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Lesson 2

Topic:”Application Programs”

Task I. Answer the following questions:

1. What application programs do you know? What are the types of application
2. How easy have you found it to enable people to move data and user experiences
across different devices? Is it difficult to make apps work across multiple devices?
3. How tech companies deceive your information into giving up your data and privacy?
4. What is the future of digital communication and privacy?

Task II. Match the words/ phrases with their meaning, then use them in the

to the fore take breakout take off pushed the boat out
a) very noticeable - to the fore
b) opinion - take
c) suddenly start being successful - breakout
d) newly famous and successful - take off
e) spent a lot of money celebrating something because it’s special - pushed the
boat out

1. The pundits say this trend will never to the fore.

2. It’s this year’s take off gadget.
3. The company really pushed the boat out on this product.
4. What’s your take on these new smart watches?
5. Wearable tech has been breakout this year.

Make up 5 sentences using these phrases/words. Pay attention to the meaning,

it should be the same.

1. Now the old patterns of political behavior are returning to the fore.
2. You must be ready for take-off the moment the power comes back on.
3. Right, well, I've pushed the boat out.
4.What’s his take on our suggestions?
5. The breakout depends on three things, luck, intelligence and efficiency.

Grammar: Wishes
Study grammar reference, then accomplish the exercises.

We can use wish/ if only to express a wish.

Verb Tense Use

+ past simple/ I wish I was/were in Spain. to say that we would like

(but I’m not) something to be different
past continuous If only I was/were studying about a present situation
offline. It would be much
more convenient. (but I’m

+ past perfect I wish I had kept a copy of to express regret about

my dissertation (but I didn’t). something which happened
If only I hadn’t spoken so or didn’t happen in the past
bluntly to him. We could still
be friends (but I did)

+ subject + would + I wish you would stop to express:

bare infinitive talking behind people’s ● a polite imperative
(infinitive without backs.
“to”) ● a desire for a
If only it would stop situation or person’s
snowing. behaviour to change
in the present or
I wish you’d stop looking at
me like that! It’s terribly ● to criticise or
distracting, complain about
If only you wouldn’t shout. something
It’s really irritating.

❖ If only is used in exactly the same way as wish but it is more emphatic or more
Compare two examples:
If only we’d seen you coming. We might have braked in time. (a regret)
I wish we’d seen you coming. We would have put out the red carpet! (a wish)

For greater emphasis we can put a subject between if and only in informal English.
If you only knew how much trouble you’ve caused!

Wish can be followed by that, but if only cannot:

I wish that you’d told me about it earlier.
I only that you’d told me about it earlier.

❖ We can use were instead of was after wish and if only. I wish I were/was a famous
❖ After the subject pronouns I and we, we can use could instead of would. I wish I
could travel abroad.

TASK III. Write a wish for each of the following sentences, as in the example.
You want to buy a new car, but you haven’t got enough money.
I wish I had enough money (to buy a new car). OR I wish I could afford to buy a new car.

1. You didn’t follow your friend’s sensible advice.

I wish I’d followed my friend’s advice.
2. You lost your lecture notes.
I wish I hadn’t lost my lecture notes.
3. You want to ask a friend to help you, but he’s out of the country.
I wish my friend wasn’t out of the country.
4. You have got such a heavy workload that you can’t even get out at the weekends.
I wish I’d had got such a heavy workload that I can even get out at the weekends
5. You are the yes-man.
I wish I hadn’t been the yes-man.
6. You make ends meet.
I wish I would make ends meet.
7. You failed several exams.
I wish I hadn’t failed several exams.
8. Your friend was caught copping from his fellow student’s test paper and was expelled
I wish my friend had caught copping from his fellow student’s test paper and
was expelled .
9. Tommy was the teacher’s pet.
I wish Tom would be the teacher’s pet.
10. Your friend didn’t make the grade.
I wish my friend would make the grade.
11. People don’t recycle their rubbish.
I wish people were recycling their rubbish.

TASK IV. Use the appropriate tense to express a wish.

