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Question: write a commentary on the believers love walk


The love walk of a believer (1 Corinthians 8:1-3). The love walk of a believer is the believers’
service to God. It is though his love walk; he would be identified with being Disciples of Christ.
The love walk is the vital side of our spiritual life. In anywhere a believer must walk in love.

How can a believer love God

1 John 4:12-20. This place is not exactly saying that God has not manifested himself in
man, cause he actually came in Jesus, so here is saying that no man has seen him in his deity in
his supreme, power and glory. If we love one another God dwells in us, so it’s not saying his
condition for dwelling in us is because of showing love. Our love for one- another, physically
shows that God lives in us. Just like correlation of James in works and faith. The reason we can
love is because his love is perfected in us. A person can self righteously give to God, but can
never give to their fellow. Example is money donation in churches and these people donating can
not to give to the poor. This is simply caused by religion because religion give harm in saying ‘ I
am doing this for God’ and never expresses it to another being.

A believer love for God would not be seen in his service for God,( but in the love for
God) unless it is manifested in the love for others. So basically our service to a believer is our
service to God. (Mathew 10:40, Mathew 25:34, John 13:35).

The measure of the love walk

The standard for our love walk is Christ, it is forever constant, never changing (Ephesians
5:2), to what extent should a believer walk in love. The word ‘walk in love’ in Ephesians 5:2 in
Greek is called ‘peripateo’ which means for you to be occupied with the love walk.

The extent to which Christ gave himself for love is the extent we should give ourselves for love.
Understanding that the sacrifice of the offering of Jesus was to God and not to Satan, so we
should extend that love Christ showed to others.

1 John 3:16- laying down lives for the brethren does not mean hanging on the cross or dying
physically but basically imitating the life of Jesus here on earth. Also to die to your own self-
centeredness to see that your brother is better off than you. It would not be always sweet and
rosy all the time. (1 Thessalonians 1:3). The love walk is directed to the brotherhood- people that
you share the same belief, value and goals equally the brethren. So basically if you claim to hate
your brotherhood, the bible calls you murderer (1 john 3:15). Believers going against their nature
is a believer that claims to hate and needs the renewal of the word.

Why is there no hate in the believer?

The believer has the love of God shared abroad in his heart, he has the indwelling of the
spirit which is equally the nature of God. So a believer cannot hate, so the love of God and love
walk must be a reality to him. Also the believers love walk is not limited to the brethren, but
towards all men (1 Thessalonians 3:12). The believer also owe to every man love (Romans 13:8).
Walking in love is from the inner man (the spirit).

Attributes of the love walk

Romans 13:10 shows us that love fulfills the law, love hurts nobody, it does not speak ill
of everyone. Also the believer can weigh his actions, inactions and speech (evaluating his love
walk with the word). 1 peter 1:22 explains the purity of motive, sincere love people. The believer
has love and can give love so our nature produces actions.

Loving people out of an insincere

The basis of love and giving is Christ, do things without taking glory, take the praises of
men like chewing gum, do not swallow eat and throw away. So it’s possible to love out of a
sincere heart Romans 12:9. The love of God is different from self love, but the love of God
teaches us to take care of ourselves. Self love does not apply to the believers. Gal 5:13 we as
believers ought to serve. Also there is an action to your love, love basically has a corresponding
action. God shows his love to us in Jesus. The wisdom of God is seen in the love of God and we
keep growing in love.

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