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The impact of imperialism or the British colonialism on the

culture of sub-continent

Group members:

Junaid Saleem 17L-4181

Saqib Kamran 17L-4154

Khurram Niaz 17L-4238

Usman Noor

Muhammad Fiaz 17L-4331

Naeem Akhtar 17L-4262

Muhammad Hassan 17L-4187


The report basically describes the impacts of the British Colonialism on the ancient culture of the

sub-continent. In contrast to the basic reason it has been evolved that the destruction of the local

culture was done basically in order to make the locals their slaves by mind even. For this purpose

multiple means were adopted which included the education, institutions, religions and communal

division etc. The report illustrates the basic reasons, the permanent impacts and denies the claims

of the apologists of the British Colonialism.


We often forget that our way of life and our thinking have greatly been by influenced the past

colonial times. British influence has changed the way we look at ourselves and conquer natural

self-esteem for people of ancient and oriental civilizations. The British left a mark that was

influential on the language, administration, government, education, political systems, thinking

and cultural practices of the people of sub-continent. These symbols are the symbols of British

history of sub-continent, accompanied by a deep mark on the cultural values of India and

Pakistan. The 200-year-old British Empire, which basically restored the world capital, is clearly

visible in modern life in sub-continent today. Colonization makes people of different cultures

stray away from their own cultures. The kind of truth is created to speed up such an attitude of

hatred among indigenous people of sub-continent. One more thing, designed as a smoking

screen, to hide the colonial pressure and their oppression on the sub-continent. The incomparable

history of liberation, which frees us from our recreational nature, continues to be a victim of this

colonial crime done by the British people here. Although India crossed over to the East India
Company in 1803, India’s confidence that prompted them to start a liberation struggle remained

strong. Greater political awareness about smart India prompted them to carry out a line of action

but the division caused this to come to an end in 1857. After a thorough analysis of the situation,

people were obliged to take up arms against the colonies. Decades ago, they showed an

unprecedented history of the liberation struggle until 1857. (Shahzeb, 2010)

Literature Review:

It was in this context that the colonists came up with a good idea to hit the self-esteem of the

indigenous peoples, to create a class of Indian people with blood and color. They succeeded in

doing so by dividing people on the basis of color, creed, race and religion. They tried to destroy

the ancient culture of the sub-continent. To do this they used the multiple parameters to crush the

critical thinking of the people at the first. (Qayyum, 2015)

At the same time, “educational institutions” were created in this country with a single program

designed to put an end to the intellectual thinking of Indian youth, focusing on the “intellect” of

the British presence on the continent. For this purpose, they first used the education system to

replace the current education culture in the sub-continent. A review of the system of colonial

education showed that they concerned only subjects related to studies and people. Clearly,

undermine the traditional self-confidence. They never clung to the most important or scientific

assumptions, because it would have lead to an expansion of the liberation struggle. (Qayyum,


Replacement of regional languages with English:

Just a few decades ago, only 5 to 7 million people used to speak English in a small area, and the

language included talks spoken in mono-lingual. Today, English is an international language and
English is the key to the language used to open the borders. English has become an international

language spoken by about 750 million people. It is spoken and written more than any other

language, even in Latin. Indeed, it can be said that it is the first language of the world. Currently,

English is the official language in over 60 countries. (Qayyum, 2015)

British colonialism had a profound effect on the culture of India. How India loses over 1,000

different languages and languages can be described by examining India's influence in other

countries, especially in Britain. This point will be considered by providing a feature of the Indian

language history, describing the origin of British colonies in India, the language policy by the

East Indian company during British rule, how this policy has impacted on local education, and

research in specific regions and the language problems that were arisen due to this. All these

points will come together, why the Indian language system is on the verge of death today. To

understand how languages affected the people of India, you need to know a little about their

language history before British rule. The languages used in India before British rule are based on

social classes. Sanskrit was the language of the ancient Indian people, while Pali, Prakrit and

Apabharams were the common languages of the people. Persia replaced the Sanskrit instead of

Islamic rule in India. It was then that the local languages began to build, mixing different words

in languages such as Persian, Turkish, and Arabic. Other languages, such as Urdu and Hindawi,

were popular before taking English. The first step that British took was to replace English as the

language of sub-continent. This step was taken to demolish the cultural Madrassa Education

System of the sub-continent. The previous system of the India was basically free of cost where

people from a certain area volunteer as teacher to teach the local people of that area. To get the

benefit from the Indian people they first replaced the old education system with their own to
destroy their cultural education system as well as to be a beneficiary of the education in sub-

continent as well. (Qayyum, 2015)

