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Rusell Jhean M.

ReEd 2 – TTH 1:30-3:30 – SA#316


I. The Annunciation
Lk 1:26-31
II. The Visitation
Lk 1:39-40
III. The Nativity
Lk 2:7
IV. The Presentation of Jesus in the Temple
Lk 2:22-24
V. The Finding of Jesus in the Temple
Lk 2:46


I. The Agony in the Garden

Mt 26:37-38
II. The Scourging at the Pillar
Mt 27:26
III. The Crowning with Thorns
Mt 27:29
IV. The Carrying of the Cross
Jn 19:17
V. The Crucifixion and Death of our Lord
Jn 19:18

I. The Resurrection
Lk 24:6
II. The Ascension into Heaven
Lk 24:51
III. The Descent of the Holy Spirit
Acts 2:1-4. Cf. Jn 20:22: Receive the Holy Spirit
IV. The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Dogma by Pope Pius XII in “Munificentissimus Deus” of Nov. 1st 1950. Cf.
Jn 14:3 “I will come back again and take you to myself” used by
Pope John Paul II on Aug. 15th 2004, at Lourdes, as proof of the
V. The Coronation of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Rev. 12:1-2. A woman with 12 stars representing the 12 tribes of Israel
and the 12 Apostles, hence representing the Church.
Church called Mary “Queen” since 4th Century; Pope Pius XII, in his
encyclical “ Ad Caeli Reginam”, Instituted a feast for the Queenship of
Mary; Cf. Vatican II LG 59.

I. Baptism of Jesus in the Jordan River
Mt 3:13-17
II. The First Miracle of Cana
Jn 2
III. The Proclamation of the Kingdom of God
Mk 1:15
IV. The Transfiguration
Lk 9:28-36
V. The Institution of the Holy Eucharist
Lk 22:19

The Holy Rosary is a prayer based on the Holy Bible so it is a biblical prayer and it is an

evangelizing prayer. The Holy Rosary draws from the Gospel the presentation of the mysteries

and its main formulas.

knowing the biblical and doctrinal bases of the Holy Rosary it goes to show how important the

Holy Scripture is not only in our religious beliefs and practices but also in our origin. It is amazing

to know how people managed to create such biblical and evangelizing prayer out of the verses and

words of G Upon od in the Bible out of the words of men. The Holy Scripture signifies a deep

meaning into the origin of everything and a sort of evidence of the existence and the life of our

savior Jesus Christ. The Holy Rosary does not only entails a part of Jesus’ life and sacrifices but it

also emphasizes the pain and sacrifices of a mother whose the Blessed Virgin Mary.

The Holy Rosary is some what a summarizes the Gospel of the Holy Scripture which turns into a

holy and sacred prayer that is prayed by many as a form of religious practices and devotion. The

Holy Scripture, the Bible was and always be a source of everything spiritually.

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