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The American Society of Mechanical Engineers is an organization headquartered in the United

States. This body comprising of prodigious individuals has a vision to act as the essential
resource for mechanical engineers and all other technical professionals in their quest to find
solutions for the benefit of the mankind.


It aims to pay homage to this vision by serving communities, both local and international, and
advancing engineering knowledge to improve the quality of life. The communication of the
excitement of our wonderful field of engineering plays a pivotal role in the conceptual cockpit
of this esteemed society. The ambitious nature of the motive has enabled a global fraternity
comprising of more than 140,000 members with roots in more than 150 countries.

Chapter in NUST CEME

NUST College of EME is proud to boast a local chapter of this splendid society. We firmly adhere
to the values and principles of ASME dictated by the aforementioned vision and mission. We
are fully alive to our responsibilities as engineers-to-be wanting to communicate our take on
feasible solutions to improve the locality. With a proper hierarchical organizational structure,
fully endorsed and supported by accomplished faculty members, we strive to conduct
competitions, seminars and workshops. The principle motive behind the organization of these
events is to promulgate knowledge and skills, both technical and non-technical, and to nurture
the student member body of the chapter to develop a better understanding of the corporate
and industrial sector. The student member body functions as a team divided into various wings
namely Administration, Promotion, Human Resources, Public Relations, Press and Publications
and Registrations. The hosting of an event requires the input from all the designated members
and their participation nourishes their skills and equips them with experience. We are
extremely dedicated to implement the values and professional ethics established by this
esteemed institution and the mere practice of it can be considered a massive learning curve for
the students.

Social Responsibilities

We at ASME are fully alive to our social and environmental responsibilities. This year we have
set the theme to be ‘Renewable Energy’ keeping in light the dire need for humanity to resort to
such measures both from an economic and environmental point of view. Organization of
competitions including a Wind Turbine Contest with the aim to equip students with the
knowledge and awareness to tackle this issue is our ambition for this year. Once again, our
guiding principles are the Vision and Mission of ASME.

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