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Importance of Self-care and commitment plan

Self-care plan enables one to improve their wellbeing and health, it enables the management of

stress and ensures professionalism as a helping professional. It is important to learn and identify

activities that ensure the welling of an individual and continue with a positive self-care in the

long term. While the commitment plan is the commitment the team intends to achieve. The self-

care and commitment plan will be very helpful for me to effective in time management and

optimal utilization of the available resources. The plan will also help me to remain objective of

the plan and avoid misleading information.

The first item that will be put into consideration is an adjustment of my schedule and ensure that

I find time for my husband. Finding time for family is very important in self-care. The practice

of self-care can make a person feel happier and emotionally, physically and mentally enabled to

handle stresses and pressures. For a busy family, self-care is a priority because it helps members

to be better in caring for each other. It will help children to have a role model that there can

follow into their adult life. The commitment to create time for my husband will also ensure that

we have a good relationship between us. Whenever I spend time with my husband I always feel

good and recharged and will like to do more of it. That is why creating time for my husband was

included in my schedule.

I will also like to spend an hour per week to visit a friend. I believe that personal time with

people whether letter, email cards can make an individual feel special. It may plan to pick at least

two people to send a card or email to make them know how important there are to me.

Friendship can have a huge effect on the health of an individual. However, it is not easy to

maintain and build friendship it IS important to understand the importance of friends and what

can be done to nurture and improve friendships. I consider that creating time for my friends is the
best way of improving friendships. Friends are very important because they help in the

celebration of good times and supporting in bad times. Friends also help to overcome loneliness

and an opportunity to get the need for companionship.

I have normally kept a small circle of friends but since I have grown in my career I will hope to

increase my circle. I believe that friends will help me to increase my self-care in various ways.

The friend will give me a sense of belonging and purpose. The feeling of belonging is important

to a person because it increases their self-confidence. It will also help to increase my happiness

and reduce my level of stress. The most important role of friendship is helping me to cope with

trauma like illness or the death of a loved one. Friends will ensure that I have a shoulder to cry

on. The friends will also help me to change and avoid unhealthy lifestyle like lack of exercise.

Friends will have a major role to enhance my overall health. A person with strong social support

has a reduction in the risk of various illnesses that include blood pressure, depression, and bad

body mass index. Research has observed that adults with higher social life have the possibility of

living longer. I want to be in that category of living longer that is why have chosen to have

friends in my network. However it hard to make and keep friends because people may have

grown apart and changed interests. It is important to keep in touch with friends to ensure that

interests do not change.

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