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Reading Glossary

“What are you afraid of?”

(Unit 5, page 56)

a shot: an injection
dread: extreme fear
laughed off: not considered serious
irrational: illogical or based solely on emotion, not evidence
overwhelming: powerful; impossible to overcome
it’s no joke: it’s very serious
built-in: something one is born with
sweating: perspiring; releasing liquid from one’s skin because of nervousness
exaggerated: greatly increased in importance
unrelated to: not connected to
enormous: huge; very long
embarrassed: ashamed of one’s actions
an anxiety: a physical or emotional fear reaction
takes over: takes control of
deal with: manage
getting in your way: preventing you from living normally
interfering with: preventing something from happening
chances are: it’s probable
weird: strange; unusual

Summit 2, Second Edition

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