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3 years after the wedding…

If I would ask my 14 years old self what true love is probably, she would
answer me,
“You feel butterflies in your tummy every time you see true love coming, your
heart is beating faster than usual when you hear true love, your hands are
shaking whenever true love approaches you and you feel spark whenever true
love is with you”
Isn’t it the dream come true description of what true love is? Is it funny if I
would ask true love to my 18 years old self? and she would just say,
“True love’s surname doesn’t end in Salvatore, you won’t see true love along
the hallway, you won’t hear true love, you won’t feel true love, because true
love doesn’t exist.”
My broken 18 years old self will surely testify with evidences of that claim…
Why? Because what she thought was true where once become lies.
But now, everything changed when Cyler and I met.
Everything that was in chaos becomes calm, and you know what?

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