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P . N. Lebedev Physics Institute, Academy of Sciences, U.S.S.R.
Usp. Fiz. Nauk 92, 517-526 (July, 1964)


J. HE dielectric constant e and the magnetic permea- "LEFT-HANDED" SUBSTANCES
bility n are the fundamental characteristic quantities
To ascertain the electromagnetic laws essentially
which determine the propagation of electromagnetic
connected with the sign of e and M» we must turn to
waves in matter. This is due to the fact that they are
those relations in which e and \x appear separately,
the only parameters of the substance that appear in
and not in the form of their product, as in (1)—(3).
the dispersion equation
These relations are primarily the Maxwell equations
-kikj = 0, (1) and the constitutive relations
t, 1 dB
which gives the connection between the frequency OJ
rot E — (4)"
of a monochromatic wave and its wave vector k. In
c dl
the case of an isotropic substance, Eq. (1) takes a
,„ 1 dB
simpler form: (4')
rot H • = =e E- . ,
(2) c dt
For a plane monochromatic wave, in which all
Here n is the square of the index of refraction of quantities are proportional to e ^ k z - w t ^ t n e expres-
the substance, and is given by sions (4) and (4') reduce to
ra^ep.. (3)
If we do not take losses into account and regard n, e, [kHJ---2-
and M as real numbers, it can be seen from (2) and It c a n b e s e e n a t o n c e f r o m t h e s e e q u a t i o n s t h a t if
(3) that a simultaneous change of the signs of € and e > 0 a n d n > 0 t h e n E, H, a n d k f o r m a r i g h t -
ix has no effect on these relations. This situation can h a n d e d t r i p l e t of v e c t o r s , a n d if e < 0 a n d n < 0 t h e y
be interpreted in various ways. First, we may admit a r e a l e f t - h a n d e d s e t . ' 1 - ' If w e i n t r o d u c e d i r e c t i o n
that the properties of a substance are actually not c o s i n e s f o r t h e v e c t o r s E , H, a n d k a n d d e n o t e t h e m
affected by a simultaneous change of the signs of e b y c q , fi{, a n d yi, r e s p e c t i v e l y , t h e n a w a v e p r o p a -
and ix. Second, it might be that for e and y. to be g a t e d in a g i v e n m e d i u m w i l l b e c h a r a c t e r i z e d by the
simultaneously negative contradicts some funda- matrix ^
mental laws of nature, and therefore no substance /<%! a 2 a 3 \
with e < 0 and ix < 0 can exist. Finally, it could be G= Pi P2 P 3 J . (6)
admitted that substances with negative e and \x have
\Yi Y2 Y.3/
some properties different from those of substances
T h e d e t e r m i n a n t of t h i s m a t r i x i s e q u a l t o + 1 if t h e
with positive e and /x. As we shall see in what fol-
v e c t o r s E , H, a n d k a r e a r i g h t - h a n d e d s e t , a n d - 1
lows, the third case is the one that is realized. It
if t h i s s e t i s l e f t - h a n d e d . D e n o t i n g t h i s d e t e r m i n a n t
must be emphasized that there has not so far been
by p, we can s a y that p c h a r a c t e r i z e s the " r i g h t -
any experiment in which a substance with e < 0 and
n e s s " of t h e g i v e n m e d i u m . T h e m e d i u m i s " r i g h t -
ix < 0 could be observed. We can, however, at once
h a n d e d " if p = + 1 a n d " l e f t - h a n d e d " if p = - 1 . T h e
give a number of arguments as to where and how one
e l e m e n t s of t h e m a t r i x (6) s a t i s f y t h e r e l a t i o n
should look for such substances. Since in our opinion
the electrodynamics of substances with e < 0 and Gih = pAih. (7)
ix < 0 is undoubtedly of interest, independently of our
H e r e Ajjj i s t h e a l g e b r a i c c o m p l e m e n t of t h e e l e m e n t
now having such substances available, we shall at
F u r t h e r m o r e t h e e l e m e n t s of G a r e o r t h o -
first consider the matter purely formally. There-
after in the second part of this article we shall con-
sider questions connected with the physical realiza- *rot = curl.
tion of substances with e < 0 and ix < 0. t[kE].kxE.

