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Plagiarism Checker X Originality

Similarity Found: 30%

Date: Thursday, March 15, 2018

Statistics: 276 words Plagiarized / 909 Total words
Remarks: Medium Plagiarism Detected - Your Document needs Selective

Question 1: How did the hens rebel against “Napoleon”, the pig? How did he
react to it? Answer: One Sunday morning squealer announced that the hens will
have to surrender their eggs as Napoleon had accepted a contract of four
hundred eggs a week, through “Whymper”. On hearing this, the hens raised a
terrible outcry. Though they had been warned earlier by the Napoleon that such
a situation might come but they never thought that this would really happen

The hens started protesting against this, because according to them taking eggs
away from them was nothing less than a murder. The hens were determined to
oppose the orders of Napoleon. They would fly up the rafter and lay eggs there
and smash them into pieces on the floor, because they thought that it was better
to smash them rather than giving them to napoleon for trade with humans.

The Napoleon felt insulted and ordered the rations for hens to be stopped and
declared that if any animal was seen giving food to the hens would be punished
to death. The dogs made sure that the orders were executed and finally the hens
surrendered after five days, when nine of them died due to starvation. Question
2: Which animals, other than the snowball, were considered traitors? What had
they done? Answer: Besides snowball, four pigs, three hens, a goose and two
sheep confessed that they betrayed the napoleon and that they were in contact
with the snowball.
On the orders of Napoleon, the dogs grabbed the pigs by the ears and dragged
them. Soon they started wailing with pain and confessed that they had
collaborated with snowball to destroy the windmill and they had been in touch
with him ever since he was expelled from the farm. They also added that snowball
told them he was Jones’ secret agent.

The three hens who had rebelled against trading of eggs also confessed that
snowball had appeared in their dreams and told them to disobey the orders of
napoleon. Then a goose confessed that he had eaten six years of corn during last
years’ harvest. The sheep confessed that she was urged by the snowball to
urinate the drinking pool.

Two more sheep confessed that they had murdered the old ram who was a
follower of napoleon. The tale of confession went on and all of them were given
death sentences. Question 3: What does the Squealer say about the Battle of
Cowshed? Answer: Squealer told the animals that snowball was Jones’ secret
agent and he had attempted to destroy animal farm in the Battle of the Cowshed.

He also told them that snowball would have succeeded in his mission if their
heroic leader, Comrade Napoleon had not saved them. He started describing the
Battle in detail and told them that when Jones and other men got inside the yard,
Snowball had turned to flee and in that moment of panic, Comrade Napoleon
jumped forward with a cry of “Death to Humanity!" and sank his teeth in Jones’

The other animals believed him since he described the scene in such details.
Question 4: What was the reactions of Clover and Boxer after the incidence of
terror and slaughter took place? Answer: After witnessing the cruel retribution, all
the animals were in a shock. All of them went close to the unfinished windmill
and stood there in silence.

As clover looked down the hillside her eyes filled with tears. She again thought of
the scene of slaughter that took place and pondered that this incidence was not
what they had looked forward to on the night when old Major asked them to
rebel. She realized that the situation had turned so miserable that the animals
could not even dare to speak against Napoleon.

But still there was no thought of rebellion and disobedience in her mind.
According to her, the conditions were far better off than they had been in the
days of Jones and she pledged to remain faithful, work hard, carry out the orders
and accept the leadership of Napoleon and began singing “Beast Of England”.

According to Boxer, the incident took place because there was some fault in them
only, and the only possible solution that he could figure out was to work harder.
He decided to get up an hour earlier in the morning to work more and after
saying this, he started working again to build the windmill. Question 5: What
arguments were given by the Napoleon to abolish singing Beast of England and
how did the animals react to it? Answer: After the incidence of slaughter that
took place in the yard, the animals sang the Beast of England three times.

At this time Squealer approached them and announced that by a special decree
of Comrade Napoleon, Beast of England had been abolished as it was a song of
the rebellion and now it had been completed. He told them that the execution of
the traitor has led to the defeat of both internal and external enemy. He said that
the song expressed the desire for a better society but now the society had been

After listening to this, most of the animals were taken aback. Some of the animals
wanted to protest but they were frightened to do so. The sheep started bleating
‘Four legs good, two legs bad’ and with this the discussion ended and the song
was never heard in future.

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