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NOMBRE: ____________________________________________________ FECHA: _________________________

1. Fill in the blanks with the correct modal verb

1. On a holiday you ………………………… go to office.
a) must
b) need not
c) have to
2. He is grown up and he ………………………….. know what to say and what not to say.
a) ought to
b) must not
c) have to
3. Please do not disturb me. I …………………………… finish a lot of work.
a) must not
b) need not
c) have to
4. You ……………………….. follow the rules and regulations.
a) must not
b) should
c) need not
5. We ………………………….. know how a machine works before beginning to operate it.
a) need not
b) must
c) has to
2. Complete the following sentences using the most appropriate form of the verb.
a) The plane …………………………………… at 6.30. (arrives / will arrive)
b) I will phone you if I …………………………………….. time. (have / will have)
c) I ……………………………………. James on Monday. (will see / am seeing)
d) Look out! We ……………………………………. crash. (will / are going to)
e) We ………………………………….. to Mexico next summer. ( are going / will go)
NOMBRE: ____________________________________________________ FECHA: _________________________

3. Fill in the blanks below to complete the sentences. Use the words in the box above.
1. My friend likes to exercise and eat fruits and vegetable, so he’s ___________.
2. A: Are you a lazy person? B: No, in fact, I’m very ___________.
3. My son Thomas is very ___________. He’s only five years old.
4. He should play basketball because he is ___________. He’s not short.
5. My sister isn’t very ___________. She’s shy and doesn’t like to meet new people.
6. He worked very hard his whole life and saved lots of money. He’s ___________.
7. I went on a diet last year and lost five kilograms, so now I’m ___________.
8. Sarah always says, “Thank you”. She’s a ___________ person.
9. Of course, I’m very ___________! I got an A+ on all of my exams!
10. My uncle loves to tell jokes to make us laugh. He’s ___________.

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