510 V . G. V E S E L A G O


FIG. 1. a) Doppler effect in a right-handed substance; b) Doppler

effect in a left-handed substance. The letter A represents the source
of the radiation, the letter B the receiver.

normal. The energy flux carried by the wave is de-

termined by the Poynting vector S, which is given by
FIG. 2. a) The Vavilov-Cerenkov effect in a right-handed sub-
S rpu l / Q\ stance; b) The same effect in a left-handed substance.
According to (8) the vector S always forms a right-
handed set with the vectors E and H. Accordingly, moves in a medium with speed v in a straight line
for right-handed substances S and k are in the same (Fig. 2), it will emit according to the law
direction, and for left-handed substances they are in e i ( k z z + k r r - o ; t ) ) a n ( i ^e w a v e vector of the radiation
opposite directions.^ 3 -' Since the vector k is in the will be given by k = k z / c o s 6 and is in the general
direction of the phase velocity, it is clear that left- direction of the velocity v. The quantity k r will be
handed substances are substances with a so-called different in different media, in accordance with the
negative group velocity, which occurs in particular expression
in anisotropic substances or when there is spatial
dispersion.'-4-' In what follows we shall for brevity (10)
use the term "left-handed substance," keeping in This choice of the sign for the square root in (10) will
mind that this term is equivalent to the term " s u b - assure that the energy moves away from the radiating
stance with negative group velocity." Let us now particle to infinity. It is then clear that for left-
consider the consequences of the fact that in left- handed media the vector k r will be directed toward
handed substances the phase velocity is opposite to the trajectory of the particle, and the cone of the
the energy flux. First, in left-handed substances radiation will be directed backward relative to the
there will be a reversed Doppler effect.[1'3-' motion of the particle. This corresponds to an obtuse
Indeed, suppose for example that a detector of angle 6 between v and S. For a medium of either
radiation which is in a left-handed medium moves "Tightness" this angle can be found from the expres-
relative to a source which emits a frequency COQ- In sion
its motion the detector will pursue points of the
cos 9 = p (11)
wave which correspond to some definite phase, as is
shown in Fig. 1. The frequency received by the de-
tector will be smaller than a>oi not larger as it
would be in an ordinary (right-handed) medium. Us- III. THE REFRACTION OF A RAY AT THE BOUND-
ing the quantity p for the medium in question, we ARY BETWEEN TWO MEDIA WITH DIFFERENT
can write the formula for the Doppler shift in the RIGHTNESSES
form In the passage of a ray of light from one medium
into another the boundary conditions
(0 -=(O0 (l—/?-£-) . (9)
Eh = Eh, Htl = HH, (12)
Here the velocity v of the detector is regarded as n n n
i V i 2 (13)
positive when it is receding from the source. The
velocity u of the energy flux is regarded as always must be satisfied, independently of whether or not the
positive. media have the same Tightness. It follows from (12)
The Vavilov-Cerenkov effect will also be r e - that the x and y components of the fields E and H
versed, just like the Doppler effect. [1 ' 3] If a particle in the refracted ray maintain their directions, inde-

FIG. 3. Passage of a ray through

the boundary between two media. 1 —
incident ray; 2 — reflected ray; 3 — re-
flected ray if the second medium is left-
handed; 4 — refracted ray if the second
medium is right-handed.

