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Name : Nadya Ayu Permata

Class : 2D D3 Chemical Engineering

NIM : 1731410121

Topic : Narcotic Drugs

Topic Sentence : There are 3 causes and 3 effects of narcotics drugs that are very dangerous

Outline : 1. Introduction of narcotic drugs

2. Causes of narcotic drugs

a. Lack of education about narcotic drugs

b. Broken home

c. Narcotics are getting easier to obtain and buy

3. Effect of narcotic drugs

a. Depedence


c. Death

4. Summary and conclusion of narcotic drugs

There are 3 causes and 3 effects of narcotics drugs that are very dangerous

Narcotics is an effective drug for painkillers in the medical world for people suffering
from cancer and they also help patients recover from post-surgical pain.. The problem is, because
narcotics causes addiction and psychological illness. In Indonesia narcotics are classified into 3
based on their side effects.

Narcotics abuse often occurs due to lack of education about narcotics drugs to the public.
They don't know how dangerous it is to consume narcotics for themselves and their surroundings.
they use narcotics because they are very curious and to solve problems instantly. Broken home can
cause drug abuse because parents are very important factors for their children. So that children
choose another path and make teenager get along with friends who are wrong and finally tend to
commit narcotics abuse. Now narcotics are very easy to get anywhere with a cheap prices. This
also causes many people who want to try narcotics and sell narcotics illegally to fulfill their daily

Consumption of narcotics can lead to addiction because narcotics work manipulates the
work of the brain, making users feel very happy, excited, confident. Narcotics can also cause
HIV/AID because sharing narcotics using needles alternately, excessive use of narcotics results in
losing control resulting in unhealthy sex. Narcotics also causes death because the use of narcotics
can cause drug addiction and cause overdoses on the body.

Narcotics are very dangerous for the body because they can cause addiction, HIV / AIDS,
and death due to lack of knowledge about drugs, a bad family environment, and narcotics easily
found anywhere. People need to be aware of the causes, effects and strategies for preventing
narcotics drugs. Narcotics drugs are very dangerous for your health and will kill you if you
consume them.

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