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Poppulo Knowledge


The Ultimate Guide to

Employee Communication
Goals and KPIs for HR
Julie Cookson
President, Cookson Coaching and Consulting
The Ultimate Guide to Employee Communication Goals and KPIs for HR Management


1. Problem Statement 4

2. Background 4
Identifying the Benefits of Employee Communications 5
What are the Hallmarks of Effective Employee Communications? 6

3. Analysis 9
Common Employee Complaints: 10
Diverse Learning Styles 10
Key Performance Indicators 11
Future Trends 13
Creative HR Approaches 14
Employee Communications Challenges 15
Strategic Business Case for HR 16

4. Conclusion 17

About the author 17

The Ultimate Guide to Employee Communication Goals and KPIs for HR Management


HR plays a critical role in educating executives and the workforce on the

need for both effective employee communications and key performance
indicators (KPIs) to be strategically aligned to the business goals to reach
critical objectives.

This whitepaper will review key definitions and identify key benefits of both. It will also outline creative
examples of how to strategically use communications and KPIs to solve real-world issues faced by the
organization’s executives.

Future trends and approaches will be shared along with a reminder of the action steps HR can take
to customize both employee communications and KPIs to their organization’s strategies to positively
impact engagement.

Julie Cookson
President, Cookson Coaching and Consulting

The Ultimate Guide to Employee Communication Goals and KPIs for HR Management

1. Problem Statement

Employee, or internal communications, is the discipline and practice of

communicating effectively with employees across organizations of all sizes
and complexities.

Despite its importance, employee communications are rarely identified as a key HR objective. In a
recent Gatehouse survey that polled 650 organizations from 25 countries, it was revealed that only 14%
had used independent communication audits so far in 2018. To complicate matters, key performance
indicators (KPIs) used to measure effective communication are often misinterpreted or incorrect. While
many other key HR objectives are also critical, the information gleaned from employee communications
data is integral to all other organizational priorities.

Strategic HR executives know the value of creating an agreed-on effective employee communications
strategy aligned to the organization’s most critical goals. By adhering to a framework, and by
continuing to educate their executives and workforce on the value of employee communications, HR
strategists will continue to be trusted and respected members of the executive team.

2. Background
After examining statistics and articles on the value of embedding both
employee communications and KPIs in top-line business strategies, I
believe HR must employ a clear, consistent and actionable employee
communications plan as part of HR’s 2019 goals.

Proven research confirms that effective communications leads to engaged employees which translates
to higher productivity and profits along with the attainment of business-critical priorities. HR cannot
adequately tell the story of the workforce and its impact on the organization without capturing and
analyzing critical communications statistics. This appears to be a shared realization. A recent LinkedIn
research study found that 59% of organizations are planning to increase their investment in employee
communications year over year.

The Ultimate Guide to Employee Communication Goals and KPIs for HR Management

This white paper will outline the overwhelming proven benefits of making employee communications a
priority. It will provide tips and strategies to effectively introduce and educate the organization’s leaders
on this need. We will also review necessary concerns and considerations as well. Common and lesser-
known KPIs and their value will be shared along with a look at how future needs may impact HR’s

What is the definition of employee communications for our purposes? It is internal communications
that can be verbal or non-verbal. It is represented by the written word, digital platform (which is
increasing in popularity each year), face-to-face meeting, use of body language, or in a host of other

Employee communications can involve a manager-employee, team, department, cross-functional,

regional, global or company-wide messaging. Employee communications as a discipline demands and
deserves HR’s attention and action. HR’s role in furthering employee communications is to position it as
a core objective and to educate leadership and indeed the workforce on its critical function within the

George Bernard Shaw stated:

| “The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place.”

With increased media coverage and thought leadership on the value of effective communications,
more executives are supporting HR with this initiative. Great communication books such as Making
the Connections: Using IC to Turn Strategy into Action, Internal Communications: A manual for
practitioners, The Power of Storytelling along with many others on the top reading lists that all
reinforce the value and shed light on employee communications.

Identifying the Benefits of Employee Communications

As if aligning communications holistically to engagement and increased profitability for an
organization was not enough, some additional benefits:

1. Effective communications educate the workforce in the key strategies, branding and concerns the
executives deal with daily.
2. Effective communications break down silos and builds trust.
3. Effective communications ensure the workforce feels valued and included, and they feel that their
needs and questions matter.
4. Effective communications reinforce enviable culture, reduces absenteeism, and ignites passion and
pride throughout the workforce.

