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Proceedings of a Symposium held at the University of Sheffield, 12-14 September 1979

Value Analysis of Dyes - A New Method

Based on Colour Measurement
Alan N. Derbyshire and William J. Marshall
Imperial Chemical Industries Ltd range o f visible wavelengths. The amount o f a dye that must
Organics Division be applied to a particular substrate by a specified dyeing
Hexagon House method t o give this lnteg value may be determined by
BIac k Iey experiment, and is called the Control Strength of the dye.
Manchester M9 3DA Extensive checks made by matching colours with various
ternary combinations of dyes have shown that Control
Strengths give a reliable indication of the relative
strengths of different dyes, even when these differ very
widely in colour.
The position of dyeings at a Control Depth in ANLAB
40 Colour Space may be projected on to the A, B plane to
produce the ICI Colour Map. This indicates quantitatively
the relative hue and brightness of the dyeings, and displays
the total gamut o f shades attainable by combinations of
dyes at the Control Depth.
By combining this information from the Colour Map with
Control Strength and selling price data, a very complete and
quantitative description is obtained of the coloristic value
o f different dyes. This is a powerful tool i n the selection of
Mr A N Derbyshire joined the then Dyestuffs Division of ICI Ltd
dyes for particular purposes.
in 1950, and worked initially in the Dyeing Research Section of
Application Research and Technical Service Department, on the 1. INTRODUCTION
fundamentals of dyeing processes and on colour measurement. The selection of dyes by a dyer or a printer, either for a
Successively Manager of the Wool Dyeing Section, New Fibres particular job or to stock for general use, requires a complex
Dyeing Section and the Wool and Synthetics Dyeing Section. series of decisions. Some of the factors which influence these
Now Deputy Manager of the Textiles Group and Manager of the decisions, such as the reliability of different suppliers for
Dyeing Research Section, with responsibility for colour measure- delivery and quality, and the provision of technical and
ment work again. commercial service by suppliers, do not relate to the
properties of individual dyes and are outside the scope of the
present paper. Others are directly related to the dyes
themselves, and these may be grouped under four main
headings, viz.
(a) Fastness properties. The dyer will be concerned to
choose dyes which have adequate fastness properties
to meet any specification set on the dyed material.
(b) Application properties. The dyer will choose dyes
which can be applied in a level and reproducible
manner to the substrate he is dyeing on the equip-
ment he must use.
(c) Colour. The dyer must use dyes which cover the total
gamut of colours he is required to produce.
(d) Strength/Price. Consistent with meeting the require-
Mr W J Marshall joined the then Dyestuffs Division of ICI Ltd in
ments of (a), (b) and (c) above, the dyer will choose
1943, and worked in the Dyeing Research Section of Application
dyes which offer the best value; that is, which are a t
Research and Technical Service Department, on the fundamentals
of dyeing processes and on colour measurement. Transferred to
the lowest price after allowing for strength differ-
Cellulosics Dyeing Section, subsequently becoming Deputy ences.
Manager of that Section and being made a technological Associate
in recognition of his contributions to dyeing technology. We may now consider how far existing methods for
Retired from ICI Ltd in 1978. characterizing the properties of dyes serve to give useful
information under each of these headings. So far as fastness
A surface in Colour Space representing equal depth at all properties are concerned, there are internationally agreed
points (a Control Depth) is defined by a constant value o f tests for determining fastness to most of the important
lnteg - an integration o f a weighted function of the agencies [ l I , which permit a quantitative assessment of
measured reflectance values o f a dyeing throughout the fastness to be made. All reputable dye suppliers publish data

