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How to analyse a flying star chart.

Step 1.
Determine which period applies to your house.

Step 2.
Determine which period charts applies to your house by determining the facing
direction of your house.

Step 3.
Superimpose the fyling chart onto your house layout.

Step 4.
Next, identify the period, mountain and water stars and decide which is your good

Step 5.
Lookout for the "special" the chart. These include

1. "On mountain on water 旺才旺丁" when period water star (8 for period 8) fly to
front of the house and period mountain star fly to the back of the house. It is
desirable to have the presence water in front and mountain support at the back of
the house. Excellent in feng shui.

2. "Up mountain down water 损才伤丁" when period water star (8 for period 8) fly to
back of the house and period mountain star fly to the front of the house. Mountain in
front and water at the water. Not favorable in term of money and health luck. Bad in
feng shui.

3. "Double star in front 旺才不旺丁" when period water and mountain stars (8 for
period 8) fly to the front of the house. Money luck is good. However, no help for
health. Please take note that "Up mountain down water 损才伤丁" is not
neccessary better than this; money luck for this house might be even greater.

4. "Double star at the back 旺丁不旺才 " when period water and mountain stars (8
for period 8) fly to the back of the house. Health luck is good. However, no help for
money luck.

There are many other formation likes "3 star triangular formation","Diagonal
formation","duplicating star" "duplicating mountain star (forward)", "duplicating
mountain star (backward)" and many more. I will try to cover this in the near future.

W Want to improve your house's luck and FengShui?

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