The Ultimate Guide to Employee Communication Goals and KPIs for HR Management

5. Effective communications minimize ineffectiveness, confusion, conflict and frustration.

6. Effective communications make employees your best ambassadors for recruiting exceptional hires.

What are the Hallmarks of Effective Employee

This list from HR Zone is worth noting and discussing in more detail.

• Open and objective communication

• Clear, jargon-free, succinct language
• Consistent and regular communication
• Two-way dialogue
• Understanding the audience and what appeals to them
• Using good verbal, non-verbal and written communicators
• A communication identity that people recognize and use
• An accessible medium

What do we mean by open and objective communication? Simply put, open and objective
communication is honest and non-biased communication. It should be unemotional, but it should be
well-thought-out, and it should be shared when a high-level direction or decision has been made.

It does not include wild speculation or time spent focusing on a host of possible scenarios or rumors
that may or may not happen. It is certainly difficult to announce layoffs, litigation or a significant
downturn in revenue, but companies cannot only publicize and educate on the good news stories.
Employees must be made aware of the challenges the C-Suite is facing and the real-life business issues
that arise.

In some difficult situations, employees can help solve problems. In a situation where expenses have
increased, employees can suggest other cost-savings ideas that may not be known to management.
They can individually implement cost savings through reduced travel, limiting client lunches, and the

One eye-opening pie chart at an Annual Meeting I attended several years ago highlighted where the
money for every dollar of expense: payroll, capital equipment, travel and entertainment, utilities,
insurance, taxes and the like. It was referred to by employees often after that; they had no concept
of how much the company spent in total on things outside the scope of their role. By educating the
workforce on where money was going, they were able to become more effective stewards of company

The Ultimate Guide to Employee Communication Goals and KPIs for HR Management

Communication should be transparent and easy to understand. Drafts of high-level HR, Finance or
Sales updates, for example, should be vetted through other stakeholders to ensure the information
is relatable to employees, and that essential business acronyms or references are explained for
clarity. Presentations should be as succinct, but as explanatory as possible. If there are more detailed
summaries available (such as in an Annual Report), refer employees to these documents if they want
additional information. Stress the need for confidentiality as needed. Provide a summary of public
information and include links to resource print or web articles that employees may want to review. It is
possible to overshare sensitive information, so proceed cautiously.

Consistent and regular communication varies by company and industry. Ensure as well that the right
person or group is tasked with delivering the message. Consistent communication again relies on
an agreed-upon framework, which HR could spear head with the Executive team. Once created and
approved, it would be shared and discussed with all managers and communications professionals. If
there is a call to action to reduce expenses consider the following:

• Should this be delivered via company meeting or through the company portal or sent individually to
each employee?
• Should it be delivered by the President, the CFO, or by someone else?
• How much should be explained in a written communication since it is possible that it may be shared
with a local media outlet?
• What is individual manager accountability as a follow-up to a company-wide directive?

These questions should be considered, and both Human Resources executives and department heads
should have a consistent approach. One solution is to add a Q&A document for managers to use in how
each of their team members could identify solutions to reduce expenses. Another solution is to ask
teams to provide written suggestions through a break-out session. The written list could be shared with
the department head.

HR could also proactively ask to address clients through a team meeting to review overall strategies,
answer questions, address concerns and to share best-practice techniques that have been used
effectively in other situations. For recommendations realizing the largest actual savings, gift cards or
some other type of recognition could be awarded.

And what about creating a regular communication schedule? This also depends on the nature of
the updates and the desired, realistic frequency to ensure it is well-received and understood. In an
upcoming section, we will see that employees often complain about the amount of communication they
receive that is not clear or easy to understand, or perhaps doesn’t even apply to them. It is important for
companies to determine what best suits its culture.

The Ultimate Guide to Employee Communication Goals and KPIs for HR Management

Two-way dialogue presents an interesting challenge. Are our employee communications shared with
the workforce or directed at them? There are key differences in these two approaches, and HR can be
invaluable in helping craft the proper tone and delivery. Even with the most careful consideration there
is always a chance of miscommunication, so sharing a draft with someone outside the communications
group may prove beneficial. Confirm that the communication draft makes sense, and that it allows a
two-way dialogue when possible. Is it a company update or a department sponsored communication?

