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Comentário: Tradução do diálogo: "Eu não como nada há quatro dias." "Oh, meu Deus!

Eu queria ter a sua força de


Continue a discussão sobre a tirinha, analisando, neste momento a frase da senhora: I wish I had your
willpower. Peça aos alunos para observarem que o desejo da mulher refere-se a um fato presente - ela não tem a
força de vontade dele e gostaria de tê-la hoje. No entanto, o verbo ter (have) aparece na frase no passado (had).
Seguindo este raciocínio, explique as regras de formação das sentenças com wish, mostrando a tabela da figura 3.
Dois exemplos são dados para cada situação. Ao terminar a explicação, passe para a atividade seguinte, para que os
alunos possam praticar os tempos verbais.

Figura 3 - Wish

Present situation wish + (past tense)

Ex. 1 - I don't speak German. I wish I spoke German.
Ex. 2 - I am not swimming now. I wish I were swimming now.
Future situation wish + (would)
Ex. 1 - I won't go to the party. I wish I would go to the party.
Ex. 2 - You won't stop talking. I wish you would stop talking.
Past situation wish + (past participle)
Ex. 1 - I didn't buy that shirt. I wish I had bought that shirt.
Ex. 2 - I missed that bus. I wish I hadn't missed that bus.
Fonte: Arquivo da autora.

Comentário: Observe que no exemplo 2 para a situação presente, usou-se were, ao invés de was, para a primeira
pessoa do singular. Isso também é possível para as terceiras pessoas do singular (he, she, it).


Faça cópias do exercício abaixo e distribua para os alunos. Conceda alguns minutos para a resolução e, em seguida,
corrija oralmente, dando oportunidade para todos falarem.

Complete the sentences. Follow the examples given.

1. My father is not rich. I wish he were rich.

2. I couldn't spend much time with my family. I wish I could have spent more time with my family.
3. He had to go to school last Saturday. I wish he hadn't had to go to school last Saturday.
4. He didn't listen to her advice. I wish he had listened to her advice.
5. My son won't go to university next year. I wish my son would go to university next year.
6. She didn't study hard last year. . I wish she had studied hard last year.
7. I can't speak English fluently. I wish I could speak English fluently.
8. I couldn't go to the party last Saturday. I wish I had gone to the party last Saturday.
9. My parents treat me like a child. I wish my parents didn't treat me like a child.
10. She speaks very loudly. . I wish she didn't speak so loudly.

Comentário: Padrão de resposta esperado: I wish he hadn't had to go to school last Saturday. I wish he had listened
to her advice. I wish my son would go to university next year. I wish she had studied hard last year. I wish I could
speak English fluently. I wish I had gone to the party last Saturday. I wish my parents didn't treat me like a child. I
wish she didn't speak so loudly.


Esta atividade consiste em ligar as sentenças. Distribua cópias do exercício para os alunos e aguarde alguns minutos
para que eles o façam. Corrija oralmente.

Match the sentences on the left to the sentences on the right.

1. My brother is always wearing my shoes. ( ) I wish I had locked it.
2. I crashed my car when I was driving and talking on the
( ) I wish I were older.
3. I was turned down for the job. ( ) I wish he didn't do that.
4. My car was stolen. ( ) I wish we had arrived earlier.
5. I have to go to work on Monday. ( ) I wish they had accepted me.
( ) I wish I hadn't drunk so
6. You shouldn't have treated her like that.
7. I'm seventeen years old. ( ) I wish it were a holiday.
8. We couldn't watch the show because there weren't any tickets ( ) I wish I hadn't used the
left. mobile.
9. I have a hangover. ( ) I wish I had more money.
10. I can't buy that car. ( ) I wish you had been nicer.

Comentário: Padrão de resposta esperado: 4, 7, 1, 8, 3, 9, 5, 2, 10, 6.

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