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Stanford Uniuersit y

This article describes the development of a new sex-role inventory that treats
masculinity and femininity as two independent dimensions, thereby making it
possibIe to characterize a person as masculine, feminine, or “androgynous” as
a function of the difference between his or her endorsement of masculine and
feminine personality characteristics. Normative data are presented, as well as
the results of various psychometric analyses. The major findings of conceptual
interest are: (a) the dimensions of masculinity and femininity are empirically
as well as logically independent ¡ b j the concept of psychological androgyny
is a reliable one ; and (c) highly sex-typed scores do not reflect a general
tendency to respond in a socially desirable direction, but rather a specific
tendency to describe oneself in accordance with sex-typed standards of desirable
behavior for men and women.

Both in psychology and in society at large, androgynous, self-concept might allow an in-
masculinity and femininity have long been dividual to freely engage in both “masculine”
conceptualized as bipolar ends of a single and “feminine” behaviors.
continuum; accordingly, a person has had to The current research program is seeking to
be either masculine or feminine, but not both. explore these various hypotheses, as well as to
This sex-role dichotomy has served to obscure provide construct validation for the concept
two very plausible hypotheses: first, that of androgyny (Bern, 1974) . Before the re-
many individuals might be “androgynous”; search could be initiated, however, it was first
that is, they might be both masculine and necessary to develop a new type of sex-role
feminine, both assertive and yielding, both inventory, one that would not automatically
instrumental and expressiv depending on build in an inverse relationship between mas-
the situational appropriateness of these vari- culinity and femininity. This article describes
ous behaviors; and conversely, that strongly that inventory.
sex-typed individuals might be seriously lim- The Benn Sex-Role Inventory (BSRI) con-
ited in the range of behaviors available to tains a number of features that distinguish it
them as they move from situation to situa- from other, commonly used, masculinity—
tion. According to both Kagan ( 1964) and femininity scales, for example, the Mascu-
Kohlberg ( 1966) , the highly sex-typed indi- linity—Femininity scale of the California Psy-
vidual is motivated to keep his behavior con- chological Inventory (Gough, 1957) . First, it
sistent with an internalized sex-role standard, includes both a Masculinity scale and a Femi-
a goal that he presumably accomplishes by ninity scale, each of which contains 20 per-
suppressing any behavior that might be con- sonality characteristics. These characteristics
sidered undesirable or inappropriate for his are listed in the first and second columns of
sex. Thus, whereas a narrowly masculine sell- Table 1, respectively. Second, because the
concept might inhibit behaviors that are BSRI was founded on a conception of the sex-
stereotyped as feminine, and a narrowly femi- typed person aS Someone who has in-
nine sell-concept might inhibit behaviors that ternalized society’s sex-typed standards of
are stereotyped as masculine, a mixed, or desirable behavior for men and women,
1 This research was supported by IROIMH 2 t735 these personality characteristics were se-
from the National Institute of Mental Health. The lected as masculine or feminine on the
author is grateful to Carol Korula, Karen Rook, basis of sex-typed social desirability and
Jenny Jacobs, and Odile van Embden for their help not on the basis of differential endorse-
in analyzing the data.
ment by males and females as most other
° Requests for reprints should be sent to Sandra
L. Bern, Department of Psychology, Stanford Uni- inventories have done. That is, a character-
versity, Stanford, California 94305. istic qualified as masculine if it was judged

Masculine items Feminine ihems Neutral items

49. Acts as a leader 11. Afiectionate 51. Adaptalale

46. Aggressi ve 5. Cheerful 36. Conceited
58. Ambitious 50. Childlike 9. Conscientious
22. Analytical 32. Compassionate 60. Conventional
13. i\ssertive .53. Does not use harsh language 45. Friendly
10. Athletic 35. Eager to soothe hurt feelings 15. Happy
55. Competitive 20. l'eminine 3. Helpful
4. De/ends own beliefs 14. Flatterable 48. Inefficient
37. Dominant 59. Gentle 24. Jealous
19. Forceful 47. Gullible 39. Likable
25. Has leadershil abilities 56. Loves children 6. Moody
7. Independen t 17. I.oyal 21. lteliable
52. Indivic!ualistic 26. Sensitive to the needs of ‹i thers 30. Secretive
31. Malies decisions easil y 8. Shy J3. Sincere
40. Masculine 38. Soft si» ken 42. Solemn
1. Self-reliant 23. Sympathetic 57. 'l“actful
34. Self-sufficient 44. Tender 12. Then trical
16. Strong }aersonality 29. Understanding 27. Truthful
43. Willing to take a stand 41. \\'arm 18. Unpredictable
28. Willing to talie risl:s 2. Yielding 54. U nsystematic

