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Elephants do everything together.

play together, eat together, nap together
and take baths together.

But Little Eli only likes to eat and
play, and refuses to take a bath.

After every meal, all of the little elephants
would play around. When it was already time
for bath, they would go near the river. But Eli
didn't want to, so she just kept on playing
some more.

Eli, come quick,
it’s bath time!

But I don’t wanna take

a bath, Mommy. I just
wanna play!

So Little Eli spent the
next days on playing
too much while
refusing to take a bath,
which made the mud
on her skin thicken.

She also loved to

run through dried
fallen leaves and
these also attached
all over her.

When it was time to eat, Mommy Elephant
did not give Little Eli food because she did
not recognize her since she was covered in
mud and leaves. The other elephants were
scared to play with her, too.

Poor Little Eli was hungry and lonely. She
was so scared because she was all alone and
without shelter. Eli cried and cried, homeless
and alone until the night came, because her
mother as well as all the other elephants did
not recognize her covered with mud and
dried leaves for not taking a bath.

She fell asleep alone
in the woods near
the river, but the
sound of lightning
woke her up and it
started raining.

Poor Little Eli was

soaked by the rain and
unfortunately caught
a cold.

However, the rainfall washed away the
mud covering her all over, so when the
day came

She went back

to her mother
and was finally
recognized and
reconciled with
her family.

Her mother
fed and took
care of Little
Eli until she
got well,

And from then on

she promised to
never miss bath time

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