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213 engma

Testoe Were eter

----------No or - tell me yes

Ooohhh oohhh - kjkjknkTrolling trolling trolling tsssss Da reel wrk Men till
ism - It’s a phree

Berry interesting

Iohwe oij yes yes yse

54687567657468786 Part 3 Oh yes… oh no? Perhaps both!

Austria in
1853, and died in Leipzig, Germany in 1928. Beyond the shadow of a doubt, he was one of the greatest
illusionists of all time. Still according to Robelly, he could present his act in eight languages
from flying away, but not so firmly as to crush it.
2. To obtain a smooth bevel of the deck, slide the left thumb lightly over the
left side of the cards,
from bottom to top.
3. Don’t make the mistake of assuming that you already know this technique.
Yes, you’ve held
cards in your hand all your life, but where was your index finger? It’s like
the fourth string of a
violin: Without it, there’s no symphony. Never forget the index finger!
in the relevant descriptions.--Giobbi

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