Nole. T)ie nu mber preceding each item reflects the position of each all jccti ve as it act u all y at q rear s on the In vie ntory.

to be more desirable in American society for iire traits and behaviors (Barry, Bacon, &
a man than for a woman, and it qualified as Child, 1957 ; Erikson, 1964 ; Parsons & Bales,
feminine if it was judged to be more desirable 19f5) . In general, masculinity has been asso-
for a woman than for a man. Third, the ciated with an instrumental orientation, a
BSRI characterizes a person as masculine, cognitive focus on “getting the job done” ;
feminine, or androgynous as a function of the and femininity has been associated with an
difference between his or her endorsement of expressive orientation, an affective concern
masculine and feminine personality charac- for the welfare of others.
teristics. A person is thus sex typed, whether Accordingly, as a preliminary to item selec-
masculine or feminine, to the extent that this tion for the hlasculinity and Femininity
difference score is high, and androgynous, to scales, a list was compiled of approximately
the extent that this difference score is low. 200 personality characteristics that seemed to
Finally, the BSRI also includes a 5ocial the author and several students to be both
Desirability scale that is completely neutral positive in value and either masculine or
with respect to sex. This scale now serves feminine in tone. This list served as the pool
primarily to provide a neutral context for from which the masculine and feminine char-
the Masculinity and Femininity scales, but it acteristics were ultimately chosen. As a pre-
was utilized during the development of the liminary to item selection for the Social
BSRI to insure that the inventory would not Desirability scale, an additional list was com-
simply be tapping a general tendency to en- piled of 200 characteristics that seemed to be
dorse socially desirable traits. The 20 charaC- neither masculine nor feminine in tone. Of
teristics that make up this scale are listed ill these “neutral” characteristics, half were
the third column of Table 1. positive in value and half were negative.
Because the BSRI was designed to mea-
ITEM SELECTION sure the extent to which a person divorces
Both historically and cross-culturally, mas- himself from those characteristics that might
culinity and femininity seem to have repre- be considered more “appropriate” for the
sented two complementary domains of posi- opposite sex, the final items were selected


Male judges Female judges

Masculine Feminine Neutral Masculine Feminine Neutral
item item item item item item

For a man 5.59 3.63 4.00 /»83 3.74 3.94

For a woman 2.90 5.61 4.08 J.46 5.55 5.98
Difference 2.69 1.98 .08 2.J7 1.81 .04
I 14.41* t2.1J* . 17 10.22* 8.28* .09

*# <.001.

for the Masculinity and Femininity scales if A personality characteristic qualified as

