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Powerful Dua Dispelling Worries of Settling Debts

from Shaykh Hasan Al-Basri,

Taken from Shaykh Abdal Qadiri Jilani’s Gunyna al-Talib
Ya Allah, Ya Allah Antallah ‫اَّلل ال هر ْْحَ ِن ال هرِحيم‬
ِ‫بِس ِم ه‬
O Allah, O Allah, You are Allah!

bala wallahi Antallah َ ْ‫ََي هللا ََي هللا أَن‬

‫ت هللا‬
Yes indeed, By Allah, You are Allah

la ilaha illa Ant

‫ت هللا‬
َ ْ‫بَلَى وهللا أن‬
‫آل اِلَهَ االه أَنْت‬
There is no god but You,

Allah Allah Allah

Allah! Allah! Allah!
‫هللا هللا هللا‬
‫اَّلل آل الَهَ هإال هللا‬
Wallahi la ilaha illallah
by Allah, there is no god but Allah! ‫َو ه‬
‫ض َع ِِّن ال هديْ ْن‬ِ ْ‫اِق‬
iqdi 'an-nid-dayn
Settle my debt for me

warzuq-ni ba'dad-dayn
and provide for me after the debt is (settled) ‫َو ْارُزقِِْن بَ ْع َد ال هديْ ْن‬
Note please read salawat first and after.
Typesetting and collated by Muhammad Sajad Ali

The shaykh told him to just make wudhu. No Salah needed;

However that said it's mentioned and known that any dua after salah wheather Fardh or
nafil is (al-Fadhal-The Best), and the (Best manner approaching ones Lord) for any plead or
request and dua done is known to Al-Afdhal 'ala Afdhal. (The Best upon the Best).

Thus my recommendation is below as what is known as Best Sufic Practice from me that
not many actually know anymore; Note; Pakistanis say (Fazal or like wuzu ramazan) how-
ever Afzal in arabic is pronounced Afdhal.

Thus I would go further and say and this is my recommendation below;

1. Do wudhu
2. Rak'ah Nafil make niyya for your need after salam.
3. Read some salawat.
4. Read Ayatul Kursi 2: 255 and then last verses of Surah Baqarah. 2:285-286.
5. Go into Sajda and read that dua.
6. Raise your head , read with hands raised, 3, 7, 11, 100, or 313 times.
7. Closing again some salawat.
8. Do it in a private room alone.
9. Do it ideally at at Fajr, as dunya duas are answered there or any other time is ok too.

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