pendently of the rightnesses of the two media. As for

the z component, it keeps the same direction only if
the two media are of the same Tightness. If the right-
nesses are different, the z components change sign. FIG. 5. Paths of rays through lenses made of left-handed sub-
This corresponds to the fact that in passage into a stances, situated in vacuum.
medium of different Tightness the vectors E and H
not only change in magnitude owing to the difference
in e and M but also undergo a reflection relative to nesses of the media are different. In particular, the
the interface of the two media. The same thing hap- index of refraction of a left-handed medium relative
pens to the vector k also. The simultaneous reflec- to vacuum is negative.'-1-'
tion of all three vectors corresponds precisely to a Fresnel's formulas are commonly used to find the
change of sign of the determinant G in (6). The path amplitudes of the reflected and refracted light.*•"
of the refracted ray produced as the result of such These formulas involve the quantities e, pi, n, q>, ij>.
reflections is shown in Fig. 3. As we see, when the In order not to make mistakes one must always use
second medium is left-handed the refracted ray lies the absolute values of these quantities in Fresnel's
on the opposite side of the z axis from its position formulas.
in the case of a right-handed second medium J5-' It An interesting case is that of a ray passing from
must be noted that the direction of the reflected ray a medium with e4 > 0, ^ > 0 into one with e 2 = —e1(
is always the same, independent of the rightnesses of ;U2 = — Mi- In this case the ray undergoes refraction
the two media. It can be seen from Fig. 3 that the at the interface between the two media, but there is
usual Snell's law no reflected ray. The use of left-handed substances
would in principle allow the design of very unusual
sin <p (14)
sin ij) refracting systems. An example of such a system is
a simple plate of thickness d made of a left-handed
has to be given a more precise form if the rightnesses
substance with n = - 1 and situated in vacuum. It is
of media 1 and 2 are different. The correct way to
shown in Fig. 4 that such a plate can focus at a point
write the formula is now
the radiation from a point source located at a dis-
sin cp Pi (15) tance I < d from the plate. This is not a lens in the
Pi usual sense of the word, however, since it will not
Here pj and p 2 are the rightnesses of the first and focus at a point a bundle of rays coming from infinity.
second media. It is clear from (15) that the index of As for actual lenses, the paths of rays through
refraction of two media can be negative if the right- lenses made of a left-handed substance are shown in
Fig. 5. It is seen that the convex and concave lenses
have "changed p l a c e s , " since the convex lens has a
diverging effect and the concave lens a converging

