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settled by colonists from Euboea and Boeotia, who drove out the aboriginal
Carians. As we know that the Carians worshipped Hector, this makes the chain
complete. W. C. F. A.

Die Neu-Attischen Reliefs. FKIEDRICH HAUSEB.

THIS is a very useful work, and sheds light on one of the most difficult questions
in regard to ancient monuments, namely the exact nature, purpose, and date of
archaistic sculptures. Mr, Hauser's method is exhaustive. He gives a detailed
description of the known reliefs of the neo-Attic school, beginning with those
which bear the signatures of Salpion, of Sosibius, and of Pontius, and proceeding
to the consideration of other reliefs which bear the same character as these. He
finds the most general character of these reliefs not in their affectation of the
style of any one period, for the style varies greatly, but in the paratactic principle
of their composition. Their producers seem to have had by them in stock the
schemes of figures taken from reliefs of various ages, and to have combined these
figures into new compositions without regard to unity or consistency. Of these
schemes many are due in the author's opinion to the invention of the toreutic
workers, more particularly to Calamis. Nor do the changes introduced by the
copyists of later ages in types originated by great masters appear to be more than
slight and superficial. ' Im Archaistischen mehr echt Altes steckt, als man
gewohnlich annimmt.' The main arguments on which this view is based are the
occurrence in the same composition of figures belonging to various periods and
schools of art, and the recurrence in reliefs representing quite distinct subjects of
figures identical in design, and bearing no satisfactory relation to the groups into
which they are introduced. Useful sketches of fifty of these recurring schemata
are engraved in the plates. Among the earliest of archaistic reliefs, Mr. Hauser
places those of the Corinthian puteal discussed by Prof. Michaelis in this Journal
(1885, p. 48, PI. INI., LVII.), which he regards as not really dating from early
times, but rather from the fourth century B.C. In the course of the work
Mr. Hauser has occasion to discuss a great number of ancient monuments, and to
glance at a multitude of archaeological problems : his remarks show great care as
well as boldness, and will be very welcome to those to whom the discrimination
of archaistic from archaic work is an attractive subject.
P. Q.

Die Antiken Sarkophagreliefs. C. ROBERT. Vol. II. Mythologische Cyklen.

We have at length a volume of the great Corpus of ancient sarcophagi under-
taken many years ago by the German Archaeological Institute, and executed with
vast labour by F. Matz and C. Robert. The second volume, comprising the
reliefs of sarcophagi with mythological subjects comes out first, and it is doubtless
the most important of all. The whole work is to be finished in seven volumes.
Probably it is only those who do some work on a Berlin Corpus who have any
idea of the enormous expenditure of time and pains which they involve; and the
savants who undertake them, with no hope of reward, deserve the gratitude of the
learned world. We cannot presume in a few lines to estimate the merit of the
work before us : but we cannot refrain from expressing disappointment in one
respect, that the illustrations are not more frequently produced by photography

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