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XIANNE: Hello?

CHRISTINE: Hi xianne, where are you?

XIANNE: I’m here at the airport

CHRISTINE: Really? Deng yi xia (Wait a moment)

XIANNE: Okay, I’ll wait


CHRISTINE: Xianne. This is my friend alyza, she will tour us in China.

ALYZA: Ni hao, Xianne

XIANNE: Hi alyza

ALYZA So xianne, Do you speak Mandarin/Chinese?


CHRISTINE: Alyza, xianne shuo meiyou

ALYZA: Aah wo ming bai

CHRISTINE: Alyza said she understands you

XIANNE: *nods*

ALYZA: Ni cong nali lai?

CHRISTINE: Xianne, alyza wanna know, if what country are you from?

XIANNE: Me? I’m from America.

CHRISTINE: Taishi xianne mengaw ren

ALYZA: Ohh mengaw? So xianne, ni Jing Chang lai zhe ma?

XIANNE: Not quite, I just wanna tour the world

AlYZA: Come on, let’s tour china, let’s go


CHRISTINE: This is China, its capital is Beijing, and the majority of the people here use mandarin as their
language. They also celebrate Chinese New Year because some said that it shows how the year will play.
ALYZA: According to the Chinese zodiac, 2019 is the year of the pig and there are 3 religions in China:
The Confucianism, Taoism and Buddhism. Here, red is considered to symbolize good luck and Chang Pao
is a traditional clothing used by some Chinese people.

XIANNE: ohh so the people here are religious. As far as I know, China has 1.411 billion people right? The
world’s largest population?

CHRISTINE: Yup, in fact, Shanghai is the largest city in china

XIANNE: Woaahh.. btw what place is this?

JONATHAN: Zhe shi zhongguo de, shi jie, shang zui weida de jingxiang zhi yi

ALYZA: He said that this is the great wall of China, one of the greatest sight in the world

XIANNE: You mean, that wall? That was build by different dynasty to protect their borders

JONATHAN: Correct, while that is forbidden city..

JASPER: Yea, it used to be an imperial palace in the ming and qing dynasty. That’s why, it’s a must visited
place here in China. Zhongguo di meili ba?

XIANNE: Yea, china’s beautiful


XIANNE: Btw, what are the they doing over there?

ALYZA: well the ladies over there are singing a famous song in China

(Singing mode)

XIANNE: Excuse me miss, what’s your song all about?

ALYZA: Qing wen, Na shi shenme Ge?

LOUELLA: Zhe bu dianying zhong shiyong de gequ shi ruci meili

CHRISTINE: Dhe said that it’s a song used in the movie “ A love so beautiful”

CK: Right, it’s English version is entitled “I love you so much, you’ll know it”

XIANNE: ohh that famous song, I know that, thanks, bye


ALYZA: Look, do you see that girl over there, she’s going to dance a graceful traditional chinese dance
known as fu sheng ci
(Dance mode)

XIANNE: Wow that was amazing.


Christine: China is really a big country but before that aren’t you hungry?

Xianne: A little bit

Alyza: Come on, join us

Neel: Huanying lao dao wo de canting

Christine: He said welcome to his restaurant

Neel: Zhe shi kuan bao

ALyza: He said that this is kuan pao chicken, a famous yet spicy and sweet dish in china

Xianne: wow seems delicious…

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