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Afifah Hanani 2021105237 N4AM1102A


SHORT-ESSAY: Describe any TWO (2) types of disciplinary problems.
Effective communication is critical to enhancing staff efficiency, which benefits the
company. Employees must engage with one another in order to discuss problems, develop
ideas, and benefit from one another's skills. They must have quick access to their managers'
cabins so that concerns and problems may be resolved as soon as possible. Even the smallest
problem, if left untreated, can grow into a significant source of concern later on. Managers
must sit with their team members to monitor their performance, provide relevant comments,
and assist them in doing better. As a manager, you must advise your staff on what extra
abilities would improve their efficiency and help them produce deliverables on time.
LONG-ESSAY: Discuss FOUR (4) of the job behaviour problems in the organization.
Workplace disagreements and even actual conflict are unavoidable for a variety of reasons,
including Because of the ongoing influx of information, we are always touching various areas
of the elephant, and perpetual change necessitates constant argument. In an ideal world, we
would follow the textbook advice, tackle these sources of conflict logically, act like adults,
and move on. The difficulty is that we don't live in a perfect world, and none of us are
perfect. Every day, we each carry our own baggage to work. And some of our problems keep
rearing their heads. Personal insecurity, the need for power and control, and persistent
victimisation are at the top of my list of reasons for a job conflict. Let's take them one at a
time. Insecurity. We are all self-conscious about something. And when insecurity is
provoked, we might find ourselves acting in ways that make us feel insecure. To protect
ourselves, we try to hide our flaws, avoid good debate, avoid confrontations, and even strike
out inappropriately. We've even started fights merely to distract people.
Afifah Hanani 2021105237 N4AM1102A

Sexual Harassment
Sexual harassment encompasses a wide variety of activities, from sidelong stares and crude
jokes to degrading statements based on gender stereotypes, as well as sexual assault and other
forms of physical violence. Although the legal meaning differs from nation to country, it is
often recognized to refer to unwanted and inappropriate sex-related behavior. A very broad
definition of sexual harassment includes any unwanted sexual advance, request for sexual
favor, verbal or physical sexual action or gesture, or any other sexual activity that may
reasonably be anticipated or perceived to cause offense or embarrassment to another. Such
harassment may, but is not required to, interfere with work, be made a condition of
employment, or create an intimidating, hostile, or unpleasant work environment. Sexual
assault is always regarded as both sexual harassment and a criminal offense. Suggestive jokes
or offensive statements addressed towards one sex may or may not be deemed sexual
harassment under the law, depending on the context and frequency. Furthermore, there is no
apparent distinction between unpleasant courting approaches and sexual harassment. It is
even more difficult to quantify the degree of sexual harassment since people react differently
to objectively comparable behavior. Furthermore, women prefer to limit the word "sexual
harassment" to more serious manifestations, such as sexual assault.

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