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09 Apr 2019

How to Answer Common Interview Questions: A

Cheat Sheet
Karol V. Gaitán Staff
Career Development, Communication


After sending out countless cover letters and resumes, you’re starting to line up interviews. If you’re in a full-force
job hunt, you may find yourself speaking with multiple companies within a week—all at different stages in the
interview process.

No matter how much experience you may have interviewing, each hiring manager deserves to meet with a well-
prepared candidate. Here are four common interview questions you should start preparing for now if you want to
land your next job.

Common Interview Questions to Prepare for

1. “Tell Me About Yourself.”

Although technically not a question, it's a common opening line. This prompt roughly translates to, “What’s your
story?” and your response can set the tone for the entire interview. Here’s how you can make your story a best
Consider Your Audience: Research a company in advance to assess their culture and determine which details are
most relevant to share.

Create an Outline: Avoid losing your audience by creating an easy-to-follow storyline. Focus on having a
beginning, middle, and end. Consider using the template below to get started:

Present: Where are you right now?

“I’m currently a Business Analyst for…”
“I work on…”
“I enjoy…”

Past: What brought you to this point?

“I previously worked as…”
“I studied…”
“I decided to transition because…”

Future: Where are you trying to go?

“Now that I have experience in…”
“After completing my degree…”
“I'm eager to work on…”

Practice, Practice, Practice: The goal is not to memorize a script, but rather to familiarize yourself with your own
highlight reel. Play with the order of the template depending on the biggest selling points of your
experience. People typically remember the first and last thing they hear, so prioritize accordingly and keep it
concise. A 30- to 60-second response is best.

Why Is This Question Important? It's a great foundation for other common job-seeking scenarios, such as
explaining why you're leaving your current role, an elevator pitch at a networking event, or as an outline for a cover

2. "What Is One of Your Strengths?"

As tempting as it may be to list every buzzword possible, interviewers will have heard them all. Leave a lasting
impression with an anecdotal response that demonstrates the skills they’re looking for in a candidate. For
example: “I have been known to work well under a tight schedule. In my current role…” You can also use
situations from different points in your career.

Keep in mind the tips from the prompt above and use the S.T.A.R Method to structure your response:
Situation: Set the scene
Task: Explain your end goal
Action: Outline the steps you took to achieve your task
Result: Note the result of your action

Why Is This Question Important? Career changers can leverage specific examples to highlight transferable skills.
Use the S.T.A.R. Method for any behavioral questions, also known as “Tell Me of a Time” questions. Typical
behavioral questions seek examples of leadership, problem-solving, or growth.

Related: How to Properly Follow Up After a Job Interview

3. “What Is One of Your Weaknesses?”

Of course, you don’t want to admit to being anything but the perfect candidate. This is an opportunity to
demonstrate how you’ve grown in your career. For instance, you may used to struggle with difficult conversations,
but you have since honed your skills through a negotiations course. If you can’t think of a weakness, find someone
in your support system whom you trust to be honest with you.

Remember to use a direct example following the S.T.A.R. Method and take control of the narrative with
the following tips:

Keep it work-related
Talk about it in a positive light; it's not a weakness, but rather an area of growth
Outline the actions steps taken, or currently being taken, to address it

Why Is This Question Important? The answer to this question can proactively address any missing skills or
experience on your resume (for example, taking a course to learn business fundamentals). It will also demonstrate
your problem-solving skills and build your confidence.

Related: How to Land Your Dream Job in 9 Steps

4. “Do You Have Any Questions for Us?”

This is your opportunity to show interest and determine if the role or company is a good fit. Always have at least
one question prepared. If you can’t think of anything to ask, consider pulling questions from the following

Ask the interviewers questions about their roles and experience with the company
Learn more about how much you would interact with your interviewers on the job
Actively listen to what interviewers have to say and ask follow-up questions for clarification

Work Culture:
Learn more about their approach to work/life balance
Inquire about professional development opportunities
Confirm what their performance review process is like
Consider asking for an office tour

The Role:
Understand the history of the role and why it's currently vacant
Learn who you'll report to and ask about their management styles
Study the job posting and highlight any areas you want to discuss in more detail
Consider directly asking about any concerns they may have with your application

The Process:
Inquire about the interview process and how many steps will be involved
Confirm a timeline for their decision and determine if you can follow up in the meantime

Why Is This Question Important? No matter the outcome, the more questions you ask, the more you'll learn about
the job market for future reference.

Are you interested in additional career development advice? Explore our other articles, including "6 Virtual
Interview Tips to Help You Land Your Next Job" and "How to Properly Follow Up After an Interview."

About the Author

Karol V. Gaitán is a nationally certified Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor with training and experience in
career coaching and academic support. She has worked with more than 500 job seekers and learners at various
stages of their journey over the span of her career. She has worked for the State of Rhode Island, Brown University,
General Assembly Boston, and now at Harvard Business School Online as an Accommodations Manager. When
she’s not at HBS Online, you might find her digging through a thrift store for a new upcycling project, sharing
memes, or eating Buffalo wings.

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