Understanding your employee demographics is vital to creating effective communications. Some

employees travel frequently; others work second or third shifts. Some work out of far-flung locations;
perhaps in different countries.

Who should get a particular update? Does it need to go only to people-managers, or to the entire
workforce? If it is distributed only to certain levels of management, how does the company validate
that employees are updated in a consistent manner? Are there legal requirements in California that
don’t pertain to employees in the United Kingdom, for example? What platforms do they respond most
favorably to? More on these questions in the upcoming Analysis section. All important considerations
to review.

Written communication provides additional consistency, especially when paired with a detailed
question and answer document (Q&A). It is not as easy with verbal communication to guarantee
consistent messaging every time, but by using the insights and techniques shared in this white paper, it
will be easier to harness all forms of communication to formulate the company’s best approach.

Having seasoned communications executives on staff is also critical. HR must ensure continuing
education and development for those involved in employee communications and branding. Provide
training opportunities for:

• Networking
• Technical skills
• Internal branding
• Effective speaking
• Writing press releases and other key documents
• Negotiating and influencing skills, and
• Other training as needed

Branding as a development tool is just as important for internal communications as it is for external
communications. HR’s clients are the workforce, and all initiatives must be designed and rolled
out with their education, needs and preferences in mind. From an internal marketing perspective,

The Ultimate Guide to Employee Communication Goals and KPIs for HR Management

what embedded messages, characteristics and cultural norms should be reinforced through
communications? Tie similar marketing strategies and techniques to internal communications where it
makes sense. Employees then become familiar with the look and feel; it becomes recognizable to them.

Review the platforms and communication vehicles available to the company and pair options with the
needs of the workforce. This is also discussed in more detail in the upcoming Analysis section, but what
new technology (and budget) is available to utilize new, more effective ways of communicating with
your workforce?

These are ongoing questions that should be reviewed occasionally by HR for the best alignment to
outcomes and strategies.

3. Analysis

Throughout my career, I have worked in various industries, including

telecommunications, entertainment, government, print publishing and law.
The need for effective employee communications exists in every industry,
and in every company, large or small.

I led an HR team for many years that supported various cable network brands throughout the world.
Our company excelled in hiring talented individuals who possessed the technical skills needed to
perform their jobs, and we had the best culture in the industry. HR was respected by the workforce and
was highly collaborative with the C-suite.

Over the years, some visible and impactful leaders we hired lacked the skill or desire to communicate
in a genuine, clear and timely manner with their peers and teams. This presented many challenges and
conflicts. As technology changed, the art of effective communication became even more difficult in our
global organization. Discerning tone and true intent through email, for example, often proved difficult.

While miscommunication certainly provided job security for HR, I often thought how many value-add
initiatives could have been resolved if miscommunication was not such a repetitive issue! We were
certainly not alone. Many of my HR counterparts voiced similar frustrations and concerns.

Unfortunately, organizations still waste incredible amounts of time, effort, and money suffering
through poor comms. Relationships with employees, clients, advertisers and shareholders also suffer.

The Ultimate Guide to Employee Communication Goals and KPIs for HR Management

The best way to identify communications issues in your organization? Talk with executives about data
from all types of surveys, interactions and from their past roles and experiences. Review appropriate
KPIs for clues to additional trends or measures. And, ask employees what they need and want, and keep
checking with them on a regular basis. Search for business books that offer best-practices that seem to
fit with the culture of your organization and management team.

The issues will not be resolved overnight, but a deliberate and practice approach will move the
company forward. What are some of the issues you may hear about when you conduct a straw poll?

Common Employee Complaints:

I don’t have time to read what HR or the company sends out. I do not trust what the company sends out.
Many updates do not even apply to me. The company doesn’t really know who I am or what I need, i.e.:

• They don’t understand my role or responsibilities: Road warriors, office dwellers, virtual workforce,
part-time vs. full-time, manager vs. line employee, etc.
• I need more time for required actions (HR deadlines are too tight, i.e.: benefits enrollment,
introduction to new platform)
• I need someone to explain this to me in more detail than an email offer
• I need technology and a platform that works for me (Smartphone, intranet, tablets, etc.)
• My computer or software is too old and slow, or I can’t open the attachment or link provided
• The communications just are not clear to me (e.g., confusing, too technical or not clear of next steps
or takeaway).
• I have geographic/global concerns (translation issues, technology restrictions, time zone challenges)

Diverse Learning Styles

One facet of developing any training program is to determine what type of learning styles are
appropriate for each attendee. This same approach should be used when developing and delivering
internal communications. Embrace and recognize these learning styles:

• Visual: Images, pictures and spatial understanding

• Aural: Sound and music
• Verbal: Speech and in writing
• Physical: Use of body, hands and sense of touch
• Logical: Mathematical, logic
• Social: Learning in groups
• Solitary: Self-study

The Ultimate Guide to Employee Communication Goals and KPIs for HR Management

Provide a variety of ways for employees to get the information they need to address the various learning
styles. This will provide more significant retention of the training materials for future reference.

