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How to Make an Intranet wikiHow Technology Team

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Co-authors: 7
Updated: March 29, 2019
Updated: March 29,
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An intranet is similar to the Internet in that it is a
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collection of documents that are connected via
hyperlinks. However, the documents on an intranet Steps $ Advertisement

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are private and often only accessible by a computer
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on a local area network (LAN) or via the Internet with
the appropriate login and password information. To
make an intranet you need a network, server, and
content that is relevant to your organization. How to
Connect One
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to Expand a Connect Two
Network Computers

How to
Steps See Active
How to
Configure Your PC
Connections to a Local Area
(Windows) Network

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1 Create a local area network (LAN) in your home or office. This involves
connecting computers, printers, modems, and other devices.
To create a LAN, you should have at least 2 computers.
Use network interface cards (NICs) to build the connection for your LAN. NICs are
hardware that you can insert into the motherboards of your computers to add ports
that will allow you to establish your network.
Insert a crossover cable into the ports of the network interface cards. This cable
allows your computers to communicate. Connect modems, printers and other
devices to the computers to complete your network.

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2 Choose a web server.

Look at the cost, performance, and reliability of the different web servers you
Consider using a personal web server if you are setting up a home intranet. A
personal web server is software that you can download on a personal computer to
make an intranet at home.

3 Install a web browser.

Your intranet pages can only be viewed if you have a web browser installed on the
network computers.
4 Design your intranet.

Make decisions about the look and feel of your intranet and the content that you
will upload. If you are a company creating an intranet, you may choose to hire a
web designer or select a team from your management pool to design your intranet.
Decide what type of information you want to include on your intranet. Some
common options include an organizational chart, a staff directory, wiki pages, a
calendar, frequently used and shared documents, and a message board.
Draw out the sequence of your intranet pages on paper, including the homepage
and the order of the pages as you want them presented in the menu on your
intranet site.
Design a menu representing the major pages on your intranet. The menu should
appear on each page to allow users to navigate from page to page and back to the
homepage. Make sure the menu links to all of your pages.

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5 Decide how you will handle security.

Determine if all or part of the intranet you create should be password protected and
if staff will be able to access the company's intranet via the Internet when they are
away from the office.
If you are creating an intranet at home, decide which family members will have
6 Determine how often you will back-up your intranet as protection against
viruses and server failure.

7 Maintain your intranet and protect it against viruses and corrupt files.

Upload antiviral software to your network that will scan the system for viruses.
Antiviral software will also download periodic updates to protect your intranet from
new viruses.
8 Market your intranet to staff company-wide.

Encourage use of your new intranet by making some processes completely

electronic, such as recording hours worked, requesting vacation time, and annual
benefits enrollment. Offer training for the company's new intranet as part of your
marketing strategy.

Community Q&A


Will I notice any benefit worth the cost of installing a 10 GB fiber optic backbone to the

Community Answer

That depends on multiple factors. First, look at each part of each path in the network, from
source to sink, and identify the effective bandwidth of each functional subunit; if you have a 1
GB channel in a path, it will choke the traffic accordingly, regardless of how much faster the
paths connected to it may be. If everything else is running at 10 GB, and the backbone is an
overloaded 5 GB bottleneck, improving its speed will increase throughout. Whether the
resulting benefit should be viewed as worth the cost depends on the results of a full cost-
benefit analysis; quantitatively that requires rigor, and qualitatively it requires insightful
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How can I solve the problem of multiple access not saving on the network?

Community Answer

More specifics regarding the scenario are required for a reasonable answer, like what kind of
network you have, whether you're talking about consecutive or concurrent multiple access,
what is meant by saving or not saving, etc.
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Your intranet can include links to pages on the World Wide Web to give users access to
additional content.

Make sure the content on your Intranet is interesting, fluid, regularly updated and error free.

Use a word processor program to create the web pages when making your intranet or
download free software.

New updates or corrections to system errors on the company intranet can be the catalyst
for a new round of marketing to users.

You might want to choose linux for the server. It doesn't have a lot of possible viruses, so
this is the best operating system to run on.

Things You'll Need

Local area network (LAN)

Web server

Web browser

Intranet design

Storage for backing-up server

Virus security software

Documents, forms and other content

Web designer

Marketing plan

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Article Info

wikiHow is a “wiki,” similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-
written by multiple authors. To create this article, volunteer authors worked to edit and
improve it over time.

Categories: Computer Networking

In other languages:

Español: crear una red interna, Português: Criar uma Intranet

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