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Gmail - Fwd: Documents for our Upcoming Members' Meeting

Fwd: Documents for our Upcoming Members' Meeting

Thu, Sep 6, 2018 at 9:49 AM

---------- Forwarded message ---------

From: Jason Walter <>
Date: Thu, Sep 6, 2018 at 9:43 AM
Subject: Documents for our Upcoming Members' Meeting

Good Morning, Brothers and Sisters,

I am sending this email out to all of our adult members (parents, you can decide whether or not to discuss this with
your children). I'm not sure how many of you are aware of the matters surrounding the recent trial of a former pastor of
an ARBCA church, Tom Chantry. As the trial progressed, information came out that raised important questions
concerning the Association's past involvement with Tom Chantry and some of the victims. Several have leveled
serious accusations against ARBCA.

Now that the trial has concluded, the Association's Administrative Council (of which I am currently a member) is
issuing two reports to attempt to answer some of these questions and address the accusations. We will be discussing
this matter further in our members' meeting on the 16th of this month, but I wanted to get this first report to you so that
you have time to review it before then (it is certainly thorough). Attached is a letter sent out from the AC on August 22,
announcing its intention to write these reports and what they will address. Also attached is the first report itself (which
was just published a few minutes ago) along with a set of supporting documents that are referred to within the report.
Immediately below is the email "cover letter" from the AC that came with this report.

"Dear Sister Churches of ARBCA,

Attached please find a report from the Administrative Council regarding ARBCA’s actions from June
2015 to April 2016. This is the first part of the two-part report that was promised in our letter dated
August 22 of this year. The second part should be forthcoming soon. Please also find a set of attachments
that includes supporting documentation that is referred to within the report.
This report comes to you from the ARBCA Administrative Council; but it was drafted by an AC ad hoc committee, the
members of which were Steve Marquedant (chairman), Bob Curley, Dale Crawford, and Jeff Massey. It was then
reviewed, edited, and approved by the rest of the AC, except that the following members have recused themselves from
any input into or review of both parts of this report in order to help ensure greater objectivity:

David Dykstra recused himself because he had been a member of the 2000 AC.

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Gmail - Fwd: Documents for our Upcoming Members' Meeting

Al Huber recused himself because of his close relationship with Tom Chantry.
Steve Martin (ARBCA Coordinator and ex officio member of the AC) recused himself because he also was a member of
the 2000 AC.

Please know that we remain willing to answer your questions and to serve the churches in furthering the
work of God’s kingdom. We are hopeful that this report will benefit the churches of the association as we
strive forward in our heavenward calling in Christ Jesus.
Your Servants for His Sake,

The Administrative Council of ARBCA

Brandon Smith (Chairman)

Jeff Massey (Vice Chairman)
Rob Cosby (Treasurer)
Jason Walter (Secretary)
Bob Adams
Bob Curley
Dale Crawford
Jack Daniels
Steve Marquedant
Micah Renihan"

I will be meeting in Texas on Tuesday of next week with most of the AC and with several men who have firsthand
knowledge of what transpired back in 2000 so that we can make sure that we have all of the information we need
before issuing the second report, which will be very difficult.

This is obviously a tragic situation. Please continue to pray that justice would indeed be done, that the AC would be
able to sort through and act on all of this with integrity and righteousness, and especially that God would comfort and
heal the victims and their families as well as the remaining alleged victims and their families.

Come quickly, Lord Jesus!


3 attachments
AC ltr to Member Churches 8-22-2018.pdf
Part I Report to Churches.pdf
Attachments for Part I.pdf

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