For example, set up shared folders with video clips and appropriate company updates (promotions,
press releases) for Verbal and Aural learners. Make PowerPoint or other presentations available after
company meetings for Logical learners. Share key HR branding or employee value propositions on a
t-shirt, key ring, or customized notebook, even a company magnet or post-it notes for Visual learners,
for reinforcement and to generate excitement.

Have a small-group discussion to restate important points for social learners. If there are resource
materials or articles that attendees need to read, send them out beforehand so those interested in self-
study (or who are very organized) can proactively review and be prepared for the session. Be sure to
include live facilitators for some of the sessions as well to keep the audience engaged and for those aural
learners to connect.

Key Performance Indicators

After obtaining employee feedback, measure the information with key performance indicators (KPIs).
KPIs are used by many parts of the organization to quantify and validate key data in an objective, clear
way. KPIs are used to improve employee comms and are crucial in weighing the value-add of programs
and employee perceptions in an organization.

Carefully choose a few clear, appropriate HR KPIs that support your organization’s goals strategies;
some are suggested below. There are hundreds of KPIs to measure and consider adding or revising KPIs
as your organization’s focus changes. Additional measures are included in my Poppulo How to Guide
entitled “How HR can best track their employee communication KPIs”:

• Employee productivity rate: Total company revenue divided by total number of employees.
Standard labor hours divided by amount of time worked (multiplied by 100 to convert to %).
• Email click-through rates (ETR): Measures employee-forwarded company emails, shares, likes and
comments. Number of clicks the ad receives divided by number of times ad airs.
• Average training cost per employee: Company size and training complexity varies, but the average
training cost (for small-to-large companies combined) in 2017 was $1,075 per employee.
• Actual vs. budgeted cost per hire: Calculated by adding total internal recruiting costs + external
recruiting costs and dividing by total number of hires in a given time-frame.
• Adoption rates for new programs and tools: Measures employee actions and understanding for
new program rollouts or new technology. Total number of employees taking desired action divided
by total number of users.

The Ultimate Guide to Employee Communication Goals and KPIs for HR Management

• Salary competitiveness ratio: Validates the competitiveness of your internal salary or total
compensation information. Divide your average company salary by the average salary offered by
your competitors/industry.
• Salary comparisons by gender: Ensures equitable salaries for women and men in similar roles and
• First-year voluntary termination rate: Measures for potentially high percentage rate of new hires.
• Turnover: Measures percentage (and demographics) of departing employees.
• Employee feedback: Measures through pre and post-training surveys, focus groups, resource
groups, annual and pulse surveys, among others.
• Time to fill open roles: Are you missing out on key applicants because your hiring process is taking
too long?

In our previous discussion on controlling expenses, HR could gather all current cost analysis KPIs (such
as Actual vs. Budgeted Cost per Hire, Training Cost per Employee and others). After running up-
to-date reports and analyzing the trends, what costs seem unusually high to HR based on historical or
industry budgets?

1. Are there obvious areas where costs could and should be more tightly controlled? For example, when
reviewing recruiting costs per hire information, are hiring managers routinely sending job openings
out to external recruiters, who typically charge 30%-35% of the new hire’s total compensation as
their fee?
2. Is the organization approving the offers being made to candidates to ensure parity with current
employees and with similarly-situated new hires?
3. Are relocation packages consistent by level?
4. Have managers taken on negotiations resulting in higher costs per hire?
a. Are managers reporting they are unable to hire for the approved range due to some other issue?

Reviewing First-Year Voluntary Termination Rate data, what might account for higher-than-average
departures? Questions like those below may help determine what issues exist that need to be addressed:

1. Is the company (and the hiring managers) providing a welcoming environment to new hires?
2. Was the manager (or someone on the team) available to answer questions so the new hire could
assimilate more quickly?
3. Were managers trained on effective interviewing, and given insightful open-ended questions?
4. Did managers overlook red flags to make a hire?
5. Were the job postings accurate about the type of work, compensation, level and travel requirements
each new hire has?
6. Was there a thorough new employee orientation within a day or two of each hire that provided a
review of the company and its history?

