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Mahabharata A STUDY


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AMAYANA AND MAHABHARATA, the two accept a much later date, VIZ 1424 BC or
great epics of India, have captivated 950 BC.
the hearts of its people for several millennia
Traditional lore ascribes the authorship
Whether it is literature ' both Sanskrit and
of this epic to the great sage Veda Vyasa
vernacular -arts, crafts, painting, music,
also known as Knma Dvaipayana. He was
dance and drama, or temple motifs, no
a contemporary of the grandsire Bhi!;>ma and
aspect of Indian culture has escaped the
had a firsthand knowledge of most of the
stamp of their influence. The simple village
events described in the epic.
folk who shed tears while listening to the
Research-scholars, however, feel that the
ballads on the banishment of Sitli or the
original work called Jaya, written by Vyasa
highly skilled artisans working on the temple
to commemorate the victory (jaya=victory)
motifs depicting the Kuruk~etra war, are
of the Plif.lQava princes over the wicked
both responding to a dynamic and continuing
Kauravas, might have been a much smaller
culture of these epics.
work comprising about 8,800 verses. This
Hindu tradition has always considered was subsequently revised and enlarged into
these two epics as itihiisa (,verily did it exist Bhiirata, a work of 24,000 verses, by
thus') or history. Modem scholars have VaiSampayana, a disciple of Vyasa, and
largely conceded that the core of the epics recited during the Sarpayaga (serpent
could have had a historical basis. sacrifice) of Janamejaya, the great grandson
of the Plif.lQava hero Arjuna. The final
Reputed scholars, both Eastern and edition that has come down to us is the work
Western, have battled for years to fix the of SOta Ugrasravas, son of Lomahar~~
date of the Mahabharata war, also known (also spelt as Romahar~~), and was recited
as the Kuruk~tra war. Incidentally this at the Sattrayaga (a kind of sacrifice, the
would also fix the date of its heroes and, performance of which , is spread over several
of course, their historicity. If the years) of the sage Saunaka in the Naimi~
meticulously preserved Hindu oral traditions forest. It is this that has been called
based on their notion of time as the Mahiibhiirata, due to its immense size
yuga-system are to be relied upon, the great (mahii=great) and its dealing with the story
war should have taken place during 3139 of the people of the race descended from
Bc.Writings of Megasthanes (312 BC) as also the ancient emperor Bharata, culminating in
internal astronomical evidence corroborate the, war. This edition is reputed to be
this date. Modern historians, however, have 'Satasahasri Sarhhita,' a collection of
assailed this theory and are inclined to 100,000 verses, though the extant text

,A senior monk of the Ramakrishna Order, Swami Harshananda IS the head of' Sri Ramakrishna

Ashrama, Bangalore. He is an accomplished orator, ttlUsician, and author of several books

in English, Kannada and Sanskrit, a few of which have also been translated into Korean, German
and French. Some of his more well-known books are Hin4u Gods and Goddesses, Hinduism
through Questions ana h.lswers, and All about Hindu Temples.

contains less. The round figure is obviously rivalries; marriage of Draupadi, the PaflcaIa
an approximation. Some scholars have tried princess, to the Pllndavas; Arjuna's
to establish that the epic has evolved over pilgrimage , and man iage with Subhadra,
a period of eight centuries (from 400 Be sister of Sri Krsna.
• • •

