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Press Information Bureau

Government of India
Ministry of Coal
07-Nov-2019 16:13 IST

Coal Minister announces 300 percent increase in ex-gratia for deaths in coal mine accidents

The Minister of Coal and Mines , Mr. Prahlad Joshi has announced an increase in the ex-gratia amount
for deaths in accidents of coal mines by 300 percent from Rs. 5 lakh to Rs. 15 lakh. Addressing the coal
miners at Mahanadi Coalfields Limited (MCL) in Odisha today, he said that this welfare measure would
cover more than 3.5 lakh families of miners working under Coal India and its subsidiaries in eight states
of the country.

Coal and Mines Minister made an aerial survey and inspection of mining operations Talcher Coalfields of
Mahanadi Coalfields Ltd in Orissa , which Coal India running state Ltd (CIL ) , the second largest
subsidiary , which CIL 's total coal production Contributes about 25 percent of 

Union Minister of Coal and Mines Mr. Prahlad Joshi while conducting an aerial survey and inspection of the
mining works of Talcher Coalfields at MCL.

Paying tribute to the miners who lost their lives in the coal mines , Mr. Joshi said , " I am a temporary
employee for coal workers for death in a mine accident as well as in the case of contracted employees,
the ex-gratia amount from Rs. 5 lakhs. Announce to increase to Rs 15 lakh. ” Mr. Joshi said that the
Government of India is committed to raising the standard of living of the common man and is working
steadily towards creating more employment and entrepreneurship opportunities for the youth. He also
announced that Mahanadi Coalfields would provide employment to more than 4000 people who lost
their land by the financial year 2024-25.

The Union Minister of Coal and Mines, Mr. Prahlad Joshi addressing the officials and coal miners of Talcher
Coalfields at MCL, Odisha.

ी जोशी ने कहा क महानद कोलफ ड् स आने वाले वष म एमसीएल खान से कोयले क नबाध ढु लाई के लए रेलवे के बु नयाद ढांचे के
नमाण के लए 9000 करोड़ पये से अ धक का नवेश करेगी।

दे श के लए कोयला उ पादन बढ़ाने के बारे म सभी हतधारक के सहयोग क मांग करते ए, ी जोशी ने कहा क एमसीएल अपने प रचालन
े के आसपास के गाँव म मोबाइल मे डकल यू नट (एमएमयू) चलाएगा, ता क ज रतमंद लोग को अपने घर म मु त वा य सेवा उपल ध हो

ी जोशी कंपनी के खनन काय क समी ा के लए एमसीएल क अपनी पहली या ा पर थे। उ ह ने एमसीएल डीएवी कूल, लगराज े क
आधार शला भी रखी, जो अनुमा नत 45 करोड़ पये क लागत से बनाया जाएगा। शु आत म इसम 1300 छा को वेश दया जाएगा और बाद
म इसे बढ़ाकर 3000 करने का ताव है। इस अवसर पर सीआईएल के सीएमडी ी ए.के. झा और एमसीएल के सीएमडी ी बी. एन. शु ला भी
अ य गणमा य य के साथ उप थत थे।


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