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My Happy Pill

“I Love You” those words

are few than the love I have you.

“Thank you Mom and Dad”

Small words but so much to add.

Mom, Dad you are the sunshine

In my morning everyday.

Mom, Dad you are the light

In my life everyday.

For all your love and support

words are not enough to

made you feel my gratitude.

“I Love You” these words

are few than the love I have for you.

I cannot bear to see them sad.

I will protect them like a super hero

from hurt and pain

for you have done the same for me.

No matter what happen

i will do everything to them.

I truly believed I was blessed.

Because I have a greatest parents on earth.

This time it’s my turn to make them happy.

“I Love You Mom and Dad” today, tomorrow, and forever.

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