166 JSDC Volume96 April 1980

for their products in terms of these tests, and the same tests between them, and this should be valid irrespective of the
may be used by the dyer’s customer to specify the fastness shades of the dyes.
that he requires. Consequently, it is possible t o select dyes The concept of dyeings of equal depth but differing
which meet requirements in this respect on a quantitative widely in colour is not a new one. The best known examples
basis. The position with respect to application properties is are the I S 0 Standard Depths [2], produced initially for
less exact than this. Nevertheless, dyes are broadly classified testing the fastness properties of dyes a t approximately the
for suitability according to substrate types, and within each same depth. These were developed many years ago by
broad class of dye there are established sub-divisions which producing a series of dyeings through the hue circle which,
characterize the behaviour of individual products much more on a consensus of visual judgement, represented roughly
exactly. Most dyers have learned through experience the equal depth at each hue illustrated. One such series a t a
significance of these sub-divisions in relation to behaviour on particular depth i s designated as 1/1 Standard Depth, and
their own equipment, so that here again a choice can be weaker and stronger depths are also specified by sub-multip-
made on a rational and fairly exact basis. les and multiples, such as 1/25 Standard Depth, 1/3 Standard
The position regarding the colour and strength of a dye is Depth, 2/1 Standard Depth. It is obvious that the judgement
less well defined by traditional, visual methods. Colour of that the dyeings in such a series are of equal depth must be a
individual dyes i s illustrated in Pattern Cards, usually over a highly subjective one. Perhaps for this reason, they have
range of depths, and these illustrations also give some never been used to form an accepted basis to compare the
impression of strength, since the amount of dye used to strength and value of different dyes, although they are
produce each illustration is specified. A more exact compari- widely used t o compare the fastness properties a t roughly the
son of the colour and strength of two or more dyes requires same depth, and in some cases the application properties [3],
these to be dyed side-by-side under standardized conditions, of dyes which may be very different from each other in
to eliminate as far as possible substrate and application strength. The latter type of application, of course, depends
method differences. Where this i s done, a very accurate much less critically on the true equality of depth of the
comparison of strength is possible by a trained visual Standard Depth series than does i ts use to compare dyes for
assessor, for dyes which are the same colour. For those which strength.
differ only slightly, an experienced assessor will s t i l l be able It is pertinent to ask a t this stage what criterion can be
to judge the strength fairly accurately, and will also give a used to t e s t the true equality in depth of dyeings of very
verbal description of differences in hue and brightness that different colours, other than subjective visual judgement. The
he sees. As the difference increases, the accuracy of visual answer must lie, for practical purposes, in the use that i s
assessment decreases. It will become very unreliable in made of the data on strengths of individual dyes, which can
assessing, for example, the strength of a scarlet against a be deduced from the presumption of equal depth. This use
bluish-red, although either of these dyes may be a sensible will be essentially to consider the replacement of one dye by
choice as the red component in formulations for ternary another in combination recipes, and experiments involving
colours, and the strength comparison then becomes a vital such replacements must be the basis for testing the validity
factor in deciding their relative value. In the same choice of the Control Strength values and hence the true equality of
situation, the dyer wilkknow that where the yellow and blue the Control Depth surface from which they are derived. This
dye are common, the scarlet will give brighter colours than can be done by colour matching, where the eye i s used only
the bluish-red in the orange area, and the converse will be as a nu1 indicator for acceptability of match. The general
true in the violet area, but the extent of these brightness requirement for an internally consistent set of Control
advantages and disadvantages is not well defined. Strength values for a range of dyes can be stated as follows.
The work described in the present paper is concerned Let us suppose that a de-saturated colour (e.g. a grey), which
with the possibility of specifying colour and strength of dyes lies on the Control Depth surface, is produced by dyeing a
in a quantitative way, which will maintain i t s accuracy over a combination of Dyes 1, 2 and 3, for each of which the
wide range, of shade differences, and so will provide a Control Strength has been determined. Then the criterion to
convenient and reliable guide to the relative value of be met is:
different dyes from the colouristic point of view. The
method that we have developed is based on measurement of
the reflectance of dyeings over the range of visible wave-
lengths, and so is free from the subjective judgement inherent where X 1 , X , and X3 are the concentrations of each of the
in visual assessments. However, the method must (and does) dyes in the recipe required to produce the colour, and S1 S2
accord with visual judgement of colour-matching recipes, and and S3 are the Control Strengths of each of the dyes. If the
numerous checks on this aspect have been made in the course same colour i s then matched with other combinations of
of the work described. dyes, Eqn 1 should similarly hold for each combination,
with the experimentally-determinedX values for the match-
ing recipes and the appropriate S values for the dyes in
2. THE CONCEPT OF A CONTROL DEPTH AND OF question. By an extension of this principle, a colour of any
CONTROL STRENGTHS OF INDIVIDUAL DYES depth can be matched with different combinations of dyes,
This method is based on the concept of defining a surface in when the criterion will become that
colour space which represents equal depth a t all points,
designated a Control Depth surface. If such a surface can be
defined, it i s then possible to determine by experiment the
amount of an individual dye which must be applied to a for each matching recipe. The extent to which Eqn 2 is
particular substrate by a specified method, to produce a found to hold in experiments of this kind, in several different
dyeing that lies on the Control Depth surface. This amount dyeing systems, will be reported later in this paper, after the
of dye (expressed in the conventional way as a percentage by method of defining the Control Depth surface has been
weight of dye on the weight of the fibre) we call the Control considered.
Strength of the dye under these application conditions.
Then, if the Control Depth surface has been correctly
defined, the Control Strength values of different dyes should
give a quantitative indication of the strength comparison

