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Journey Project Selection - Product Brainstorming Form

Name: Haley Martin

Project Title: Wordless Picture Book; To Be Determined

Project Idea: Art/Design → Creating a Wordless picture book

Date: 8.22.19


❏ Learn, present, or demonstrate knowledge of an advanced skill


Creating, designing, and “publishing” a picture book that has no words. I will do all illustrations
and coloring needed in order to produce a book.

GOALS: Your goals should be specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and timely (S.M.A.R.T.)

My goal is to create and publish a wordless picture book that will be geared towards
kindergarten through second grade. The story book will focus on the importance of imagination and
teamwork, along with teaching kids how to develop their own story to go along with the illustrations. I
completed the story-boarding process and the details of the plot will be below. I plan on presenting my
storybook to a lower school class at PLP. The success of this project is whether or not the picture book
is done and the quality of it. I already have art experience, so the project is doable but timely.

RESEARCH CONNECTION: How does your project/product connect your research you’ve completed?

I did my paper on Graphic Design, which ties in with the picture book since I’ll have to design
the pages, title, and spine of the book.

BACKGROUND: What do you already know about the topic?

I have taken Visual Arts for four years and have participated in creative courses prior and have
some basic knowledge on graphic design from the research I did for Pride Paper.
TIMELINE: List your timeline below illustrating how you plan to spend half of your hours on the project.

As of September 30th, I will have the story boarding and character concepts completed,
getting ready to begin the illustrating and coloring process.
By the end of October, I would like most of the pages completed, colored, and scanned
into the computer, ready to be published by the first week of November.
By November 5th, all pages of the coloring book with be colored, inked, and illustrated.
Entire book will be ready to scanned and sent online to be printed and published.
By November 7th, all pages will be scanned into the computer and sent off to printed
and published.
Presentation Date, November 14th and November 19th

EVIDENCE: What will you produce to demonstrate that you have successfully completed this project?

The book will be entirely original, not only showcasing my artistic skill, but showing kids
the importance of storytelling and language and the power of imagination as they create their
own story to go along with the illustrations. Small kids developing story-telling skills will be able
to practice creating a beginning, middle and end to the story (following the pictures) and use
their imagination!

Publishing options:
- 2 kids are coming home from school (apartment building), from there they will be
transported to a “magical realm” by the elevator.
- The two kids will then meet character #1: which will be completely in black and white.
This character will give the kids a map, illustrating a world that is split into colored
sections. A gate will then light up, and they will be transported to the next “room”.
- In the next “room”, everything is colored in shades of red. There, they meet the Red
character, who needs help retrieving apples from tall apple trees. Once the kids help red,
another gate appears, and they move on. The Black and white character follows them,
and has achieved a little bit of color (red).
- In the next place, everything is orange. They there meet the Orange character who
reveals that they need help catching a flying goldfish. The kids pick up nets, catch the
goldfish and give it to orange. Black and White then receives more color, and the kids
move on.
- Next, they go to a place that’s all yellow. There, they meet Yellow, who needs help
getting rid of the bees on her sunflowers. The kids distract the bees with honey, and
guide them away, helping Yellow. Black and white gets more color, and they move on.
- In the green world, they meet Green, who needs help with the vegetables in his garden.
After the kids help him, Black and White gets more color, and another gate opens.
- In blueland, they meet Blue, who is looking for his friend, Purple. Kids sail across a lake
and find a purple castle, where they find Purple, defeat some sort of guard (TBD) and
bring Purple back on their boat. After purple and blue are reunited, Black and White gets
both of their colors and the last gate opens.
- Now that all of the colors have been reunited and Black and White is colorful again, the
elevator reappears after the colors thank them, and they return to the real world, where
they spot a rainbow.
Page 1: kids are returning from school, and stand in front of an urban apartment building.
Page 2: kids go inside and stand in front of the elevator doors, waiting
Page 3: kids are inside the elevator, some kind of conflict is revealed between the two siblings
Page 4: One of the kids sees a different button on the elevator panel and presses it
Page 5: The door opens, bathing the kids to reveal they are no longer in the apartment
Page 6: They meet Black and White, in a place void of color
Page 7: Black and White gives them a map, depicting all the different color regions
Page 8: The Gate behind Black and White opens and the kids leave through it.
Page 9: They are at place that’s all red, they there meet Red in an apple orchard.
Page 10: Red “tells” them that he/she wants an apple
Page 11: The kids are not tall enough to reach the apples, wonder how to get it.
Page 12: Kids get on each others shoulders and can reach the apples
Page 13: They then give the apple to Red, the next gate opens (Black and White has red now)
Page 14: In the orange realm, they meet Orange, who “tells” them he needs a goldfish
Page 15: Kids look up and see flying goldfish, identifying the fish Orange wants.
Page 16: Using nets, the kids catch the goldfish
Page 17: Give Orange the fish, the next gate opens (Black and White has orange now)
Page 18: In the yellow world, they met Yellow who needs help getting bees off his/her flowers
Page 19: Kids use honey to get bees away from the flowers (??)
Page 20: Give the flowers to Yellow, gate then opens. (Black and White has yellow now)
Page 21: They then move to green world, meet Green who needs help in his vegetable garden
Page 22: Kids help green harvest the vegetables in his garden
Page 23: With a basket full of green vegetables, green gate opens (Black and White has green)
Page 24: Kids meet Blue on the beach, figure out he/she is looking for his friend Purple.
Page 25: They (the kids) get on a boat and travel across the body of water
Page 26: They then spot a purple island with a giant purple castle.
Page 27: The kids enter the castle, looking for Purple
Page 28: They find purple who is in some kind of trouble (??) Grape Vines
Page 29: They help Purple with whatever she/he needed help with (??) Grape Vines
Page 30: The three (both kids and Purple) sail back across
Page 31: Blue and Purple are reunited, Black now has all the colors
Page 32: Master, Rainbow gate opens
Page 33: The kids are thanked by Black and White, now a Rainbow and all the other colors
Page 34: The Elevator reappears, and the kids go toward it.
Page 35: They emerge back in the real world, and outside the window, you can see a rainbow.

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