to 400 AD) to its present proportions. At the

present stage of the research it has not been Sabhiiparva, the second, deals mainly
possible to clinch the issue, and hence with the performance of the Rajasuya
chronological questions continue to remain sacrifice by Yudhi~thira, the eldest of the
open to discussions. Pandava princes, the game of dice
manoeuvred by the wily, Duryodhana, the
Different regions of India have eldest of tl}e Kauravas, and its tragic
preserved different recensions of the text of consequences for the fmmer.
this epic. These have been broadly classified
as the Northern and the Southern Ara~yaparva, also called Vanaparva
recensions. Scholars opine that the latter (and sometimes as Ara~yakaparva) is the
which is the longer of the two is more third book that covers the story of the
impressive because of its precision and Pi'iQ<;iavas in exile in the Kamyaka forest.
schematization as also its practical outlook. This voluminous book is replete with several
One of the standard editions published stories from the past like those of Nala and
contains 95,826 slokas or verses, in 18 Damayanti, Savitri and Satyavan, of sages
'parvans' or boo~", with 107 sub-parvans like ~yasmga, Agastya and Markal)<;Ieya, as
and 2,111 chapters in all, including the also of kings like Bhagiratha and Sibi. The
appendix Harivamsa. This just gives an idea famous quiz, Yak~prasna, belongs to this
of the immensity of this epic poem, which book.
is eight times as big as Homer's llliad and
Odyssey put together. Virti.taparva, the fourth, is one of the
smaller books dealing mainly with the stay
Since the text contains quite a few
of the Pi'iQ<;iavas incognito in the kingdom
riddles known as kutaslokas and vast

of Virata. Slaying of the villain Kicaka and
portions of didactic material, several
commentators have tried their skill on it. th~ battle ~or rescuing the cattle of the king
Vlrata whIch had been captured by the
The gloss of NilakaJ.ltha ( 16th cent.) is more
Kauravas to force the Pi'iQ<;iavas to come out
well-known and is widely referred to.
of their hiding, as also the wedding of the
The contents of the eighteen major Virata princess Uttara with Abhimanyu,
books may be briefly summarized as Arjuna's son, are the chief incidents
follows: Adiparva, the first book, is fairly portrayed here.
long and deals with
, several ancient episodes
connected with Sukracarya, the preceptor of Udyogaparva, the fifth, is also a short
the Asuras, and hIs intractable daughter book which deals with the peace parleys and
Devayani, and Yayati, a prominent king of preparatioI1s for the war curiously going
the lunar dynasty,, as also the famous together. The most touching scene of Kunti,
romance of Sakuntala and the king the mother of the Pandavas, disclosing to
Du~anta. However, the major part of the KaTl)a the secret of his birth, in her womb,
book is devoted to the story of the ancestors and the statesmanship of Sri Kr~l)a, who
, the Pandavas.. and the Kauravas like makes a last minute bid for peace, are the
Santanu, Bhit>ll1a, Vicitravirya, Dhrtar~tra highlights of this section. The famous
and P~<;iu; the birth and education of the discourse, of the sage Sanatsujata to the
Pi'iQ<;iavas and the Kauravas; their early blind king Dhrtar~tra, well-known as the