FIG. 4. Passage of rays of light through a plate of thickness d FIG. 6. Reflection of a ray propagated in a medium with ( < 0
made of a left-handed substance. A — source of radiation; B — de- and fi < 0 from an ideally reflecting body. The source of radiation
tector of radiation. is denoted by a heavy black point.
Let us now go on to anisotropic substances. In this
case the quantities e and M are tensors, and we can-
not make use at once of a diagram like Fig. 7. In
some substances, however, we can do this for waves
propagated in particular directions. Gyrotropic sub-
stances are especially interesting in this respect.
For gyrotropic substances the tensors e^ and
are of the forms
FIG. 7. e — fi diagram.
El ie2 0s
M te2 «i 0 (17)
0 0 e3/
Hi *H2 0
A monochromatic wave in a left-handed medium i\i2 Hi 0 (18)
can be regarded as a stream of photons, each having 0 0 H3
a momentum p = hk, with the vector k directed A well known example of a gyrotropic substance is a
toward the source of radiation, not away from it as plasma in a magnetic field, which is characterized
is the case in a right-handed medium. Therefore a by a tensor e ^ of the form (17) and a scalar value
beam of light propagated in a left-handed medium and of M- H a plane circularly polarized transverse wave
incident on a reflecting body imparts to it a momen- of the form e^z - wt) j s propagated in such a plasma,
tum p = 2Nhk (N is the number of incident photons) with k II z II Ho, then n2 is given by
directed toward the source of the radiation, as shown
in Fig. 6. Owing to this the light pressure character- ±e 2 ). (19)
istic for ordinary (right-handed) substances is r e -
The sign ± corresponds to the two directions of
placed in left-handed substances by a light tension
polarization of the wave. If | e21 < I £ i I and e t > 0,
or attraction.
two waves can be propagated in the plasma, but if
These are some of the features of the electrody- I €21 > I e i I = - £ i i then o n ly oae wave is propagated,
namics of left-handed substances. Let us now con- that for which n2 > 0. In these cases the plasma must
sider the question of their physical realization. For be placed in the first quadrant of Fig. 7 (/i is of the
this purpose we first examine what the values of e order of 1). As for the second wave in the case | e21
and n are that various substances may have. > I ei I = - e l f it cannot be propagated because for it
e < 0, which by (19) leads to an imaginary value of
IV. WHAT SORT OF VALUES OF e AND n ARE IN n. In this case the plasma belongs in the second
PRINCIPLE POSSIBLE? quadrant in Fig. 7.
Figure 7 shows a coordinate system in which Another example of gyrotropic substances is
values of e and n are marked off on the axes. We various magnetic materials, in which, in contrast to
shall try to locate in it all known substances, at first the plasma, it is /x and not e that is a tensor. For
confining ourselves to the case in which e and M are these materials the analog of (19) is
isotropic. Then the first quadrant contains the
majority of isotropic dielectrics, for which e and /x re2 = e(n, ± (20)
a r e positive. In the second quadrant (e < 0, M > 0) Here also there can in principle be a situation in
there will be plasmas, both gaseous plasmas [6] and which I n21 > l^i I = -Mi, and this case corresponds
solid-state plasmas. [7 ~ 9 -' In a plasma with no mag- to the fourth quadrant in Fig. 7.
netic field the value of e is given by Quite recently there have begun to be intensive
studies of gyrotropic substances in which both e and
^ are tens or s.'-10"15-' Examples of such substances are
where OJ2 = 47rNe2/m, N being the concentration of pure ferromagnetic metals and semiconductors. For
the carriers, e their charge, and m their mass, and such substances the index of refraction of a circu-
the summation is over all types of c a r r i e r s . It is not larly polarized wave travelling along the field is
hard to see that at small frequencies e is smaller given by
than zero. For e > 0 and n > 0 the value of n2 given
w2 = (e, ± E 2 ) ( H I ± (21)
by (3) is negative, which leads to reflection of waves
from such a medium. This fact is well confirmed by and it is easy to see that in this case the effective
experiment, for example, in the ionosphere. electric and magnetic permeabilities can both be less
The third and fourth quadrants in Fig. 7 are un- than zero, while n2 remains positive and the wave
occupied. So far there is not a single substance known will be propagated.t 3 - 13 ' 1 ^ Such substances occupy the
with ji< 0. A s w e shall see in what follows, this is third and last quadrant of Fig. 7. Accordingly we see
not accidental. that we must look for substances with e < 0 and
E L E C T R O D Y N A M I C S O F S U B S T A N C E S WITH N E G A T I V E e AND 513
H < 0 primarily among gyrotropic media. Further- provide a large magnetic susceptibility. This assures
m o r e it is obvious thta negative values of e and M in the simultaneous propagation of s p i n a n d plasma
gyrotropic substances can be realized only for those waves, and naturally there is an interaction between
waves that a r e p r o p a g a t e d along the m a g n e t i c field. them. If t h i s interaction is strong enough, the waves
F o r other directions of p r o p a g a t i o n e and M can no propagated in s u c h a s u b s t a n c e are of a m i x e d , spin-
longer be regarded as scalars. Nevertheless, for a plasma, character. In this case the values of e and
[ 1 5 j
certain range of angles between H and k the vectors M are of the f o l l o w i n g form :
S and k will make an angle close to 180° and will
qualitatively satisfy all of the laws which are charac- ± Q) 1 - Q ' ± CO '
teristic for left-handed substances.
n* = e\x. (29)
In c o n c l u d i n g this section w e note that simultane-
ous negative values of e and n can be realized only Here u> is the frequency, u \ = 47rNe /m is the square

when there is frequency dispersion. In fact, it c a n be of the p l a s m a frequency, N is the concentration and

seen from the relation m the m a s s of the c a r r i e r s ; the s u m m a t i o n is taken

over all types of c a r r i e r s ; U = e B / m c , and
W = &E2 + \iH2 (22)
0S -.j ge A
Q' =
that w h e n there is no frequency dispersion nor a b - 2moc °' m0 Ms
sorption we cannot have e < 0 and n < 0, since in
where Ho is the external field, M £ is the saturation
that c a s e the total e n e r g y would be negative. When
magnetization, A is the exchange-interaction con-
there is frequency dispersion, however, the relation
stant, m 0 is the m a s s of the e l e c t r o n , and e is its
(22) must be replaced by
3 (eco) p2 , d (LICO) r, 2
W' = • (23) In t a graphical analysis has been made of Eq.
(29), with e and n of the f o r m (28); it w a s shown
In o r d e r for the e n e r g y W g i v e n by (23) to be positive
that for certain relations between the parameters
it i s required that
that a p p e a r i n (28) it is p o s s i b l e to have w a v e propa-
d (eco) (24) gation with e < 0 and n < 0 in conducting ferromag-
netic substances. As examples of s u c h conducting