JSDC Volume 96 April 1980 167

3. DEFINITION OF CONTROL DEPTH AND CONTROL similarly be determined by experiment. Examples of Control
STRENGTHS OF INDIVIDUAL DYES Depths, lnteg values and Ro values used in various dyeing
The Control Depth surfaces used in this work are defined by systems that have been studied are given in the table below.
way of a function of the reflectance values of dyeings. It i s a
well-established practice in the instrumental prediction of lnteg Value for
dye recipes needed to match a particular colour, to use a Dyeing System Ro Value 1/2 1/1 2/1
Kubelka-Munk-type function [4] as being approximately Control Control Control
linear with the concentration of a single dye a t each Depth Depth Depth
wavelength. In our own work on colour match prediction
surface reflectance by the substrate a t very high dye Reactive and vat dyes
concentrations is allowed for by the expression - on cotton 0.010 14 28 56
Disperse dyes on
FA = [I - (RA- R O P - [I - (R, - ~ o ) l z (3) texturised polyester 0.005 12 24 48
~ ( R-
A Ro) 2(R, - R o ) Acid dyes on nylon 0.005 12 24 48
Modified basic dyes on
Here R A i s the fractional reflectance of the dyeing a t acrylic fibres 0.005 12 24 48
wavelength h, R, is the fractional reflectance of the undyed
substrate at that wavelength, and Ro i s a small constant. In It is clear from the form of F A that the lnteg value is
theory, this constant represents the surface reflectance with dependent on the R o value chosen, particularly in the heavier
an infinitely high concentration of dye 06 the fibre: in depths. This explains why different values of lnteg are
practice, it i s treated as a disposable constant to give the best chosen to give the same Control Depth, in dyeing systems
linearity between F A and the applied concentration of dye, where different values of Ro are found by experiment to be
for a particular substrate and dyeing system. the most appropriate. This serves to make the 1/1 Control
In a paper concerned mainly with the spectral analysis of Depth in, for example, the dyeing of cotton with reactive
dye solutions, using complementary tristimulus colorimetry, dyes and the dyeing of texturized polyester with disperse
Garland [51 has suggested that the complementary tristimu- dyes more nearly equal visually. In the practical use of the
lus values of a dyeing can be calculated using a Kubelka- method, however, this equality is not very important, since
Munk-type function, and that the sum of these three values is accurate comparisons of strength and value between reactive
proportional to the depth of the dyeing. This suggestion has and disperse dyes are seldom required.
been adopted by defining what we call the lnteg value of a
It is obviously essential t o confirm experimentally the
validity of the Control Strengths derived in this way, before
Here F A i s as defined in Eqn 3, / A i s the spectral energy the system can be used with confidence. Such verification
distribution of llluminant C and %A, and 2~ are the has been obtained in each of the dyeing systems investigated
colour-matching functions based on the 2" Standard Obser- by this technique, by the method of matching colours with a
ver data. It is then postulated that the lnteg value is directly number of alternative dye combinations. The results of
proportional to the depth of the dyeing, and that a particular typical matching experiments of this kind are summarized in
lnteg value represents equal depth for all shades: a Control Tables 1 and 2. The matching recipes t o each colour are
Depth surface. quoted as the fraction of the 111 Control Strength for each
Assuming for a moment that this fundamental postulate dye used, and these fractions are summed for the total
is correct, it is then possible to produce dyeings of a recipe. This sum should be identical for each recipe to a given
particular dye over a range of applied concentrations, on a colour, if the fundamental postulate is correct, if the dyes
particular substrate by a defined method, and determine the build up linearly to the depths a t which they are used, and if
lnteg value of each. By interpolation in the Integ/ all errors of measurement and of matching can be ignored.
concentration relationship so obtained, the concentration of The most extensive series of tests was made with Procion
the dye needed t o give the lnteg value chosen to represent (ICI) dyes on cotton fabric (Table l ) , which was the first
the Control Depth may be determined. This i s the Control dyeing system studied using this approach. In this case, each
Strength of the dye. These experiments may be repeated of the target shades was chosen as being approximately a t
with a range of dyes to give Control Strengths for each. The 1/2 Control Depth, which is well within the range of linear
validity of the fundamental postulate may then be checked build-up of the dyes used. The coefficient of variation of
by matching experiments, as already discussed in principle in individual recipe sums from the mean sum for the colour in
Section 2 of this paper. question is about 4%of the mean, and in only one case in the
It i s clear that the choice of a particular lnteg value to sixty-seven matchings does the sum for an individual recipe
represent the Control Depth is arbitrary, and that by analogy deviate from the mean by significantly more than 10%.Tests
with the series of Standard Depths already discussed, a with Nylomine (ICl) dyes (Table 2) have been made to target
number of different values could be chosen t o represent colours of about 1/2 Control Depth for the Nylomine A and
different depths. In the application of this technique as an B dyes and of about 1 / 1 Control Depth for the Nylomine C
aid to dye selection for particular outlets, this is frequently a dyes. Again these depths are within the range of linear
convenience, so that a Control Depth of similar order to that build-up of the dyes used. Coefficients of variation of about
a t which the dyes will be used in practice can be chosen a t 5% of the mean are found for both sets of matchings, and no
which to make the comparisons. Therefore, the 1/1 Control individual deviation exceeds 10%of the mean.
Depth a t a particular lnteg value in a dyeing system has been This order of accuracy has been found in all dyeing
defined as a primary reference point, to give dyeings which systems which have been investigated by laboratory match-
are on average visually similar in depth to the I S 0 1 / 1 ings of this kind. It is also borne out by much experience in
Standard Depth. Multiples and sub-multiples of this lnteg applying the method to practical problems of dye selection.
value are then used to define 2/1 Control Depth, 1/2 Control Compared with visual methods of assessment of dye strength,
Depth and so on. The corresponding 2/1 Control Strength, the method offers no advantages i n accuracy when dyes
1/2 Control Strength, etc. values for individual dyes can which are very close in colour are compared, but i s much