The Ultimate Guide to Employee Communication Goals and KPIs for HR Management

a. Was there an overview of the employee handbook and policies?

b. Were payroll and benefit offerings communicated quickly and clearly to the new hire?
c. Was there a review of the management team, products created and sold and who advertisers and
clients are?
d. Were new hires provided a tour and introductions?
e. Did they receive any welcome gifts (coffee mug, T-shirt, notepad, etc.)?
f. Was an onboarding survey available, and completed, by each new hire?
7. What training costs were already incurred by terminating employees
8. What additional information did the terminating employee provide in his or her exit interview?
9. Can the supervisor shed additional light on each departure?

Future Trends
Consider the upcoming short and long-terms needs of your workforce as you are evaluating employee
communications and your current and future KPIs. Millennials, for example, comprise the largest
group of people now entering the workforce. What about those considering retirement? Will there be a
gap in experienced employees? What new technology and new positions are being created as we speak?
How do we prepare for those roles, and for the related communications challenges and KPIs that will be
needed? Additional considerations below.

How many employees (including executives) may be nearing retirement age?

• How many have already retired?

• What is the average age of retirement?
• What retiree benefits (and costs) are you incurring?
• Which departments/disciplines are most impacted?
• How will those retirees affect your communications strategies?
• How will these retirements affect succession plans?
• Is there a strategy to source for replacements, and/or develop and promote from within?
• Is there a training program in place for succession development training?
• Would your company benefit from offering early retirement packages?

For Millennials (and others) entering the workforce:

• Do you have training strategies prepared to provide a broad overview of the company and
assimilation to your industry?
• Do you have required training levels prior to promotion?
• Do you have formalized Career Guides to discuss with employees?

The Ultimate Guide to Employee Communication Goals and KPIs for HR Management

• Have you determined what matters to younger employees?

• Are internal and external training programs, certifications, captured for each employee’s profile?
• Are your HR programs and benefits based on tenure?
»» If so, since Millennials tend not to stay as long, should you work with your decision-makers to
introduce different benefits or make your current ones more competitive for new hires and lesser-
tenured employees?

Through all the considerations, always maintain a focus on those KPIs that most closely align with
current business strategies. KPIs strengthen the contributions and value of HR, but by keeping an
eye on the horizon, it is possible to continually revise and add strategic direction to the best business
practices. KPIs also provide the ammunition to change direction or dig deeper to solve high-level
problems. KPIs allow HR and executives to tap into and understand the emotions and preferences of the
workforce; something that historically has been difficult to quantify. Sharing KPI summaries with the
workforce also helps build trust, ensures consistency and serves to educate the workforce. Measuring
the right activities and aligning results to meet goals is a win-win for any company.

Creative HR Approaches
When you consider that most issues the C-suite focuses on involve people, why wouldn’t HR make
employee communications a priority? Recruiting, retention, executive development succession
planning, diversity, engagement; the workforce is the company’s most valuable resource. Having
engaged, passionate, productive employees will also determine company and individual success.

HR has such an incredible opportunity to position not only employee communications, but HR as a
function and each executive as a strategic leader in forecasting and evaluating trends. Harness your
creativity to gather deeper, more valuable information from and for your executives.

Meet with each key decision-maker to explain the value of communications by sharing industry
statistics and gathering their insights. This is also a great way to stay visible and to foster a closer
partnership with new or lesser-known executives. Kick-off a discussion with these types of questions.

• What is your ideal employee communications approach?

• What should our desired employee communications outcome be?
• How does our company’s current communication program compare?
• Do you feel we clearly and concisely tie our EC priority to company goals and strategies?
• Can you give examples of successful and unsuccessful employee communications campaigns (within
your own experience or that you have read about)?
»» Any specific thoughts on what your team would want to see in a revised comms strategy?

The Ultimate Guide to Employee Communication Goals and KPIs for HR Management

»» Perhaps get a recommendation of 1-2 key influencers in executive’s team to talk with.
• What expectations do you have of HR (and other communication stakeholders) to evolve our
• Would you be willing to serve as an executive sponsor to make needed changes in our EC strategy?