they were judged to be more desirable in neutral with respect to sex and hence eligible
American society for one sex than for the for the Social Desirability scale (o) if it was
other. Specifically, judges were asked to uti- independently judged by both males and fe-
lize a 7-point scale, ranging from 1 (“Not at males to be no more desirable for one sex than
all desirable”) to 7 (“Extremely desirable”) , for the other (/ < 1.2, § > .2) and (b) if
in order to rate the desirability in American male and female judges did not differ signifi-
society of each of the approximately 400 cantly in their overall desirability judgments
personality characteristics mentioned above. of that trait (f < 1.2, p T .?) . Of those items
(E.g., “In American society, how desirable that satisfied these several criteria, 10 posi-
is it for a man to be truthful?” “In Amer- tive and 10 negative personality character-
ican society, how desirable is it for a woman istics were selected for the BSRI Social De-
to be sincere?”) Each individual judge was sirability scale in accordance with Edwards’
asked to rate the desirability of all 400 per- ( 1964) finding that an item must be quite
sonality characteristics either “for a man” or positive or quite negative in tone if it is to
“for a woman.” No judge was asked to rate evoke a social desirability response set. (The
both. The judges consisted of 40 Stanford 20 neutral characteristics are shown in the
undergraduates who filled out the question- third column of Table 1.)
naire during the winter of 1972 and an addi- After all of the individual items had been
tional 60 who did so the following summer. selected, mean desirability scores were com-
In both samples, half of the judges were male puted for the masculine, feminine, and neu-
and half were female. tral items for each of the 100 judges. As
A personality characteristic qualified as shown in Table 2, for both males and fe-
masculine if it was independently judged by males, the mean desirability of the masculine
both males and females in both samples to and feminine items was significantly higher
be significantly more desirable for a man than for the “appropriate” sex than for the
for a woman (p < .05) .' Similarly, a per- “inappropriate” ses, whereas the mean desir-
sonality characteristic qualified as feminine ability of the neutral items was no higher for
if it was independently judged by both males one sex than for the other. These results are,
and females in both samples to be signifi- of course, a direct consequence of the criteria
cantly more desirable for a woman than for used for item selection.
a man (p < .05). Of those characteristics Table 3 separates out the desirability
that satisfied these criteria, 20 were selected ratings of the masculine and feminine items
for the Masculinity scale and 20 were selected for male and female judges rating their oteii
for the Femininity scale (see the first and sex. These own-sex ratings seem to best repre-
second columns of Table 1, respectively) . sent the desirability of these various items as
° All significance levels in this article are based perceived by men and women when they are
on two-tailed I tests. asked to describe I hemselzes on the inven-
15b SANDItA L. Bzx
TABLE 3 test does not constrain them in any way, and
MzAu SociAz DESIRABILiTY RATiNos or Tue they are free to vary independently.
MASCULINE AND F itINlNE FTEI\IS The Androgyny score reflects the relative
FOR NE’s OwN Sex amounts of masculinity and femininity that
the person includes in his or her self-descrip-
I tern Male judges i“emale juclpes
for a man for a woman tion, and, as such, it best characterizes the
nature of the person’s total sex role. Specifi-
Masculine 5.59 3.46 cally, the Androgyny score is defined as S tu-
Feminine 3. f›3 dent’s ratio for the difference between a
Diflerencc 1.96 2.(l9
person’s masculine and feminine self-endorse-
ment ; that is, the Androgyny score is the
difference between an individual’s masculinity
and femininity normalized with respect to the
tory. That is, the let t-hand column of Table 3 standard deviations of his or her masculinity
represents the phenomenology of male sub- and femininity scores. The use of a / ratio
jects taking the test and the right-hand as the index or androgyny—rather than a
column represents the phenomenology of fe- simple difference score—has two conceptual
male subjects taking the test. As can be seen advantages: first, it allows us to ask whether
in Table 5, not only are “sex-appropriate” a person’s endorsement of masculine attri-
characteristics more desirable for both males butes differs significantly from his or her en-
and females than “sex-inappropriate” charac- dorsement of feminine attributes and, iI it
teristics, but the phenomenologies or male does ( 2.02 S, 4/ S8, g < .05) , to
and female subjects are almost perfectly sym- classify that person as significantly sex typed;
metric: that is, men and women are nearly and second, it allows us to compare different
equal in their perceptions of the desirability populations in terms of the percentage of
of sex-appropriate characteristics, sex-inap- significantly sex-telled individuals present
propriate characteristics, and the difference be- within each.’
tween them (f < 1 in all three comparisons) . It should be noted that the greater the
absolute value of the Androgyny score, the
more the person is sex typed or sex reversed,
The BSRI asks a person to indicate on a 7- with high positive scores indicating femininity
point scale how well each of the 60 mascu- line, and high negative scores indicating masculin-
feminine, and neutral personality charac- ity. A “masculine” sex role thus represents
teristics describes himself The scale ranges not only the endorsement of masculine attri-
from 1 (“Never or almost never true”) to 7 butes but the simultaneous rejection of fem-
(“Always or almost always true”) and is inine attributes. Similarly, a “feminine” sex
labeled at each point. On the basis of his role represents not only the endorsement of
responses, each person receives three major feminine attributes but the simultaneous re-
scores: a Masculinity score, a Femininity jection of masculine attributes. In contrast,
score and, most important, an Androgyny the closer the Androgyny score is to zero, the
score. In addition, a Social Desirability score more the person is androgynous. An “androp•-
can also be computed.
The Masculinity and Femininity scores * A Statistical Package for the Social Scien ccs
indicate the extent to which a person en- (SPSS) computer program for calculating individual
dorses masculine and feminine personality 1 ratios is available on request from the author. In
the absence of computer facilities, one can utilize the
characteristics as self-descriptive. Masculinity simple Androgyny difference score, Femininity —
equals the mean self-rating for all endorsed Masculinity, as the index of androgyny. Empirically,
masculine items, and Femininity equals the the two indices are virtually identical (r = .98) , and
mean self-rating for all endorsed feminine one can approximate the t-ratio value by multiply in g
the Androgyny difference sco re by 2.322. This con-
items. Both can range from 1 to 7. It will be version factor was derived empirically I rom oUr com-
recalled that these two scores are logically bined normative sample of 917 stu Kents at two dif-
independent. That is, the structure of the ferent collegcs.