168 JSDC Volume 96 April 1980

more precise when there are large shade differences between
the dyes. Limitations found are of three kinds -
(a) The method becomes inaccurate in very heavy
depths, because of the difficulty of measuring reflect-
ance values with sufficient precision a t very low
reflectance levels. A detailedstudy of the accuracy of
determination of lnteg values as a function of depth
has been made with Dispersol (ICI) dyes on textur-
ized polyester fabric. This shows, as expected, that
the precision decreases as the depth increases, and
indicates an upper limit of lnteg of about 80 for an
expected accuracy of 5% for a single dye (i.e. of 10%
in the comparison of lnteg values for two dyes).
However, errors in lnteg are magnified a t these levels,
by non-linearity of the Integ/concentration of dye
applied relationship, when translated into strength
comparisons. Taking this factor into account, it i s
found that strength comparisons to an accuracy of
10% or better are obtained up to about 2/1 Control
Depth for relatively achromatic dyes of good build-
up, but only to about 111 Control Depth for bright
yellows of relatively poor build-up. The depths for an
accuracy of 10% or better for dyes of intermediate
brightness and build-up lie between these limits. 3? 30
(b) A few instances have been found where the compari-
son of strength between two dyes depends on the
colour area within which the comparison is made.
These relate to yellow dyes, where it is sometimes Figure 1 - Contour diagram of 1/1 Control Depth surface in
found that the strength comparison between two ANLAB 40 Colour Space
dyes determined in bright green dyeings can differ by
up to 50% when the same dyes are used a t similar space is a complex one: non-planar and a t a rather steep
depths as alternative components in, e.g., greys, angle to the horizontal (A, B) plane. It i s shown in Figure 1
browns and dull maroons. This anomaly has been as a contour diagram (contours of constant L ) in an A, B
investigated in some detail, and found to be due to diagram. The ends of the contours show approximately the
differences in reflectance curve shape over rather limits of chroma attainable with non-fluorescent dyes. The
narrow wavebands. Further discussion of this effect is highest values of L occur in the greenish-yellow region, and
outside the scope of the present paper. Clearly, the lowest values in the reddish-blue area. As the spacing of
however, with those few dyes which behave in this the contour lines shows, the surface is convex to the A, B
way, neither Control Strength values nor any other plane a t the base of the colour solid. Surfaces a t other levels
single-number indication of relative strength will of Control Depth are similar to this in general shape, but
adequately describe their behaviour in all colour with higher L values in the paler depths and lower L values in
areas. the heavier depths.
(c) The method is not suitable for dyes which are highly
f I uorescent. 6. THE ICI COLOUR MAP
A three-dimensional representation of this kind is not very
5. THE POSITION OF THE 1/1 CONTROL DEPTH convenient for display and comparison purposes. Since one
SURFACE IN COLOUR SPACE variable has been effectively fixed, by defining constant
The position of the 1/1 Control Depth surface can be depth, it is possible to use a two-dimensional representation
displayed in any of the established, trichromatic colour a t this constant depth without loss of accuracy. In the ICI
spaces. It has been found convenient to use the ANLAB 40 Colour Map this is done by projecting the position of dyeings
colour system [6] in this work. This transforms the X, Y, 2 at a defined Control Depth on to the A, B plane of the
tristimulus values of the CIE System [71 into three new ANLAB 40 colour solid.
variables - L, A, B. The L variable represents the lightness of A typical Colour Map is shown in Figure 2. This gives the
the measured pattern, and the L-axis represents achromatic position of dyeings of six Dispersol dyes on texturized
colours from black, of very low L values, through neutral polyester fabric t o 1/2 Control Depth. It also shows the
greys, of decreasing depth, to white, for high L values. The A position of binary combinations of these dyes in different
and B variables together represent the hue and chroma of the proportions, also a t 1/2 Control Depth. These binary
pattern. These two axes are conventionally represented a t combination lines may be determined by dyeing and colour
right angles to each other and to the L axis. The A-axis runs measurement of appropriate combination recipes, or by
from green, for negative A values, to red, for positive A calculation using the methods of colour match prediction
values, and the B-axis from blue, for negative B values, to based on data for the component dyes from dyeings made to
yellow, for positive B values. The conventional representa- determine their Control Strengths. It is easy to see from
tion of a colour solid, using these variables, is with the origin Figure 2 how the dyer’s other two variables (apart from
of coordinates and the A, B axes in the base and the L-axis depth) of hue and brightness are represented in the Colour
vertically through the centre of the colour solid. The ANLAB Map. Looking first a t the lines defining the position of binary
40 colour system was designed primarily to be much more combinations of Dispersol Yellow C-5G, ((2.1. Disperse
visually uniform than the X, Y, 2 tristimulus values from Yellow 1191, Red B-2B (C.1. Disperse Red 60) and Blue
which it is derived, but it is also a convenient lay-out for B-R (C.I. Disperse Blue 561, it can be seen that hue is
display and comparison purposes. represented by the angular position about the neutral point.
The 1/1 Control Depth surface in ANLAB 40 colour To formalize this, the convention is that zero hue angle is

JSDC Volume 96 April 1980 169


Matching Experiments with Proaon Dyes on Cotton Fabric

'The figures in the recipe column are the fraction of the 1/1 Control Strength of each dye used t o make the matching

1 "Recipe Number 2 3 4
Procion C. I. Reactive 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 2.1 2.2 2.3 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5
Yellow MX-GR Yellow 7 0.19 0.48 0.41
Yellow M X 4 R Orange 14 0.10 0.17 0.33 0.40 0.04 0.05
Orange MX-2R Orange 4 0.13
Brown MX-GR Brown 23 0.07
Brown MX-5BR Brown 10
Scarlet MX-G Red 8
Red MX-5B Red 2 0.07 0.03 0.02 0.09 0.03
Red MX-8B Red 11 0.06
Navy MX-RB Blue 82 0.30 0.05 0.46
Blue MX-2G Blue 109 0.30 0.28 0.1 2 0.05 0.04 0.40

Yellow H-E4R Yellow 84 0.17 0.13 0.06 0.14 0.31 0.32 0.41 0.39 0.04 0.02
Brown H-3R Brown 7
Brown H-4RD Brown 17
Brown H-5R Brown 26 0.25 0.08 0.05
Red H-E3B Red 120 0.04 0.13 0.07 0.02 0.04 0.15
Red H-E7B Red 141 0.14
Red H-8BN Red 58
Navy H-4R Blue 40 0.34 0.33 0.13 0.05 0.49
Green H-MBD Green 19 0.26 0.21 0.10 0.04 0.38 0.35

Sum of Components 0.53 0.52 0.55 0.55 0.52 0.52 0.55 0.48 0.48 0.50 0.45 0.54 0.53 0.46 0.45 0.53 0.54 0.57 0.53 0.51

5 6 7
5.1 5.25.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7 5.8 5.9 5.10 5.11 5.12 5.13 5.14 5.15 5.16 6.1 6.2 6.3 7.1 7.2 7.3
Yellow MX-GR Yellow 7 0.1 5 0.25 0.04 0.38
Yellow MX-4R Orange 14 0.16 0.25 0.26 0.35 0.08 0.09
Orange MX-2R Orange 4 0.44 0.35
Brown MX-GR Brown 23
Brown MX-5BR Brown 10 0.35 0.32
Scarlet MX-G Red 8 0.24
Red MX-58 Red 2 0.17 0.13 0.17 0.02 0.08 0.11 0.32
Red MX-8B Red 11 0.32 0.1 5
Navy MX-RB Blue 82 0.13 0.13 0.12 0.1 5
Blue MX-2G Blue 109 0.03 0.10 0.1 3 0.05 0.05 0.11 0.09 0.02
Table 1 continued
5 6 7
5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7 5.8 5.9 5.10 5.11 5.12 5.13 5.14 5.15 5.16 6.1 6.2 6.3 7.1 7.2 7.3
Yellow H-E4R Yellow 84 0.24 0.22 0.26 0.25 0.14 0.12 0.26 0.01 0.08 0.33
&own H-3R Brown 7 0.35
Brown H-4RD Brown 17 0.53
Brown H-5R Brown 26 0.32 0.39
Red H-E3B Red 120 0.15 0.22 0.1 1
Red H-E7B Red 141 0.19 0.13
Red H-8BN Red 58 0.16
Navy H-4R Blue 40 0.14 0.12 0.07 0.13 0.01 0.10
Green H-E4BD Green 19 0.09 0.08 0.03 0.05

