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Definitions of prejudice

 An unfavourable opinion or feeling formed beforehand, without enough

knowledge or with insufficient evidence

 Any preconceived opinion or feeling, either favourable or unfavourable

 Unreasonable feelings, opinions, or attitudes, especially of a hostile

nature, directed towards a racial, religious or other group identifiably
different from our own

 Negative personal perceptions that discriminate against individuals

because they are members of a particular group

Definitions of racism
 The perpetuation of a belief that human races have distinctive
characteristics, usually involving the idea that one race is superior:
together with a policy of enforcing perceived rights and an system of
government based upon this kind of policy

 The assertion of rights and interests of a particular racial group who

assume superiority, however unwittingly, and have the power to enforce
this to the detriment of other racial group

 The negative treatment of a minority, identified by racial background, as

scapegoats for social stresses, injustices or conflicts of interest affecting
the whole society

 The conduct generated by the belief that some races, however identified,
are inferior, not in this or that respect but as people, and that, therefore
their interests and feelings do not deserve to be regarded as equally
important as those of any so-called superior race

Definitions of discrimination
 A form of behaviour, which involves treating someone in a way that
disadvantages them because they belong to a particular group

 Acting towards a certain group of people in a way where the net result is
that members suffer because they belong to that group

 Imposing a requirements that unfairly disadvantages certain groups

 Structuring an organisation or a system to maintain the advantages of

certain groups who share the same values and assumptions

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