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Grow or Go

How do we keep our work exciting and interesting even after we have done it for many
years? A doctor I know has been practicing medicine for 25 years. His office is full of
books, literature and patients. In addition there is always a student from one of the
medical schools seeing patients along with my doctor friend. Patients often hear him
discuss the literature and all possible treatments for their problems or questions. The
doctor is clearly in his element when he is discussing some new theory or even his own
ideas on the patient's condition. By eagerly reading, staying current, and adding his
own ideas to the practice of medicine he has succeeded in keeping it vital for himself.

Musicians who become proficient at playing an instrument may keep it fresh by

improvising. Jazz musicians are a great example of this. Doing the same thing week
after week, year after year can get boring. If a plants stops growing, it dies. So do we.
Some of us do as my doctor friend did and develop in depth knowledge of our field
others of us choose to go into new lines of work so that we can grow in new ways.

Sally had an administrative job in a consulting company. Her degree was in history but
she had never had the opportunity to use her education. She knew she had "settled" for
the job she had. It wasn't just her work life that was unpleasant for Sally it was her
whole life. She came home from work exhausted and never had time for friends or
social activities. Weekends she stayed to herself because she was feeling so down.
Your job affects your whole life. If you are bored there, you probably will find the rest of
your life boring. With coaching support Sally was able to break out of her rut and try
some new ideas. Sally found a job designing and implementing a training program for a
company. The job was a stretch for her but the manager knew her and was willing to
take a chance on her and Sally was up to the challenge.

When you are feeling that you are in a rut at your present job, there are two possibilities
to re-energize. One is to take a strategic view of what is needed and find opportunities
for intellectual or career growth. Taking your business or work to the next level is one
way to recharge your batteries and keep your job and you alive. If after you take that
long view, you see no other possibilities that excite you in your chosen line of work then
the other recourse is to find something else to challenge you. As difficult as the
prospect is this is the time to assess your skills and begin to look for something else. If
you wait too long, you will become bored and boring.

Take Action

1. Assess your current job. Make a learning plan that you implement immediately.
2. Explore the current trends in your industry. Read everything you can about the
trend and discover how it will affect you and your job.
3. Become an expert in one area of your current job. One way to know you have
succeeded is if others seek you out to ask about your expertise.
4. Innovate. How can you add to the body of knowledge at your job? Find a way to
improve a process, make something better or develop something new.

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