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INTI International University

Nilai Campus

Weekly Report: 6
Course Code: MKT4220
Course Title: Global Marketing
Lecturer: Mr Arasu A/L Raman
Section: 8IB1

Date and time of meeting 10 Sep 2019

Team Members present 1) Yong Kai Jun – i18015561
2) Tan Kok Hou – i18016322
3) Chew Jun Kit – i18016320
Roles within the team 1) Yong Kai Jun (Leader)
2) Tan Kok Hou
3) Chew Jun Kit
Discussion topic Discussion of product export and target country
Assigned tasks, with Malaysia and Thailand, both active members of the
deadlines Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), enjoy
cordial diplomatic relations and share strong bilateral ties in
lot of areas. Both countries like any other countries in the
region. Though both countries share a land border, yet they
are culturally distinct. Malaysia is a primarily Malay Muslim
country with a multicultural character with some non-Muslim
minorities. On the other hand, Thailand is a homogenous
Thai Buddhist country with a small Muslim community,
especially in its southern region bordering Malaysia. But the
product we had chosen is free from any law and regulation.
Business trade will become more convenient by benefited
from Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN).

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