Sa natsujiitfya, which is full of philosophical Yudhisthlra. Bhisma's demise and

truths, forms a part of this book. Yudhisthira's coronation are the other
• •

incidents dealt with. The two well-known ,

The next book, Bhf~maparva, contains hymns, Vi~usahasraniima and Siva-
the crown-gem of the epic, viz the Bhagavad sahasraniima, as also the Anugftii (a
Gitii. Detailed descriptions of the first ten subsidIary discourse by Sri Kr\il)a to ArJuna)
days of the war containing the superhuman are parts of these books.
exploits of the grandsire Bhisma, ultimately
ending in his being mortally wounded by Asvamedhikaparva, the , fourteenth,
Arjuna, form the bulk of this section. Since describes the departure of Sri KrsDa for
Bhi\ima had the unique boon of dying at Dvaraka and the horse-sacrifice
will, he preferred to lie down on the bed (Asvamedha) performed by Yudhisthira. The
of arrows and postpone his demise till the humiliation of Yudhis~hira by a talking
beginning of Uttarayana or the northern weasel that describes the supreme sacrifice
solstice. of a Brahmana family is an interesting
sidelight. of this book.
DrolJllparva, the seventh, apart from
The next book,
describing the heroic exploits of Drol)a, the
preceptor, culminating in his death through describes the departure of the old
stratagem, also contains an account of the Dhrtara\itra to the forest along with
brilliant achievements of the boy-hero Gandhful, his spouse, and Kunti and their
Abhimanyu on the battlefield and his tragic subsequent death in a forest fire.
death. The sixteenth book, Ma usa laparva,
The eighth book, Karnaparva, details gives an account of the mutual destruction
the gory death of the evil genius Dussasana, of
, the Yadava heroes as also the death of
the second of the Kaurava brothers, at the Sri Krsna at the hands of a hunter. The
hands of the colossal Bhima, and the fall Mahiiprasthiinika and the SvargiirohalJll
of KaI1).a himself at the hands of Arjuna Parvas, the last two books, give an account
after a bitter fight. of the final journey of the Pll1)<;Iavas, their
, death on the way, with Yudhi\ithira alone
Salyaparva, the ninth book, describes reaching heaven.
the final encounter between Bhima and
Duryodhana on the last day ot the war, the The Mahiibhiirata presents us with a
latter succumbing to the mortal blow veritable array of human characters, from
received during the duel. the sublime to the ridiculous. No type of
human emotion, no deed of valour,
Sauptikaparva, the tenth, delineates the generosity, sacrifice or meanness is missed
gruesome massacre of the Pan<;lava army and here. Nor is there any artificiality in these
its allies, in the night during sleep, by portrayals. A brief delineation of some of
ASvatthaman, Dr0t:la's vengeful son. the more important characters may now be
The next book, Striparva, describes attempted here.
graphically the pitiful lamentations of the ,
Sri Kr\iDa is undoubtedly the most
women and widows of the dead warriors.
brilliant and picturesque personality
Then come the , twelfth and the projected by the epic. He appears on the
thirteenth books, the Siintiparva and the scene rather suddenly at the time of
Anu.Msanikaparva, containing wonderful
- Draupadfs svayamvara (formal selection of
discourses on all aspects of dharma hv the husband by a maiden princess), and
patriarch Bhi\ima at the request of continues to saunter the scenes right up to

the end. All his energIes are channelized Drona, the preceptor-warnor who was
only in one direction protection of the forced to take to the military profession in
right and the good, and punishment or spite of being a Brahmana, appears a shade
destruction of the wIcked. His remarkable darker than Bhlsma. Notwithstanding his
prowess, matched only by the bewitching learning and austerity. he exhibited a streak
beauty of his perfect form, sage counsels, of vengeful nature.
superb stratagems and Immensely superIor Vidura, the 'son of the maid-servant,
statesmanship, captIvate our heart. There is is another personality who strIkes u!> not
absolutely no doubt that the epIC projects only by his sagacity but also by his intense
hIm as God Himself come down to save devotion to Sri Krsna about whose dIvinity
mankind, as he hImself admits In the he had absolutely no doubt. Here IS a living
Bhagavad Glta. example to show that it IS not birth or caste
Bhlsma, the grand old man, is another that makes for greatness but intrinsic
towering personality that awes and inspires character. His discourse to Dhrtara~tra in the
us, whether in the supreme sacrifIce of Udyogaparva is now well-known as
abdicating hIs right to the throne or the vow Viduranfti.
of celibacy or the matchless heroi<;m
, on the Duryodhana, the eldest of the Kauravas,
battlefIeld. It is but meet. that SrI Krsna, who IS the chief villaIn of the epic. His greed
recognized his encyclopaedic knowledge and and jealousy overshadowed whatever
wisdom, ha~ ~0l It pre<.,erved for the herOIsm or virtues he had, resulting in the
posterity by proddIng him, through near-total destruction of the two races and
Yudhisthir d to' unfold it. The Santi and the
Anusiisanika Parvas are practically the
untold misery to millions.
reposItories of hIS teachings. If the word 'tragedy' needs anv•
illustration, One should turn to Karna. A
the e!u ... ~: of the PanQavas, vIctim of circumstances, his story can never
is perhaps the most domInant , character of be read with the eyes dry or the heart
the epic, next only to Sri Krsl)a. He was unmoved. He was supremely noble and
not only a great hero on the battlefield, true generous III every inch of his personality
to hIs name (yudhi =in battle, sthira =one He is perhaps the last word for friendship,
who is steady), but a veritable incarnation loyalty and generosity.
of dharma or righteousness, a rare
Dhrtara~tra, the blind and vacillating
combination indeed. That is why he is often
addressed as Dhallllaraja ('the monarch of king, was blind not only physically but also
righteousness') too. Come what may, he in wisdom. His inordinate infatuation for his
children, the Kauravas, prevented him for
would never swerve from the path of ethIcal
exercising his authority to uphold dharma.
uprightness about which his thinking was
always crystal clear. The Yak~­ Among the women characters it is
praSna-episode is replete with the gems of Draupadi, the PiificaJa pnncess and the
his wisdom. queen of the Pandavas, that stnkes us most
The epic pictures Bhlma, the colossus, Endowed with striking beauty, a sharp
intellect and a sharper tongue which she
and ArJuna, the warrior, in more human
tellllS. If down-to-earth common sense could wield effectively, she remained
characterizes Bhlma, Aquna is more absolutely faithful to her husbands. By her
idealistic and dreamy. However, both were supreme sacrifices she has set an example
, of wifely virtues.
extraordinarily devoted to Sri Kr~a and
implicitly obedient to Yudhisthira. (Continrwl on p.348)
. 7