1. I wish you would stop talking.

2. If only it would stop snowing.
3. I wish I’d passed the exams. (but I didn’t)
4. I wish I were on holiday now. (but I’m not)
5. If only I were going with them. (but I’m not)
6. If only she hadn’t lain to me. (but she did)
7. If only I hadn’t been so harsh to her. (but I was)
8. I wish you would stop spreading rumours.
9. If only it was sunny on my birthday.
10. I wish I would save more money during my twenties. (but I didn’t)
11. I wish I was 10 years old. (but I’m not).
TASK V. Write the second sentence so it has a similar meaning to the first. Use the
word in brackets, as in the example.

e.g. I regret the fact that we didn’t see the band play.
(had) I wish we had seen the band play.

1. It’s a pity that you didn’t tell us that you were leaving.
(wish) I wish you had told us that you were leaving
2. Unfortunately, I’m not as agile as I used to be.
(only) if only I were as agile as I used to be .
Her constant criticism of me really gets on my nerves.
(stop) I wish she would stop her constant criticism of me, it really gets on my
3. I regret not going to university when I was younger.
(gone) if only I had gone to university when I was younger
4. She would love to have a more responsible post.
5. (had) I wish she had loved to have a more responsible post.
6. I’ve always wanted to have the ability to speak a foreign language really well.
(could) If only I could have the ability to speak a foreign language really well.
7. It’s a real shame we didn’t take any photos at that amazing party.
(only)_If only we’d taken some photos at that amazing party
I hate having straight hair; curly hair is so much nicer.
(didn’t) I wish I didn't have straight hair; curly hair is so much nicer.
Task VI. Write about five things that you would like to change in your life. Use I
wish and if only.
1. I wish I had had enough money to travel to New York.
2. I wish I had studied harder.
3. If only I had more free time.
4. I wish I could speak English very well
5. If only I had my dog.

Task VII. Complete the sentences:

Jack is going on a trip to Mexico soon. I wish I was going too.
1. I’m very tired and I have so much to do. I wish I weren’t so tired.
2. You didn’t tell me you were ill. Why not? I wish you had told me.
3. I don’t have enough free time. I wish I had more free time.
4. I can’t make up my mind what to do. I wish I could decide.
5. I bought these shoes, but now I don’t like them. I wish I hadn’t bought
6. We have to go out now and I don’t want to go. I wish we didn’t have to
go out now.
7. Unfortunately I couldn’t go to the wedding last month. I wish I could
have gone.

Task VIII. Put the verb into the correct form.

It was a stupid thing to say. I wish I hadn’t said it. (I / not / say)
I’m fed up with this rain. I wish it would stop. (it / stop)
1. It’s a difficult question I wish I knew the answer.. (I / know)
2. I really didn’t enjoy the party. I wish we hadn’t gone. (we /
not / go)
3. I wish the bus would come. We’ve been waiting for 20
minutes. (the bus / come)
4. You’re lucky to be going away. I wish I could come with
you. (I / can / come)
5. Our flat is rather small. I wish our flat were a bit bigger. (it /
6. I should have listened to you. I wish I had taken your
advice. (. (I / take)
7. You keep interrupting me! I wish you would listen to me.
(you / listen)
8. You’re always complaining. I wish you wouldn’t complain
all the time. (you / not / complain)
9. It’s freezing today. I wish it weren’t so cold. I hate cold
weather. (it / not / be)
10. I wish the weather would change.It’s horrible! (the weather /
11. I wish I had a piano. I’d love to have one. (I / have)
12. When we were in London last year, we didn’t have time to see all
the things we wanted to see. I wish we could stay there longer. (we /
can / stay)

Home assignment:
Open The_New_York_Times_-_January_28_2021_UserUpload_Net (1).pdf
page 35, article “What Apple’s new privacy labels tell you”. Find out some unknown
words and phrases there.
Prepare a 3 minute presentation (without slides). Present a summary of the article
using unknown words and phrases, do not forget to state your opinion.

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