Another untapped resource is to collaborate with marketers and PR or communications experts in

your company and HR network. They have great expertise in external communications, especially in
determining the desired audience and how to tailor the message. Explain the renewed importance of
employee communications as a strategy and what the desired outcome is. Great ideas come from these
types of collaboration, and a new understanding or stronger relationship can be an added benefit.

Is there an opportunity to make employee communication more interactive in your organization?

Could it be more creative or attractive? Are you considering a gamification strategy? Gamification
(game playing) is being considered as a way for organizations to interact with employees and clients
(think Angry Birds in the office approach). In a recent e-article, the gamification
industry is expected by 2020 to reach $11 Billion.

Until then, highlight a company’s benefits enrollment activity by having employees share (via video)
lesser-known benefits that are valuable to them, such as adoption or paternity leave? Could the
employee handbook be professionally printed out in a format that’s easier to read and understand?
Perhaps create a virtual communications suggestion box, where small prizes are awarded for great
suggestions to improve the employee experience?

Obviously not all HR programs can award prizes or kudos, but where appropriate, highlight employees
and their lifestyle or contributions in the non-profit world or their community. Gather ideas from your
staff. Allow talented HR employees to contribute creatively to develop their skills and increase visibility
and confidence. Nurture the culture and community you want to either create or maintain with your
team, too. It is all part of the effective employee communications strategy!

Employee Communications Challenges

Some pitfalls have already been briefly mentioned. Here are a few additional ones to keep in mind.

• Choose the right sender

»» Should a note on company-wide layoffs come from HR or from the President/CEO?
»» Should a message encouraging employees to complete an employee survey be delivered via call
or text, or should it be in the daily newsletter (or perhaps mentioned in each department’s staff

The Ultimate Guide to Employee Communication Goals and KPIs for HR Management

• Share drafts of all large communications releases with executives for review/revision as needed
• Keep any company politics in mind when developing and navigating through a communications
strategy. If there are negative or emotionally-charged words that have a negative perception in your
organization, try to avoid them
• Be honest in communications; only share what has been confirmed. Do not discuss hypotheticals or
alternate scenarios

Strategic Business Case for HR

As important as the employee communications strategy is for the organization, it is of equal
importance to HR as a discipline, and to each HR team member. Tactical Human Resources programs
are where most of the workforce interacts with HR. However, there exists a strong need and expectation
for a company’s lead HR executives to be extremely strategic; I suggest they need courage and sound
business judgment, too.

HR thought leaders are subject matter experts; they are leaders, not just managers. They step back and
view HR and the organization from a very broad perspective. They pivot between operational needs
and strategic opportunities. Even in typically ‘non-creative’ roles, they bring creativity, which can
stimulate new ideas in their teams. They are respected historical and technical experts in their field.
They carefully and objectively identify potential problems and solve them before they go any further.
They challenge their employees to bring ideas and recommendations to them. They schedule time with
to ideate with the team. HR executives develop and verbalize their insights on the company business,
financials and challenges. They know what competitive, economic and client concerns exist.

There are many ways to increase business knowledge which subsequently builds confidence as well.
Take note of analyst meetings and executive interviews. Read business updates on your company and
your industry. Be familiar with your products; then take this information and review how clearly and
concisely targeted communications are to employees.

HR executives must be able to identify recurring themes and patterns. HR should also be working
creatively to generate ideas and solve problems before problems are even identified! HR should be aware
of best practice approaches that are trending, and as effective communicators, should clarify to their
own teams what management is focusing on, and what keeps leaders up at night.

The Ultimate Guide to Employee Communication Goals and KPIs for HR Management

4. Conclusion
By employing the techniques in this white paper, HR will partner more closely with executives to re-
position effective employee communications, and supporting KPIs, as a key HR objective. HR will
ensure the appropriate KPIs and correct usage of the data for executive and employee education and
understanding. The desired outcome is to align these objectives directly to the business and positively
influence engagement, productivity and the ability to meet an organization’s highest-level priorities.
For individual HR executives, this enforces their ability to act strategically to further the needs of the

About the author

Julie Cookson is President of Cookson Management Consulting. She is
an ACC-certified coach, credentialed through the International Coach
Federation. Ms. Cookson specializes in Career and Life Coaching, and
she combines her coaching expertise with over 24 years of executive
HR experience in the entertainment/media industry. She obtained her
Professional Human Resources (PHR) through the HR Certification Institute.
For more information visit her website.

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