Sum of Components 0.54 0.52 0.52 0.52 0.54 0.59 0.54 0.53 0.53 0.54 0.52 0.53 0.54 0.52 0.55 0.53 0.48 0.54 0.49 0.51 0.50 0.49

7 8 9
7.4 7.5 7.6 7.7 7.8 7.9 7.10 7.11 7.12 7.13 7.14 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 8.6 8.7 8.8 9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4 9.5 9.6
Yellow MX-GR Yellow 7
Yellow MX-4R Orange 14 0.27 0.38 0.17 0.36
Orange MX-2R Orange 4 0.19 0.16 0.29
Brown MX-GR Brown 23 0.33 0.28
Brown MX-5BR Brown 10 0.1 5 0.06
Scarlet MX-G Red 8
Red MX-56 Red 2 0.16 0.12 0.04 0.06 0.03
Red MX-8B Red 11 0.18 0.32
Navy MX-RB Blue 82 0.13
Blue MX-2G Blue 109 0.1 1 0.04 0.03 0.01 0.02

Yellow H-E4R Yellow 84 0.07 0.05 0.09 0.10 0.09 0.26 0.25 0.17 0.28 0.09 0.37 0.29 0.35
Brown H-3R Brown 7 0.21 0.37 0.1 5
Brown H-4RD Brown 17 0.20
Brown H-5R Brown 26 0.29 0.31 0.31 0.08
Red H-E3B Red 120 0.30 0.39 0.16 0.20 0.07
Red H-E7B Red 141 0.21 0.17 0.33 0.12 0.26 0.1 6 0.02
Red H-8BN Red 58 0.1 5 0.31
Navy H - 4 R Blue 40 0.09 0.14 0.12 0.07 0.08 0.13 0.11 0.05 0.01
Green H-E4BD Green 19 0.09 0.08 0.03 0.03 0.01

Sum of Components 0.50 0.59 0.50 0.51 0.50 0.53 0.51 0.50 0.51 0.49 0.51 0.47 0.48 0.47 0.47 0.48 0.48 0.47 0.47 0.45 0.48 0.45 0.45 0.44 0.45

Matching Experiments with Nylomine Dyes on Nylon Fabric

'The figures in the recipe column are the fraction of the 1/1 Control Strength of each dye used to make the matching

1 2 3 4
Recipe Number
Nylomine C.I. Acid 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4
Yellow A-4R Yellow 199 0.30 0.09 0.12 0.1 7
Yellow A-G Yellow 135 0.27 0.07 0.09 0.13
Red A-2B 100 Red 266 0.10 0.19 0.33 0.40 0.13 0.18 0.17 0.22
Blue A-G Blue 25 0.10 0.09 0.08 0.08 0.25 0.22 0.17 0.16
Yellow B-3G Yellow 29 0.27 0.05 0.09 0.13
Yellow B-RD Orange 3 0.27 0.06 0.08 0.14
Red 6-36 Red 57 0.18 0.13 0.36 0.36 0.19 0.18 0.22 0.20
Blue B-B Blue 41 0.10 0.09 0.27 0.1 9
Blue B-3G Blue 40 -0.09 0.08 0.24 0.16

Sum of Components 0.50 0.55 0.55 0.49 0.50 0.55 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.49 0.55 0.50 0.51 0.51 0.54 0.50

5 6 7 8
Recipe Number
Nylomine C.I. Acid 5.1 5.2 5.3 6.1 6.2 6.3 7.1 7.2 7.3 8.1 8.2 8.3
Orange C-2G Yellow 64 0.66 0.33 0.1 7 0.16
Orange C-G Orange 67 0.84 0.53 0.53 0.34
Yellow C-3G Yellow 72 0.65 0.50 0.54 0.27
Brown C-R Orange 51 0.17 0.33 0.67 0.33
Red C-8B Red 299 0.11 0.28 0.46 0.34
Red C-2B Red 138 0.09 0.17 0.30 0.14
Navy C-2R Blue 113 0.1 7 0.33 0.1 7 0.44
Blue C-G Blue 138 0.15 0.23 0.06 0.33
Blue C-3R Blue 140 0.1 7 0.36 0.1 9 0.47

Sum of Components 1.00 1.10 0.91 0.99 1.04 1.03 1.01 1.05 1.03 0.93 1.01 0.88

+B along the +A axis (a bluish-red), the hue angle ( H ) i s

measured anticlockwise from here and tan H = B/A. Looking
Yellow C-5G a t the position of Dispersol Orange B-2R (C.I. Disperse
Orange 25), it i s seen that this dye is equal in hue to the
appropriate mixture of Dispersol Yellow C-5G and Red
B-2B. It is visually brighter than such a binary combination,
and this additional brightness is indicated in the Colour Map
by a greater radial distance from the neutral point. Exactly
the same is true for a dyeing of Dispersol Red 8-36 (C.I.
Disperse Red 111, in comparison with the appropriate binary
combination of Dispersol Red 8-28 and Blue B-R. Simi-
larly, the range of green dyeings produced by combinations
of Dispersol Turquoise C-G (C.I. Disperse Blue 87) with
Dispersol Yellow C-5G is found visually to be much brighter
than greens of the same hues produced by Dispersol Blue
B-R with the same yellow dye, and this greater brightness is
-A shown in the Colour Map by the greater radial distance from
the neutral point of the first binary gamut line compared
with the second. This distance is normally designated as
chroma ( C ) in colorimetric terminology where

