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People: (A to Z by first name)

Ally Doerman: Brookville Teen Services Librarian (Dayton Metro Library)

Caitlin W.: head of Youth Services (Green County Public Library)

Chuck D.: External Relations Manager (Dayton Metro Library)

Elaine Lindstrom: Brookville Branch Manager (Dayton Metro Library)

Erin W.: Materials Selection Librarian- Childrens (Dayton Metro Library)

Holly V.: Collection Development Director (Dayton Metro Library)

Karri M.: Public Services Director (Dayton Metro Library)

Matthew K.: Materials Selection Librarian-Teen (Dayton Metro Library)

Shelly P.: Youth Services Team Leader (Washington-Centerville Public Library)

Steve Moser: Teen Services Coordinator (Dayton Metro Library)


Alliance: see Rainbow Alliance

Asexual: Someone with no sexual attraction or desire for other people

CD: Collection Development; process of acquisition, selection, and collection management of

library materials.

Closeted: 1. Queer indivduals who are not open about their identity; often due to concerns of
safty and family relationship. 2. Queer indivduals who are activly hiding or denying (even to
themselves) their identity. They may appear or “act straight” such as dating or marrying an
individual of the opposite sex.

Gay Straight Alliance (GSA): Often a school club (though can be a community run club) acts as
a social meeting place for those in the Queer community and allies to have a safe space to
engange, connect, and decompress.

Gender Dysphoria: Condition in which an individual experiences discomfort or distress due to

the misalignment of their gender identity and biological sex.
Gender Fluid: Someone who feels both male and female. Gender Fluidity is independent of a
person’s sexual orientation.

Dead Name: Term used to describe one’s birthname that has been changed (either officaly or
not) and is no longer used by the individual. Often used in the trans community.

LGBTQIA+: Lesbian, Gay, Bixesual, Trans*, Queer, Intersexed, Asexual/Aromantic, and other
community subpopulations.

Nonbinary: Someone who does not identify themselves in binary terms of male or female. They
may identify as both male and female, neither male or female, or somewhere in between.

Out: Persons in the Queer community who are open about their identity. This does not mean that
the person tells everyone their identity, rather they actively accept who they are and do not try to
hide or deny it (to themselves).

Queer: A term people often use to express fluid identities and orientations. Often used
interchangeably with "LGBTQ." Denoting a person in the LGBTQIA+ who does not wish to use
a more specific label. NOTE: “queer” with a capital Q indicates culturaly queer or queer being
discisted in cultural way (e.g. the Queer community). Queer without a captial q indicates the
identity sepreated from cultural context (e.g. The U.S. Censurs Beauru lists queer as one of the
categories). This is borrowed from the Big D, little d used when discussing the Deaf community.

Rainbow Cafe: LGBTQIA+ teen program hosted at the Fairborn library (no current session).
Rainbow Club: LGBTQIA+ teen program hosted at the Brookville branch by both myself and
Ally Doerman. Also called Rainbow Alliance. Potential renaming maybe be to Prism SAGA.

SAGA: Sexuality and Gender Acceptance; an alternative to LGBTQ+.

SOGI: Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity; alternative to LGBTQ+.

Trans*: The asterisk represents any one on the trans spectrum, such as gender fluid, gender
queer, and non-binary.


DML: Dayton Metro Library; public library system in Montgomery county Ohio.

Fairborn Library: Fairborn branch of the Greene County Public Library.

GCPL: Greene County Public Library; public library in Greene county Ohio.

OLC: Ohio Library Council, “statewide professional association which represents the interests of
Ohio’s public libraries, their trustees, Friends and staffs”

UD: University of Dayton; a private university situated in downtown Dayton, OH.

WCL: Washington-Centerville Public Library; public library in Centerville, OH

Woodbourne Library: branch of the Washington-Centerville Public Library.

WSU: Wright State University; a public university situated near the Wright Patt Air Force base.

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