universe are animated and made real. This substance of his man-making humanism. As to
unity, this actual immediate, perceivable, the truth, effectiveness, and value of
and unchanging reality of the Self's infinite Vivekananda's forged-in-the-Self humanism,
and indivisible presence, waS always to it is plain that never before in human history
Vivekananda the great, single master-fact of have the uses of reason, freedom, and
the human world and of the human person individualism been raised to such an exalted
- the great 'open secret; as he called it. yet pragmatic level or shown to be so
It is likewise the heart, mainspring, and attractive, joyous, and necessary. 0
26. ibId., 2' 397 ( Concluded)

MAHABHARATA: A STUDY (Continued from p.332)

Kunti, the mother of the Pandavas,• well-known hymn~ Visnusahasraniima and

impresses us a~ a helpless but Doble Sivasahasraniima, have been sources of
princess. The fortitude with which she inspiration to philosophers and votaries of
silently bore

all her misfortunes and miseries religious pursuits over the millennia. The
is unparalleled. cult of Visnu and the reconciliation of the
GauJhari, who made the utmost various warring faiths also find an
sacrifice of denying herself the pleasures of appropriate place. Along with the growth of
eyesight because Dhnarastra, her husband, rigidity of the caste system, honest attempts
was born blind, is a paragon of the ideal at extolling human excellence and treatmg
of wifehood. Unlike her husband, she was it as the real basis of Brahmanahood

are also
bold enough to admonish her son conspicuous. In spite of the misogynists of
Duryodhana for his wicked behaviour and the age, women did find a place of honour
warn him of its dire consequences, because during the epic period.
she was ever devoted to dharma.
There is enough evidence to admit that
The Mahiibhiirata, also known as the the Mahiibhiirata had migrated outside India
Pancama Veda ('the fifth Veda'), is a too, especially to the South-East Asian
veritable encyclopaedia of Hindu religion countries. Incidents from this epic have been
and culture. The claim of the Suta portrayed in stone relief in the Angkor Wat
Ugrasravas that 'anything anywhere is an and Angkor Thorn of Kampuchia.
echo of what is here' and 'what is not here
is nowhere' is no exaggeration. Every aspect Whether the Mahiibhiirata was the
of dharma whether it is riijadharma composition of a single poet or the
(statecraft), iipad-dharma (conduct compilation of several editors, whether the
permissible during dire calamities), great war was fought in 3100 BC or 1400
diinadharma (liberality) or mok~adharma BC or 950 Be, whether it was a family feud
(pertaining to emancipation) finds its due or a ferocious war, it is verily the biggest
place here. In fact, the very purpose of the classic ever composed by man and will retain
Mahiibharata is to expound dharma in an its its relevance as long as the sun and the moon
ramifications. The celebrated Bhagavad Gilii, shine or the stars twinkle, because it mirrors
the less known Anugftii, as also the two the eternal drama of human existence. 0

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