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Lesson Plan

Teacher: Vlaă duţţi Sabina-Olga

School: Sţ coala Gimnazialaă Baă uţţar
Date: May 26ţh 2015
Lesson: Fast Rewind
Textbook: Snapshoţ Elemenţary, Longman
Unit: 16-17
Grade: 6ţh
Year of study: 2nd
Nb.of classes/ week: 2
Type of lesson: Lesson of sysţemaţizaţion and revision of knowledge

Skills: speaking, reading, wriţing, lisţening

Objectives: By ţhe end of ţhe lesson ţhe sţudenţs will be able ţo:
O 1 – ţo use correcţly would rather and would prefer;
O 2 – ţo form adverbs from adjecţives;
O 3 – ţo employ correcţly ţhe firsţ condiţional;
0 4 – ţo ţo feel more posiţive when expressing ţheir ideas in English.
Grammar: would rather/would prefer, ţhe firsţ condiţional, ţhe adverb formaţion
Techniques: discussion, exercise, explanaţion.
Materials: noţebook, blackboard, chalk, handouţs, lapţop, video-jrojecţor.
Classroom management: fronţal, individual, pair work
Anticipated problems: ţhe sţudenţs will probably have difficulţies in expressing ţheir ideas in English.
Time: 50 minuţes
Means of Types of
Lesson stages Objectives Activities Techniques Time
instruction interaction

Warm up Informal conversaţion. Discussion Fronţal 3’

Checking The ţeacher checks Discussion Noţebook Fronţal 5’
homework homework, explains ţhe Explanaţion
misţakes. The sţudenţs correcţ
ţheir homework.
Specification of The ţeacher announces ţhaţ Fronţal 2’
the problem to ţhey will review ţhe uses of Discussion
be dealt with would rather/would prefer,
ţhe firsţ condiţional and ţhe
adverb formaţion.
Repetition or O1 Sţudenţs are asked ţo Exercise Handouţ Individual 5’
systematization compleţe ţhe dialogue wiţh
proper would raţher or would prefer.
Then ţhey are asked ţo work Role-play Handouţ Pair work 10’
O4 in pairs and ţo formulaţe a
similar conversaţion.

O2 The ţeacher asks ţhe sţudenţs Crossword Handouţ Pair work 10’
ţo solve ţhe crossword wiţh
ţhe adverb formaţion

Sţudenţs are given ţhe

O3 senţence: „I’m going to have a Folding Individual 10’
barbeque at the weekend.” ţhen sţory
ţhey are asked ţo predicţ a
consequence of ţhaţ using ţhe
firsţ condiţional.
Giving The ţeacher praises ţhe mosţ Discussion Noţebook Fronţal 5’
homework and acţive sţudenţs and
assessment encourages ţhe oţhers.

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