These inequalities do not in general m e a n that e and ferromagnetic substances there are in the first place

H cannot be simultaneously negative, but for t h e m to ferromagnetic metals, for example nickel. There is
1 8
h o l d it i s n e c e s s a r y that e and n depend on the fre- already a communication^ -' on the observation of

quency. coupled spin-plasma waves in this metal, but it is not

It i s a p p r o p r i a t e to e m p h a s i z e here that the con- clear just what w e r e the values of e and n in this

clusion that there is a light attraction in left-handed case, and in particular w h e t h e r or not they were

substances, which was obtained at the end of Sec. Ill negative. As for semiconductors which have magnetic

from quantum arguments, can also be obtained in a properties, several such compounds have recently
purely classical way. To do this w e must use the been indicated, "21] in particular CuFeS2, UTe2,

classical expression for the m o m e n t u m o f t h e f i e l d '- -' 17 InSb-FeSb, and others. At p r e s e n t the m o b i l i t y of the
carriers in these m a t e r i a l s is still v e r y small, and
does not allow the observation of w e a k l y damped waves

the relations (23) and (24), and also the connection in them. Constant technological progress gives the

between the Poynting vector S and the group velocity hope, however, that such m a t e r i a l s with good mobility

v = 3 w / a k , will be produced, and then experiments with sub-


stances in w h i c h e and /i are less than z e r o will

S = P F v g r . (26)
surely become practicable. It m u s t b e n o t e d t h a t such
experiments with gyrotropic substances can confirm
Combining the expressions (23)—(26), w e get
only s o m e of the p r o p e r t i e s of l e f t - h a n d e d substances
p = i L = i L . k . (27) which w e have expounded. F o r example, it w i l l be
ph <•>
very difficult to m a k e experiments on the refraction
It f o l l o w s from this that in l e f t - h a n d e d substances the
of w a v e s , since for rays propagated in left-handed
field m o m e n t u m p is directed opposite to the Poyn-
substances at an angle with the external magnetic
ting vector S.
field the r e l a t i o n (21) is no longer valid. A s has al-
ready been stated, it w i l l b e a p p r o x i m a t e l y correct
only for small angles between the field and the vector
k, and all experiments must be arranged so as not

It i s c h a r a c t e r i s t i c of g y r o t r o p i c media of this to go beyond such angles. In v i e w of this difficulty,

kind that, first, they contain sufficiently mobile car- it w o u l d b e v e r y desirable to have an isotropic left-

riers forming an electron-hole plasma, and, second, handed substance. Unfortunately, as has already been