ynous” sex role thus represents the equal for the Stanford sample and .86 for the
endorsement of both masculine and feminine Foothill sample.
The Social Desirability score indicates the Relationshi p bettreen Masculinit y and
extent to which a person describes himself in Feinininit y
a socially desirable direction on items that
As indicated earlier, the Masculinity and
are neutral with respect to sex. It is scored
Femininity scores of the BSRI are logically
by reversing the self-endorsement ratings for
independent. That is, the structure of the
the 10 undesirable items and then calculating
test does not constrain them in any way, and
the subject’s mean endorsement score across
all 20 neutral personality characteristics. The they are free to vary independently. The
Social Desirability score can thus range from results from the two normative samples reveal
them to be empirically independent as well
1 to 7, with 1 indicating a strong tendency
(Stanford male r —— .11, female r = —.14 ;
to describe oneself in a socially undesirable
Foothill male r = —.02, female r —— —.01) .
direction and 7 indicating a strong tendency
This finding vindicates the decision to design
to describe oneself in a socially desirable
an inventory that would not artifactually
force a negative correlation between mascu-
linity and femininity.
Social Desirabilit y Response Set
During the winter and spring of 1973, the
BSRI was administered to 444 male and 279 It will be recalled that a person is sex
female students in introductory psychology typed on the BSRI to the extent that his or
at Stanford University. It was also adminis- her Androgyny score reflects the greater en-
tered to an additional 117 male and 77 female dorsement of “sex-appropriate” characteris-
paid volunteers at Foothill Junior College. tics than of “sex-inappropriate” character-
The data that these students provided repre- istics. However, because of the fact that the
sent the normative data for the B SRI, and, masculine and feminine items are all rela-
unless explicitly noted, they serve as the basis tively desirable, even for the “inappropriate”
for all of the analyses that follow. sex, it is important to verify that the
Androgyny score is not simply tapping a
Internal Consistenc y social desirability response set.
In order to estimate the internal consist- Accordingly, product-moment correlations
ency of the BSRI, coefficient alpha was com- were computed between the 5ocial Desirabil-
puted separately for the Masculinity, Femi- ity score and the Masculinity, Femininity,
ninity, and Social Desirability scores of the and Androgyny scores for the Stanford and
subjects in each of the two normative Foothill samples separately. They were also
samples (Nunnally, 19ó7). The results computed between the Social Desirability
showed all three scores to be highly reliable, score and the absolute value of the Androg-
both in the Stanford sample (Masculinity yny score. These correlations are displayed in
e = .86 ; Femininity « = .80 ; Social Desir- Table 4. As expected, both Masculinity and
ability a - .75) and in the Foothill sample Femininity were correlated with Social Desir-
(Masculinity a — .8ó; Femininity « = .82 ; ability. In contrast, the near-zero correlations
Social Desirability o = .70) . Because the reli- between Androgyny and Social Desirability
ability of the Androgyny f ratio could not be confirm that the Androgyny score is not mea-
calculated directly, coefficient alpha was com- suring a general tendency to respond in a
puted for the highly correlated Androgyny soCialJy desirable direction. Rather, it is mea-
difference score, Femininity — Masculinity, suring a very specific tendency to describe
using the formula provided by Nunnally oneself in accordance with sex-typed stan-
( 1967) for linear combinations. The reliabil- dards of desirable behavior for men and
ity of the Androgyny difference score was .85 women.

4“ABLE 4

Masculinity with Femininity with Anclrogyny with | Androgyny | with

social desirability social desirability social desirability social desirability

Males I'emales ; Males Females Males Females Males Females

Stanford .42 .19 .2S .26 .12 .03 .08 — . 10

Foothill .23 19 .15 .15 — .07 .06 — . 12 — .09
Stanford and Foothill
combined .38 . 19 .28 .22 .08 .04 .03 — .10

