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Shreejee Institute of Technology and Management

Branch-CSE+EX Year-1st year/1st sem
Sub.-English For Communication Subject code-BT301
Max.Marks-30 Time-2hr.
Note- Attempt any 4 questions.

1. What do you understand by communication?

2. Describe the process of communication with the help of a schematic
3. What is the importance of feedback in the process of communication?
4. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate article where necessary.
a) _____ life of these insects is very short.
b) _____ house was destroyed by _____ fire.
c) He wasn’t used to driving on _____ left.
d) He found _____ one rupee note.
e) _____ life is _____ complicated matter.
5. What are barriers to communication? Discuss.

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