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ITT Metacognitive Essay

Ja’Corie Maxwell

University of Oklahoma, Norman Campus

Fall 2019

Personal Growth & Development

In my academic journey thus far, nothing has challenged more than my experience at the

University of Oklahoma studying Instructional Psychology & Technology—Integrating

Technology in Teaching. When admitted, I believed that this journey would be like my other

academic pursuits—recreational and unchallenging. However, from my first class to my final

one, my idealized view of this program was very quickly changed. However, the knowledge and

skills that I have gained throughout this program have informed me as an educator, as a student,

as a leader, and as an individual. I can honestly say that I have not worked as hard for anything

else in my life than my degree from the University of Oklahoma.

When I entered the program, I had a fundamental knowledge of design that was, looking

back, mostly based on intuition rather than any training or school of thought. I had capacity for

learning, but no real doctrine or knowledge to utilize that capacity. I had learned how to be a

student consumer of information, but I had yet to utilize this information to become a producer

of new knowledge or perspective. My first key point of learning and development was in

Integrating Technology in Teaching during the “Teach Someone Tech” assignment. Before this

course I had taught individuals how to use technology before, but I had never thought explicitly

about how to teach individuals using technology and how that is different from merely showing

one to use technology. This important distinction was the driving factor behind a lot of my

research where I focused on 1 to 1 initiatives and the affect that they have on student

achievement. This is still an area of research that I feel strongly about today, as a result of the

knowledge I gained. This idea was validated during my Instructional Design class where I

became cognizant of the amount of work that it takes to effectively design instructional. This

furthered this idea that adding technology was not just something to be done to make learning

“happen” or teaching “easier”, but there must be a myriad of considerations made before that


Another key point of learning and development was during Motivation and Learning in

Education. Previously, I knew that students were either motivated or unmotivated, however, I

never thought about the factors that contributed to this dynamic. This class was instrumental in

the educator that I have become today. Knowing, understanding, empathizing, and assisting

students through their motivational struggles has changed how I interact with my students. It has

also changed my perspective on classroom management and choice. This was one of the first

times in my academic career that I could vividly see and understand abstract ideas. This class

helped me to do a lot of reflection on what type of student I wanted to create and what type of

teacher I would have to be for that to occur. As a result, I believe that students in my classes after

I took this class have an entirely different outlook on me as their teacher and the content then

students who took the class before I completed this class.

As a result of this academic experience, I have gained a myriad of strengths. My single

greatest strength lies in research. I believe that I am very knowledgeable of what great research is

and how to evaluate that research critically in order for its’ value to shine through. Another

strength of mine is my knowledge of instructional tools that can be used in the classroom. I was

fortunate to have instructors who were very knowledgeable, and they have given me tools that I

can use to ensure that I stay on the cutting edge of educational technologies and their adoption

and integration into classrooms around this world. The last of my major strengths would be the

ability to see a situation from different educational leadership perspectives. Within my program,

I have taken courses in different areas of Education: Technology Leadership, Educational

Administration, Research, and Instructional Design. While some of their roles overlap, there are

major ways in which they diverge. In that, I have been shown how to effectively navigate

through contrasting schools of thought to visualize issues from multiple perspectives. This

strength, I believe, will prove to be the most useful for me as I consider to post-graduate jobs and


While I have gained a multitude of strengths during my time in this program, I have

equally had the light shone on areas that are in need of improvement. A major area of weakness

is quantitative data analysis. While I am naturally more inclined to qualitative study and data,

there is a definite need for quantitative studies, data, and analysis. I think that, in the future, I will

challenge myself to become more adept in this area, as it is a very essential skill to have. Another

area in which I am working on improvement is time management. As an educator, students,

educator leader, etc. there is a need for strong time management so that one can remain effective

and efficient. I believe that this program has shown me a need for me to be more diligent in this

area. My last area of improvement is my confidence in the knowledge and skills that have been

imparted in me. Often, I second guess or wait for validation in what I know it best practice or

pedagogically sound information. Not out of fear or ignorance, but just the lack of confidence in

myself, my skills, and what I have learned. have made a lot of progress in this area and I foresee

even more progress being made in the future.

