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Project Report


Design and implementation of a system for wireless monitoring and control of Electrical Appliances
from Bluetooth Enabled Device.


In this project we control Electrical Appliances from Bluetooth Device. Bluetooth is wireless technology
that enable you to create a wireless connection between two devices.

Working Explanation:

In this project we have used PIC18F452 Microcontroller for controlling the whole process of this project.
And a Bluetooth module is used for controlling the home appliances wirelessly. Home appliances will
turned ON and OFF when user will touch button in the Bluetooth mobile app in Android mobile phone.
To run this project, first we need to download Bluetooth app form Google play store. We can use any
Bluetooth app that can send data using Bluetooth.

Main Components:

 PIC18F452 Microcontroller
 Bluetooth Module HC05
 Relay
 ULN2003
 Bulb
 Holder
 Wire
 IC 7805
 Android phone
 Bluetooth controller app Android app
 10uf capacitor
 1000uf capacitor
 10K resistor
 1k resistor
 Power Supply

Block Diagram:

PIC18F452 Light

 Can control device from a long distance, thus it gives ease of access.
 Faster operation and efficient.
 No need to carry separate remote or any other controlling unit.


 Home automation - This project can be used to control various devices in the Home
 Can also be used for security purpose after modification (we can control gate system or we
can interface wireless camera and can control it using our mobile)

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