blesa, A., & Ripolles, M. (2008). The influence of
marketing capabilities on economic international
performance. ​International Marketing Review​,
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