Cumulatively, all that I have learned will be used to create a learning environment that is

consistently conducive for learning to take place. This space of creative learning and possibility

will be constructed in both digital and physical ways. As I move into educational leadership, my

goal is to use my knowledge and expertise to influence and assist other teachers into doing

creating that same type of environment for their students. I believe that it is important that I first

model this within my own classroom so that I have experience both good and bad to draw from

when I am in a position to mentor other teachers in doing the same. Ultimately, my goal is to

growth, develop, and sustain a building of classrooms where technology makes everything

possible and effective teaching and learning happens every day in the most eccentric of ways.

Case Study for Motivation & Learning in the Classroom

The case study in my portfolio was completed as a requirement of EIPT 5813: Motivation

& Learning in the Classroom. The goal of this culminating assignment was to create a case study

of a problem in motivation or learning that you saw in your classroom. The goal of this project

would be for you to look beyond what you see and have the ability and skills to diagnose the

“why”. This was done at the end of the semester, after we had received all of the information

necessary to confidently complete the assignment. This was an extended version of a 30-minute

classroom presentation that each student gave over an area of motivation or learning during the

semester. My original presentation was over Self-Determination Theory and Flow and that was

the lens through which I initially viewed the problem. However, for this extended version of the

assignment, I also examined elements of Social Cognitive Theory, Emotion, Self-Regulation,

and Motivation.

I received a good grade (an A I believe) on this assignment. However, this assignment

was important to me because it allowed me the changed to understand my students more.

Different aspects of the fictional character in the case study came from different students of mine

and this analysis allowed me the change to study them, without directly studying them. The

knowledge I gained could then be used to inform me as their instructor. I also used my analysis

to inform me of how I could be negatively affecting student motivation in my own classroom. I

did not change any elements of this component as it was a fictional scenario and I believe that as

is it was one my pieces of work that affected my educational career and my practice as an


The project along with my commentary show that I am malleable and have capacity for

change. When I started this class, I thought I would learn a collection of facts that I would

commit to rote memory without any impact or change in my life or practice. However, in the

midst of this, the students that I tried so hard to change, ended up changing me. I think that this

malleability is important for any career in Education, Leadership, or Technology.

1:1 Initiatives in Education presentation

This presentation was fulfillment of the coursework for EACS 5693: Technology in

Education Administration. The was the third component of a research project. The aim of this

research project was to present critical issue in Technology from an Educational Administration

lens. Fascinated with their ubiquity, despite definitive evidence of their success, I chose to

research one to one initiatives. This was done after an annotated bibliography and a research

proposal. For this presentation I discussed what exactly a one to one initiative consists is,

advantages and disadvantages to this type of educational model, disadvantages to this model,

costs associated with implementation of such a model, and its’ effect on student achievement.

I also received an A on this assignment as well. I used some of the design elements I

learned in other classes make this presentation interesting, but clear and concise at the same time.

Most of my energy was focused on not sending the readers into Cognitive with an abundance of

information and design and as a result I kept the design simple. The only things I changed were

some wording to make information clearer and some formatting issues in order to make this

presentation look neater and more concise. I think that the information is still sound and the

rationales that guided my purposes are still valid. Simple, concise, and informative.

This project illustrated to me the sheer amount of work and energy that is involved with

implementing a new strategy, technology, or instructional design. As an instructional leader, it is

vital that you are informed by all available information and data. This project showed me the

many facets of data that you must be versed in. When changing an educational system or

technology, you must be aware of the advantages, disadvantages, costs, and benefits at

minimum. These elements will ensure that you make sound decisions that will benefit all


“Teach Someone Technology” Website

The last element of my portfolio was a site showing the users how to use the mathematics

app, Desmos. This site was one of the components for EIPT 5513: Introduction to Teaching with

Technology. This was my first final project in my first semester of graduate school. The goal of

this project was to learn a technology then to teach someone else to use that technology.

Although, I have never taught math, I chose Desmos which is primarily used in a mathematics

classroom. The target audience would be someone who was unfamiliar with the platform but

interested in learning more. The intention was to make this tutorial engaging and well-designed

enough that the user would be able to navigate through this process independently and would

leave the tutorial with knowledge that could be used to implement the technology.