Test—Retest Reliabilit y Correlations with Other Measures o J

Masculinit y—Femininit y
The BSRI was administered for a second
time to 28 males and 28 females from the During the second administration of the
Stanford normative sample. The second ad- BSRI, subjects were also asked to fill out
ministration took place approximately four the Masculinity—Femininity scales of the
weeks after the first. During this second California Psychological Inventory and the
administration, subjects were told that we Guilford-Zimmerman Temperament Survey,
were interested in how their responses on the both of which have been utilized rather fre-
quently in previous research on sex roles.
test might vary over time, and they were
Table 5 presents the correlations between
explicitly instructed not to try to remember
these two scales and the Masculinity, Femi-
how they had responded previously. Product- ninity, and Androgyny scales of the BSRI.
moment correlations were computed between As can be seen in the table, the Guilford-
the first and second administrations for the Zimmerman scale is not at all correlated with
Masculinity, Femininity, Androgyny, and So- any of the three scales of the BSRI, whereas
cial Desirability scores. All four scores proved the California Psychological Inventory is
to be highly reliable over the four-week moderately correlated with all three. It is not
interval (Masculinity r .90; Femininity clear why the BSRI should be more highly
r = .90 ; Androgyny r — .93 ; Social Desir- correlated with the CPI than with the
Guilford-Zimmerman scale, but the fact that
ability r == .89) .
none of the correlations is particularly high
indicates that the BSRI is measuring an
TABLE 5 aspect of sex roles which is not directly
Co +utEE ATIO N OF THE hIASCIJEINIT3’—FE6lINJ CITY tapped by either of these two scales.
Table 6 presents the mean Masculinity,
Femininity, and Social Desirability scores
Guilford- separately by sex for both the Stanford and
CPI Zimmerman the Foothill normative samples. It also pre-
sents means for both the Androgyny ratio
Males Females Males Females and the Androgyny difference score. As can
be seen in the table, males scored significantly
B SPSI Masculinity — .42 — .25 . 11 .i5
higher than females on the Masculinity scale,
BSRI Femininity .27 .25 .04 — .06 and females scored significantly higher than
BSRI Androgyny .50 .30 — .04 — .06
males on the Femininity scale in both sam-
Note. The CP I scale is ke yell in Ltte few in i me ‹lirecur on, ples. On the two measures of androgyny,
vWneasthe Guilford-Zim‹nermau scze is keved i‹i the msscu-
line direction. males scored on the masculine side of zero


Stanford University Foothill Junior College

Scale score
Males Females /
(» = 444) (» = 279)
H 4.97 4.57 4.96 4.55
SD .67 .69 7.62* .71 .75 3.86’
If 4.44 5.01 4.62 5.08
fiD .55 .52 13.88’ .64 .58 5.02*
Social Desirability
4.91 5.08 4.88 4.89
SD .50 .50 4.40* 50 .53
Androgyny ratio
H — 1.28 1.10 —.80 1.25
SD 1.g9 2.29 14.JJ* 2.23 2.42 5.98*
Androgyny Difference score
—0.53 .43 — .34 .53
SH .82 .93 14.28* .97 .97 6.08*

*D <001.

and females scored on the feminine side of ( | t| 2.025, d J -— 38, / < .05), and they
zero. This difference is significant in both are classified as androgynous i( the absolute
samples and for both measures. On the Social value of the ratio is less than or equal to
Desirability scale, females scored significantly one. Table 7 also indicates the percentage of
higher than males at 5tanford but not at subjects who fall between these various cut-
Foothill. It should be noted that the size of off points. It should be noted that these
this sex difference is quite small, however, cutoff points are somewhat arbitrary and that
even in the Stanford sample. other investigators should feel free to adjust
Table 7 presents the percentage of subjects them in accordance with the characteristics
within each of the two normative samples of their particular subject populations.
who qualified as masculine, feminine, or
androgynous as a function of the Androgyny
I ratio. Subjects are classified as sex typed, It is hoped that the development of the
whether masculine or feminine, if the An- BSRI will encourage investigators in the
drogyny ratio reaches statistical significance areas of sex differences and sex roles to ques-


Stanford University Foothill Junior College

M&es Females Males Females
(m= ) (ii = 117) (ii = 77)

Hp feminine (/ > 2.025) 6 34 9 40

@ near feminine (1 ? ( 2.025) 20 9 8
% androgynous (— 1 I < + 1) J4 2? 44 J8
Wp near-masculine ( — 2.025 < < — 1) 19 12 17
% masculue (/ < — 2.025) 36 8 22 8

tion the traditional assumption that it is the

sex-typed individual who typifies mental
health and to begin focusing on the be-
havioral and societal consequences of more
flexible sex-role self-concepts. In a society
where rigid sex-role differentiation has al-
ready outlived its utility, perhaps the an-
drogynous person will come to define a more
human standard of psychological health.

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