that there exists a system of interacting spins which said, w e do not know of e v e n a single substance which
514 V . G. V E S E L A G O
A. V. Sokolov, Opticheskie svoistva metallov
(The Optical Properties of Metals), Moscow, Fizmat-
giz, 1961.
V. E. Pafomov, JETP 36, 1853 (1959), Soviet
Phys. J E T P 9, 1321 (1959).
FIG. 8. Passage of a ray through a sphere with e < 0 and fi < 0 V. M. Agranovich and V. L. Ginzburg, Kristal-
situated in vacuum. The source of radiation is indicated with a looptika c uchetom prostranstvennoi dispersii i
heavy black point. teoriya eksitonov (Spatial Dispersion Effects in
Crystal Optics and the Theory of Excitons), Moscow,
Nauka, 1965.
could be isotropic and have n < 0. This is true be- 5
L . I. MandePstam, JETP 15, 475 (1945).
cause the sources of magnetic field are not charges, 6
V. L. Ginzburg, Rasprostranenie elektromag-
but dipoles. If the magnetic field, like the electric
nitnykh voln v plazme (The Propagation of Electro-
field, could arise from charges, a gas of such
magnetic Waves in Plasma), Moscow, Fizmatgiz,
charges would have a magnetic permeability given,
in analogy with (16), by the formula 7
E . A. Kaner and V. G. Skobov, UFN 89, 367 (1966),
H==l--^-. (30) Soviet Phys. Uspekhi 9, 480 (1967).
2 V. G. Veselago, N. V. Glushkov, and A. M. Prok-
Here ct)^ = 1 — 47rNg /mi, where Nj is the concen-
horov, Radiotekhnika i elektronika (1967).
tration of the charges, gj is their magnitude, and mj 9
A. G. Chynoweth and S. J. Buchsbaum, Physics
their m a s s . The hypothesis of the existence of such
Today, No. 11, 26 (1965).
charges was stated by Dirac as early as 1931 '-22-1; 10
E. A. Stern and E. R. Callen, Phys. Rev. 131, 512
there have been many papers on the possible proper-
ties of this charge (the Dirac monopole), for example 11
H. N. Spector and T. N. Casselman, Phys. Rev.
a review article, [ 2 3 ] and also1-24"26-1. So far, however,
139, A1594 (1965).
attempts to observe it have given no result. [23 " 27:1 If 12
A. Ya. Blank, JETP 47, 325 (1964), Soviet Phys.
the monopole were found, then a mixture of ordinary
JETP 20, 216 (1965).
plasma and a gas of monopoles would have a value of 13
/x given by (30), and the it of the mixture would be A. Ya. Blank and M. I. Kaganov, JETP 49, 807
given by (1965), Soviet Phys. J E T P 22, 561 (1966).
V. G. Bar'yakhtar, E. G. Rudashevskii, M. A.
e - 1 - ^ . (31) Savchenko, and K. N. Stepanov, J E T P 51, 250 (1966),
Soviet Phys. JETP 24, 167 (1957).
At sufficiently low frequencies such a mixture would 15
V. G. Veselago and E. G. Rudashevskii, FTT 8,
be a left-handed isotropic substance.
2862 (1966), Soviet Phys. Solid State 8, 2290 (1967).
Let us imagine [28-' that such a mixture uniformly 16
M. A. Ginsburg, DAN SSSR 95, 753 (1954).
fills a sufficiently large spherical region in space, 17
S. M. Rytov, J E T P 17, 930 (1947).
and that outside this region there is vacuum. For 18
G. G. Grimes, Plasma Effects in Solids, Paris,
simplicity suppose that inside the sphere UJJ = u>o,
1964, p. 87.
and that radiation is incident from outside the sphere 19
at a frequency such that inside the sphere e = /x = —1. T. Teranishi, J. Phys. Soc. Japan 17, 5263 (1962).
Then there will be no refraction of an incident ray at L. K. Matson, J. W. Moody, and R. C. Himes,
the points where it enters and leaves the sphere. At J. Inorg. Nucl. Chem. 25, 795 (1963).
the same time there will be imparted to the sphere A. Muller and W. Wilhelm, J. Phys. Chem. Solids
at each of these points a momentum directed toward 26, 2021 (1965).
its center, as is shown in Fig. 8. If we imagine that P . A. M. Dirac, Proc. Roy. Soc. A133, 60 (1931).
23S. Devons, Sci. Progr. 51 (204), 601 (1963).
the sphere is irradiated from all sides, then it will
24B. i M. Bolotovskii and V. S. Voronin, Izv. vuzov
experience an isotropic compression. Accordingly,
if Dirac monopoles were uniformly distributed in (radiofizika) 5, 1033 (1962).
space together with an ionized gas, under the influ- A. A. Kolomenskii, Vestn. MGU (Moscow State
ence of radiation this mixture would be continuously Univ.) 3, No. 6 (1962).
concentrated in certain local regions. This argument N. N. Okulov, Geomagnetizm i aeronomiya 4, 1002
is of course very approximate, and does not take into (1964).
account many other factors, but it may possibly help V. A. Petukhov and M. N. Yakimenko, Nuclear
Phys. 49, 87 (1963).
to explain the lack of success in the experimental 28
G. V. Veselago, J E T P 52, 1025 (1967), Soviet
observation of Dirac monopoles.
Phys. J E T P 25, (1967).

' V . G. Veselago, FTT 8, 3571 (1966), Soviet Phys. Translated by W. H. Furry

Solid State 8, 2853 (1967).

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