At this point, I can confidently say that I had not subscribed to any theoretical or design

rationale and it was apparent. I was not cognizant of the learner at all and how this tutorial would

hurt or help their experience with Desmos. Instead, it looks more like a confusing advertisement

for someone selling Desmos, than it does an instructional tool for learning how to use the

product. While I got a good grade, looking back, it should not have been. There was not enough

information or teaching done to warrant even calling it a tutorial. If there were changes to make,

I would start from scratch and create a learner-centered training module that was clear and

concise and was informed by their needs and how they learn best. That would be a better

approach instead of just throwing some pictures and videos up and calling it a tutorial.

This project best illustrates the growth that I have undergone throughout this program.

Retrospectively, this could have been made better by just focusing on the learner. This point of

the tutorial was for the learner to be able learn and if you do not understand the learner, it is

impossible to create a learning experience for them. However, this project for me, it a testament

to the power of a good educational program. Conversely, I want to be for my students what this

program is to me. This project is unique in that it reminds me of that.

As a whole this set of materials has taught me to be cognizant of my audience. If you

know and understand the learners, then you can find or create a way to teach them. This has

become one of the most important elements of teaching for me as a result of this program. It

drives me to get to know my students so that I can use that information to create learning

experiences that they will enjoy and learn from. Another principle this set of materials has taught

me is to rationalize your decision and defend them with research. In most of my classes and

assignments, I have learned that your statements mean nothing if there is no data, evidence, or

precedent for that decision. As a result, you must be constantly seeking out information that

supports your practices in whatever position you hold. In the rationalization process, you may

find that your initial misconception was flawed or even incorrect and you grow as a result. The

last tool. The last principle that I learned is that growth is not optional, it is mandatory. All of

these assignments in addition to this reflection have caused me to think beyond the perceptions I

began with. They have caused me to grow as educator, students, and as a leader.

Since I began this program, I learned a tremendous amount about Instructional Design,

Educational Technology and Educational Psychology. Each of these elements have become a

part of toolbox of classroom tools and my practice as an educator. In regard to Instructional

Design, I have learned to seek out information about my learners and then craft educational

experiences that meet the needs of my students combined characteristics. Previously, I would do

what I could to force students to learn what I wanted them to learn and how I could teach it. Now

I am confident that I have the tools I need to create a conducive learning experience for every

student that is in my classroom. Before this program, I never considered that to be a possibility.

But after taking courses in Instructional Design and Integrating Technology in Teaching, I can

implement such a system with fidelity.

From an educational technology perspective, I have more understanding as to how to

implement technologies into a classroom setting. Previously, I would try every app and site that I

ran across, until I realize that all students are not appreciative of that type eccentricity in the

classroom. The aforementioned classes in Instructional Design along with classes in Motivation

allowed me to understand why. Students need predictability and some autonomy and if things are

constantly changing and never constant it can result anxiety that may manifest as disruptive

behavior. Additionally, from an administrative point of view, I understand their reluctance to

jump on every new educational technology or trend. There is a period of research and evaluation

that is necessary to ensure that you are making a decision that will benefit all students. Before,

this program, I am sure that I did not have the foresight to understand how these processes

should work.

Educational psychology informs me on how the relationships that I choose to build or to

neglect can impact my student’s education. Understanding them as learners and as individuals is

of the utmost importance when it comes to teaching and learning. There as an educator I must

make time to learn about my students, their cultures, and even their aspirations. Before, I would

do some of this blindly, however, now I have the knowledge and rationale to defend my choices

in the classroom.

All that I have learned throughout this program have improved my practice as an

educator and my ability to lead. I would like to use the knowledge and skills I have gained to

influence change on a broader scale. This may not be in the near future; however, I feel as

though I have blessed with a tremendous amount of knowledge that would be beneficial to a lot

of educators who have not been fortunate enough to be allowed this opportunity. In turn, they

will take this information and create a classroom that students are disappointed to leave because

it is engaging, exciting, and relevant to them. For now, I will use what I have learned to refine

my practice to the very best that it can be. I will use my experiences in Educational Psychology

to ensure that my students have lasting experiences with the content that I teach. I will use my

expertise in Educational Technology to create opportunities for students to gain valuable 21st

Century skills that they can use in their future colleges and careers. Lastly, Instructional Design

will continue to inform my teaching methodologies and practices to make them more student-

centered, by focusing on how students learn and what characteristics impact their learning.

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