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Geoscience and the Origins of the Earth

An amusement is a science that learns about the Earth. To learn more about the Earth, the

geology is broken down into two subdisciplines, the first physical geology, i.e. examining the

materials that compose the Earth and also discussing about the process or activity occurring on

the surface and under the surface Earth, and the second geological history, namely the

understanding of the origins of the Earth and its development through time (telling the story of


Geology is a science that belongs to human and environmental, there are many important

relationships between human and natural environment and also some problems and problems

that are handled by geology involving natural hazards, resources, growth of the world

population, and environmental issues

Naturalists have adopted some views on Earth from time to time: • Earth's nature has been the

focus of study for centuries. The first way people perceive something is through something

called catastrofism. Katastrofism is responsible for the Earth's creations and features, such as
the massive flood create the Grand Canyon and also creates all the river valleys at once.

Uniformitarianism is slightly different. Uniformitarianism is essentially a philosophy that things

change gradually over time or often also called gradualism. For example, the process creates a

stone that gradually over time.

Geologists can now set quite accurate dates for events in Earth's history. There are two things

to be aware of, the first relative time-determination and the geological time scale means the

date is placed in the proper sequence or sequence without knowing their age in the year. And

the second magnitude of geologic time involving a broad time: Millions or billions of years and

appreciation for the magnitude of important geological time because many processes are

gradual. By knowing this, Kitt knows how old The rocks are, which are classed through the

process of volcanism and tectonism on Earth including the existing fossils.

With the time scale geologisindicate that there is a remarkable diversity, and how the diversity

is biased, ranging from the process terbentukny the Aearth until now.
Science considers the natural world a consistent and predictable science goal is to find patterns

in nature and use the knowledge to make predictions or generate an understanding of a

phenomenon. Science will tell you what the pattern is in nature and how to get that

understanding into a problem. Scientists collect facts through observation and measurement,

another way to tell a fact or data how to conduct a scientific investigation is by a group of

hypotheses that explain temporarily or unresolved, correct. While the theory is a widely tested

and accepted view that the scientific community agrees to explain certain observable facts.

Scientific methods involve collecting facts through the observation and formulation of

hypotheses and Theoritidak there is a definite pathway followed by scientists who lead to

scientific knowledge.
They all interact with each other. Geosfer interacts with the atmosphere at all times to create

something like the ground. The atmosphere interacts with the hydrosphere so that it creates
clouds and distributes water. And when the hydrosphere, atmosphere and geossphere interact

it will create the biosphere.

The view of Earth from the moon, by seeing the Earth from the moon there are many

interesting things gained. First we can see the weather patterns, see the soil, see the Marine,

and see the interaction when the ball is interacting from afar, so that the earth can be a

sweetened place. So the earth is a dynamic planet with many parts interacting. Part of the

Earth system is connected. This is characterized by processes i.e., b variations on a spatial scale

of a millimetre fraction or thousands of kilometers,a timescale ranging from milliseconds or

billions of years.

Earth is also a system. The Earth system is powered by the sun, which moves the external

process of Di's atmosphere , thehydrosphere and ermukaan Ant Earth. The Earth system is

also empowered from the interior of Earth. The remaining heat of the Earth's formation and

heat that is continually generated by radioactive decay strengthens the internal processes that

produce volcanoes, earthquakes, and mountains.

Early evolutionary earth. The universe began with the Big Bang (-13.7 billion years ago) the

early evolution of the Earth: Nebulartheory. The Earth and other planets formed essentially

along with the same material as the Sun's theory of nebular theorists suggest that our solar

system evolved from a large rotating cloud called the Solar nebula. Solar nebula consists of

hydrogen and helium in addition to microscopic dust granules. The disorder causes the Sun

Nebula to slowly touch and spin. Solar Nebula has a flat disc form with Protosun (pre-Sun) in

the middle. Planets in the range of metals and rocky substances. Large planets start to form

from broken Ice (H2O, CO2, and others)

Internal structure of the Earth

Stone cycles and three types of stones
The face of the earth

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