In the particular circumstance of the I C I Colour Map, where

depth has been fixed a t a constant value, chroma equates
-B with the dyer's variable of brightness. It i s important to note
that this i s not the case i f dyeings of different depths are
Figure 2 - ICI Colour Map: 3ispersol dyes on texturized being compared.
polyester fabric at 1/2 Control Depth Thus the Colour Map gives a quantitative indication of

172 JSDC Volume 96 April 1980

differences in hue and brightness between dyes, or between +6
combinations of dyes. When taken in conjunction with the
quantitative strength indication given by the Control
Strength figures, this provides a very complete statement
about the colouristic value of different dyes.


It i s apparent from Figure 2 that the Colour Map gives an
indication of the total gamut of colours that can be covered
by a combination of three or more dyes. Thus the binary
combination lines for pairs of dyes from Dispersol Yellow
C-5G, Red 8-28 and Blue B-R enclose an area which
represents the total gamut of colours a t this depth attainable
by these three dyes when used together. The extension to
this gamut obtained by the three additional dyes is also
Figure 3 is based on four Nylomine A (ICI) dyes dyed to
1/2 Control Depth on nylon fabric. Here, the information
from the Colour Map is combined with that from 1/2
Control Strength and selling price data for the individual
dyes. Multiplication of the 1/2 Control Strength by the
selling price gives what may be called the 1/2 Control Price
for each dye. The lower this figure, the more economical in
use will the dye be. The figures for each dye are given in
parentheses in Figure 3, based on current UK l i s t prices. This 1-B
shows the outstanding economy of Nylomine Yellow A-4R
(C.I. Acid Yellow 199) compared with the other three dyes, Figure 3 - ICI Colour Map: Nylomine A dyes on nylon
and particularly in comparison with the much greener fabric at 1/2 Control Depth
Nylomine Yellow A-G (C.I. Acid Yellow 135). The cost of a
combination recipe a t a Control Depth is the average of the
Control Prices of the component dyes, weighted according to I +BI
the proportion of each present in the recipe. It i s obvious
from the Colour Map, taken in conjunction with these
Control Price figures, that all colours to the right of the
Nylomine Yellow A--QR/Nylomine Blue A-G (C.I. Acid
Blue 25) combination line are most cheaply attained by use
of these two dyes with Nylomine Red A-2B (C.I. Acid Red
266). The shade limitation of this trichromatic combination
is clearly in the brighter green area of the Colour Map, where
the more expensive Nylomine Yellow A-G must be used.
However, for those colours t o the left of the Yellow
A-4R/Blue A-G combination line, the conventional
approach of using this greenish-yellow dye with the red and
the blue dyes will be much less economical than using it with
the blue, and with Nylomine Yellow A-4R as the "red"
component in these cases. In other words, this combined use
of the Colour Map and Control Price data shows that for all
colours within the total gamut of these four dyes, the most
economical recipes will be based on combinations of Nylom-
ine Yellow A-4R and Blue A-G, with either Nylomine
Yellow A-G or Nylomine Red A-2B, according t o the
colour area in which they fall. Because of the outstanding
economy of Nylomine Yellow A 4 R , this approach will be
much cheaper than the conventional one of using a greenish-
yellow/red/blue combination for all colours within i t s gamut,
and is likely to justify the cost of stocking an additional dye
and the procedure, unfamiliar to many dyers, of matching
suitable colours with a greenish-yellow, a reddish-yellowand Figure 4 - ICI Colour Map: Nylomine C dyes on nylon
a blue. fabric at 1/1 Control Depth
Figure 4 illustrates the difference in approach to selec-
tion of Nylomine C dyes for dull colours on the one hand bright dyes illustrated, according t o the hue required, and the
and bright colours on the other. For the former it is use of a particular trichromatic combination is not appropri-
preferable to use an economical combination of three ate in these cases.
compatible dyes of limited brightness, like the Nylomine
Orange C-G (C.I. Acid Orange 67)/Red C-8B ((2.1. Acid 8. USE O f THE TECHNIQUE TO QUANTIFY BRIGHT-
Red 299)lBlue C-G (C.I. Acid Blue 138) combination whose NESS-COST RELATIONSHIPS
gamut is illustrated by the shaded area of Figure 4. For It is often found that the production of the brighter colours
colours outside this gamut, up to the limiting brightness of in a range requires the use of more expensive dyes than are
this range of dyes, the recipe will normally be based on the needed for the duller colours. By combining Control Price

JSDC Volume 96 April 1980 173

-A ...
45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5

Figure 5 - ICI Colour Map: Equal hue green dyeings on texturized polyester fabric at 1/1 Control Depth (using the
Dispersol “‘blue” dyes shown with Dispersol Yellow C-5G)

data with the indication of brightness provided by the Colour -- I

Map, these relationships can be expressed in a quantitative

way. A good example of this approach is afforded by an
examination of the cost of producing green dyeings on
40 - f
Turquoise C-G

polyester fibre, using different disperse blue dyes with a

35 -
common greenish-yellow dye. The results described below
were obtained to establish the technico-commercial position
of Dispersol Green C-66 (C.I. Disperse Green 9), a t the time 30 -
this dye was being added to the range, but they make the
general point about the brightness/cost relationship as well as 25 -
some specific points about this particular dye.
The approach adopted was to produce a family of
20 -
mid-green dyeings, all a t 1/1 Control Depth and all a t the
same hue angle, with a common yellow dye (Dispersol
Yellow C-5G) and a number of different ”blue” dyes
including Dispersol Green C-6B. The position of each green
15 - / 0
Green C-66

