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Racism is the belief that different groups of humans have different behavioral traits that

correspond to inherited characteristics and that they can be divided based on the superiority of
one race over another. It can also refer to prejudice, discrimination, or hostility directed toward
others because they are of a different race or ethnicity. Racism in the modern era is frequently
based on social perceptions of biological differences between people. These beliefs can
manifest as social actions, practices, or beliefs, or as political systems in which different races
are ranked as inherently superior or inferior to one another based on presumed shared
inheritable traits, abilities, or qualities.

Racism has an impact on the distribution of wealth, power, and opportunity, and it creates
long-term social stratification. It has an impact on people's opportunities, well-being, and sense
of agency. Individuals who are subjected to discrimination on a regular basis may internalize the
prejudice or stigma directed at them, resulting in feelings of shame, low self-esteem, fear, and
stress, as well as poor health.

We must let go of the idea or habit that you are different from other people because of your skin
color, race, or appearance. Racist "jokes" or statements should be called out. We must never
forget that a person's true form is found in their heart, not in their outward appearance or the
color of their skin.

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