Effect of the regional sports of the sub-continent:

Cricket was introduced to the British subcontinent by the British. In the Commonwealth

countries - the former British colonies - the cricket is the British war. The regional games that

were being frequently played in sub-continent like hockey, Kabadi, and other regional and local

games were replaced in order to affect the cultural sports in India. If we look at the current

scenario of the position of hockey in the sub-continent we will clearly come to know that hockey

is affected on peak. (Sohail, 2015)

Institutional impact of British colonialism on India:

The homes and workplaces of British churches throughout India are called oases for European

and recreational customs, and many Britons making little efforts to learn Indian customs. The

Mughals also came from India, but also translated into Indian culture. Often this Indian

community shares the fear of the British and leads to numerous violence, since the British had

little contact with the Indian community, and this can only depend on the strength of adherence

to the law. Thus, violence appears not to be wanted, but a product of the absence of Britain.

Wilson is right to see that Britain could not understand how the Indian colonialism gave rise to

many economic and political disasters and that moment changed India in a huge way.

(Pillalamarri, 2017)

Different laws may apply to different religious groups. It can be difficult for people to marry on

racial and linguistic basic, because decisions will be made by seeing local customs. The repeal of

laws actually promotes investment and economic growth when used properly and is free during
an economic crisis. A society in which people sometimes cannot discuss the various

consequences of the same criminal law is a way to make it unfair. Finally, communities may

have worked well in the 16th century, but in today's conditions it will result in the liberties and

rights of individuals living in the area between many institutions such as Panchayats, which can

sometimes be fully utilized. However, there is no doubt that the British social and legal system in

its development was working against the majority of Indian people at the time, because local

customs were quickly removed and new laws could be created to improve equality, but to create

favorable conditions for British investments, which, after all, wanted unlimited income and

continued tax. (Pillalamarri, 2017)

In short the British changed the local justice system of India along with the social culture in the

institutions of the Pakistan that were built by the Mughals in their era.

Colonialism and its impact on religions in India:

At first, this affected the local religions here, because Westerners encouraged the local people to

acquire Christianity, providing certain practical advantages. As a result, Christianity soon

became a growing religion in many countries in Asia and Africa. (Sohail, 2015)

Segregation based on races:

Colonial rule and the imperialist regime led to racial division. European rulers treat their culture

as the culture of Asia and Africa and try to reconcile it. They believed that the white races are

higher than the black ones, and tried to continue. They often enact discrimination laws against

local residents. For example, in India, Indians cannot walk down the corridor traveled by

Europeans. (Pillalamarri, 2017)

Undermining the morality:

The imperialist government reduced the moral values. They abandoned all practices to hold on to

the colonial people. They tried to isolate people and make them fight among themselves in order

to save power. This policy of "divide and rule" ultimately led to the division of India.

(Pillalamarri, 2017)


Colonial politics and imperialism caused people and their cultures suffer a lot. Various

imperialist powers participated in many battles with the locals and themselves which resulted in

misery and loss of multiple lives in the area. In this way the locals were suppressed and their

norms were destroyed on peak. (Pillalamarri, 2017)

Conclusion and Analysis:

Keeping in view the overall scenario described above it can clearly be observed that the British

people came here by means of trade to occupy the sub-continent for their own use and for this

they had to make the local residents blind. The easiest way to do this was to destroy their culture

and traditions and make them dependent on the colonial culture. This was successfully done by

British in order to impact the people of the sub-continent.

The people of the sub-continent were divided on the basis on race, color and creed along with

religion in order to be made slaves of the British culture. The apologist of the India and Pakistan

who claim that British Colonialism did not do anything except good should learn from the right

history that British destroyed the basis of this area completely by making them dependent on

Europe and West.

To end the conclusion, I would say that British colonialism has impacted this area by destroying

the local traditions and introducing their own culture here in order to occupy this place virtually.


Qayyum, A., & Saleem, A. (2015, September). Retrieved from


Shahzad, F. (2017, October 17). Colonial impact on our mindsets. Retrieved from

Shahzeb, S. (2010, June 06). How the British influenced Indian culture. Retrieved from

Pillalamarri, A. (2017, August 17). The British Raj's Social and Institutional Impact on Indian

Society. Retrieved from


Sohail, H. (2015, February 09). Effects of Westernization on the Culture of Pakistan. Retrieved


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