Blue B-G /Blue D-4G

dyeing is shown in the Colour Map in Figure 5. The 10 -
brightness of the green dyeing produced depends on the Blue C-3G

greenness and brightness of the blue dye used, and i s indicated

by the radial distance (C) from the neutral point.
The 1/1 Control Price of each green dyeing can be
It Brightness ( C )
calculated (using UK l i s t prices for the dyes concerned);
5 10 $5 20 25 30 35 40 5
these Control Prices are plotted in Figure 6 against the I

measured brightness (C) of the dyeings. It is clear that for the

established blue dyes there i s a relationship between the cost Figure 6 - Cost/brightness relationship for green dyeings on
of producing a green dyeing and i t s brightness, the cost texturized polyester fabric at 1/1 Control Depth (using the
increasing slightly with brightness in the duller greens and Dispersol ’blue” dyes shown with Dispersol Yellow C-5GI
then quite sharply as the limiting brightness from existing
dyes is approached. The position of Dispersol Green C-6B in
Figure 6 demonstrates that clearly be the cheapest combination. For the brightest
(a) this dye produces a green dyeing which is marginally colours between Dispersol Green C-66 and Dispersol
brighter than the brightest green obtainable with Turquoise C-G, the use of these two dyes as a binary
existing Dispersol dyes, but a t much lower cost. combination will be much cheaper than shading Dispersol
(b) in spite of i t s outstanding economy for the produc- Turquoise C-G with a small amount of a greenish-yellow.
tion of bright greens, the dye is not a sensible choice Finally, for slightly duller colours in this greenish-blue area,
on cost grounds for the production of dull greens, or the use of Dispersol Turquoise C-R with Dispersol Green
as a general purpose blue for use in ternary recipes, C-66 will offer additional economy.
since other blue dyes are available which are cheaper
s t i l l for these purposes. 9. USE OF THE TECHNIQUE TO SELECT DYES TO
For the production of bright greenish-blue and bright STOCK FOR A PARTICULAR OUTLET SEGMENT
green dyeings on polyester, the optimum use of Dispersol All of the foregoing examples are comparatively simple ones,
Turquoise C-G, Turquoise C-R (C.I. Disperse Blue 185) and chosen to illustrate particular features of this technique. By
Green C-66 can be demonstrated by the Colour Map of an extension of these processes, however, it i s possible to use
Figure 7, with the 1/1 Control Price of each dye added. For the method to make an optimum selection of dyes to stock
all bright green dyeings to the yellow side of Dispersol Green to meet all requirements for a particular outlet segment. This
C-66, the use of this dye with a suitable greenish-yellow may be done for the dyes of a single supplier, by first listing
(Dispersol Yellow C-5G i s again used in the illustration) will all the dyes on his range which have suitable application and

174 JSDC Volume 96 April 1980

match a wide range of colours with different dye
+B1 combinations.
C-5G 2. Control Strengths of dyes provide a reliable means
for comparing their strengths even when they differ
very widely in hue and/or brightness.
3. The I C I Colour Map - a projection on to the A, B
plane of ANLAB 40 colour space - provides a
convenient and quantitative means of comparing
dyeings for hue and brightness, a t a Control Depth.
4. The Colour Map provides a means for displaying the
total gamut of colours attainable with combinations
of three or more dyes a t a Control Depth.
5. By combining the information from Control Strength
and selling price data with that from the Colour Map,
a very complete and quantitative comparison is
+A obtained of the colouristic value of different dyes.
1 1 1
This is a valuable aid to the selection of dyes for
particular outlets.
* * I

The writers are indebted to Dr P Bunkall for advice

which led to the adoption of the lnteg formula used to
define Control Depths, and to Mr K J Smith and Mr K
Turquoise C- R Brierley for detailed work on Dispersol and Nylomine dyes,
Turquoise C-G (35.0)
(75.8) 1 respectively, from which the examples of use of the method
with these dyes were drawn.

