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Anniversary Poem – 2019

To Anna Lyn Roquero Phillips

September 24th is our special date;

As 21 years ago we merged our blessed fate
To be happily married and to plan our new life -
My lucky day - you’re such a beautiful wife.

Many years in the US and then back to PI.

In Leyte Typhoon Yolanda caused many to cry;
Here All Souls Day teaches respect and praise.
And Christmas is 3 months not just 30 days;

Three Brainiac children keep us hopping -

The homework from school never stopping;
We each gave them different mental skills –
Art-history from you – from me math without frills.

Your published picture 60 suitors did admire -

So, I had to compete - MD in tennis attire;
I had to sing songs too as you were the jewel.
Later, you beat me in scrabble, basketball, and pool.

Oops - I think I forgot to get on one knee

To ask if you would marry someone like me.
But what would I do if now you said “No”?
Where would I sleep? Where would I go?

I still owe you a Honeymoon from 1988 –

Our one picture on the bridge – just a short date.
Perhaps when they finish college we can try -
Would you like Paris if we have a budget to fly?

So, on to 25 years of marriage by 2023 –

One or more kids in college – well, we will see;
But of one thing in the future that I am sure
My love for you will be always total and pure.

Your husband Chuck

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