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Names : Nurul Amalina

Course : Fort De Kock Bukittinggi Health Sciences College
D IV Midwife Educators Study Program
Tittle : The Relationship Between Therapeutic
Communication And Performance Satisfaction
Midwife With Pregnant Women In ANC At The
Health Center Room KIA Matur Agam 2014

Customer satisfaction is a response to the fulfillment of the needs, desires

and expectations. It is an assessment of the customer's products and services is a
reflection of the level of satisfaction with regard to the needs, desires and
expectations including poor compliance level or the level of compliance that
exceeds the needs and expectations. This study aims to determine the relationship
between therapeutic communication and performance satisfaction midwife with
pregnant women in ANC at the health center room KIA Matur Agam 2014
The design of this study is an analytic survey with cross sectional
approach. Sampling techniques accidental sampling. The sample in this study was
72. Data were collected by using a questionnaire in June 2014 in the Regional
Occupational Health Center Matur Agam. The data analysis performed by
univariate and bivariate with SPSS method.
From the results, the respondents have good therapeutic communication by
75 respondents (58.1%), good performance of officers by 40 respondents (55.6%),
and were satisfied with the service personnel by 41 people (56.9% ). The results
of bivariate analysis showed that there were all the independent variables have a
significant relationship with the satisfaction of pregnant women in ANC are:
therapeutic communication (p = 0.039; OR = 3.68) and the performance of
midwives (p = 0.001; OR = 5.72)
It can be concluded that no effect of therapeutic communication and
performance satisfaction midwife with pregnant women in ANC in Matur district
health center. Agam and hoped to health centers need to further improve service
reliability through a system that is not complicated, kept in accordance with the
schedule of services, information booth clearly visible, provide clear information
to patients.

Refference : 18 (2002 – 2014)


Nama : Nurul Amalina

Judul : Hubungan antara komunikasi therapeutik dan kinerja
bidan dengan kepuasan ibu hamil dalam pelayanan
ANC di Ruangan KIA Puskesmas Matur Kabupaten
Agam Tahun 2014

Nyeri persalinan merupakan masalah yang sangat mencemaskan bagi ibu

inpartu, khususnya ibu primigravida.Massage merupakan salah satu metode
nonfarmakologi yang dilakukan untuk mengurangi rasa nyeri persalinan Salah
satunyaadalahMetode Deep Back Massageyaitudenganmemperlakukan pasien
berbaring miring, kemudian bidan atau keluarga pasien menekan daerah sacrum
dengan telapak tangan, lepaskan dan tekan lagi, begitu seterusnya. Penelitian ini
bertujuan untuk mengetahui Perbedaan Tingkat Nyeri Ibu Inpartu Primipara Kala
I Fase Aktif Setelah Pemberian Terapi Deep Back Massage dan Tanpa Terapi
Deep Back Massage di Bidan Praktek Swasta “Y” tahun 2014
Jenis penelitian adalah quasi eksperimen yang bersifat two group pretest-
postestJumlah sampel sebanyak 16 responden dimana 8 kelompok control dan 8
kelompok eksperimen. pengambilannya dengan teknik purporsif sampling. Hasil
penelitian ini menggunakan uji statistik t-dependendan t-independen
Hasil uji t-dependen intensitas nyeri pada kelompok control sebelum
intervensi rata-rata 2,50 dan sesudah rata-rata 3,00 sedangkan pada kelompok
eksperimen sebelum dilakukan massage rata-rata 2,75 dan sesudah rata-rata 2,25.
Hasil uji t-dependen intensitas nyeri sebelum dan sesudah dilakukan massage
pada kelompok kontrol diperoleh nilai p=0,033 dan pada kelompok eksperimen
sebelum dan sesudah dilakukan massage diperoleh nilai p=0,033. Hasil uji t-
independen dapat disimpulkan bahwa ada perbedaan rata-rata yang signifikan
sesudah dilakukan metode massage pada kelompok intervensi yaitu nilai p=0,031.
Dari hasi penelitian ini diketahui bahwa adanya Perbedaan rata-rata
Tingkat Nyeri Ibu Inpartu Primipara Kala I Fase Aktif Setelah Pemberian Terapi
Deep Back Massage dan Tanpa Terapi Deep Back Massage di Bidan Praktek
Swasta “Y” tahun 2014. Dari hasilpenelitianini disarankan supaya bidan
menerapkan metode massage sebagai intervensi mengurangi nyeri dalam asuhan
persalinan normal

Daftar bacaan : 33 (1995-2013).

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