Figure 7 - ICI Colour Map: Dispersol dyes on texturized

polyester fabric at 1/1 Control Depth REFERENCES
1. Standard Methods for the Determination of the Colour
fastness properties for the outlet in question. These can be Fastness of Textiles and Leather (Bradford: Society of
plotted in a Colour Map, and the Control Price of each Dyers and Colourists, 4th Edn, 1978).
tabulated. It is then possible to make a selection on 2. British Standards Institution, BS2661:SDM: 1961.
cost-effectiveness grounds of the most suitable dyes to cover 3. Report of the Committee on the Dyeing Properties of
different colour areas, and to eliminate a number of dyes Disperse Dyes I V - Disperse Dyes on Polyester, J.S.D.C.,
which give no additional gamut coverage to justify their 93 (1977) 228.
higher cost. In some instances, of course, the decisions 4. Kubelka and Munk, Z. techn. Physik, 12 (1931) 593.
involved are not completely clear cut. For example, a bright 5. Garland, Text. Chem. Colorist, 5 (1973) 227.
greenish-yellow dye will give a large extension of gamut 6. Nickerson & Stultz, J. Opt. SOC. Amer., 34 (1944) 550.
compared with a reddish-yellow dye as the yellow comp- 7. CIE, Proceedings of the Eight Session, Cambridge, 1931.
onent of a trichromatic combination. If it also has a lower
Control Price, it is clearly the preferred product on a
cost-effectiveness basis. If, however, it has a higher Control DISCUSSION
Price, there is a judgement to be made about this additional
cost in relation to the convenience of using one dye for all -
Mr H R Hadfield ICl, Organics Division
purposes in place of two dyes. The method will not make Mr Derbyshire stated that, in the case of yellows, anomalous
this judgement, but it will provide quantitative data on costs results are produced. Can he comment on this point?
and gamut coverage which are a valuable aid in making this
type of decision. By applying this approach t o our own Mr Derbyshire:
ranges of dyes, we believe that we have improved our dye In the great majority of cases, matching experiments of the
recommendations for particular outlets, and have certainly kind described in the paper show good agreement between
been able to explain these recommendations t o potential the Control Strength values of the dyes involved and their
users on a more rational basis than has hitherto been concentrations in matching recipes. In the comparison
possible. between certain yellow dyes, however, this agreement is not
The technique, of course, is equally applicable to dyes found. Examples occur with disperse dyes on polyester fibre,
from all sources, provided the necessary dyeings and acid dyes on nylon and modified basic dyes on acrylic fibre.
measurements are made to characterize these products. In all cases the relative strength of the dyes can vary by up to
Consequently, we have used the approach with a number of 50% according to the colour area in which the matching is
customers to rationalize their dye usage for particular made. Factors such as differences in build-up and differential
outlets, which has entailed comparingcompetitors' products interaction between dyes in mixture recipes have been
as well as our own. This kind of exercise has generally shown investigated and discounted as possible reasons. The explana-
benefits to the user in terms of a saving in total dye costs and tion appears t o lie in differences in reflectance curve shape
in the number of dyes stocked, and to ourselves in obtaining over rather narrow wavebands. The effect of these differ-
a greater share of the.available business. ences on the apparent strengths of the dyes varies according
to the light absorption characteristics of the other dyes in the
recipe over these wavebands. It i s hoped to publish a more
CONCLUSIONS detailed account of our findings a t a later date.
1. Control Strengths of dyes derived from a Control
Depth surface, defined by a constant lnteg value, Mr K McLaren -Instrumental Colour Systems
accord well with the amounts of each dye needed to If two dyes, A and B,each contain the same amount of a

JSDC Volume 96 April 1980 175

chromatic dye but 6, in addition, contains a small amount of in depth, but it is hard to see the logic of the definition when
a dulling component, and equal amounts of each are used, it is postulated that dyeing B contains the same amount of
the resultant dyeings are, by definition, equal in depth but B one dye as dyeing A, plus an additional amount of a second
is flatter (duller) than A. Waters [ 11, in the first investigation dye.
into the relationship between the dyer's variables and The translation of colour difference expressed in colori-
colorimetric values, found that untrained observers would metric terms into the dyer's terminology of hue, brightness
describe the dyeing made with B as being stronger, i.e. of and strength differences, t o which Mr McLaren refers, has
greater depth, than A, but most professional colourists would recently been revised to take into account the lnteg concept.
tend to over-correct for dullness and would therefore This produces a slightly different assignment between
describe it as weaker or thinner. The first colorimetric strength and brightness from that used previously, and it
method of quantifying differences in depth which ICI permits a more quantitative expression of strength differ-
developed - that for splitting colour differences into ences than was hitherto possible. Use of this new assignment
components of hue, brightness and strength [21 which is in our day-to-day work has not so far shown serious
used by many quality control laboratories - attempted to discrepancies between instrumental values and trained visual
follow this long-established principle, but the lnteg method assessment.
clearly uses the untrained observer's concept of depth.
References: 1. Waters, J.S.D.C., 56 (1943) 261. -
Mr D Blackburn Yorkshire Chemicals Ltd
2. Cooper and McLaren, ibid., 89 ( 1973)41. (1) Does the shape of the lnteg plane arise directly from the
Integ, formula or is it empirically obtained?
Mr Derbyshire: (2) Do the authors believe that the concept of "Control
It is true, as Mr McLaren indicates, that if two dyeings are Strength" enables accurate cost comparisons to be made
made containing a certain concentration of a chromatic dye independently of other dyes which may be used to match a
in dyeing A and the same concentration of the chromatic dye particular shade?
together with a small amount of a dulling component in
dyeing 6, the lnteg value of dyeing B will be slightly higher Mr Derbyshire:
than that of dyeing A. This must be so, since the dulling (1) The shape of the Control Depth surface in ANLAB
component will somewhat reduce the reflectance a t all colour space derives from the lnteg formula used, taken in
wavelengths if it is a near-neutral colour, or mainly in the conjunction with typical reflectance curve shapes of dyeings
area of maximum reflectance of the chromatic dye if it is a a t different points in colour space.
near-complementary colour. Consequently, the strength of (2) The cost of a combination recipe is dependent on the
dyeing B will be calculated as slightly higher than dyeing A. costs of all the component dyes. If the replacement of one
At the same time these modifications to the reflectance curve dye by another in such a recipe i s being considered, the
shape will also reduce the chroma of dyeing B compared with control prices of the two dyes will give a first approximation
dyeing A. There may also be a slight change of hue, of the economics of such a substitution. If the two dyes
depending on the dulling component used, but this is differ in colour, then the amounts of the other dyes in the
irrelevant to the present discussion. Thus, the combined use recipe will also have to be altered to maintain a colour match
of lnteg as a strength indicator and the Colour Map to show when the substitution is made. If the control prices of these
hue and brightness, will indicate that dyeing B is slightly other dyes differ markedly from those of the dyes being
stronger than dyeing A, but also duller, This description of compared, then the use of different amounts of these other
the colour difference between the two dyeings seems to be a dyes will also affect the total cost. This last factor should
reasonable one in relation to the postulated recipes. Mr always be borne in mind, particularly when the difference in
McLaren says that the two dyeings are, by dedinition, equal control price of the two dyes being compared is small.

176 jSDC Volume96 April 1980

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